Kube-tools is the source code project of a futur package including some tools to create a kubernetes cluster with few commands only:
- kc : kube controller - a script to pilot deployments on one more hosts. It connect the target nodes using ssh to run the sequence of commands including package installation and os tuning...
- km : kube master - a script to deploy a kubernetes master on an host (can be called manually or by kc).
- kw : kube worker - a script to deploy a kubernetes worker on an host (can be called manually or by kc).
- klb : kube load balancer - a script to deploy a load balancer on an host (can be called manually or by kc).
The kube controller need a package not including by default in distribution, to install it, run the following commands with sudo level:
apt install jq -y
Warning: this code source is distributed as example and should not be used in production. It does not protect agains code injection by example.
The kube controller pilot the scripts deployed on the differents hosts to deploy and configure the kubernetes cluster from a json description file.
Please note version upgrades is not yet supported.
"kube": {
"network-type": "flannel",
"load-balancers": [
{ "type": "nginx" },
{ "dns": "kube.local" },
{ "servers" : [
{ "server" : "" }
"masters": [
{ "server": "" },
{ "server": "" },
{ "server": "" }
"workers": [
{ "server": "" },
{ "server": "" },
{ "server": "" }
network-type [OPTIONNAL]: the internal kubernetes network type (example: flannel).
The current version only support flannel.
load-balancer > type [OPTIONNAL].
The current version only support nginx.
load-balancer > servers > server [OPTIONNAL] : IP or DNS name of an host to be used as load balancer.
master > servers > server [MANDATORY] : IP or DNS name of an host to be used as master node.
workers > servers > server [OPTIONNAL] : IP or DNS name of an host to be used as worker node.
Usage: kc --dry|--apply|--status|--kubeconfig|--version|--help [--user ] [--password ] [--ssh-key ssh-key-file] --config Configuration-file
- --dry: Run configuration without applying.
- --apply: Run configuration and apply it.
- --status: Display the current status of the kubernetes cluster.
- --kubeconfig: Download kube config file.
- --version: Display version information and exit.
- --help: Display this help and exit.
- --user: User account to connect hosts using ssh if needed.
- --password: User account password to connect hosts using ssh if needed.
- --ssh-key: Ssh private key file to hosts using ssh if not default.
kc --dry --user admin --config ./config/cluster.json
Run all operations without applying anything on any hosts using "admin" account on targets.
kc --apply --kubeconfig --user admin --ssh-key ./.ssh/my_key --config ./config/cluster.json
Run all operations using "admin" account on targets with the ssh private key "mykey".
kc --kubeconfig --config ./config/cluster.json
Get kubeconfig of the cluster.
kc --status --config ./config/cluster.json
Get status of the cluster.
The kube master deploys one kubernetes master node. It can be used alone or from a remote kc command.
Usage: km --dry|--apply|--status|--list-networks|--kubeconfig|--version|--help [--mode ] [--network-type ] [--master-port ] [--kube-address ] [--first-master] [--master-token ] [--discovery-hash ] [--km-token ]
- --dry: Run configuration without applying.
- --apply: Run configuration and apply it.
- --status: Display the current status of the kubernetes cluster.
- --list-networks: Display the available network list.
- --kubeconfig: Get kube config file.
- --generate-join-tokens: Generate and display tokens to join cluster.
- --version: Display version information and exit.
- --help: Display this help and exit.
- --mode: Define the master mode (alone, single, multi - default single).
- --network-type: Define the kubernetes netw type.
- --kube-address: Define the wanted DNS or IP of kubernetes API.
- --master-port: Define the kubernetes API port.
- --first-master: Define the current master as the first master of the cluster.
- --master-token: Define token to join cluster if multi and not first master (example: 0yjqz80dvbljqzxva53).
- --discovery-hash: Define discovery hash to join cluster if multi and not first master (example: sha256:4f53c9bc7a89a2fd25d2bdcd2d7f371a93a6e80f60e9b6c71ef5678e977f0cb3
- --km-token: Define the km token containing the kube address, the master-token and the discovery-hash
The kube worker deploys one kubernetes worker node to join an existing cluster. It can be used alone or from a remote kc command.
Usage: kw --dry|--apply|--status|--version|--help [--kube-address ] [--master-token ] [--discovery-hash ] [--km-token ]
- --dry: Run configuration without applying.
- --apply: Run configuration and apply it.
- --status: Display the current status of the kubernetes cluster.
- --version: Display version information and exit.
- --help: Display this help and exit.
- --kube-address: Define the wanted DNS or IP of kubernetes API.
- --master-port: Define the kubernetes API port.
- --master-token: Define token to join cluster if multi and not first master (example: 0yjqz80dvbljqzxva53).
- --discovery-hash: Define discovery hash to join cluster if multi and not first master (example: sha256:4f53c9bc7a89a2fd25d2bdcd2d7f371a93a6e80f60e9b6c71ef5678e977f0cb3
- --km-token: Define the km token containing the kube address, the master-token and the discovery-hash
The kube load-balancer deploys one load-balancer to dispatch requests between masters and support master fails. It can be used alone or from a remote kc command.
Usage: klb --dry|--apply|--status|--version|--help|--list-types --type --master [--master ] ... --worker [--worker ] ...
- --dry: Run configuration without applying.
- --apply: Run configuration and apply it.
- --status: Display the current status of the kubernetes cluster.
- --list-types: Display supported load-balancing type.
- --version: Display version information and exit.
- --help: Display this help and exit.
- --type: Define the load balancer type (should not be changed after installation)
- --master: Define a server name or ip to include into load balancing
- --worker: Define a worker name or ip to include into load balancing