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File metadata and controls

421 lines (347 loc) · 13.9 KB

Replicating Logs

First, we'll need nontrivial logs to replicate! Right now, all our logs have a single, hardcoded entry. Let's start adding state transitions to the log!

For the time being, we'll keep processing all key-value operations locally, but as a side effect, we'll also append those operations to the leader's log. Later, when we've got a working commit index, we'll advance the state machine based on log entries. In our client_req! method, we'll have leaders journal the entire request message to the log. Non-leaders will throw an error.

  def client_req!(msg)
    @lock.synchronize do
      if @state != :leader
        raise RPCError.temporarily_unavailable "not a leader"

      @log.append! [{term: @term, op: msg}]
      @state_machine, res = @state_machine.apply(msg[:body])
      @node.reply! msg, res

If we run some requests through this, we can observe non-leaders rejecting requests, and logs on leaders filling up.

$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 3 --concurrency 2n --rate 5
$ cat store/latest/node-logs/n0.log
[{:term=>0, :op=>nil}, {:term=>2, :op=>{:key=>0, :type=>"read", :msg_id=>5, :client=>"c8"}}, {:term=>2, :op=>{:key=>0, :from=>3, :to=>3, :type=>"cas", :msg_id=>4, :client=>"c7"}}, {:term=>2, :op=>{:key=>0, :from=>0, :to=>1, :type=>"cas", :msg_id=>5, :client=>"c7"}}, {:term=>2, :op=>{:key=>0, :type=>"read", :msg_id=>6, :client=>"c8"}}, {:term=>4, :op=>{:key=>0, :type=>"read", :msg_id=>11, :client=>"c8"}}]

Sending Logs

Now that we have log entries, it's time to replicate them to other nodes. To do this, we'll need to keep track of two maps--one telling us the last known identical log entry on each node, and one for the next entry we want to send to each node. We also need to remember the last time we sent appendEntries to other nodes, because that's our heartbeat mechanism, for keeping a stable leadership. We'll add a commit index, which tracks the highest known committed log entry. Finally, we'll add a lower threshold for replication, to keep us from spamming the network with messages where we could efficiently batch instead.

We'll also add the commit_index, because we want to inform other nodes how far we've committed, and advance ours to match the leader.

class Raft
  attr_reader :node
  def initialize
    # Heartbeats and timeouts
    @election_timeout = 2            # Time before next election, in seconds
    @heartbeat_interval = 1          # Time between heartbeats, in seconds
    @min_replication_interval = 0.05 # Don't replicate TOO frequently

    @election_deadline  =   # Next election, in epoch seconds
    @step_down_deadline =   # When to step down automatically.
    @last_replication   =   # When did we last replicate?

    # Components
    @node =
    @lock =
    @log = @node
    @state_machine =

    # Raft state
    @state = 'follower'   # Either follower, candidate, or leader
    @term = 0             # What's our current term?
    @voted_for = nil      # Which node did we vote for in this term?

    # Leader state
    @commit_index = 0     # The highest committed entry in the log
    @next_index = nil     # A map of nodes to the next index to replicate
    @match_index = nil    # A map of (other) nodes to the highest log entry
                          # known to be replicated on that node.

We'll define a method, match_index, to fill in our own value.

  # Returns the map of match indices, including an entry for ourselves, based
  # on our log size.
  def match_index
    @match_index.merge({@node.node_id => @log.size})

When we become a follower, we'll clear our match_index and next_index:

  def become_follower!
    @lock.synchronize do
      @state = :follower
      @match_index = nil
      @next_index = nil
      @node.log "Became follower for term #{@term}"

And when we become a leader, we'll initialize match_index and next_index, as per the paper. We'll also set last_replication to 0, so that we'll immediately broadcast heartbeat to other nodes.

  # Become a leader
  def become_leader!
    @lock.synchronize do
      unless @state == :candidate
        raise "Should be a candidate!"

      @state = :leader
      @last_replication = 0

      # We'll start by trying to replicate our most recent entry
      @next_index = {}
      @match_index = {}
      @node.other_node_ids.each do |node|
        @next_index[node] = @log.size + 1
        @match_index[node] = 0

      @node.log "Became leader for term #{@term}"

Now, we need to periodically replicate leader log entries to followers. To do that, we'll need to obtain slices of the log from one index to the end, so let's add a small helper function to Log:

class Log
  # All entries from index i to the end
  def from_index(i)
    if i <= 0
      raise "Illegal index #{i}"

    @entries.slice(i - 1 .. -1)

With that ready, we can create a method for leaders to replicate. Hang on; this one's a doozy.

class Raft

  # If we're the leader, replicate unacknowledged log entries to followers.
  # Also serves as a heartbeat.
  def replicate_log!(force)
    @lock.synchronize do
      # How long has it been since we last replicated?
      elapsed_time = - @last_replication
      # We'll set this to true if we replicated to anyone
      replicated = false
      # We need the current term to ensure we don't process responses in later
      # terms.
      term = @term

We only want to replicate if we're a leader, and avoid replicating too frequently:

      if @state == :leader and @min_replication_interval < elapsed_time
        # We're a leader, and enough time elapsed

Then, for every other node, we'll look at the next index we want to send that node, and take all higher entries from our log.

        @node.other_node_ids.each do |node|
          # What entries should we send this node?
          ni = @next_index[node]
          entries = @log.from_index ni

Whenever there are new entries to replicate, or, for heartbeats, if we haven't replicated in the heartbeat interval, we'll send this node an appendEntries message.

          if 0 < entries.size or @heartbeat_interval < elapsed_time
            @node.log "Replicating #{ni}+ to #{node}"
            replicated = true

Now, we'll issue an RPC request to append these entries.

            @node.rpc!(node, {
              type:           'append_entries',
              term:           @term,
              leader_id:      @node.node_id,
              prev_log_index: ni - 1,
              prev_log_term:  @log[ni - 1][:term],
              entries:        entries,
              leader_commit:  @commit_index
            }) do |res|

On receiving a response, we may need to step down--but if we're still a leader for the same term, we'll reset our step-down deadline, since we're still in touch with some followers. If the node acknowledges our request, we'll advance their next and matching index; otherwise, we'll back up and try again.

              body = res[:body]
              @lock.synchronize do
                maybe_step_down! body[:term]
                if @state == :leader and body[:term] == @term
                  if body[:success]
                    # Excellent, these entries are now replicated!
                    @next_index[node] = [@next_index[node],
                                         (ni + entries.size)].max
                    @match_index[node] = [@match_index[node],
                                          (ni + entries.size - 1)].max
                    @node.log "Next index: #{@next_index}"
                    # We didn't match; back up our next index for this node
                    @next_index[node] -= 1

To finish up, if we replicated anything, we'll record this replication time.

      if replicated
        # We did something!
        @last_replication =

Finally, we'll add a periodic task for replication.

  def initialize

    # Replication thread
    @node.every @min_replication_interval do
      replicate_log! false

Let's give that a shot! If we look in the logs, we should be able to see nodes issuing append_entries messages with entries from their local log. They're going to crash, because we haven't told nodes how to handle these messages yet, but that's OK.

$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 3 --concurrency 2n --rate 5
Received {:dest=>"n2", :src=>"n1", :body=>{:type=>"append_entries", :term=>1, :leader_id=>"n1", :prev_log_index=>1, :prev_log_term=>0, :entries=>[{"term"=>1, "op"=>{"key"=>0, "value"=>4, "type"=>"write", "msg_id"=>1, "client"=>"c6"}}], :leader_commit=>0, :msg_id=>4}, :id=>13}
/home/aphyr/maelstrom/node.rb:174:in `block in main!': No handler for {:dest=>"n2", :src=>"n1", :body=>{:type=>"append_entries", :term=>1, :leader_id=>"n1", :prev_log_index=>1, :prev_log_term=>0, :entries=>[{"term"=>1, "op"=>{"key"=>0, "value"=>4, "type"=>"write", "msg_id"=>1, "client"=>"c6"}}], :leader_commit=>0, :msg_id=>4}, :id=>13} (RuntimeError)

Next, we'll interpret those appendEntries messages, and figure out how to respond.

Receiving Logs

When we're given entries by a leader, we need to possibly step down, check to make sure the leader is higher than us, then check to see if the leader's previous log index and term match our log, before truncating and appending entries to our local log.

Log truncation is important--we need to delete all mismatching log entries after the given index. We'll add that functionality to our Log:

class Log
  # Truncate the log to this many entries
  def truncate!(len)
    @entries.slice! len...size

With that, we can add a message handler to Raft which responds to incoming append_entries requests. We begin by pulling out the message body, and stepping down & adopting the new term if the leader that sent this request had a higher term than us.

class Node
  def initialize
    @node.on 'append_entries' do |msg|
      body = msg[:body]
      @lock.synchronize do
        maybe_step_down! body[:term]

        res = {type: 'append_entries_res',
               term: @term,
               success: false}

This default response is unsuccessful; we'll fill in success = True if all the preconditions are satisfied. First, we reject messages from older leaders:

        if body[:term] < @term
          # Leader is behind us
          @node.reply! msg, res

If we get a message from a valid leader, we'll defer our election deadline--we don't want to compete with that leader. Then we'll check the previous log entry (provided one exists):


        # Check previous entry to see if it matches
        if body[:prev_log_index] <= 0
          raise RPCError.abort "Out of bounds previous log index #{body[:prev_log_index]}"
        e = @log[body[:prev_log_index]]

If the previous entry doesn't exist, or if we disagree on its term, we'll reject this request.

        if e.nil? or e[:term] != body[:prev_log_term]
          # We disagree on the previous term
          @node.reply! msg, res

If we made it this far, then we do agree on the previous log term! We'll truncate our log to that point, and append the given entries. We'll also advance our commit pointer to the leader's (or however high we can go). Note that we're rewriting strings to keywords here: the Node deserializer only keywordizes the message and body, not inner structures.

        # We agree on the previous log term; truncate and append
        @log.truncate! body[:prev_log_index]
        @log.append! body[:entries]

        # Advance commit pointer
        if @commit_index < body[:leader_commit]
          @commit_index = [@log.size, body[:leader_commit]].min

Finally, we'll acknowledge the append to the leader!

        # Acknowledge
        res[:success] = true
        @node.reply! msg, res

If we try running this, we should be able to see successful append_entries results in the log. Logs should gradually grow over time, and look mostly like one another.

$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 3 --concurrency 2n --rate 5
$ grep 'append_entries_res' store/latest/node-logs/*
store/latest/node-logs/n2.log:Sent {:dest=>"n1", :src=>"n2", :body=>{:type=>"append_entries_res", :term=>3, :success=>true, :in_reply_to=>116}}

Moreover, with append_entries messages resetting the election deadline, leadership is now stable: after the first election, the leader stays online indefinitely.

$ grep 'Became leader' store/latest/node-logs/*
store/latest/node-logs/n0.log:Became leader for term 1

Node n0 was the leader for this entire test. We can test timeouts and elections in the face of network partitions by running the test for longer, and adding --nemesis partition.

$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 60 --node-count 3 --concurrency 2n --rate 1 --nemesis partition
$ grep -i 'became leader' store/latest/node-logs/n*.log
store/latest/node-logs/n1.log:Became leader for term 8
store/latest/node-logs/n2.log:Became leader for term 9
$ grep -i 'acks' store/latest/node-logs/n*.log
store/latest/node-logs/n1.log:Stepping down: haven't received any acks recently

We observe leaders changing at approximately the same frequency as network partitions change.

Next up, we'll have leaders advance their commit index, and update the state machine with committed log entries.