- F# part as .NET 5.0 library (including nuget package), Nuget as netstandard2.0, netstandard2.1 and net50
- BREAKING: Version numbering changed to Sematic Versioning 2.0 https://semver.org/ to expose FsSonarRunner as Nuget package
- Build Nuget package of FsSonarRunnerCore
- Remove use of API which was in SonarQube 7.9 already deprecated (be ready for SonarQube 9.x)
- Update of FSharpLint t0 0.16.5
- Switch to FSharpLint new (Json) configuration
- Fix configuration of rule MaxCharactersOnLine (FL0060)
- Supports multiple arguments
for files to analyze
- Update to last FSharpLint working with XML configuration.
- Update SonarQube API to 7.9 (latest SonarQube 7.9 LTS is now minimum server requirement)
- Update to FSharpLint.Core 0.12.10
- As EOL of .NET Core 3.0 is reached today, a small maintenance update
- Update to self-contained netcoreapp3.1
- Update to self-contained netcoreapp3.0
- smaller jar based on assembly linking of .NET Core 3.0
- BREAKING: rename plugin to
to match SonarQube marketplace requirement - Add analysis of Quality Gate at Sonarcloud.io (no F# analyzed)
- Update to FSharpLint.Core 0.12.2
- #30 Update to .NET 4.7.2
- #26 Update all nuget packages and Maven dependencies, especially
- Update to FSharpLint.Core 0.12.1 with reworked linter and updated FSharp.Compiler.Service
- #57 "Deprecated rules" are removed from ruleset
- Dependency on MSBuild.v12 removed