With the basic key-value operations working, it's time to implement the Raft protocol. We'll be basing our implementation off of the Raft Paper, so if you haven't read it carefully, now's a great time.
Raft nodes have states like leader, candidate, and follower. We'll add a variable to track this state.
class Raft
attr_reader :node
def initialize
@state = :follower
The first step in leader election is becoming a candidate. Let's add a method
to Raft
which makes us one.
def become_candidate!
@lock.synchronize do
@state = :candidate
@node.log "Became candidate"
We want our nodes to periodically become candidates, so let's schedule a task to do that:
class Raft
def initialize
@node.every 2 do
If we run this, we can see that our nodes periodically become candidates:
$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 3 --concurrency 2n --rate 10
$ grep candidate store/latest/node-logs/n0.lo
Became candidate
Became candidate
Became candidate
Became candidate
Became candidate
But we don't actually want to become candidates continuously. We only want to do this when we haven't heard from a leader in a while. Let's set an election deadline variable.
def initialize
@election_timeout = 2 # Time before next election, in seconds
@election_deadline = Time.now # Next election, in epoch seconds
Our election task should check the deadline, and only fire if it's past. In addition, we only want to begin an election if we're not already a leader:
@node.every 1 do
@lock.synchronize do
if @election_deadline < Time.now
if @state != :leader
We'll add a method that extends the election deadline, so we can keep pushing it back when things are fine:
# Don't start an election for a while
def reset_election_deadline!
@lock.synchronize do
@election_deadline = Time.now + (@election_timeout * (rand + 1))
And when we become a candidate, we'll reset that deadline again. That way we don't constantly trigger new elections during the current one.
def become_candidate!
@lock.synchronize do
@state = :candidate
@node.log "Became candidate"
Finally, we'll want a way to become a follower again.
def become_follower!
@lock.synchronize do
@state = :follower
@node.log "Became follower"
Let's give that a shot:
$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 3 --concurrency 2n
$ grep candidate store/latest/node-logs/n0.log
Became candidate
Became candidate
Became candidate
Very good! Now we only establish our candidacy periodically. Next up, we'll add Raft terms and logs to our node.
Raft's election system is coupled to the term: a monotonically increasing integer, incremented on each election.
class Raft
attr_reader :node
def initialize
@term = 0
Terms are monotonic; they should only rise. To enforce this, we'll have a method for advancing the term:
# Advance our term to `term`.
def advance_term!(term)
@lock.synchronize do
unless @term < term
raise "Term can't go backwards!"
@term = term
When we become a candidate, we need to advance our term.
def become_candidate!
@lock.synchronize do
@state = :candidate
advance_term!(@term + 1) # New!
@node.log "Became candidate for term #{@term}"
Let's log that term when we become a follower too.
def become_follower!
@lock.synchronize do
@state = :follower
@node.log "Became follower for term #{@term}" # Changed!
If we try this out, we can see each node becomes a candidate only once per term:
$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 3 --concurrency 2n
$ cat store/latest/node-logs/n0.log | grep term
Became candidate for term 1
Became candidate for term 2
Became candidate for term 3
With terms ready, we'll create a simple implementation of the Raft log. We need a log first because voting requires looking at the log!
Logs in Raft are 1-indexed arrays, which we'll represent as a Ruby array internally. Since Ruby arrays are 0-indexed, we'll remap indices in a Log class, and provide some common log operations. We know from the Raft paper that we'll need to append entries to the log, get entries at a particular index, investigate the most recent entry, and inspect the overall size.
# Stores Raft entries, which are maps with a {:term} field. Not thread-safe; we
# handle locking in the Raft class.
class Log
# When we construct a fresh log, we add a default entry. This eliminates some
# special cases for empty logs.
def initialize(node)
@node = node
@entries = [{term: 0, op: nil}]
# Returns a log entry by index. Note that Raft's log is 1-indexed!
def [](i)
@entries[i - 1]
# Appends multiple entries to the log.
def append!(entries)
entries.each do |e|
# Coerce strings keys to keywords
e = e.transform_keys(&:to_sym)
e[:op] = e[:op].transform_keys(&:to_sym)
e[:op][:body] = e[:op][:body].transform_keys(&:to_sym)
@entries << e
@node.log "Log: #{@entries.inspect}"
# The most recent entry
def last
# How many entries in the log?
def size
We're doing something a bit odd here--every log we constructs comes with a hardcoded single entry by default. This simplifies error handling by getting rid of the base case for some of Raft's inductive algorithms. We can always assume there's a previous element, when it comes time to compare entries, and the last entry of the log is always well-defined.
We'll add an instance of the log to the Raft
class Raft
attr_reader :node
def initialize
@node = Node.new
@lock = Monitor.new
@log = Log.new @node
And that's it for now! We'll actually add entries to the log later on, but an empty (or in this case, trivial) log is enough to get leader election going.
When we become a candidate, we need to broadcast a request for votes to all
other nodes in the cluster, and accumulate responses as they arrive. Let's
modify our Node
class to include a broadcast rpc method, which does just
class Node
def other_node_ids
@node_ids.reject do |id|
id == @node_id
# Sends a broadcast RPC request. Invokes block with a response message for
# each response that arrives.
def brpc!(body, &handler)
other_node_ids.each do |node|
rpc! node, body, &handler
Back to our Raft class: whenever we receive a message with a higher term than us, we need to step down. We'll need to do that if a node responds to our vote request!
class Node
# If remote_term is bigger than ours, advance our term and become a follower
def maybe_step_down!(remote_term)
@lock.synchronize do
if @term < remote_term
@node.log "Stepping down: remote term #{remote_term} higher than our ter
m #{@term}"
advance_term! remote_term
Now, following the paper, let's sketch out the vote-requesting system. We'll need to pull in Ruby's Set
require 'set'
And in Node
, we'll add a method for requesting votes from other nodes.
# Request that other nodes vote for us as a leader.
def request_votes!
@lock.synchronize do
# We vote for ourselves
votes = Set.new [@node.node_id]
term = @term
type: 'request_vote',
term: term,
candidate_id: @node.node_id,
last_log_index: @log.size,
last_log_term: @log.last[:term]
) do |res|
@lock.synchronize do
body = res[:body]
maybe_step_down! body[:term]
if @state == :candidate and
@term == term and
@term == body[:term] and
# We have a vote for our candidacy, and we're still in the term we
# requested! Record the vote
votes << res[:src]
@node.log "Have votes: #{votes}"
This is straight from the paper, but it's incomplete: we're not doing anything with the votes yet, just tallying them up. We'll come back to this in a second.
When we become a candidate, we should request votes:
def become_candidate!
@lock.synchronize do
@state = :candidate
advance_term!(@term + 1)
@node.log "Became candidate for term #{@term}"
request_votes! # New!
Let's give that a try!
$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 3 --concurrency 2n
Node n2 initialized
Became candidate for term 1
Sent {:dest=>"n0", :src=>"n2", :body=>{:type=>"request_vote", :term=>1, :candidate_id=>"n2", :last_log_index=>1, :last_log_term=>0, :msg_id=>1}}
Sent {:dest=>"n1", :src=>"n2", :body=>{:type=>"request_vote", :term=>1, :candidate_id=>"n2", :last_log_index=>1, :last_log_term=>0, :msg_id=>2}}
Received {:dest=>"n2", :src=>"n0", :body=>{:type=>"request_vote", :term=>1, :candidate_id=>"n0", :last_log_index=>1, :last_log_term=>0, :msg_id=>2}, :id=>10}
/home/aphyr/maelstrom/node.rb:173:in `block in main!': No handler for {:dest=>"n2", :src=>"n0", :body=>{:type=>"request_vote", :term=>1, :candidate_id=>"n0", :last_log_index=>1, :last_log_term=>0, :msg_id=>2}, :id=>10} (RuntimeError)
from /home/aphyr/maelstrom/node.rb:168:in `synchronize'
from /home/aphyr/maelstrom/node.rb:168:in `main!'
from /home/aphyr/maelstrom/raft.rb:191:in `<main>'
The node crashes--it doesn't know how to handle a request_vote
yet--but that's OK. The important part is that it became a candidate for term
1, and sent well-formed request_vote
messages to the other two nodes in the
cluster. Let's figure out how to respond to the vote request next.
Nodes need to keep track of who they vote for in the current term. Let's add a
instance variable.
class Raft
attr_reader :node
def initialize
@node = Node.new
@lock = Monitor.new
@log = Log.new @node
@state_machine = Map.new
@state = 'follower' # Either follower, candidate, or leader
@term = 0 # What's our current term?
@voted_for = nil # Which node did we vote for in this term?
When the term advances, we're allowed to vote for someone new.
# Advance our term to `term`, resetting who we voted for.
def advance_term!(term)
@lock.synchronize do
unless @term < term
raise "Term can't go backwards!"
@term = term
@voted_for = nil # New!
When we become a candidate, we record our vote for ourselves.
# Become a candidate, advance our term, and request votes.
def become_candidate!
@lock.synchronize do
@state = :candidate
advance_term!(@term + 1)
@voted_for = @node.node_id # New!
@node.log "Became candidate for term #{@term}"
Now we're ready to respond to vote requests!
@node.on 'request_vote' do |msg|
body = msg[:body]
@lock.synchronize do
maybe_step_down! body[:term]
grant = false
if body[:term] < @term
@node.log "Candidate term #{body[:term]} lower than #{@term}, not gran
ting vote."
else if @voted_for
@node.log "Already voted for #{@voted_for}; not granting vote."
else if body[:last_log_term] < @log.last[:term]
@node.log "Have log entries from term #{@log.last[:term]}, which is ne
wer than remote term #{body[:last_log_term]}; not granting vote."
else if body[:last_log_term] == @log.last[:term] and
body[:last_log_index] < @log.size
@node.log "Our logs are both at term #{@log.last[:term]}, but our log i
s #{@log.size} and theirs is only #{body[:last_log_index]} long; not granting vo
@node.log "Granting vote to #{body[:candidate_id]}"
grant = true
@voted_for = body[:candidate_id]
@node.reply! msg, {
type: 'request_vote_res'
term: @term
vote_granted: grant
These constraints are taken directly from the paper. We want to make sure we only grant votes for higher or equal terms, that we don't vote twice in the same term, and that the candidate's log is at least as big as ours--that's detailed in section 5.4 of the paper.
$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 3 --concurrency 2n --rate 0 --log-stderr
$ cat store/latest/node-logs/n2.log
Received {:dest=>"n2", :body=>{:type=>"init", :node_id=>"n2", :node_ids=>["n0", "n1", "n2"], :msg_id=>1}, :src=>"c1", :id=>0}
Sent {:dest=>"c1", :src=>"n2", :body=>{:type=>"init_ok", :in_reply_to=>1}}
Node n2 initialized
Sent {:dest=>"n0", :src=>"n2", :body=>{:type=>"request_vote", :term=>1, :candidate_id=>"n2", :last_log_index=>1, :last_log_term=>0, :msg_id=>1}}
Sent {:dest=>"n1", :src=>"n2", :body=>{:type=>"request_vote", :term=>1, :candidate_id=>"n2", :last_log_index=>1, :last_log_term=>0, :msg_id=>2}}
Became candidate for term 1
Received {:dest=>"n2", :src=>"n1", :body=>{:type=>"request_vote", :term=>1, :candidate_id=>"n1", :last_log_index=>1, :last_log_term=>0, :msg_id=>2}, :id=>9}
Already voted for n2; not granting vote.
Ah, so this is a bit of a problem. Every node wakes up exactly every 1 seconds
to run their election process, which means they all tend to run elections
concurrently. Everyone votes for themselves and nobody wins. Let's replace that
with a shorter interval, but also add a random sleep
in the election process.
@node.every 0.1 do
sleep(rand / 10) # New!
@lock.synchronize do
if @election_deadline < Time.now
if @state == :leader
If we run this, we can observe nodes granting votes to one another:
$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 3 --concurrency 2n --rate 0 --log-stderr
INFO [2021-02-27 01:23:26,549] n1 stderr - maelstrom.process Became candidate for term 1
INFO [2021-02-27 01:23:26,550] n1 stderr - maelstrom.process Received {:dest=>"n1", :src=>"n0", :body=>{:type=>"request_vote_res", :term=>1, :vote_granted=>true, :in_reply_to=>1}, :id=>8}
INFO [2021-02-27 01:23:26,551] n1 stderr - maelstrom.process Received {:dest=>"n1", :src=>"n2", :body=>{:type=>"request_vote_res", :term=>1, :vote_granted=>true, :in_reply_to=>2}, :id=>9}
INFO [2021-02-27 01:23:26,551] n1 stderr - maelstrom.process Have votes: #<Set: {"n1", "n0"}>
INFO [2021-02-27 01:23:26,552] n1 stderr - maelstrom.process Have votes: #<Set: {"n1", "n0", "n2"}>
Success! Now we need to use these votes to become a leader.
Once we have a majority of votes, we can declare ourselves a leader for that term.
# What number would constitute a majority of n nodes?
def majority(n)
(n / 2.0).floor + 1
When we get a majority of votes, we'll convert to leader:
# Request that other nodes vote for us as a leader.
def request_votes!
@lock.synchronize do
# We vote for ourselves
votes = Set.new [@node.node_id]
term = @term
type: 'request_vote',
term: term,
candidate_id: @node.node_id,
last_log_index: @log.size,
last_log_term: @log.last[:term]
) do |res|
@lock.synchronize do
body = res[:body]
maybe_step_down! body[:term]
if @state == :candidate and
@term == term and
@term == body[:term] and
# We have a vote for our candidacy, and we're still in the term we
# requested! Record the vote
votes << res[:src]
@node.log "Have votes: #{votes}"
# New!
if majority(@node.node_ids.size) <= votes.size
# We have a majority of votes for this term!
And we'll need a become_leader
# Become a leader
def become_leader!
@lock.synchronize do
unless @state == :candidate
raise "Should be a candidate!"
@state = :leader
@node.log "Became leader for term #{@term}"
Let's give that a shot, and see who becomes a leader!
$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 3 --concurrency 2n --rate 0 --log-stderr
$ grep Became store/latest/node-logs/*
store/latest/node-logs/n0.log:Became follower for term 1
store/latest/node-logs/n0.log:Became follower for term 2
store/latest/node-logs/n0.log:Became candidate for term 3
store/latest/node-logs/n0.log:Became leader for term 3
store/latest/node-logs/n1.log:Became candidate for term 1
store/latest/node-logs/n1.log:Became leader for term 1
store/latest/node-logs/n1.log:Became follower for term 2
store/latest/node-logs/n1.log:Became follower for term 3
store/latest/node-logs/n2.log:Became follower for term 1
store/latest/node-logs/n2.log:Became candidate for term 2
store/latest/node-logs/n2.log:Became leader for term 2
store/latest/node-logs/n2.log:Became follower for term 3
Note that not only do nodes become leaders, but every term has at most one leader! That's an important invariant in Raft!
We have timeouts that trigger elections, but if a network partition occurs,
or if a leader is isolated for too long, that leader should also step down.
To support this, we'll add a new deadline to RaftNode: step_down_deadline
class Raft
attr_reader :node
def initialize
@node = Node.new
@lock = Monitor.new
@log = Log.new @node
@state_machine = Map.new
@state = 'follower' # Either follower, candidate, or leader
@term = 0 # What's our current term?
@voted_for = nil # Which node did we vote for in this term?
@election_timeout = 2 # Time before next election, in seconds
@election_deadline = Time.now # Next election, in epoch seconds
@step_down_deadline = Time.now # When to step down automatically.
Just like we can push out our election deadline, we'll be able to defer stepdown:
# We got communication; don't step down for a while
def reset_step_down_deadline!
@lock.synchronize do
@step_down_deadline = Time.now + @election_timeout
When nodes become a candidate or a leader, they shouldn't step down immediately:
# Become a candidate, advance our term, and request votes.
def become_candidate!
@lock.synchronize do
@state = :candidate
advance_term!(@term + 1)
@voted_for = @node.node_id
reset_step_down_deadline! # New!
@node.log "Became candidate for term #{@term}"
# Become a leader
def become_leader!
@lock.synchronize do
unless @state == :candidate
raise "Should be a candidate!"
@state = :leader
reset_step_down_deadline! # New!
@node.log "Became leader for term #{@term}"
And we'll avoid stepping down shortly after an election:
# Request that other nodes vote for us as a leader.
def request_votes!
@lock.synchronize do
# We vote for ourselves
votes = Set.new [@node.node_id]
term = @term
type: 'request_vote',
term: term,
candidate_id: @node.node_id,
last_log_index: @log.size,
last_log_term: @log.last[:term]
) do |res|
reset_step_down_deadline! # New!
Now, we'll have a periodic task to step down leaders once their deadline is up.
# Leader stepdown thread
@node.every 0.1 do
@lock.synchronize do
if @state == :leader and @step_down_deadline < Time.now
@node.log "Stepping down: haven't received any acks recently"
Now we can observe leaders politely stepping down a few seconds after their election:
$ ./maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin raft.rb --time-limit 10 --node-count 3 --concurrency 2n --rate 0 --log-stderr
INFO [2021-02-27 01:44:29,758] n0 stderr - maelstrom.process Became leader for term 2
INFO [2021-02-27 01:44:31,758] n0 stderr - maelstrom.process Stepping down: haven't received any acks recently
INFO [2021-02-27 01:44:31,759] n0 stderr - maelstrom.process Became follower for term 2
There we have it! A functioning leader election system. Next, we'll push operations into our log, and replicate logs between nodes.