A working installation of Perl and the XML::LibXML module is required.
To obtain the latest available version of the rng2vim script, clone the official Git repository by typing the following at a shell prompt:
git clone https://github.com/jhradilek/rng2vim.git
This creates a new directory named rng2vim in your current working directory. To update an existing copy of the official repository to the latest available version, change to the directory with this copy and type:
git pull
To install rng2vim in your system, change to the directory with your working copy of the official Git repository and type the following at a shell prompt as root:
make install
This installs the rng2vim executable, the rng2vim(1) manual page, and available documentation in the /usr/local/ directory. To use a different installation directory, change the value of the prefix option on the command line; for example, to install rng2vim directly in the /usr directory, type as root:
make prefix=/usr install
To uninstall rng2vim from your system, change to the directory with your working copy of the official Git repository and type the following at a shell prompt as root:
make uninstall
If you have previously changed the installation directory from the default /usr/local/, change the value of the prefix option on the command line; for example, to uninstall rng2vim from the /usr directory, type as root:
make prefix=/usr uninstall