diff --git a/javadoc/allclasses-frame.html b/javadoc/allclasses-frame.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e961c16 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadoc/allclasses-frame.html @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ + + + +
+ +Modifier and Type | +Constant Field | +Value | +
+public static final java.lang.String |
+"net.bookbuddy" |
+public static final java.lang.String |
+"debug" |
+public static final java.lang.String |
+"" |
+public static final java.lang.String |
+"MQczIt52oNQQSu5waaw8ZQ" |
+public static final java.lang.String |
+"TmvMZl1HjFuRbLle0PIcMC4o7CfDN5QAPLTyot1mfRY" |
+public static final int |
+1 |
+public static final java.lang.String |
+"1.0" |
Modifier and Type | +Constant Field | +Value | +
+public static final int |
+abc_fade_in |
+2131034112 |
+public static final int |
+abc_fade_out |
+2131034113 |
+public static final int |
+abc_grow_fade_in_from_bottom |
+2131034114 |
+public static final int |
+abc_popup_enter |
+2131034115 |
+public static final int |
+abc_popup_exit |
+2131034116 |
+public static final int |
+abc_shrink_fade_out_from_bottom |
+2131034117 |
+public static final int |
+abc_slide_in_bottom |
+2131034118 |
+public static final int |
+abc_slide_in_top |
+2131034119 |
+public static final int |
+abc_slide_out_bottom |
+2131034120 |
+public static final int |
+abc_slide_out_top |
+2131034121 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_sheet_slide_in |
+2131034122 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_sheet_slide_out |
+2131034123 |
+public static final int |
+design_fab_in |
+2131034124 |
+public static final int |
+design_fab_out |
+2131034125 |
+public static final int |
+design_snackbar_in |
+2131034126 |
+public static final int |
+design_snackbar_out |
+2131034127 |
Modifier and Type | +Constant Field | +Value | +
+public static final int |
+design_appbar_state_list_animator |
+2131099648 |
Modifier and Type | +Constant Field | +Value | +
+public static final int |
+actionBarDivider |
+2130772082 |
+public static final int |
+actionBarItemBackground |
+2130772083 |
+public static final int |
+actionBarPopupTheme |
+2130772076 |
+public static final int |
+actionBarSize |
+2130772081 |
+public static final int |
+actionBarSplitStyle |
+2130772078 |
+public static final int |
+actionBarStyle |
+2130772077 |
+public static final int |
+actionBarTabBarStyle |
+2130772072 |
+public static final int |
+actionBarTabStyle |
+2130772071 |
+public static final int |
+actionBarTabTextStyle |
+2130772073 |
+public static final int |
+actionBarTheme |
+2130772079 |
+public static final int |
+actionBarWidgetTheme |
+2130772080 |
+public static final int |
+actionButtonStyle |
+2130772109 |
+public static final int |
+actionDropDownStyle |
+2130772105 |
+public static final int |
+actionLayout |
+2130772228 |
+public static final int |
+actionMenuTextAppearance |
+2130772084 |
+public static final int |
+actionMenuTextColor |
+2130772085 |
+public static final int |
+actionModeBackground |
+2130772088 |
+public static final int |
+actionModeCloseButtonStyle |
+2130772087 |
+public static final int |
+actionModeCloseDrawable |
+2130772090 |
+public static final int |
+actionModeCopyDrawable |
+2130772092 |
+public static final int |
+actionModeCutDrawable |
+2130772091 |
+public static final int |
+actionModeFindDrawable |
+2130772096 |
+public static final int |
+actionModePasteDrawable |
+2130772093 |
+public static final int |
+actionModePopupWindowStyle |
+2130772098 |
+public static final int |
+actionModeSelectAllDrawable |
+2130772094 |
+public static final int |
+actionModeShareDrawable |
+2130772095 |
+public static final int |
+actionModeSplitBackground |
+2130772089 |
+public static final int |
+actionModeStyle |
+2130772086 |
+public static final int |
+actionModeWebSearchDrawable |
+2130772097 |
+public static final int |
+actionOverflowButtonStyle |
+2130772074 |
+public static final int |
+actionOverflowMenuStyle |
+2130772075 |
+public static final int |
+actionProviderClass |
+2130772230 |
+public static final int |
+actionViewClass |
+2130772229 |
+public static final int |
+activityChooserViewStyle |
+2130772117 |
+public static final int |
+alertDialogButtonGroupStyle |
+2130772153 |
+public static final int |
+alertDialogCenterButtons |
+2130772154 |
+public static final int |
+alertDialogStyle |
+2130772152 |
+public static final int |
+alertDialogTheme |
+2130772155 |
+public static final int |
+allowStacking |
+2130772177 |
+public static final int |
+alpha |
+2130772195 |
+public static final int |
+arrowHeadLength |
+2130772213 |
+public static final int |
+arrowShaftLength |
+2130772214 |
+public static final int |
+autoCompleteTextViewStyle |
+2130772160 |
+public static final int |
+background |
+2130772024 |
+public static final int |
+backgroundSplit |
+2130772026 |
+public static final int |
+backgroundStacked |
+2130772025 |
+public static final int |
+backgroundTint |
+2130772324 |
+public static final int |
+backgroundTintMode |
+2130772325 |
+public static final int |
+barLength |
+2130772215 |
+public static final int |
+behavior_autoHide |
+2130772222 |
+public static final int |
+behavior_hideable |
+2130772175 |
+public static final int |
+behavior_overlapTop |
+2130772248 |
+public static final int |
+behavior_peekHeight |
+2130772174 |
+public static final int |
+behavior_skipCollapsed |
+2130772176 |
+public static final int |
+borderlessButtonStyle |
+2130772114 |
+public static final int |
+borderWidth |
+2130772220 |
+public static final int |
+bottomSheetDialogTheme |
+2130772206 |
+public static final int |
+bottomSheetStyle |
+2130772207 |
+public static final int |
+buttonBarButtonStyle |
+2130772111 |
+public static final int |
+buttonBarNegativeButtonStyle |
+2130772158 |
+public static final int |
+buttonBarNeutralButtonStyle |
+2130772159 |
+public static final int |
+buttonBarPositiveButtonStyle |
+2130772157 |
+public static final int |
+buttonBarStyle |
+2130772110 |
+public static final int |
+buttonGravity |
+2130772313 |
+public static final int |
+buttonPanelSideLayout |
+2130772045 |
+public static final int |
+buttonStyle |
+2130772161 |
+public static final int |
+buttonStyleSmall |
+2130772162 |
+public static final int |
+buttonTint |
+2130772196 |
+public static final int |
+buttonTintMode |
+2130772197 |
+public static final int |
+checkboxStyle |
+2130772163 |
+public static final int |
+checkedTextViewStyle |
+2130772164 |
+public static final int |
+closeIcon |
+2130772253 |
+public static final int |
+closeItemLayout |
+2130772042 |
+public static final int |
+collapseContentDescription |
+2130772315 |
+public static final int |
+collapsedTitleGravity |
+2130772190 |
+public static final int |
+collapsedTitleTextAppearance |
+2130772184 |
+public static final int |
+collapseIcon |
+2130772314 |
+public static final int |
+color |
+2130772209 |
+public static final int |
+colorAccent |
+2130772144 |
+public static final int |
+colorBackgroundFloating |
+2130772151 |
+public static final int |
+colorButtonNormal |
+2130772148 |
+public static final int |
+colorControlActivated |
+2130772146 |
+public static final int |
+colorControlHighlight |
+2130772147 |
+public static final int |
+colorControlNormal |
+2130772145 |
+public static final int |
+colorPrimary |
+2130772142 |
+public static final int |
+colorPrimaryDark |
+2130772143 |
+public static final int |
+colorSwitchThumbNormal |
+2130772149 |
+public static final int |
+commitIcon |
+2130772258 |
+public static final int |
+constraintSet |
+2130771968 |
+public static final int |
+contentInsetEnd |
+2130772035 |
+public static final int |
+contentInsetEndWithActions |
+2130772039 |
+public static final int |
+contentInsetLeft |
+2130772036 |
+public static final int |
+contentInsetRight |
+2130772037 |
+public static final int |
+contentInsetStart |
+2130772034 |
+public static final int |
+contentInsetStartWithNavigation |
+2130772038 |
+public static final int |
+contentScrim |
+2130772185 |
+public static final int |
+controlBackground |
+2130772150 |
+public static final int |
+counterEnabled |
+2130772294 |
+public static final int |
+counterMaxLength |
+2130772295 |
+public static final int |
+counterOverflowTextAppearance |
+2130772297 |
+public static final int |
+counterTextAppearance |
+2130772296 |
+public static final int |
+customNavigationLayout |
+2130772027 |
+public static final int |
+defaultQueryHint |
+2130772252 |
+public static final int |
+dialogPreferredPadding |
+2130772103 |
+public static final int |
+dialogTheme |
+2130772102 |
+public static final int |
+displayOptions |
+2130772017 |
+public static final int |
+divider |
+2130772023 |
+public static final int |
+dividerHorizontal |
+2130772116 |
+public static final int |
+dividerPadding |
+2130772226 |
+public static final int |
+dividerVertical |
+2130772115 |
+public static final int |
+drawableSize |
+2130772211 |
+public static final int |
+drawerArrowStyle |
+2130771969 |
+public static final int |
+dropdownListPreferredItemHeight |
+2130772106 |
+public static final int |
+dropDownListViewStyle |
+2130772134 |
+public static final int |
+editTextBackground |
+2130772123 |
+public static final int |
+editTextColor |
+2130772122 |
+public static final int |
+editTextStyle |
+2130772165 |
+public static final int |
+elevation |
+2130772040 |
+public static final int |
+errorEnabled |
+2130772292 |
+public static final int |
+errorTextAppearance |
+2130772293 |
+public static final int |
+expandActivityOverflowButtonDrawable |
+2130772044 |
+public static final int |
+expanded |
+2130772051 |
+public static final int |
+expandedTitleGravity |
+2130772191 |
+public static final int |
+expandedTitleMargin |
+2130772178 |
+public static final int |
+expandedTitleMarginBottom |
+2130772182 |
+public static final int |
+expandedTitleMarginEnd |
+2130772181 |
+public static final int |
+expandedTitleMarginStart |
+2130772179 |
+public static final int |
+expandedTitleMarginTop |
+2130772180 |
+public static final int |
+expandedTitleTextAppearance |
+2130772183 |
+public static final int |
+fabSize |
+2130772218 |
+public static final int |
+foregroundInsidePadding |
+2130772223 |
+public static final int |
+gapBetweenBars |
+2130772212 |
+public static final int |
+goIcon |
+2130772254 |
+public static final int |
+headerLayout |
+2130772238 |
+public static final int |
+height |
+2130771970 |
+public static final int |
+hideOnContentScroll |
+2130772033 |
+public static final int |
+hintAnimationEnabled |
+2130772298 |
+public static final int |
+hintEnabled |
+2130772291 |
+public static final int |
+hintTextAppearance |
+2130772290 |
+public static final int |
+homeAsUpIndicator |
+2130772108 |
+public static final int |
+homeLayout |
+2130772028 |
+public static final int |
+icon |
+2130772021 |
+public static final int |
+iconifiedByDefault |
+2130772250 |
+public static final int |
+imageButtonStyle |
+2130772124 |
+public static final int |
+indeterminateProgressStyle |
+2130772030 |
+public static final int |
+initialActivityCount |
+2130772043 |
+public static final int |
+insetForeground |
+2130772247 |
+public static final int |
+isLightTheme |
+2130771971 |
+public static final int |
+itemBackground |
+2130772236 |
+public static final int |
+itemIconTint |
+2130772234 |
+public static final int |
+itemPadding |
+2130772032 |
+public static final int |
+itemTextAppearance |
+2130772237 |
+public static final int |
+itemTextColor |
+2130772235 |
+public static final int |
+keylines |
+2130772198 |
+public static final int |
+layout |
+2130772249 |
+public static final int |
+layout_anchor |
+2130772201 |
+public static final int |
+layout_anchorGravity |
+2130772203 |
+public static final int |
+layout_behavior |
+2130772200 |
+public static final int |
+layout_collapseMode |
+2130772193 |
+public static final int |
+layout_collapseParallaxMultiplier |
+2130772194 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintBaseline_creator |
+2130771972 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintBaseline_toBaselineOf |
+2130771973 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintBottom_creator |
+2130771974 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf |
+2130771975 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintBottom_toTopOf |
+2130771976 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintDimensionRatio |
+2130771977 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf |
+2130771978 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintEnd_toStartOf |
+2130771979 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintGuide_begin |
+2130771980 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintGuide_end |
+2130771981 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintGuide_percent |
+2130771982 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintHeight_default |
+2130771983 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintHeight_max |
+2130771984 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintHeight_min |
+2130771985 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintHorizontal_bias |
+2130771986 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintHorizontal_chainStyle |
+2130771987 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintHorizontal_weight |
+2130771988 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintLeft_creator |
+2130771989 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf |
+2130771990 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintLeft_toRightOf |
+2130771991 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintRight_creator |
+2130771992 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintRight_toLeftOf |
+2130771993 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintRight_toRightOf |
+2130771994 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintStart_toEndOf |
+2130771995 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintStart_toStartOf |
+2130771996 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintTop_creator |
+2130771997 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf |
+2130771998 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintTop_toTopOf |
+2130771999 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintVertical_bias |
+2130772000 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintVertical_chainStyle |
+2130772001 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintVertical_weight |
+2130772002 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintWidth_default |
+2130772003 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintWidth_max |
+2130772004 |
+public static final int |
+layout_constraintWidth_min |
+2130772005 |
+public static final int |
+layout_dodgeInsetEdges |
+2130772205 |
+public static final int |
+layout_editor_absoluteX |
+2130772006 |
+public static final int |
+layout_editor_absoluteY |
+2130772007 |
+public static final int |
+layout_goneMarginBottom |
+2130772008 |
+public static final int |
+layout_goneMarginEnd |
+2130772009 |
+public static final int |
+layout_goneMarginLeft |
+2130772010 |
+public static final int |
+layout_goneMarginRight |
+2130772011 |
+public static final int |
+layout_goneMarginStart |
+2130772012 |
+public static final int |
+layout_goneMarginTop |
+2130772013 |
+public static final int |
+layout_insetEdge |
+2130772204 |
+public static final int |
+layout_keyline |
+2130772202 |
+public static final int |
+layout_optimizationLevel |
+2130772014 |
+public static final int |
+layout_scrollFlags |
+2130772054 |
+public static final int |
+layout_scrollInterpolator |
+2130772055 |
+public static final int |
+layoutManager |
+2130772243 |
+public static final int |
+listChoiceBackgroundIndicator |
+2130772141 |
+public static final int |
+listDividerAlertDialog |
+2130772104 |
+public static final int |
+listItemLayout |
+2130772049 |
+public static final int |
+listLayout |
+2130772046 |
+public static final int |
+listMenuViewStyle |
+2130772173 |
+public static final int |
+listPopupWindowStyle |
+2130772135 |
+public static final int |
+listPreferredItemHeight |
+2130772129 |
+public static final int |
+listPreferredItemHeightLarge |
+2130772131 |
+public static final int |
+listPreferredItemHeightSmall |
+2130772130 |
+public static final int |
+listPreferredItemPaddingLeft |
+2130772132 |
+public static final int |
+listPreferredItemPaddingRight |
+2130772133 |
+public static final int |
+logo |
+2130772022 |
+public static final int |
+logoDescription |
+2130772318 |
+public static final int |
+maxActionInlineWidth |
+2130772262 |
+public static final int |
+maxButtonHeight |
+2130772312 |
+public static final int |
+measureWithLargestChild |
+2130772224 |
+public static final int |
+menu |
+2130772233 |
+public static final int |
+multiChoiceItemLayout |
+2130772047 |
+public static final int |
+navigationContentDescription |
+2130772317 |
+public static final int |
+navigationIcon |
+2130772316 |
+public static final int |
+navigationMode |
+2130772016 |
+public static final int |
+overlapAnchor |
+2130772239 |
+public static final int |
+paddingBottomNoButtons |
+2130772241 |
+public static final int |
+paddingEnd |
+2130772322 |
+public static final int |
+paddingStart |
+2130772321 |
+public static final int |
+paddingTopNoTitle |
+2130772242 |
+public static final int |
+panelBackground |
+2130772138 |
+public static final int |
+panelMenuListTheme |
+2130772140 |
+public static final int |
+panelMenuListWidth |
+2130772139 |
+public static final int |
+passwordToggleContentDescription |
+2130772301 |
+public static final int |
+passwordToggleDrawable |
+2130772300 |
+public static final int |
+passwordToggleEnabled |
+2130772299 |
+public static final int |
+passwordToggleTint |
+2130772302 |
+public static final int |
+passwordToggleTintMode |
+2130772303 |
+public static final int |
+popupMenuStyle |
+2130772120 |
+public static final int |
+popupTheme |
+2130772041 |
+public static final int |
+popupWindowStyle |
+2130772121 |
+public static final int |
+preserveIconSpacing |
+2130772231 |
+public static final int |
+pressedTranslationZ |
+2130772219 |
+public static final int |
+progressBarPadding |
+2130772031 |
+public static final int |
+progressBarStyle |
+2130772029 |
+public static final int |
+queryBackground |
+2130772260 |
+public static final int |
+queryHint |
+2130772251 |
+public static final int |
+radioButtonStyle |
+2130772166 |
+public static final int |
+ratingBarStyle |
+2130772167 |
+public static final int |
+ratingBarStyleIndicator |
+2130772168 |
+public static final int |
+ratingBarStyleSmall |
+2130772169 |
+public static final int |
+reverseLayout |
+2130772245 |
+public static final int |
+rippleColor |
+2130772217 |
+public static final int |
+scrimAnimationDuration |
+2130772189 |
+public static final int |
+scrimVisibleHeightTrigger |
+2130772188 |
+public static final int |
+searchHintIcon |
+2130772256 |
+public static final int |
+searchIcon |
+2130772255 |
+public static final int |
+searchViewStyle |
+2130772128 |
+public static final int |
+seekBarStyle |
+2130772170 |
+public static final int |
+selectableItemBackground |
+2130772112 |
+public static final int |
+selectableItemBackgroundBorderless |
+2130772113 |
+public static final int |
+showAsAction |
+2130772227 |
+public static final int |
+showDividers |
+2130772225 |
+public static final int |
+showText |
+2130772273 |
+public static final int |
+showTitle |
+2130772050 |
+public static final int |
+singleChoiceItemLayout |
+2130772048 |
+public static final int |
+spanCount |
+2130772244 |
+public static final int |
+spinBars |
+2130772210 |
+public static final int |
+spinnerDropDownItemStyle |
+2130772107 |
+public static final int |
+spinnerStyle |
+2130772171 |
+public static final int |
+splitTrack |
+2130772272 |
+public static final int |
+srcCompat |
+2130772056 |
+public static final int |
+stackFromEnd |
+2130772246 |
+public static final int |
+state_above_anchor |
+2130772240 |
+public static final int |
+state_collapsed |
+2130772052 |
+public static final int |
+state_collapsible |
+2130772053 |
+public static final int |
+statusBarBackground |
+2130772199 |
+public static final int |
+statusBarScrim |
+2130772186 |
+public static final int |
+subMenuArrow |
+2130772232 |
+public static final int |
+submitBackground |
+2130772261 |
+public static final int |
+subtitle |
+2130772018 |
+public static final int |
+subtitleTextAppearance |
+2130772305 |
+public static final int |
+subtitleTextColor |
+2130772320 |
+public static final int |
+subtitleTextStyle |
+2130772020 |
+public static final int |
+suggestionRowLayout |
+2130772259 |
+public static final int |
+switchMinWidth |
+2130772270 |
+public static final int |
+switchPadding |
+2130772271 |
+public static final int |
+switchStyle |
+2130772172 |
+public static final int |
+switchTextAppearance |
+2130772269 |
+public static final int |
+tabBackground |
+2130772277 |
+public static final int |
+tabContentStart |
+2130772276 |
+public static final int |
+tabGravity |
+2130772279 |
+public static final int |
+tabIndicatorColor |
+2130772274 |
+public static final int |
+tabIndicatorHeight |
+2130772275 |
+public static final int |
+tabMaxWidth |
+2130772281 |
+public static final int |
+tabMinWidth |
+2130772280 |
+public static final int |
+tabMode |
+2130772278 |
+public static final int |
+tabPadding |
+2130772289 |
+public static final int |
+tabPaddingBottom |
+2130772288 |
+public static final int |
+tabPaddingEnd |
+2130772287 |
+public static final int |
+tabPaddingStart |
+2130772285 |
+public static final int |
+tabPaddingTop |
+2130772286 |
+public static final int |
+tabSelectedTextColor |
+2130772284 |
+public static final int |
+tabTextAppearance |
+2130772282 |
+public static final int |
+tabTextColor |
+2130772283 |
+public static final int |
+textAllCaps |
+2130772060 |
+public static final int |
+textAppearanceLargePopupMenu |
+2130772099 |
+public static final int |
+textAppearanceListItem |
+2130772136 |
+public static final int |
+textAppearanceListItemSmall |
+2130772137 |
+public static final int |
+textAppearancePopupMenuHeader |
+2130772101 |
+public static final int |
+textAppearanceSearchResultSubtitle |
+2130772126 |
+public static final int |
+textAppearanceSearchResultTitle |
+2130772125 |
+public static final int |
+textAppearanceSmallPopupMenu |
+2130772100 |
+public static final int |
+textColorAlertDialogListItem |
+2130772156 |
+public static final int |
+textColorError |
+2130772208 |
+public static final int |
+textColorSearchUrl |
+2130772127 |
+public static final int |
+theme |
+2130772323 |
+public static final int |
+thickness |
+2130772216 |
+public static final int |
+thumbTextPadding |
+2130772268 |
+public static final int |
+thumbTint |
+2130772263 |
+public static final int |
+thumbTintMode |
+2130772264 |
+public static final int |
+tickMark |
+2130772057 |
+public static final int |
+tickMarkTint |
+2130772058 |
+public static final int |
+tickMarkTintMode |
+2130772059 |
+public static final int |
+title |
+2130772015 |
+public static final int |
+titleEnabled |
+2130772192 |
+public static final int |
+titleMargin |
+2130772306 |
+public static final int |
+titleMarginBottom |
+2130772310 |
+public static final int |
+titleMarginEnd |
+2130772308 |
+public static final int |
+titleMargins |
+2130772311 |
+public static final int |
+titleMarginStart |
+2130772307 |
+public static final int |
+titleMarginTop |
+2130772309 |
+public static final int |
+titleTextAppearance |
+2130772304 |
+public static final int |
+titleTextColor |
+2130772319 |
+public static final int |
+titleTextStyle |
+2130772019 |
+public static final int |
+toolbarId |
+2130772187 |
+public static final int |
+toolbarNavigationButtonStyle |
+2130772119 |
+public static final int |
+toolbarStyle |
+2130772118 |
+public static final int |
+track |
+2130772265 |
+public static final int |
+trackTint |
+2130772266 |
+public static final int |
+trackTintMode |
+2130772267 |
+public static final int |
+useCompatPadding |
+2130772221 |
+public static final int |
+voiceIcon |
+2130772257 |
+public static final int |
+windowActionBar |
+2130772061 |
+public static final int |
+windowActionBarOverlay |
+2130772063 |
+public static final int |
+windowActionModeOverlay |
+2130772064 |
+public static final int |
+windowFixedHeightMajor |
+2130772068 |
+public static final int |
+windowFixedHeightMinor |
+2130772066 |
+public static final int |
+windowFixedWidthMajor |
+2130772065 |
+public static final int |
+windowFixedWidthMinor |
+2130772067 |
+public static final int |
+windowMinWidthMajor |
+2130772069 |
+public static final int |
+windowMinWidthMinor |
+2130772070 |
+public static final int |
+windowNoTitle |
+2130772062 |
Modifier and Type | +Constant Field | +Value | +
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_embed_tabs |
+2131427328 |
+public static final int |
+abc_allow_stacked_button_bar |
+2131427329 |
+public static final int |
+abc_config_actionMenuItemAllCaps |
+2131427330 |
+public static final int |
+abc_config_closeDialogWhenTouchOutside |
+2131427331 |
+public static final int |
+abc_config_showMenuShortcutsWhenKeyboardPresent |
+2131427332 |
Modifier and Type | +Constant Field | +Value | +
+public static final int |
+abc_background_cache_hint_selector_material_dark |
+2131558473 |
+public static final int |
+abc_background_cache_hint_selector_material_light |
+2131558474 |
+public static final int |
+abc_btn_colored_borderless_text_material |
+2131558475 |
+public static final int |
+abc_btn_colored_text_material |
+2131558476 |
+public static final int |
+abc_color_highlight_material |
+2131558477 |
+public static final int |
+abc_hint_foreground_material_dark |
+2131558478 |
+public static final int |
+abc_hint_foreground_material_light |
+2131558479 |
+public static final int |
+abc_input_method_navigation_guard |
+2131558401 |
+public static final int |
+abc_primary_text_disable_only_material_dark |
+2131558480 |
+public static final int |
+abc_primary_text_disable_only_material_light |
+2131558481 |
+public static final int |
+abc_primary_text_material_dark |
+2131558482 |
+public static final int |
+abc_primary_text_material_light |
+2131558483 |
+public static final int |
+abc_search_url_text |
+2131558484 |
+public static final int |
+abc_search_url_text_normal |
+2131558402 |
+public static final int |
+abc_search_url_text_pressed |
+2131558403 |
+public static final int |
+abc_search_url_text_selected |
+2131558404 |
+public static final int |
+abc_secondary_text_material_dark |
+2131558485 |
+public static final int |
+abc_secondary_text_material_light |
+2131558486 |
+public static final int |
+abc_tint_btn_checkable |
+2131558487 |
+public static final int |
+abc_tint_default |
+2131558488 |
+public static final int |
+abc_tint_edittext |
+2131558489 |
+public static final int |
+abc_tint_seek_thumb |
+2131558490 |
+public static final int |
+abc_tint_spinner |
+2131558491 |
+public static final int |
+abc_tint_switch_thumb |
+2131558492 |
+public static final int |
+abc_tint_switch_track |
+2131558493 |
+public static final int |
+accent_material_dark |
+2131558405 |
+public static final int |
+accent_material_light |
+2131558406 |
+public static final int |
+background_floating_material_dark |
+2131558407 |
+public static final int |
+background_floating_material_light |
+2131558408 |
+public static final int |
+background_material_dark |
+2131558409 |
+public static final int |
+background_material_light |
+2131558410 |
+public static final int |
+bright_foreground_disabled_material_dark |
+2131558411 |
+public static final int |
+bright_foreground_disabled_material_light |
+2131558412 |
+public static final int |
+bright_foreground_inverse_material_dark |
+2131558413 |
+public static final int |
+bright_foreground_inverse_material_light |
+2131558414 |
+public static final int |
+bright_foreground_material_dark |
+2131558415 |
+public static final int |
+bright_foreground_material_light |
+2131558416 |
+public static final int |
+button_material_dark |
+2131558417 |
+public static final int |
+button_material_light |
+2131558418 |
+public static final int |
+colorAccent |
+2131558419 |
+public static final int |
+colorPrimary |
+2131558420 |
+public static final int |
+colorPrimaryDark |
+2131558421 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_navigation_shadow_color |
+2131558422 |
+public static final int |
+design_error |
+2131558494 |
+public static final int |
+design_fab_shadow_end_color |
+2131558423 |
+public static final int |
+design_fab_shadow_mid_color |
+2131558424 |
+public static final int |
+design_fab_shadow_start_color |
+2131558425 |
+public static final int |
+design_fab_stroke_end_inner_color |
+2131558426 |
+public static final int |
+design_fab_stroke_end_outer_color |
+2131558427 |
+public static final int |
+design_fab_stroke_top_inner_color |
+2131558428 |
+public static final int |
+design_fab_stroke_top_outer_color |
+2131558429 |
+public static final int |
+design_snackbar_background_color |
+2131558430 |
+public static final int |
+design_textinput_error_color_dark |
+2131558431 |
+public static final int |
+design_textinput_error_color_light |
+2131558432 |
+public static final int |
+design_tint_password_toggle |
+2131558495 |
+public static final int |
+dim_foreground_disabled_material_dark |
+2131558433 |
+public static final int |
+dim_foreground_disabled_material_light |
+2131558434 |
+public static final int |
+dim_foreground_material_dark |
+2131558435 |
+public static final int |
+dim_foreground_material_light |
+2131558436 |
+public static final int |
+foreground_material_dark |
+2131558437 |
+public static final int |
+foreground_material_light |
+2131558438 |
+public static final int |
+highlighted_text_material_dark |
+2131558439 |
+public static final int |
+highlighted_text_material_light |
+2131558440 |
+public static final int |
+material_blue_grey_800 |
+2131558441 |
+public static final int |
+material_blue_grey_900 |
+2131558442 |
+public static final int |
+material_blue_grey_950 |
+2131558443 |
+public static final int |
+material_deep_teal_200 |
+2131558444 |
+public static final int |
+material_deep_teal_500 |
+2131558445 |
+public static final int |
+material_grey_100 |
+2131558446 |
+public static final int |
+material_grey_300 |
+2131558447 |
+public static final int |
+material_grey_50 |
+2131558448 |
+public static final int |
+material_grey_600 |
+2131558449 |
+public static final int |
+material_grey_800 |
+2131558450 |
+public static final int |
+material_grey_850 |
+2131558451 |
+public static final int |
+material_grey_900 |
+2131558452 |
+public static final int |
+notification_action_color_filter |
+2131558400 |
+public static final int |
+notification_icon_bg_color |
+2131558453 |
+public static final int |
+notification_material_background_media_default_color |
+2131558454 |
+public static final int |
+primary_dark_material_dark |
+2131558455 |
+public static final int |
+primary_dark_material_light |
+2131558456 |
+public static final int |
+primary_material_dark |
+2131558457 |
+public static final int |
+primary_material_light |
+2131558458 |
+public static final int |
+primary_text_default_material_dark |
+2131558459 |
+public static final int |
+primary_text_default_material_light |
+2131558460 |
+public static final int |
+primary_text_disabled_material_dark |
+2131558461 |
+public static final int |
+primary_text_disabled_material_light |
+2131558462 |
+public static final int |
+ripple_material_dark |
+2131558463 |
+public static final int |
+ripple_material_light |
+2131558464 |
+public static final int |
+secondary_text_default_material_dark |
+2131558465 |
+public static final int |
+secondary_text_default_material_light |
+2131558466 |
+public static final int |
+secondary_text_disabled_material_dark |
+2131558467 |
+public static final int |
+secondary_text_disabled_material_light |
+2131558468 |
+public static final int |
+switch_thumb_disabled_material_dark |
+2131558469 |
+public static final int |
+switch_thumb_disabled_material_light |
+2131558470 |
+public static final int |
+switch_thumb_material_dark |
+2131558496 |
+public static final int |
+switch_thumb_material_light |
+2131558497 |
+public static final int |
+switch_thumb_normal_material_dark |
+2131558471 |
+public static final int |
+switch_thumb_normal_material_light |
+2131558472 |
Modifier and Type | +Constant Field | +Value | +
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_content_inset_material |
+2131296268 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_content_inset_with_nav |
+2131296269 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_default_height_material |
+2131296257 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_default_padding_end_material |
+2131296270 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_default_padding_start_material |
+2131296271 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_elevation_material |
+2131296285 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_icon_vertical_padding_material |
+2131296286 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_overflow_padding_end_material |
+2131296287 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_overflow_padding_start_material |
+2131296288 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_progress_bar_size |
+2131296258 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_stacked_max_height |
+2131296289 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_stacked_tab_max_width |
+2131296290 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_subtitle_bottom_margin_material |
+2131296291 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_subtitle_top_margin_material |
+2131296292 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_button_min_height_material |
+2131296293 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_button_min_width_material |
+2131296294 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_button_min_width_overflow_material |
+2131296295 |
+public static final int |
+abc_alert_dialog_button_bar_height |
+2131296256 |
+public static final int |
+abc_button_inset_horizontal_material |
+2131296296 |
+public static final int |
+abc_button_inset_vertical_material |
+2131296297 |
+public static final int |
+abc_button_padding_horizontal_material |
+2131296298 |
+public static final int |
+abc_button_padding_vertical_material |
+2131296299 |
+public static final int |
+abc_cascading_menus_min_smallest_width |
+2131296300 |
+public static final int |
+abc_config_prefDialogWidth |
+2131296261 |
+public static final int |
+abc_control_corner_material |
+2131296301 |
+public static final int |
+abc_control_inset_material |
+2131296302 |
+public static final int |
+abc_control_padding_material |
+2131296303 |
+public static final int |
+abc_dialog_fixed_height_major |
+2131296262 |
+public static final int |
+abc_dialog_fixed_height_minor |
+2131296263 |
+public static final int |
+abc_dialog_fixed_width_major |
+2131296264 |
+public static final int |
+abc_dialog_fixed_width_minor |
+2131296265 |
+public static final int |
+abc_dialog_list_padding_bottom_no_buttons |
+2131296304 |
+public static final int |
+abc_dialog_list_padding_top_no_title |
+2131296305 |
+public static final int |
+abc_dialog_min_width_major |
+2131296266 |
+public static final int |
+abc_dialog_min_width_minor |
+2131296267 |
+public static final int |
+abc_dialog_padding_material |
+2131296306 |
+public static final int |
+abc_dialog_padding_top_material |
+2131296307 |
+public static final int |
+abc_dialog_title_divider_material |
+2131296308 |
+public static final int |
+abc_disabled_alpha_material_dark |
+2131296309 |
+public static final int |
+abc_disabled_alpha_material_light |
+2131296310 |
+public static final int |
+abc_dropdownitem_icon_width |
+2131296311 |
+public static final int |
+abc_dropdownitem_text_padding_left |
+2131296312 |
+public static final int |
+abc_dropdownitem_text_padding_right |
+2131296313 |
+public static final int |
+abc_edit_text_inset_bottom_material |
+2131296314 |
+public static final int |
+abc_edit_text_inset_horizontal_material |
+2131296315 |
+public static final int |
+abc_edit_text_inset_top_material |
+2131296316 |
+public static final int |
+abc_floating_window_z |
+2131296317 |
+public static final int |
+abc_list_item_padding_horizontal_material |
+2131296318 |
+public static final int |
+abc_panel_menu_list_width |
+2131296319 |
+public static final int |
+abc_progress_bar_height_material |
+2131296320 |
+public static final int |
+abc_search_view_preferred_height |
+2131296321 |
+public static final int |
+abc_search_view_preferred_width |
+2131296322 |
+public static final int |
+abc_seekbar_track_background_height_material |
+2131296323 |
+public static final int |
+abc_seekbar_track_progress_height_material |
+2131296324 |
+public static final int |
+abc_select_dialog_padding_start_material |
+2131296325 |
+public static final int |
+abc_switch_padding |
+2131296281 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_body_1_material |
+2131296326 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_body_2_material |
+2131296327 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_button_material |
+2131296328 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_caption_material |
+2131296329 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_display_1_material |
+2131296330 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_display_2_material |
+2131296331 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_display_3_material |
+2131296332 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_display_4_material |
+2131296333 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_headline_material |
+2131296334 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_large_material |
+2131296335 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_medium_material |
+2131296336 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_menu_header_material |
+2131296337 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_menu_material |
+2131296338 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_small_material |
+2131296339 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_subhead_material |
+2131296340 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_subtitle_material_toolbar |
+2131296259 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_title_material |
+2131296341 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_size_title_material_toolbar |
+2131296260 |
+public static final int |
+activity_horizontal_margin |
+2131296342 |
+public static final int |
+activity_vertical_margin |
+2131296343 |
+public static final int |
+design_appbar_elevation |
+2131296344 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_navigation_active_item_max_width |
+2131296345 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_navigation_active_text_size |
+2131296346 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_navigation_elevation |
+2131296347 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_navigation_height |
+2131296348 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_navigation_item_max_width |
+2131296349 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_navigation_item_min_width |
+2131296350 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_navigation_margin |
+2131296351 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_navigation_shadow_height |
+2131296352 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_navigation_text_size |
+2131296353 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_sheet_modal_elevation |
+2131296354 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_sheet_peek_height_min |
+2131296355 |
+public static final int |
+design_fab_border_width |
+2131296356 |
+public static final int |
+design_fab_elevation |
+2131296357 |
+public static final int |
+design_fab_image_size |
+2131296358 |
+public static final int |
+design_fab_size_mini |
+2131296359 |
+public static final int |
+design_fab_size_normal |
+2131296360 |
+public static final int |
+design_fab_translation_z_pressed |
+2131296361 |
+public static final int |
+design_navigation_elevation |
+2131296362 |
+public static final int |
+design_navigation_icon_padding |
+2131296363 |
+public static final int |
+design_navigation_icon_size |
+2131296364 |
+public static final int |
+design_navigation_max_width |
+2131296272 |
+public static final int |
+design_navigation_padding_bottom |
+2131296365 |
+public static final int |
+design_navigation_separator_vertical_padding |
+2131296366 |
+public static final int |
+design_snackbar_action_inline_max_width |
+2131296273 |
+public static final int |
+design_snackbar_background_corner_radius |
+2131296274 |
+public static final int |
+design_snackbar_elevation |
+2131296367 |
+public static final int |
+design_snackbar_extra_spacing_horizontal |
+2131296275 |
+public static final int |
+design_snackbar_max_width |
+2131296276 |
+public static final int |
+design_snackbar_min_width |
+2131296277 |
+public static final int |
+design_snackbar_padding_horizontal |
+2131296368 |
+public static final int |
+design_snackbar_padding_vertical |
+2131296369 |
+public static final int |
+design_snackbar_padding_vertical_2lines |
+2131296278 |
+public static final int |
+design_snackbar_text_size |
+2131296370 |
+public static final int |
+design_tab_max_width |
+2131296371 |
+public static final int |
+design_tab_scrollable_min_width |
+2131296279 |
+public static final int |
+design_tab_text_size |
+2131296372 |
+public static final int |
+design_tab_text_size_2line |
+2131296373 |
+public static final int |
+disabled_alpha_material_dark |
+2131296374 |
+public static final int |
+disabled_alpha_material_light |
+2131296375 |
+public static final int |
+fab_margin |
+2131296376 |
+public static final int |
+highlight_alpha_material_colored |
+2131296377 |
+public static final int |
+highlight_alpha_material_dark |
+2131296378 |
+public static final int |
+highlight_alpha_material_light |
+2131296379 |
+public static final int |
+hint_alpha_material_dark |
+2131296380 |
+public static final int |
+hint_alpha_material_light |
+2131296381 |
+public static final int |
+hint_pressed_alpha_material_dark |
+2131296382 |
+public static final int |
+hint_pressed_alpha_material_light |
+2131296383 |
+public static final int |
+item_touch_helper_max_drag_scroll_per_frame |
+2131296384 |
+public static final int |
+item_touch_helper_swipe_escape_max_velocity |
+2131296385 |
+public static final int |
+item_touch_helper_swipe_escape_velocity |
+2131296386 |
+public static final int |
+nav_header_height |
+2131296387 |
+public static final int |
+nav_header_vertical_spacing |
+2131296388 |
+public static final int |
+notification_action_icon_size |
+2131296389 |
+public static final int |
+notification_action_text_size |
+2131296390 |
+public static final int |
+notification_big_circle_margin |
+2131296391 |
+public static final int |
+notification_content_margin_start |
+2131296282 |
+public static final int |
+notification_large_icon_height |
+2131296392 |
+public static final int |
+notification_large_icon_width |
+2131296393 |
+public static final int |
+notification_main_column_padding_top |
+2131296283 |
+public static final int |
+notification_media_narrow_margin |
+2131296284 |
+public static final int |
+notification_right_icon_size |
+2131296394 |
+public static final int |
+notification_right_side_padding_top |
+2131296280 |
+public static final int |
+notification_small_icon_background_padding |
+2131296395 |
+public static final int |
+notification_small_icon_size_as_large |
+2131296396 |
+public static final int |
+notification_subtext_size |
+2131296397 |
+public static final int |
+notification_top_pad |
+2131296398 |
+public static final int |
+notification_top_pad_large_text |
+2131296399 |
Modifier and Type | +Constant Field | +Value | +
+public static final int |
+abc_ab_share_pack_mtrl_alpha |
+2130837504 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_item_background_material |
+2130837505 |
+public static final int |
+abc_btn_borderless_material |
+2130837506 |
+public static final int |
+abc_btn_check_material |
+2130837507 |
+public static final int |
+abc_btn_check_to_on_mtrl_000 |
+2130837508 |
+public static final int |
+abc_btn_check_to_on_mtrl_015 |
+2130837509 |
+public static final int |
+abc_btn_colored_material |
+2130837510 |
+public static final int |
+abc_btn_default_mtrl_shape |
+2130837511 |
+public static final int |
+abc_btn_radio_material |
+2130837512 |
+public static final int |
+abc_btn_radio_to_on_mtrl_000 |
+2130837513 |
+public static final int |
+abc_btn_radio_to_on_mtrl_015 |
+2130837514 |
+public static final int |
+abc_btn_switch_to_on_mtrl_00001 |
+2130837515 |
+public static final int |
+abc_btn_switch_to_on_mtrl_00012 |
+2130837516 |
+public static final int |
+abc_cab_background_internal_bg |
+2130837517 |
+public static final int |
+abc_cab_background_top_material |
+2130837518 |
+public static final int |
+abc_cab_background_top_mtrl_alpha |
+2130837519 |
+public static final int |
+abc_control_background_material |
+2130837520 |
+public static final int |
+abc_dialog_material_background |
+2130837521 |
+public static final int |
+abc_edit_text_material |
+2130837522 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_ab_back_material |
+2130837523 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_arrow_drop_right_black_24dp |
+2130837524 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_clear_material |
+2130837525 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_commit_search_api_mtrl_alpha |
+2130837526 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_go_search_api_material |
+2130837527 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_menu_copy_mtrl_am_alpha |
+2130837528 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_menu_cut_mtrl_alpha |
+2130837529 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_menu_overflow_material |
+2130837530 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_menu_paste_mtrl_am_alpha |
+2130837531 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_menu_selectall_mtrl_alpha |
+2130837532 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_menu_share_mtrl_alpha |
+2130837533 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_search_api_material |
+2130837534 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_star_black_16dp |
+2130837535 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_star_black_36dp |
+2130837536 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_star_black_48dp |
+2130837537 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_star_half_black_16dp |
+2130837538 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_star_half_black_36dp |
+2130837539 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_star_half_black_48dp |
+2130837540 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ic_voice_search_api_material |
+2130837541 |
+public static final int |
+abc_item_background_holo_dark |
+2130837542 |
+public static final int |
+abc_item_background_holo_light |
+2130837543 |
+public static final int |
+abc_list_divider_mtrl_alpha |
+2130837544 |
+public static final int |
+abc_list_focused_holo |
+2130837545 |
+public static final int |
+abc_list_longpressed_holo |
+2130837546 |
+public static final int |
+abc_list_pressed_holo_dark |
+2130837547 |
+public static final int |
+abc_list_pressed_holo_light |
+2130837548 |
+public static final int |
+abc_list_selector_background_transition_holo_dark |
+2130837549 |
+public static final int |
+abc_list_selector_background_transition_holo_light |
+2130837550 |
+public static final int |
+abc_list_selector_disabled_holo_dark |
+2130837551 |
+public static final int |
+abc_list_selector_disabled_holo_light |
+2130837552 |
+public static final int |
+abc_list_selector_holo_dark |
+2130837553 |
+public static final int |
+abc_list_selector_holo_light |
+2130837554 |
+public static final int |
+abc_menu_hardkey_panel_mtrl_mult |
+2130837555 |
+public static final int |
+abc_popup_background_mtrl_mult |
+2130837556 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ratingbar_indicator_material |
+2130837557 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ratingbar_material |
+2130837558 |
+public static final int |
+abc_ratingbar_small_material |
+2130837559 |
+public static final int |
+abc_scrubber_control_off_mtrl_alpha |
+2130837560 |
+public static final int |
+abc_scrubber_control_to_pressed_mtrl_000 |
+2130837561 |
+public static final int |
+abc_scrubber_control_to_pressed_mtrl_005 |
+2130837562 |
+public static final int |
+abc_scrubber_primary_mtrl_alpha |
+2130837563 |
+public static final int |
+abc_scrubber_track_mtrl_alpha |
+2130837564 |
+public static final int |
+abc_seekbar_thumb_material |
+2130837565 |
+public static final int |
+abc_seekbar_tick_mark_material |
+2130837566 |
+public static final int |
+abc_seekbar_track_material |
+2130837567 |
+public static final int |
+abc_spinner_mtrl_am_alpha |
+2130837568 |
+public static final int |
+abc_spinner_textfield_background_material |
+2130837569 |
+public static final int |
+abc_switch_thumb_material |
+2130837570 |
+public static final int |
+abc_switch_track_mtrl_alpha |
+2130837571 |
+public static final int |
+abc_tab_indicator_material |
+2130837572 |
+public static final int |
+abc_tab_indicator_mtrl_alpha |
+2130837573 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_cursor_material |
+2130837574 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_select_handle_left_mtrl_dark |
+2130837575 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_select_handle_left_mtrl_light |
+2130837576 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_select_handle_middle_mtrl_dark |
+2130837577 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_select_handle_middle_mtrl_light |
+2130837578 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_select_handle_right_mtrl_dark |
+2130837579 |
+public static final int |
+abc_text_select_handle_right_mtrl_light |
+2130837580 |
+public static final int |
+abc_textfield_activated_mtrl_alpha |
+2130837581 |
+public static final int |
+abc_textfield_default_mtrl_alpha |
+2130837582 |
+public static final int |
+abc_textfield_search_activated_mtrl_alpha |
+2130837583 |
+public static final int |
+abc_textfield_search_default_mtrl_alpha |
+2130837584 |
+public static final int |
+abc_textfield_search_material |
+2130837585 |
+public static final int |
+abc_vector_test |
+2130837586 |
+public static final int |
+avd_hide_password |
+2130837587 |
+public static final int |
+avd_hide_password_1 |
+2130837626 |
+public static final int |
+avd_hide_password_2 |
+2130837627 |
+public static final int |
+avd_hide_password_3 |
+2130837628 |
+public static final int |
+avd_show_password |
+2130837588 |
+public static final int |
+avd_show_password_1 |
+2130837629 |
+public static final int |
+avd_show_password_2 |
+2130837630 |
+public static final int |
+avd_show_password_3 |
+2130837631 |
+public static final int |
+book_buddy |
+2130837589 |
+public static final int |
+book_reading |
+2130837590 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_navigation_item_background |
+2130837591 |
+public static final int |
+design_fab_background |
+2130837592 |
+public static final int |
+design_ic_visibility |
+2130837593 |
+public static final int |
+design_ic_visibility_off |
+2130837594 |
+public static final int |
+design_password_eye |
+2130837595 |
+public static final int |
+design_snackbar_background |
+2130837596 |
+public static final int |
+ic_book_pile |
+2130837597 |
+public static final int |
+ic_book_placeholder |
+2130837598 |
+public static final int |
+ic_book_read |
+2130837599 |
+public static final int |
+ic_book_reading |
+2130837600 |
+public static final int |
+ic_book_shelves |
+2130837601 |
+public static final int |
+ic_book_to_read |
+2130837602 |
+public static final int |
+ic_expand_less_black_24px |
+2130837603 |
+public static final int |
+ic_expand_more_black_24px |
+2130837604 |
+public static final int |
+ic_input_black |
+2130837605 |
+public static final int |
+ic_menu_camera |
+2130837606 |
+public static final int |
+ic_menu_gallery |
+2130837607 |
+public static final int |
+ic_menu_manage |
+2130837608 |
+public static final int |
+ic_menu_send |
+2130837609 |
+public static final int |
+ic_menu_share |
+2130837610 |
+public static final int |
+ic_menu_slideshow |
+2130837611 |
+public static final int |
+navigation_empty_icon |
+2130837612 |
+public static final int |
+notification_action_background |
+2130837613 |
+public static final int |
+notification_bg |
+2130837614 |
+public static final int |
+notification_bg_low |
+2130837615 |
+public static final int |
+notification_bg_low_normal |
+2130837616 |
+public static final int |
+notification_bg_low_pressed |
+2130837617 |
+public static final int |
+notification_bg_normal |
+2130837618 |
+public static final int |
+notification_bg_normal_pressed |
+2130837619 |
+public static final int |
+notification_icon_background |
+2130837620 |
+public static final int |
+notification_template_icon_bg |
+2130837624 |
+public static final int |
+notification_template_icon_low_bg |
+2130837625 |
+public static final int |
+notification_tile_bg |
+2130837621 |
+public static final int |
+notify_panel_notification_icon_bg |
+2130837622 |
+public static final int |
+side_nav_bar |
+2130837623 |
Modifier and Type | +Constant Field | +Value | +
+public static final int |
+action_bar |
+2131624043 |
+public static final int |
+action_bar_activity_content |
+2131623936 |
+public static final int |
+action_bar_container |
+2131624042 |
+public static final int |
+action_bar_root |
+2131624038 |
+public static final int |
+action_bar_spinner |
+2131623937 |
+public static final int |
+action_bar_subtitle |
+2131624009 |
+public static final int |
+action_bar_title |
+2131624008 |
+public static final int |
+action_container |
+2131624152 |
+public static final int |
+action_context_bar |
+2131624044 |
+public static final int |
+action_divider |
+2131624159 |
+public static final int |
+action_image |
+2131624153 |
+public static final int |
+action_menu_divider |
+2131623938 |
+public static final int |
+action_menu_presenter |
+2131623939 |
+public static final int |
+action_mode_bar |
+2131624040 |
+public static final int |
+action_mode_bar_stub |
+2131624039 |
+public static final int |
+action_mode_close_button |
+2131624010 |
+public static final int |
+action_text |
+2131624154 |
+public static final int |
+action0 |
+2131624155 |
+public static final int |
+actions |
+2131624167 |
+public static final int |
+activity_chooser_view_content |
+2131624011 |
+public static final int |
+add |
+2131623974 |
+public static final int |
+alertTitle |
+2131624031 |
+public static final int |
+all |
+2131623956 |
+public static final int |
+always |
+2131624001 |
+public static final int |
+auto |
+2131623981 |
+public static final int |
+basic |
+2131623957 |
+public static final int |
+beginning |
+2131623999 |
+public static final int |
+bottom |
+2131623982 |
+public static final int |
+button_continue |
+2131624062 |
+public static final int |
+button_login |
+2131624065 |
+public static final int |
+button_showBook |
+2131624128 |
+public static final int |
+button_skip |
+2131624066 |
+public static final int |
+buttonPanel |
+2131624018 |
+public static final int |
+cancel_action |
+2131624156 |
+public static final int |
+center |
+2131623983 |
+public static final int |
+center_horizontal |
+2131623984 |
+public static final int |
+center_vertical |
+2131623985 |
+public static final int |
+chains |
+2131623958 |
+public static final int |
+checkbox |
+2131624034 |
+public static final int |
+chronometer |
+2131624164 |
+public static final int |
+clip_horizontal |
+2131623994 |
+public static final int |
+clip_vertical |
+2131623995 |
+public static final int |
+collapseActionView |
+2131624002 |
+public static final int |
+contentPanel |
+2131624021 |
+public static final int |
+custom |
+2131624028 |
+public static final int |
+customPanel |
+2131624027 |
+public static final int |
+decor_content_parent |
+2131624041 |
+public static final int |
+default_activity_button |
+2131624014 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_sheet |
+2131624106 |
+public static final int |
+design_menu_item_action_area |
+2131624113 |
+public static final int |
+design_menu_item_action_area_stub |
+2131624112 |
+public static final int |
+design_menu_item_text |
+2131624111 |
+public static final int |
+design_navigation_view |
+2131624110 |
+public static final int |
+disableHome |
+2131623963 |
+public static final int |
+drawer_layout |
+2131624058 |
+public static final int |
+edit_query |
+2131624045 |
+public static final int |
+editText_shelfFilter |
+2131624098 |
+public static final int |
+end |
+2131623986 |
+public static final int |
+end_padder |
+2131624174 |
+public static final int |
+enterAlways |
+2131623969 |
+public static final int |
+enterAlwaysCollapsed |
+2131623970 |
+public static final int |
+exitUntilCollapsed |
+2131623971 |
+public static final int |
+expand_activities_button |
+2131624012 |
+public static final int |
+expandableListExpand |
+2131624118 |
+public static final int |
+expandableListItemBookAuthor |
+2131624117 |
+public static final int |
+expandableListItemBookTitle |
+2131624116 |
+public static final int |
+expandableListItemImage |
+2131624115 |
+public static final int |
+expandableListView_shelf |
+2131624099 |
+public static final int |
+expanded_menu |
+2131624033 |
+public static final int |
+fill |
+2131623996 |
+public static final int |
+fill_horizontal |
+2131623997 |
+public static final int |
+fill_vertical |
+2131623987 |
+public static final int |
+fixed |
+2131624006 |
+public static final int |
+group_login |
+2131624183 |
+public static final int |
+group_search |
+2131624177 |
+public static final int |
+home |
+2131623940 |
+public static final int |
+homeAsUp |
+2131623964 |
+public static final int |
+icon |
+2131624016 |
+public static final int |
+icon_group |
+2131624168 |
+public static final int |
+ifRoom |
+2131624003 |
+public static final int |
+image |
+2131624013 |
+public static final int |
+imageView |
+2131624149 |
+public static final int |
+imageViewBook |
+2131624071 |
+public static final int |
+imageViewBookPile |
+2131624091 |
+public static final int |
+info |
+2131624165 |
+public static final int |
+item_touch_helper_previous_elevation |
+2131623941 |
+public static final int |
+largeLabel |
+2131624104 |
+public static final int |
+layout_contentShelves |
+2131624095 |
+public static final int |
+layout_loginButtons |
+2131624064 |
+public static final int |
+layoutContentSearch |
+2131624068 |
+public static final int |
+left |
+2131623988 |
+public static final int |
+line1 |
+2131624170 |
+public static final int |
+line3 |
+2131624172 |
+public static final int |
+linearLayout_searchView |
+2131624090 |
+public static final int |
+linearLayout_shelf |
+2131624097 |
+public static final int |
+linearLayout_shelves |
+2131624101 |
+public static final int |
+list_item |
+2131624015 |
+public static final int |
+listItemBookAuthor |
+2131624141 |
+public static final int |
+listItemBookPublished |
+2131624142 |
+public static final int |
+listItemBookTitle |
+2131624140 |
+public static final int |
+listItemImage |
+2131624139 |
+public static final int |
+listItemShelfBookAmount |
+2131624134 |
+public static final int |
+listItemShelfName |
+2131624133 |
+public static final int |
+listMode |
+2131623960 |
+public static final int |
+ListViewFooter |
+2131624143 |
+public static final int |
+ListViewFooterShelves |
+2131624135 |
+public static final int |
+listViewSearchBooks |
+2131624094 |
+public static final int |
+ListViewSearchBooksHeader |
+2131624145 |
+public static final int |
+ListViewShelfFooter |
+2131624129 |
+public static final int |
+ListViewShelfHeader |
+2131624131 |
+public static final int |
+listViewShelves |
+2131624102 |
+public static final int |
+ListViewShelvesHeader |
+2131624137 |
+public static final int |
+masked |
+2131624176 |
+public static final int |
+media_actions |
+2131624158 |
+public static final int |
+middle |
+2131624000 |
+public static final int |
+mini |
+2131623998 |
+public static final int |
+multiply |
+2131623975 |
+public static final int |
+nav_bookshelves |
+2131624182 |
+public static final int |
+nav_header_main |
+2131624148 |
+public static final int |
+nav_login |
+2131624184 |
+public static final int |
+nav_logout |
+2131624185 |
+public static final int |
+nav_read |
+2131624181 |
+public static final int |
+nav_reading |
+2131624180 |
+public static final int |
+nav_search_books |
+2131624178 |
+public static final int |
+nav_to_read |
+2131624179 |
+public static final int |
+nav_view |
+2131624151 |
+public static final int |
+navigation_header_container |
+2131624109 |
+public static final int |
+never |
+2131624004 |
+public static final int |
+none |
+2131623959 |
+public static final int |
+normal |
+2131623961 |
+public static final int |
+notification_background |
+2131624166 |
+public static final int |
+notification_main_column |
+2131624161 |
+public static final int |
+notification_main_column_container |
+2131624160 |
+public static final int |
+packed |
+2131623954 |
+public static final int |
+parallax |
+2131623992 |
+public static final int |
+parent |
+2131623951 |
+public static final int |
+parentPanel |
+2131624020 |
+public static final int |
+pin |
+2131623993 |
+public static final int |
+progress_circular |
+2131623942 |
+public static final int |
+progress_horizontal |
+2131623943 |
+public static final int |
+progressBar_shelf |
+2131624096 |
+public static final int |
+progressBar_spinnerLoad |
+2131624078 |
+public static final int |
+progressBarLogin |
+2131624060 |
+public static final int |
+progressBarSearchBooks |
+2131624092 |
+public static final int |
+progressBarSelectedBook |
+2131624069 |
+public static final int |
+progressBarShelves |
+2131624100 |
+public static final int |
+radio |
+2131624036 |
+public static final int |
+ratingBar_reviewRating |
+2131624125 |
+public static final int |
+ratingBarGoodreadsRating |
+2131624075 |
+public static final int |
+right |
+2131623989 |
+public static final int |
+right_icon |
+2131624169 |
+public static final int |
+right_side |
+2131624162 |
+public static final int |
+screen |
+2131623976 |
+public static final int |
+scroll |
+2131623972 |
+public static final int |
+scrollable |
+2131624007 |
+public static final int |
+scrollIndicatorDown |
+2131624026 |
+public static final int |
+scrollIndicatorUp |
+2131624022 |
+public static final int |
+scrollView |
+2131624023 |
+public static final int |
+search |
+2131624186 |
+public static final int |
+search_badge |
+2131624047 |
+public static final int |
+search_bar |
+2131624046 |
+public static final int |
+search_button |
+2131624048 |
+public static final int |
+search_close_btn |
+2131624053 |
+public static final int |
+search_edit_frame |
+2131624049 |
+public static final int |
+search_go_btn |
+2131624055 |
+public static final int |
+search_mag_icon |
+2131624050 |
+public static final int |
+search_plate |
+2131624051 |
+public static final int |
+search_src_text |
+2131624052 |
+public static final int |
+search_voice_btn |
+2131624056 |
+public static final int |
+select_dialog_listview |
+2131624057 |
+public static final int |
+selectedBookData |
+2131624070 |
+public static final int |
+shortcut |
+2131624035 |
+public static final int |
+showCustom |
+2131623965 |
+public static final int |
+showHome |
+2131623966 |
+public static final int |
+showTitle |
+2131623967 |
+public static final int |
+smallLabel |
+2131624103 |
+public static final int |
+snackbar_action |
+2131624108 |
+public static final int |
+snackbar_text |
+2131624107 |
+public static final int |
+snap |
+2131623973 |
+public static final int |
+spacer |
+2131624019 |
+public static final int |
+spinner_shelves |
+2131624077 |
+public static final int |
+split_action_bar |
+2131623944 |
+public static final int |
+spread |
+2131623952 |
+public static final int |
+spread_inside |
+2131623955 |
+public static final int |
+src_atop |
+2131623977 |
+public static final int |
+src_in |
+2131623978 |
+public static final int |
+src_over |
+2131623979 |
+public static final int |
+start |
+2131623990 |
+public static final int |
+status_bar_latest_event_content |
+2131624157 |
+public static final int |
+submenuarrow |
+2131624037 |
+public static final int |
+submit_area |
+2131624054 |
+public static final int |
+tabMode |
+2131623962 |
+public static final int |
+text |
+2131624173 |
+public static final int |
+text_input_password_toggle |
+2131624114 |
+public static final int |
+text2 |
+2131624171 |
+public static final int |
+textinput_counter |
+2131623945 |
+public static final int |
+textinput_error |
+2131623946 |
+public static final int |
+textSpacerNoButtons |
+2131624025 |
+public static final int |
+textSpacerNoTitle |
+2131624024 |
+public static final int |
+textView_drawerName |
+2131624150 |
+public static final int |
+textView_expandableAdded |
+2131624120 |
+public static final int |
+textView_expandableBody |
+2131624127 |
+public static final int |
+textView_expandableRead |
+2131624123 |
+public static final int |
+textView_expandableShelves |
+2131624119 |
+public static final int |
+textView_expandableStarted |
+2131624122 |
+public static final int |
+textView_expandableUpdated |
+2131624121 |
+public static final int |
+textView_loginCancel |
+2131624063 |
+public static final int |
+textView_loginError |
+2131624067 |
+public static final int |
+textView_loginInstructions |
+2131624059 |
+public static final int |
+textView_loginSuccess |
+2131624061 |
+public static final int |
+textView_reviewRating |
+2131624124 |
+public static final int |
+textView_reviewTitle |
+2131624126 |
+public static final int |
+textView_shelfBookAmount |
+2131624132 |
+public static final int |
+textViewBookAuthors |
+2131624073 |
+public static final int |
+textViewBookDescription |
+2131624080 |
+public static final int |
+textViewBookDescriptionTitle |
+2131624079 |
+public static final int |
+textViewBookEditionDetails |
+2131624081 |
+public static final int |
+textViewBookFormat |
+2131624084 |
+public static final int |
+textViewBookIsbnTen |
+2131624086 |
+public static final int |
+textViewBookIsbnThirteen |
+2131624087 |
+public static final int |
+textViewBookOrigPublication |
+2131624074 |
+public static final int |
+textViewBookPages |
+2131624085 |
+public static final int |
+textViewBookPublication |
+2131624082 |
+public static final int |
+textViewBookPublisher |
+2131624083 |
+public static final int |
+textViewBookRatingAmount |
+2131624076 |
+public static final int |
+textViewBookTitle |
+2131624072 |
+public static final int |
+textViewGoodreadsBookLink |
+2131624088 |
+public static final int |
+textViewGoodreadsData |
+2131624144 |
+public static final int |
+textViewGoodreadsDataShelf |
+2131624130 |
+public static final int |
+textViewGoodreadsDataShelves |
+2131624136 |
+public static final int |
+textViewSearchMessage |
+2131624146 |
+public static final int |
+textViewShelvesAmount |
+2131624138 |
+public static final int |
+time |
+2131624163 |
+public static final int |
+title |
+2131624017 |
+public static final int |
+title_template |
+2131624030 |
+public static final int |
+titleDividerNoCustom |
+2131624032 |
+public static final int |
+toolbar |
+2131624147 |
+public static final int |
+top |
+2131623991 |
+public static final int |
+topPanel |
+2131624029 |
+public static final int |
+touch_outside |
+2131624105 |
+public static final int |
+transition_current_scene |
+2131623947 |
+public static final int |
+transition_scene_layoutid_cache |
+2131623948 |
+public static final int |
+up |
+2131623949 |
+public static final int |
+useLogo |
+2131623968 |
+public static final int |
+view_offset_helper |
+2131623950 |
+public static final int |
+viewSearchInstructions |
+2131624089 |
+public static final int |
+viewSearchResults |
+2131624093 |
+public static final int |
+visible |
+2131624175 |
+public static final int |
+withText |
+2131624005 |
+public static final int |
+wrap |
+2131623953 |
+public static final int |
+wrap_content |
+2131623980 |
Modifier and Type | +Constant Field | +Value | +
+public static final int |
+abc_config_activityDefaultDur |
+2131492865 |
+public static final int |
+abc_config_activityShortDur |
+2131492866 |
+public static final int |
+app_bar_elevation_anim_duration |
+2131492867 |
+public static final int |
+bottom_sheet_slide_duration |
+2131492868 |
+public static final int |
+cancel_button_image_alpha |
+2131492869 |
+public static final int |
+design_snackbar_text_max_lines |
+2131492864 |
+public static final int |
+hide_password_duration |
+2131492870 |
+public static final int |
+show_password_duration |
+2131492871 |
+public static final int |
+status_bar_notification_info_maxnum |
+2131492872 |
Modifier and Type | +Constant Field | +Value | +
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_title_item |
+2130968576 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_up_container |
+2130968577 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_view_list_nav_layout |
+2130968578 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_menu_item_layout |
+2130968579 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_menu_layout |
+2130968580 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_mode_bar |
+2130968581 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_mode_close_item_material |
+2130968582 |
+public static final int |
+abc_activity_chooser_view |
+2130968583 |
+public static final int |
+abc_activity_chooser_view_list_item |
+2130968584 |
+public static final int |
+abc_alert_dialog_button_bar_material |
+2130968585 |
+public static final int |
+abc_alert_dialog_material |
+2130968586 |
+public static final int |
+abc_alert_dialog_title_material |
+2130968587 |
+public static final int |
+abc_dialog_title_material |
+2130968588 |
+public static final int |
+abc_expanded_menu_layout |
+2130968589 |
+public static final int |
+abc_list_menu_item_checkbox |
+2130968590 |
+public static final int |
+abc_list_menu_item_icon |
+2130968591 |
+public static final int |
+abc_list_menu_item_layout |
+2130968592 |
+public static final int |
+abc_list_menu_item_radio |
+2130968593 |
+public static final int |
+abc_popup_menu_header_item_layout |
+2130968594 |
+public static final int |
+abc_popup_menu_item_layout |
+2130968595 |
+public static final int |
+abc_screen_content_include |
+2130968596 |
+public static final int |
+abc_screen_simple |
+2130968597 |
+public static final int |
+abc_screen_simple_overlay_action_mode |
+2130968598 |
+public static final int |
+abc_screen_toolbar |
+2130968599 |
+public static final int |
+abc_search_dropdown_item_icons_2line |
+2130968600 |
+public static final int |
+abc_search_view |
+2130968601 |
+public static final int |
+abc_select_dialog_material |
+2130968602 |
+public static final int |
+activity_book |
+2130968603 |
+public static final int |
+activity_main |
+2130968604 |
+public static final int |
+activity_search |
+2130968605 |
+public static final int |
+activity_shelf |
+2130968606 |
+public static final int |
+activity_shelves |
+2130968607 |
+public static final int |
+content_book |
+2130968608 |
+public static final int |
+content_search |
+2130968609 |
+public static final int |
+content_shelf |
+2130968610 |
+public static final int |
+content_shelves |
+2130968611 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_navigation_item |
+2130968612 |
+public static final int |
+design_bottom_sheet_dialog |
+2130968613 |
+public static final int |
+design_layout_snackbar |
+2130968614 |
+public static final int |
+design_layout_snackbar_include |
+2130968615 |
+public static final int |
+design_layout_tab_icon |
+2130968616 |
+public static final int |
+design_layout_tab_text |
+2130968617 |
+public static final int |
+design_menu_item_action_area |
+2130968618 |
+public static final int |
+design_navigation_item |
+2130968619 |
+public static final int |
+design_navigation_item_header |
+2130968620 |
+public static final int |
+design_navigation_item_separator |
+2130968621 |
+public static final int |
+design_navigation_item_subheader |
+2130968622 |
+public static final int |
+design_navigation_menu |
+2130968623 |
+public static final int |
+design_navigation_menu_item |
+2130968624 |
+public static final int |
+design_text_input_password_icon |
+2130968625 |
+public static final int |
+expandable_list_item_book |
+2130968626 |
+public static final int |
+expandable_list_item_book_child |
+2130968627 |
+public static final int |
+expandable_list_item_book_footer |
+2130968628 |
+public static final int |
+expandable_list_item_book_header |
+2130968629 |
+public static final int |
+list_item_shelf |
+2130968630 |
+public static final int |
+list_item_shelf_footer |
+2130968631 |
+public static final int |
+list_item_shelf_header |
+2130968632 |
+public static final int |
+list_item_work |
+2130968633 |
+public static final int |
+list_item_work_footer |
+2130968634 |
+public static final int |
+list_item_work_header |
+2130968635 |
+public static final int |
+nav_app_bar |
+2130968636 |
+public static final int |
+nav_header_main |
+2130968637 |
+public static final int |
+nav_view |
+2130968638 |
+public static final int |
+notification_action |
+2130968639 |
+public static final int |
+notification_action_tombstone |
+2130968640 |
+public static final int |
+notification_media_action |
+2130968641 |
+public static final int |
+notification_media_cancel_action |
+2130968642 |
+public static final int |
+notification_template_big_media |
+2130968643 |
+public static final int |
+notification_template_big_media_custom |
+2130968644 |
+public static final int |
+notification_template_big_media_narrow |
+2130968645 |
+public static final int |
+notification_template_big_media_narrow_custom |
+2130968646 |
+public static final int |
+notification_template_custom_big |
+2130968647 |
+public static final int |
+notification_template_icon_group |
+2130968648 |
+public static final int |
+notification_template_lines_media |
+2130968649 |
+public static final int |
+notification_template_media |
+2130968650 |
+public static final int |
+notification_template_media_custom |
+2130968651 |
+public static final int |
+notification_template_part_chronometer |
+2130968652 |
+public static final int |
+notification_template_part_time |
+2130968653 |
+public static final int |
+select_dialog_item_material |
+2130968654 |
+public static final int |
+select_dialog_multichoice_material |
+2130968655 |
+public static final int |
+select_dialog_singlechoice_material |
+2130968656 |
+public static final int |
+spinner_item |
+2130968657 |
+public static final int |
+support_simple_spinner_dropdown_item |
+2130968658 |
Modifier and Type | +Constant Field | +Value | +
+public static final int |
+activity_main_drawer |
+2131689472 |
+public static final int |
+main |
+2131689473 |
+public static final int |
+search |
+2131689474 |
Modifier and Type | +Constant Field | +Value | +
+public static final int |
+ic_launcher |
+2130903040 |
+public static final int |
+ic_launcher_round |
+2130903041 |
Modifier and Type | +Constant Field | +Value | +
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_home_description |
+2131230720 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_home_description_format |
+2131230721 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_home_subtitle_description_format |
+2131230722 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_bar_up_description |
+2131230723 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_menu_overflow_description |
+2131230724 |
+public static final int |
+abc_action_mode_done |
+2131230725 |
+public static final int |
+abc_activity_chooser_view_see_all |
+2131230726 |
+public static final int |
+abc_activitychooserview_choose_application |
+2131230727 |
+public static final int |
+abc_capital_off |
+2131230728 |
+public static final int |
+abc_capital_on |
+2131230729 |
+public static final int |
+abc_font_family_body_1_material |
+2131230741 |
+public static final int |
+abc_font_family_body_2_material |
+2131230742 |
+public static final int |
+abc_font_family_button_material |
+2131230743 |
+public static final int |
+abc_font_family_caption_material |
+2131230744 |
+public static final int |
+abc_font_family_display_1_material |
+2131230745 |
+public static final int |
+abc_font_family_display_2_material |
+2131230746 |
+public static final int |
+abc_font_family_display_3_material |
+2131230747 |
+public static final int |
+abc_font_family_display_4_material |
+2131230748 |
+public static final int |
+abc_font_family_headline_material |
+2131230749 |
+public static final int |
+abc_font_family_menu_material |
+2131230750 |
+public static final int |
+abc_font_family_subhead_material |
+2131230751 |
+public static final int |
+abc_font_family_title_material |
+2131230752 |
+public static final int |
+abc_search_hint |
+2131230730 |
+public static final int |
+abc_searchview_description_clear |
+2131230731 |
+public static final int |
+abc_searchview_description_query |
+2131230732 |
+public static final int |
+abc_searchview_description_search |
+2131230733 |
+public static final int |
+abc_searchview_description_submit |
+2131230734 |
+public static final int |
+abc_searchview_description_voice |
+2131230735 |
+public static final int |
+abc_shareactionprovider_share_with |
+2131230736 |
+public static final int |
+abc_shareactionprovider_share_with_application |
+2131230737 |
+public static final int |
+abc_toolbar_collapse_description |
+2131230738 |
+public static final int |
+account_continue |
+2131230753 |
+public static final int |
+account_login |
+2131230754 |
+public static final int |
+account_result_cancel |
+2131230755 |
+public static final int |
+account_result_success |
+2131230756 |
+public static final int |
+account_skip |
+2131230757 |
+public static final int |
+add_account_instructions |
+2131230758 |
+public static final int |
+app_name |
+2131230759 |
+public static final int |
+appbar_scrolling_view_behavior |
+2131230760 |
+public static final int |
+book_description_title |
+2131230761 |
+public static final int |
+book_edition_details_title |
+2131230762 |
+public static final int |
+bottom_sheet_behavior |
+2131230763 |
+public static final int |
+button_show_book |
+2131230764 |
+public static final int |
+character_counter_pattern |
+2131230765 |
+public static final int |
+content_description_book |
+2131230766 |
+public static final int |
+content_description_books |
+2131230767 |
+public static final int |
+filter_hint |
+2131230768 |
+public static final int |
+http_books_search_error |
+2131230769 |
+public static final int |
+nav_all_shelves |
+2131230770 |
+public static final int |
+nav_bookshelves |
+2131230771 |
+public static final int |
+nav_currently_reading |
+2131230772 |
+public static final int |
+nav_login |
+2131230773 |
+public static final int |
+nav_logout |
+2131230774 |
+public static final int |
+nav_read |
+2131230775 |
+public static final int |
+nav_search_books |
+2131230776 |
+public static final int |
+nav_to_read |
+2131230777 |
+public static final int |
+navigation_drawer_close |
+2131230778 |
+public static final int |
+navigation_drawer_open |
+2131230779 |
+public static final int |
+password_toggle_content_description |
+2131230780 |
+public static final int |
+path_password_eye |
+2131230781 |
+public static final int |
+path_password_eye_mask_strike_through |
+2131230782 |
+public static final int |
+path_password_eye_mask_visible |
+2131230783 |
+public static final int |
+path_password_strike_through |
+2131230784 |
+public static final int |
+rating_title |
+2131230785 |
+public static final int |
+results_loading_error |
+2131230786 |
+public static final int |
+review_title |
+2131230787 |
+public static final int |
+search_hint |
+2131230788 |
+public static final int |
+search_menu_title |
+2131230739 |
+public static final int |
+search_message |
+2131230789 |
+public static final int |
+snackbar_added |
+2131230790 |
+public static final int |
+snackbar_error |
+2131230791 |
+public static final int |
+snackbar_load_error |
+2131230792 |
+public static final int |
+snackbar_login_error |
+2131230793 |
+public static final int |
+snackbar_removed |
+2131230794 |
+public static final int |
+status_bar_notification_info_overflow |
+2131230740 |
Modifier and Type | +Constant Field | +Value | +
+public static final int |
+AlertDialog_AppCompat |
+2131361953 |
+public static final int |
+AlertDialog_AppCompat_Light |
+2131361954 |
+public static final int |
+Animation_AppCompat_Dialog |
+2131361955 |
+public static final int |
+Animation_AppCompat_DropDownUp |
+2131361956 |
+public static final int |
+Animation_Design_BottomSheetDialog |
+2131361957 |
+public static final int |
+AppTheme |
+2131361958 |
+public static final int |
+AppTheme_AppBarOverlay |
+2131361959 |
+public static final int |
+AppTheme_NoActionBar |
+2131361960 |
+public static final int |
+AppTheme_PopupOverlay |
+2131361961 |
+public static final int |
+Base_AlertDialog_AppCompat |
+2131361962 |
+public static final int |
+Base_AlertDialog_AppCompat_Light |
+2131361963 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Animation_AppCompat_Dialog |
+2131361964 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Animation_AppCompat_DropDownUp |
+2131361965 |
+public static final int |
+Base_DialogWindowTitle_AppCompat |
+2131361966 |
+public static final int |
+Base_DialogWindowTitleBackground_AppCompat |
+2131361967 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat |
+2131361856 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Body1 |
+2131361857 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Body2 |
+2131361858 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Button |
+2131361832 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Caption |
+2131361859 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display1 |
+2131361860 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display2 |
+2131361861 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display3 |
+2131361862 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display4 |
+2131361863 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Headline |
+2131361864 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Inverse |
+2131361804 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Large |
+2131361865 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Large_Inverse |
+2131361805 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Light_Widget_PopupMenu_Large |
+2131361866 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Light_Widget_PopupMenu_Small |
+2131361867 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Medium |
+2131361868 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Medium_Inverse |
+2131361806 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Menu |
+2131361869 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_SearchResult |
+2131361968 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_SearchResult_Subtitle |
+2131361870 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_SearchResult_Title |
+2131361871 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Small |
+2131361872 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Small_Inverse |
+2131361807 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Subhead |
+2131361873 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Subhead_Inverse |
+2131361808 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Title |
+2131361874 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Title_Inverse |
+2131361809 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Menu |
+2131361942 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle |
+2131361875 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle_Inverse |
+2131361876 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Title |
+2131361877 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Title_Inverse |
+2131361878 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle |
+2131361879 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionMode_Title |
+2131361880 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button |
+2131361881 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button_Borderless_Colored |
+2131361949 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button_Colored |
+2131361950 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button_Inverse |
+2131361943 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_DropDownItem |
+2131361969 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_PopupMenu_Header |
+2131361882 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_PopupMenu_Large |
+2131361883 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_PopupMenu_Small |
+2131361884 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Switch |
+2131361885 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_TextView_SpinnerItem |
+2131361886 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_Widget_AppCompat_ExpandedMenu_Item |
+2131361970 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar_Subtitle |
+2131361887 |
+public static final int |
+Base_TextAppearance_Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar_Title |
+2131361888 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Theme_AppCompat |
+2131361889 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Theme_AppCompat_CompactMenu |
+2131361971 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Theme_AppCompat_Dialog |
+2131361810 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Theme_AppCompat_Dialog_Alert |
+2131361811 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Theme_AppCompat_Dialog_FixedSize |
+2131361972 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Theme_AppCompat_Dialog_MinWidth |
+2131361812 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Theme_AppCompat_DialogWhenLarge |
+2131361794 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Theme_AppCompat_Light |
+2131361890 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Theme_AppCompat_Light_DarkActionBar |
+2131361973 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog |
+2131361813 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog_Alert |
+2131361814 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog_FixedSize |
+2131361974 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog_MinWidth |
+2131361815 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Theme_AppCompat_Light_DialogWhenLarge |
+2131361795 |
+public static final int |
+Base_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat |
+2131361975 |
+public static final int |
+Base_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_ActionBar |
+2131361976 |
+public static final int |
+Base_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dark |
+2131361977 |
+public static final int |
+Base_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dark_ActionBar |
+2131361978 |
+public static final int |
+Base_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dialog |
+2131361816 |
+public static final int |
+Base_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dialog_Alert |
+2131361817 |
+public static final int |
+Base_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Light |
+2131361979 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V11_Theme_AppCompat_Dialog |
+2131361818 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V11_Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog |
+2131361819 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V11_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dialog |
+2131361820 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V12_Widget_AppCompat_AutoCompleteTextView |
+2131361828 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V12_Widget_AppCompat_EditText |
+2131361829 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V21_Theme_AppCompat |
+2131361891 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V21_Theme_AppCompat_Dialog |
+2131361892 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V21_Theme_AppCompat_Light |
+2131361893 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V21_Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog |
+2131361894 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V21_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dialog |
+2131361895 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V22_Theme_AppCompat |
+2131361940 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V22_Theme_AppCompat_Light |
+2131361941 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V23_Theme_AppCompat |
+2131361944 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V23_Theme_AppCompat_Light |
+2131361945 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V7_Theme_AppCompat |
+2131361980 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V7_Theme_AppCompat_Dialog |
+2131361981 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V7_Theme_AppCompat_Light |
+2131361982 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V7_Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog |
+2131361983 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V7_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dialog |
+2131361984 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V7_Widget_AppCompat_AutoCompleteTextView |
+2131361985 |
+public static final int |
+Base_V7_Widget_AppCompat_EditText |
+2131361986 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar |
+2131361987 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_Solid |
+2131361988 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TabBar |
+2131361989 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TabText |
+2131361896 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TabView |
+2131361897 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton |
+2131361898 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton_CloseMode |
+2131361899 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton_Overflow |
+2131361900 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionMode |
+2131361990 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActivityChooserView |
+2131361991 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_AutoCompleteTextView |
+2131361830 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Button |
+2131361901 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Button_Borderless |
+2131361902 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Button_Borderless_Colored |
+2131361903 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Button_ButtonBar_AlertDialog |
+2131361992 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Button_Colored |
+2131361946 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Button_Small |
+2131361904 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ButtonBar |
+2131361905 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ButtonBar_AlertDialog |
+2131361993 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_CompoundButton_CheckBox |
+2131361906 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_CompoundButton_RadioButton |
+2131361907 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_CompoundButton_Switch |
+2131361994 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_DrawerArrowToggle |
+2131361792 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_DrawerArrowToggle_Common |
+2131361995 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_DropDownItem_Spinner |
+2131361908 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_EditText |
+2131361831 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ImageButton |
+2131361909 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar |
+2131361996 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_Solid |
+2131361997 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabBar |
+2131361998 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabText |
+2131361910 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabText_Inverse |
+2131361911 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabView |
+2131361912 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Light_PopupMenu |
+2131361913 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Light_PopupMenu_Overflow |
+2131361914 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ListMenuView |
+2131361999 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ListPopupWindow |
+2131361915 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ListView |
+2131361916 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ListView_DropDown |
+2131361917 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ListView_Menu |
+2131361918 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_PopupMenu |
+2131361919 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_PopupMenu_Overflow |
+2131361920 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_PopupWindow |
+2131362000 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ProgressBar |
+2131361821 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_ProgressBar_Horizontal |
+2131361822 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_RatingBar |
+2131361921 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_RatingBar_Indicator |
+2131361947 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_RatingBar_Small |
+2131361948 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_SearchView |
+2131362001 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_SearchView_ActionBar |
+2131362002 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_SeekBar |
+2131361922 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_SeekBar_Discrete |
+2131362003 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Spinner |
+2131361923 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Spinner_Underlined |
+2131361796 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_TextView_SpinnerItem |
+2131361924 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar |
+2131362004 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar_Button_Navigation |
+2131361925 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_Design_AppBarLayout |
+2131362005 |
+public static final int |
+Base_Widget_Design_TabLayout |
+2131362006 |
+public static final int |
+Platform_AppCompat |
+2131361823 |
+public static final int |
+Platform_AppCompat_Light |
+2131361824 |
+public static final int |
+Platform_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat |
+2131361926 |
+public static final int |
+Platform_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dark |
+2131361927 |
+public static final int |
+Platform_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Light |
+2131361928 |
+public static final int |
+Platform_V11_AppCompat |
+2131361825 |
+public static final int |
+Platform_V11_AppCompat_Light |
+2131361826 |
+public static final int |
+Platform_V14_AppCompat |
+2131361833 |
+public static final int |
+Platform_V14_AppCompat_Light |
+2131361834 |
+public static final int |
+Platform_V21_AppCompat |
+2131361929 |
+public static final int |
+Platform_V21_AppCompat_Light |
+2131361930 |
+public static final int |
+Platform_V25_AppCompat |
+2131361951 |
+public static final int |
+Platform_V25_AppCompat_Light |
+2131361952 |
+public static final int |
+Platform_Widget_AppCompat_Spinner |
+2131361827 |
+public static final int |
+RtlOverlay_DialogWindowTitle_AppCompat |
+2131361842 |
+public static final int |
+RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TitleItem |
+2131361843 |
+public static final int |
+RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_DialogTitle_Icon |
+2131361844 |
+public static final int |
+RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_PopupMenuItem |
+2131361845 |
+public static final int |
+RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_PopupMenuItem_InternalGroup |
+2131361846 |
+public static final int |
+RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_PopupMenuItem_Text |
+2131361847 |
+public static final int |
+RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_Search_DropDown |
+2131361848 |
+public static final int |
+RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_Search_DropDown_Icon1 |
+2131361849 |
+public static final int |
+RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_Search_DropDown_Icon2 |
+2131361850 |
+public static final int |
+RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_Search_DropDown_Query |
+2131361851 |
+public static final int |
+RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_Search_DropDown_Text |
+2131361852 |
+public static final int |
+RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_SearchView_MagIcon |
+2131361853 |
+public static final int |
+RtlUnderlay_Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton |
+2131361854 |
+public static final int |
+RtlUnderlay_Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton_Overflow |
+2131361855 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat |
+2131362007 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Body1 |
+2131362008 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Body2 |
+2131362009 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Button |
+2131362010 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Caption |
+2131362011 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display1 |
+2131362012 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display2 |
+2131362013 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display3 |
+2131362014 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display4 |
+2131362015 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Headline |
+2131362016 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Inverse |
+2131362017 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Large |
+2131362018 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Large_Inverse |
+2131362019 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Light_SearchResult_Subtitle |
+2131362020 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Light_SearchResult_Title |
+2131362021 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Light_Widget_PopupMenu_Large |
+2131362022 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Light_Widget_PopupMenu_Small |
+2131362023 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Medium |
+2131362024 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Medium_Inverse |
+2131362025 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Menu |
+2131362026 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification |
+2131361835 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Info |
+2131361931 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Info_Media |
+2131361932 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Line2 |
+2131362027 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Line2_Media |
+2131362028 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Media |
+2131361933 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Time |
+2131361934 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Time_Media |
+2131361935 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Title |
+2131361836 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Title_Media |
+2131361936 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_SearchResult_Subtitle |
+2131362029 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_SearchResult_Title |
+2131362030 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Small |
+2131362031 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Small_Inverse |
+2131362032 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Subhead |
+2131362033 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Subhead_Inverse |
+2131362034 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Title |
+2131362035 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Title_Inverse |
+2131362036 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Menu |
+2131362037 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle |
+2131362038 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle_Inverse |
+2131362039 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Title |
+2131362040 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Title_Inverse |
+2131362041 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle |
+2131362042 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle_Inverse |
+2131362043 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionMode_Title |
+2131362044 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionMode_Title_Inverse |
+2131362045 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button |
+2131362046 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button_Borderless_Colored |
+2131362047 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button_Colored |
+2131362048 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button_Inverse |
+2131362049 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_DropDownItem |
+2131362050 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_PopupMenu_Header |
+2131362051 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_PopupMenu_Large |
+2131362052 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_PopupMenu_Small |
+2131362053 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Switch |
+2131362054 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_TextView_SpinnerItem |
+2131362055 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_Design_CollapsingToolbar_Expanded |
+2131362056 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_Design_Counter |
+2131362057 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_Design_Counter_Overflow |
+2131362058 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_Design_Error |
+2131362059 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_Design_Hint |
+2131362060 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_Design_Snackbar_Message |
+2131362061 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_Design_Tab |
+2131362062 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent |
+2131361837 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent_Info |
+2131361838 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent_Line2 |
+2131361839 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent_Time |
+2131361840 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent_Title |
+2131361841 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_Widget_AppCompat_ExpandedMenu_Item |
+2131362063 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar_Subtitle |
+2131362064 |
+public static final int |
+TextAppearance_Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar_Title |
+2131362065 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat |
+2131362066 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_CompactMenu |
+2131362067 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_DayNight |
+2131361797 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_DarkActionBar |
+2131361798 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_Dialog |
+2131361799 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_Dialog_Alert |
+2131361800 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_Dialog_MinWidth |
+2131361801 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_DialogWhenLarge |
+2131361802 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_NoActionBar |
+2131361803 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_Dialog |
+2131362068 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_Dialog_Alert |
+2131362069 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_Dialog_MinWidth |
+2131362070 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_DialogWhenLarge |
+2131362071 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_Light |
+2131362072 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_Light_DarkActionBar |
+2131362073 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog |
+2131362074 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog_Alert |
+2131362075 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog_MinWidth |
+2131362076 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_Light_DialogWhenLarge |
+2131362077 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_Light_NoActionBar |
+2131362078 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_AppCompat_NoActionBar |
+2131362079 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_Design |
+2131362080 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_Design_BottomSheetDialog |
+2131362081 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_Design_Light |
+2131362082 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_Design_Light_BottomSheetDialog |
+2131362083 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_Design_Light_NoActionBar |
+2131362084 |
+public static final int |
+Theme_Design_NoActionBar |
+2131362085 |
+public static final int |
+ThemeOverlay_AppCompat |
+2131362086 |
+public static final int |
+ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_ActionBar |
+2131362087 |
+public static final int |
+ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dark |
+2131362088 |
+public static final int |
+ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dark_ActionBar |
+2131362089 |
+public static final int |
+ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dialog |
+2131362090 |
+public static final int |
+ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dialog_Alert |
+2131362091 |
+public static final int |
+ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Light |
+2131362092 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar |
+2131362093 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_Solid |
+2131362094 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TabBar |
+2131362095 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TabText |
+2131362096 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TabView |
+2131362097 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton |
+2131362098 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton_CloseMode |
+2131362099 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton_Overflow |
+2131362100 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ActionMode |
+2131362101 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ActivityChooserView |
+2131362102 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_AutoCompleteTextView |
+2131362103 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Button |
+2131362104 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Button_Borderless |
+2131362105 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Button_Borderless_Colored |
+2131362106 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Button_ButtonBar_AlertDialog |
+2131362107 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Button_Colored |
+2131362108 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Button_Small |
+2131362109 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ButtonBar |
+2131362110 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ButtonBar_AlertDialog |
+2131362111 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_CompoundButton_CheckBox |
+2131362112 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_CompoundButton_RadioButton |
+2131362113 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_CompoundButton_Switch |
+2131362114 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_DrawerArrowToggle |
+2131362115 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_DropDownItem_Spinner |
+2131362116 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_EditText |
+2131362117 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ImageButton |
+2131362118 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar |
+2131362119 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_Solid |
+2131362120 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_Solid_Inverse |
+2131362121 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabBar |
+2131362122 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabBar_Inverse |
+2131362123 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabText |
+2131362124 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabText_Inverse |
+2131362125 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabView |
+2131362126 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabView_Inverse |
+2131362127 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionButton |
+2131362128 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionButton_CloseMode |
+2131362129 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionButton_Overflow |
+2131362130 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionMode_Inverse |
+2131362131 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActivityChooserView |
+2131362132 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_AutoCompleteTextView |
+2131362133 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_DropDownItem_Spinner |
+2131362134 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_ListPopupWindow |
+2131362135 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_ListView_DropDown |
+2131362136 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_PopupMenu |
+2131362137 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_PopupMenu_Overflow |
+2131362138 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_SearchView |
+2131362139 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Light_Spinner_DropDown_ActionBar |
+2131362140 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ListMenuView |
+2131362141 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ListPopupWindow |
+2131362142 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ListView |
+2131362143 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ListView_DropDown |
+2131362144 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ListView_Menu |
+2131362145 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_NotificationActionContainer |
+2131361937 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_NotificationActionText |
+2131361938 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_PopupMenu |
+2131362146 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_PopupMenu_Overflow |
+2131362147 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_PopupWindow |
+2131362148 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ProgressBar |
+2131362149 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_ProgressBar_Horizontal |
+2131362150 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_RatingBar |
+2131362151 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_RatingBar_Indicator |
+2131362152 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_RatingBar_Small |
+2131362153 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_SearchView |
+2131362154 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_SearchView_ActionBar |
+2131362155 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_SeekBar |
+2131362156 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_SeekBar_Discrete |
+2131362157 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Spinner |
+2131362158 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Spinner_DropDown |
+2131362159 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Spinner_DropDown_ActionBar |
+2131362160 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Spinner_Underlined |
+2131362161 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_TextView_SpinnerItem |
+2131362162 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar |
+2131362163 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar_Button_Navigation |
+2131362164 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_Design_AppBarLayout |
+2131361939 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_Design_BottomNavigationView |
+2131362165 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_Design_BottomSheet_Modal |
+2131362166 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_Design_CollapsingToolbar |
+2131362167 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_Design_CoordinatorLayout |
+2131362168 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_Design_FloatingActionButton |
+2131362169 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_Design_NavigationView |
+2131362170 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_Design_ScrimInsetsFrameLayout |
+2131362171 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_Design_Snackbar |
+2131362172 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_Design_TabLayout |
+2131361793 |
+public static final int |
+Widget_Design_TextInputLayout |
+2131362173 |
Modifier and Type | +Constant Field | +Value | +
+public static final int |
+searchable |
+2131165184 |
Modifier and Type | +Constant Field | +Value | +
+public static final java.lang.String |
+"BookBuddyFile" |
The Overview page is the front page of this API document and provides a list of all packages with a summary for each. This page can also contain an overall description of the set of packages.
+Each package has a page that contains a list of its classes and interfaces, with a summary for each. This page can contain six categories:
+Each class, interface, nested class and nested interface has its own separate page. Each of these pages has three sections consisting of a class/interface description, summary tables, and detailed member descriptions:
+Each summary entry contains the first sentence from the detailed description for that item. The summary entries are alphabetical, while the detailed descriptions are in the order they appear in the source code. This preserves the logical groupings established by the programmer.
+Each annotation type has its own separate page with the following sections:
+Each enum has its own separate page with the following sections:
+The Deprecated API page lists all of the API that have been deprecated. A deprecated API is not recommended for use, generally due to improvements, and a replacement API is usually given. Deprecated APIs may be removed in future implementations.
+The Index contains an alphabetic list of all classes, interfaces, constructors, methods, and fields.
+These links take you to the next or previous class, interface, package, or related page.
+These links show and hide the HTML frames. All pages are available with or without frames.
+The All Classes link shows all classes and interfaces except non-static nested types.
+Each serializable or externalizable class has a description of its serialization fields and methods. This information is of interest to re-implementors, not to developers using the API. While there is no link in the navigation bar, you can get to this information by going to any serialized class and clicking "Serialized Form" in the "See also" section of the class description.
+The Constant Field Values page lists the static final fields and their values.
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBar
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionBarLayout
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionMenuItemView
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionMode
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionMode
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionMode
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionMode
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionMode
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActionMode
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActivityChooserView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ActivityChooserView
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AlertDialog
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AlertDialog
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AlertDialog
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AlertDialog
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AlertDialog
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AlertDialog
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AlertDialog
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
" or "false
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
" or "false
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppBarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppBarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppBarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppBarLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppBarLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppBarLayoutStates
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppBarLayoutStates
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatImageView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatImageView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatSeekBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatSeekBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatSeekBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatSeekBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTextHelper
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTextHelper
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTextHelper
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTextHelper
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTextHelper
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTextHelper
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTextHelper
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTextView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTextView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.AppCompatTheme
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.LinearConstraintLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.LinearLayoutCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.LinearLayoutCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.LinearLayoutCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.LinearLayoutCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.LinearLayoutCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.LinearLayoutCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.LinearLayoutCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.LinearLayoutCompat_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.LinearLayoutCompat_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.LinearLayoutCompat_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.LinearLayoutCompat_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.LinearLayoutCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.LinearLayoutCompat
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ListPopupWindow
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ListPopupWindow
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
" or "false
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuGroup
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuGroup
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuGroup
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuGroup
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuGroup
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuGroup
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.MenuView
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.NavigationView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.NavigationView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.NavigationView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.NavigationView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.NavigationView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.NavigationView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.NavigationView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.NavigationView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.NavigationView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.NavigationView
" or "false
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
" or "false
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.PopupWindow
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.PopupWindow
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.PopupWindow
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.PopupWindowBackgroundState
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
" or "false
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.RecycleListView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.RecycleListView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.RecyclerView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.RecyclerView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.RecyclerView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.RecyclerView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.RecyclerView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.RecyclerView
" or "false
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ScrimInsetsFrameLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ScrollingViewBehavior_Layout
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SearchView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SearchView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SearchView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SearchView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SearchView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SearchView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SearchView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SearchView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SearchView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SearchView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SearchView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SearchView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SearchView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SearchView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SearchView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SearchView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SearchView
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
" or "false
" or "false
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SnackbarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SnackbarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SnackbarLayout
" or "false
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Spinner
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Spinner
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Spinner
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Spinner
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Spinner
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
" or "false
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
" or "false
" or "false
" or "false
" or "false
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SwitchCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SwitchCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SwitchCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SwitchCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SwitchCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SwitchCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SwitchCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SwitchCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SwitchCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SwitchCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SwitchCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SwitchCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SwitchCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.SwitchCompat
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TabLayout
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextAppearance
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextInputLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextInputLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextInputLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextInputLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextInputLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextInputLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextInputLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextInputLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextInputLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextInputLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextInputLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextInputLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextInputLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextInputLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextInputLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.TextInputLayout
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
" or "false
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.Toolbar
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
" or "false
" or "false
" or "false
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.BottomNavigationView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.BottomNavigationView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.BottomNavigationView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.BottomNavigationView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.BottomNavigationView
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.BottomSheetBehavior_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.BottomSheetBehavior_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.BottomSheetBehavior_Layout
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ButtonBarLayout
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
" or "false
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.View
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.View
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.View
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.View
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.View
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ViewBackgroundHelper
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ViewBackgroundHelper
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ViewBackgroundHelper
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ViewStubCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ViewStubCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ViewStubCompat
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
" or "false
" or "false
" or "false
" or "false
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CollapsingToolbarLayout
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ColorStateListItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ColorStateListItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ColorStateListItem
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CompoundButton
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CompoundButton
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CompoundButton
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintLayout_Layout
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ConstraintSet
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CoordinatorLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CoordinatorLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CoordinatorLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CoordinatorLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CoordinatorLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CoordinatorLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CoordinatorLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CoordinatorLayout_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.CoordinatorLayout
" or "false
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DesignTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DesignTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DesignTheme
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DrawerArrowToggle
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DrawerArrowToggle
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DrawerArrowToggle
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DrawerArrowToggle
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DrawerArrowToggle
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DrawerArrowToggle
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DrawerArrowToggle
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.DrawerArrowToggle
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
" or "false
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
" or "false
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.FloatingActionButton
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.FloatingActionButton
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.FloatingActionButton_Behavior_Layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.FloatingActionButton
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.FloatingActionButton
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.FloatingActionButton
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.FloatingActionButton
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.FloatingActionButton
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.FloatingActionButton
" or "false
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ForegroundLinearLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ForegroundLinearLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the R.styleable.ForegroundLinearLayout
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
" or "false
" or "false
" or "false
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
" or "false
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
" or "false
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
".public class BaseActivity
+extends android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity
+implements android.support.design.widget.NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener
Constructor and Description | +
BaseActivity() |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
void |
+Closes drawer if it is open and back button is pressed.
+ |
boolean |
+onCreateOptionsMenu(android.view.Menu menu)
+Creates options menu.
+ |
boolean |
+onNavigationItemSelected(android.view.MenuItem item)
+Handles navigation item selection.
+ |
boolean |
+onOptionsItemSelected(android.view.MenuItem item)
+Handles options item selections.
+ |
addContentView, dispatchKeyEvent, findViewById, getDelegate, getDrawerToggleDelegate, getMenuInflater, getResources, getSupportActionBar, getSupportParentActivityIntent, invalidateOptionsMenu, onConfigurationChanged, onContentChanged, onCreateSupportNavigateUpTaskStack, onMenuItemSelected, onMenuOpened, onPanelClosed, onPrepareSupportNavigateUpTaskStack, onSupportActionModeFinished, onSupportActionModeStarted, onSupportContentChanged, onSupportNavigateUp, onWindowStartingSupportActionMode, setContentView, setContentView, setContentView, setSupportActionBar, setSupportProgress, setSupportProgressBarIndeterminate, setSupportProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility, setSupportProgressBarVisibility, setTheme, startSupportActionMode, supportInvalidateOptionsMenu, supportNavigateUpTo, supportRequestWindowFeature, supportShouldUpRecreateTask
dump, getLastCustomNonConfigurationInstance, getSupportFragmentManager, getSupportLoaderManager, getSupportMediaController, onAttachFragment, onCreatePanelMenu, onLowMemory, onMultiWindowModeChanged, onPictureInPictureModeChanged, onPreparePanel, onRequestPermissionsResult, onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance, onRetainNonConfigurationInstance, onStateNotSaved, setEnterSharedElementCallback, setExitSharedElementCallback, setSupportMediaController, startActivityForResult, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityFromFragment, startIntentSenderFromFragment, supportFinishAfterTransition, supportPostponeEnterTransition, supportStartPostponedEnterTransition, validateRequestPermissionsRequestCode
getExtraData, putExtraData
closeContextMenu, closeOptionsMenu, createPendingResult, dismissDialog, dismissKeyboardShortcutsHelper, dispatchGenericMotionEvent, dispatchKeyShortcutEvent, dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent, dispatchTouchEvent, dispatchTrackballEvent, enterPictureInPictureMode, finish, finishActivity, finishActivityFromChild, finishAffinity, finishAfterTransition, finishAndRemoveTask, finishFromChild, getActionBar, getApplication, getCallingActivity, getCallingPackage, getChangingConfigurations, getComponentName, getContentScene, getContentTransitionManager, getCurrentFocus, getFragmentManager, getIntent, getLastNonConfigurationInstance, getLayoutInflater, getLoaderManager, getLocalClassName, getMediaController, getParent, getParentActivityIntent, getPreferences, getReferrer, getRequestedOrientation, getSearchEvent, getSystemService, getTaskId, getTitle, getTitleColor, getVoiceInteractor, getVolumeControlStream, getWindow, getWindowManager, hasWindowFocus, isChangingConfigurations, isChild, isDestroyed, isFinishing, isImmersive, isInMultiWindowMode, isInPictureInPictureMode, isLocalVoiceInteractionSupported, isTaskRoot, isVoiceInteraction, isVoiceInteractionRoot, managedQuery, moveTaskToBack, navigateUpTo, navigateUpToFromChild, onActionModeFinished, onActionModeStarted, onActivityReenter, onAttachedToWindow, onAttachFragment, onContextItemSelected, onContextMenuClosed, onCreate, onCreateContextMenu, onCreateDescription, onCreateNavigateUpTaskStack, onCreatePanelView, onCreateThumbnail, onDetachedFromWindow, onEnterAnimationComplete, onGenericMotionEvent, onKeyDown, onKeyLongPress, onKeyMultiple, onKeyShortcut, onKeyUp, onLocalVoiceInteractionStarted, onLocalVoiceInteractionStopped, onNavigateUp, onNavigateUpFromChild, onOptionsMenuClosed, onPostCreate, onPrepareNavigateUpTaskStack, onPrepareOptionsMenu, onProvideAssistContent, onProvideAssistData, onProvideKeyboardShortcuts, onProvideReferrer, onRestoreInstanceState, onSaveInstanceState, onSearchRequested, onSearchRequested, onTouchEvent, onTrackballEvent, onTrimMemory, onUserInteraction, onVisibleBehindCanceled, onWindowAttributesChanged, onWindowFocusChanged, onWindowStartingActionMode, onWindowStartingActionMode, openContextMenu, openOptionsMenu, overridePendingTransition, postponeEnterTransition, recreate, registerForContextMenu, releaseInstance, removeDialog, reportFullyDrawn, requestDragAndDropPermissions, requestPermissions, requestShowKeyboardShortcuts, requestVisibleBehind, requestWindowFeature, runOnUiThread, setActionBar, setContentTransitionManager, setDefaultKeyMode, setEnterSharedElementCallback, setExitSharedElementCallback, setFeatureDrawable, setFeatureDrawableAlpha, setFeatureDrawableResource, setFeatureDrawableUri, setFinishOnTouchOutside, setImmersive, setIntent, setMediaController, setProgress, setProgressBarIndeterminate, setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility, setProgressBarVisibility, setRequestedOrientation, setResult, setResult, setSecondaryProgress, setTaskDescription, setTitle, setTitle, setTitleColor, setVisible, setVolumeControlStream, setVrModeEnabled, shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale, shouldUpRecreateTask, showAssist, showDialog, showDialog, showLockTaskEscapeMessage, startActionMode, startActionMode, startActivities, startActivities, startActivity, startActivity, startActivityFromChild, startActivityFromChild, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityIfNeeded, startActivityIfNeeded, startIntentSender, startIntentSender, startIntentSenderFromChild, startIntentSenderFromChild, startLocalVoiceInteraction, startLockTask, startManagingCursor, startNextMatchingActivity, startNextMatchingActivity, startPostponedEnterTransition, startSearch, stopLocalVoiceInteraction, stopLockTask, stopManagingCursor, takeKeyEvents, triggerSearch, unregisterForContextMenu
applyOverrideConfiguration, getAssets, getTheme
bindService, checkCallingOrSelfPermission, checkCallingOrSelfUriPermission, checkCallingPermission, checkCallingUriPermission, checkPermission, checkSelfPermission, checkUriPermission, checkUriPermission, clearWallpaper, createConfigurationContext, createDeviceProtectedStorageContext, createDisplayContext, createPackageContext, databaseList, deleteDatabase, deleteFile, deleteSharedPreferences, enforceCallingOrSelfPermission, enforceCallingOrSelfUriPermission, enforceCallingPermission, enforceCallingUriPermission, enforcePermission, enforceUriPermission, enforceUriPermission, fileList, getApplicationContext, getApplicationInfo, getBaseContext, getCacheDir, getClassLoader, getCodeCacheDir, getContentResolver, getDatabasePath, getDataDir, getDir, getExternalCacheDir, getExternalCacheDirs, getExternalFilesDir, getExternalFilesDirs, getExternalMediaDirs, getFilesDir, getFileStreamPath, getMainLooper, getNoBackupFilesDir, getObbDir, getObbDirs, getPackageCodePath, getPackageManager, getPackageName, getPackageResourcePath, getSharedPreferences, getSystemServiceName, getWallpaper, getWallpaperDesiredMinimumHeight, getWallpaperDesiredMinimumWidth, grantUriPermission, isDeviceProtectedStorage, isRestricted, moveDatabaseFrom, moveSharedPreferencesFrom, openFileInput, openFileOutput, openOrCreateDatabase, openOrCreateDatabase, peekWallpaper, registerReceiver, registerReceiver, removeStickyBroadcast, removeStickyBroadcastAsUser, revokeUriPermission, sendBroadcast, sendBroadcast, sendBroadcastAsUser, sendBroadcastAsUser, sendOrderedBroadcast, sendOrderedBroadcast, sendOrderedBroadcastAsUser, sendStickyBroadcast, sendStickyBroadcastAsUser, sendStickyOrderedBroadcast, sendStickyOrderedBroadcastAsUser, setWallpaper, setWallpaper, startInstrumentation, startService, stopService, unbindService, unregisterReceiver
getColor, getColorStateList, getDrawable, getString, getString, getSystemService, getText, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, registerComponentCallbacks, unregisterComponentCallbacks
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void onBackPressed()+
in class android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(android.view.Menu menu)+
in class android.app.Activity
- menupublic boolean onOptionsItemSelected(android.view.MenuItem item)+
in class android.app.Activity
- selected itempublic boolean onNavigationItemSelected(android.view.MenuItem item)+
in interface android.support.design.widget.NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener
- selected itempublic class BookActivity +extends BaseActivity +implements DownloadCallback, android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener+
Constructor and Description | +
BookActivity() |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
void |
+onItemSelected(android.widget.AdapterView<?> parent,
+ android.view.View view,
+ int pos,
+ long id)
+Handles book shelf spinner item selections.
+ |
void |
+onNothingSelected(android.widget.AdapterView<?> parent)
+Handles nothing selected from spinner.
+ |
void |
+processFinish(DownloadXmlTask.Result result)
+Handles result of fetching the best book data.
+ |
onBackPressed, onCreateOptionsMenu, onNavigationItemSelected, onOptionsItemSelected
addContentView, dispatchKeyEvent, findViewById, getDelegate, getDrawerToggleDelegate, getMenuInflater, getResources, getSupportActionBar, getSupportParentActivityIntent, invalidateOptionsMenu, onConfigurationChanged, onContentChanged, onCreateSupportNavigateUpTaskStack, onMenuItemSelected, onMenuOpened, onPanelClosed, onPrepareSupportNavigateUpTaskStack, onSupportActionModeFinished, onSupportActionModeStarted, onSupportContentChanged, onSupportNavigateUp, onWindowStartingSupportActionMode, setContentView, setContentView, setContentView, setSupportActionBar, setSupportProgress, setSupportProgressBarIndeterminate, setSupportProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility, setSupportProgressBarVisibility, setTheme, startSupportActionMode, supportInvalidateOptionsMenu, supportNavigateUpTo, supportRequestWindowFeature, supportShouldUpRecreateTask
dump, getLastCustomNonConfigurationInstance, getSupportFragmentManager, getSupportLoaderManager, getSupportMediaController, onAttachFragment, onCreatePanelMenu, onLowMemory, onMultiWindowModeChanged, onPictureInPictureModeChanged, onPreparePanel, onRequestPermissionsResult, onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance, onRetainNonConfigurationInstance, onStateNotSaved, setEnterSharedElementCallback, setExitSharedElementCallback, setSupportMediaController, startActivityForResult, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityFromFragment, startIntentSenderFromFragment, supportFinishAfterTransition, supportPostponeEnterTransition, supportStartPostponedEnterTransition, validateRequestPermissionsRequestCode
getExtraData, putExtraData
closeContextMenu, closeOptionsMenu, createPendingResult, dismissDialog, dismissKeyboardShortcutsHelper, dispatchGenericMotionEvent, dispatchKeyShortcutEvent, dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent, dispatchTouchEvent, dispatchTrackballEvent, enterPictureInPictureMode, finish, finishActivity, finishActivityFromChild, finishAffinity, finishAfterTransition, finishAndRemoveTask, finishFromChild, getActionBar, getApplication, getCallingActivity, getCallingPackage, getChangingConfigurations, getComponentName, getContentScene, getContentTransitionManager, getCurrentFocus, getFragmentManager, getIntent, getLastNonConfigurationInstance, getLayoutInflater, getLoaderManager, getLocalClassName, getMediaController, getParent, getParentActivityIntent, getPreferences, getReferrer, getRequestedOrientation, getSearchEvent, getSystemService, getTaskId, getTitle, getTitleColor, getVoiceInteractor, getVolumeControlStream, getWindow, getWindowManager, hasWindowFocus, isChangingConfigurations, isChild, isDestroyed, isFinishing, isImmersive, isInMultiWindowMode, isInPictureInPictureMode, isLocalVoiceInteractionSupported, isTaskRoot, isVoiceInteraction, isVoiceInteractionRoot, managedQuery, moveTaskToBack, navigateUpTo, navigateUpToFromChild, onActionModeFinished, onActionModeStarted, onActivityReenter, onAttachedToWindow, onAttachFragment, onContextItemSelected, onContextMenuClosed, onCreate, onCreateContextMenu, onCreateDescription, onCreateNavigateUpTaskStack, onCreatePanelView, onCreateThumbnail, onDetachedFromWindow, onEnterAnimationComplete, onGenericMotionEvent, onKeyDown, onKeyLongPress, onKeyMultiple, onKeyShortcut, onKeyUp, onLocalVoiceInteractionStarted, onLocalVoiceInteractionStopped, onNavigateUp, onNavigateUpFromChild, onOptionsMenuClosed, onPostCreate, onPrepareNavigateUpTaskStack, onPrepareOptionsMenu, onProvideAssistContent, onProvideAssistData, onProvideKeyboardShortcuts, onProvideReferrer, onRestoreInstanceState, onSaveInstanceState, onSearchRequested, onSearchRequested, onTouchEvent, onTrackballEvent, onTrimMemory, onUserInteraction, onVisibleBehindCanceled, onWindowAttributesChanged, onWindowFocusChanged, onWindowStartingActionMode, onWindowStartingActionMode, openContextMenu, openOptionsMenu, overridePendingTransition, postponeEnterTransition, recreate, registerForContextMenu, releaseInstance, removeDialog, reportFullyDrawn, requestDragAndDropPermissions, requestPermissions, requestShowKeyboardShortcuts, requestVisibleBehind, requestWindowFeature, runOnUiThread, setActionBar, setContentTransitionManager, setDefaultKeyMode, setEnterSharedElementCallback, setExitSharedElementCallback, setFeatureDrawable, setFeatureDrawableAlpha, setFeatureDrawableResource, setFeatureDrawableUri, setFinishOnTouchOutside, setImmersive, setIntent, setMediaController, setProgress, setProgressBarIndeterminate, setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility, setProgressBarVisibility, setRequestedOrientation, setResult, setResult, setSecondaryProgress, setTaskDescription, setTitle, setTitle, setTitleColor, setVisible, setVolumeControlStream, setVrModeEnabled, shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale, shouldUpRecreateTask, showAssist, showDialog, showDialog, showLockTaskEscapeMessage, startActionMode, startActionMode, startActivities, startActivities, startActivity, startActivity, startActivityFromChild, startActivityFromChild, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityIfNeeded, startActivityIfNeeded, startIntentSender, startIntentSender, startIntentSenderFromChild, startIntentSenderFromChild, startLocalVoiceInteraction, startLockTask, startManagingCursor, startNextMatchingActivity, startNextMatchingActivity, startPostponedEnterTransition, startSearch, stopLocalVoiceInteraction, stopLockTask, stopManagingCursor, takeKeyEvents, triggerSearch, unregisterForContextMenu
applyOverrideConfiguration, getAssets, getTheme
bindService, checkCallingOrSelfPermission, checkCallingOrSelfUriPermission, checkCallingPermission, checkCallingUriPermission, checkPermission, checkSelfPermission, checkUriPermission, checkUriPermission, clearWallpaper, createConfigurationContext, createDeviceProtectedStorageContext, createDisplayContext, createPackageContext, databaseList, deleteDatabase, deleteFile, deleteSharedPreferences, enforceCallingOrSelfPermission, enforceCallingOrSelfUriPermission, enforceCallingPermission, enforceCallingUriPermission, enforcePermission, enforceUriPermission, enforceUriPermission, fileList, getApplicationContext, getApplicationInfo, getBaseContext, getCacheDir, getClassLoader, getCodeCacheDir, getContentResolver, getDatabasePath, getDataDir, getDir, getExternalCacheDir, getExternalCacheDirs, getExternalFilesDir, getExternalFilesDirs, getExternalMediaDirs, getFilesDir, getFileStreamPath, getMainLooper, getNoBackupFilesDir, getObbDir, getObbDirs, getPackageCodePath, getPackageManager, getPackageName, getPackageResourcePath, getSharedPreferences, getSystemServiceName, getWallpaper, getWallpaperDesiredMinimumHeight, getWallpaperDesiredMinimumWidth, grantUriPermission, isDeviceProtectedStorage, isRestricted, moveDatabaseFrom, moveSharedPreferencesFrom, openFileInput, openFileOutput, openOrCreateDatabase, openOrCreateDatabase, peekWallpaper, registerReceiver, registerReceiver, removeStickyBroadcast, removeStickyBroadcastAsUser, revokeUriPermission, sendBroadcast, sendBroadcast, sendBroadcastAsUser, sendBroadcastAsUser, sendOrderedBroadcast, sendOrderedBroadcast, sendOrderedBroadcastAsUser, sendStickyBroadcast, sendStickyBroadcastAsUser, sendStickyOrderedBroadcast, sendStickyOrderedBroadcastAsUser, setWallpaper, setWallpaper, startInstrumentation, startService, stopService, unbindService, unregisterReceiver
getColor, getColorStateList, getDrawable, getString, getString, getSystemService, getText, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, registerComponentCallbacks, unregisterComponentCallbacks
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void onItemSelected(android.widget.AdapterView<?> parent, + android.view.View view, + int pos, + long id)+
in interface android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener
- AdapterViewview
- Viewpos
- Integer positionid
- long Idpublic void onNothingSelected(android.widget.AdapterView<?> parent)+
in interface android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener
- AdapterViewpublic void processFinish(DownloadXmlTask.Result result)+
in interface DownloadCallback
- DownloadTask.Result with document and statuspublic final class BuildConfig
+extends java.lang.Object
+Modifier and Type | +Field and Description | +
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static boolean |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static java.lang.String |
static int |
static java.lang.String |
Constructor and Description | +
BuildConfig() |
public static final boolean DEBUG+
public static final java.lang.String APPLICATION_ID+
public static final java.lang.String BUILD_TYPE+
public static final java.lang.String FLAVOR+
public static final int VERSION_CODE+
public static final java.lang.String VERSION_NAME+
public static final java.lang.String GOOD_READS_API_KEY+
public static final java.lang.String GOOD_READS_API_SECRET+
public class ExampleInstrumentedTest
+extends java.lang.Object
+Constructor and Description | +
ExampleInstrumentedTest() |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
void |
+useAppContext() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public class ExampleUnitTest
+extends java.lang.Object
+Constructor and Description | +
ExampleUnitTest() |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
void |
+addition_isCorrect() |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public class MainActivity
+extends android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity
Constructor and Description | +
MainActivity() |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
void |
+continueToApp(android.view.View view)
+Starts Search Activity.
+ |
void |
+login(android.view.View view)
+Starts RequestTokenTask.
+ |
addContentView, dispatchKeyEvent, findViewById, getDelegate, getDrawerToggleDelegate, getMenuInflater, getResources, getSupportActionBar, getSupportParentActivityIntent, invalidateOptionsMenu, onConfigurationChanged, onContentChanged, onCreateSupportNavigateUpTaskStack, onMenuItemSelected, onMenuOpened, onPanelClosed, onPrepareSupportNavigateUpTaskStack, onSupportActionModeFinished, onSupportActionModeStarted, onSupportContentChanged, onSupportNavigateUp, onWindowStartingSupportActionMode, setContentView, setContentView, setContentView, setSupportActionBar, setSupportProgress, setSupportProgressBarIndeterminate, setSupportProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility, setSupportProgressBarVisibility, setTheme, startSupportActionMode, supportInvalidateOptionsMenu, supportNavigateUpTo, supportRequestWindowFeature, supportShouldUpRecreateTask
dump, getLastCustomNonConfigurationInstance, getSupportFragmentManager, getSupportLoaderManager, getSupportMediaController, onAttachFragment, onBackPressed, onCreatePanelMenu, onLowMemory, onMultiWindowModeChanged, onPictureInPictureModeChanged, onPreparePanel, onRequestPermissionsResult, onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance, onRetainNonConfigurationInstance, onStateNotSaved, setEnterSharedElementCallback, setExitSharedElementCallback, setSupportMediaController, startActivityForResult, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityFromFragment, startIntentSenderFromFragment, supportFinishAfterTransition, supportPostponeEnterTransition, supportStartPostponedEnterTransition, validateRequestPermissionsRequestCode
getExtraData, putExtraData
closeContextMenu, closeOptionsMenu, createPendingResult, dismissDialog, dismissKeyboardShortcutsHelper, dispatchGenericMotionEvent, dispatchKeyShortcutEvent, dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent, dispatchTouchEvent, dispatchTrackballEvent, enterPictureInPictureMode, finish, finishActivity, finishActivityFromChild, finishAffinity, finishAfterTransition, finishAndRemoveTask, finishFromChild, getActionBar, getApplication, getCallingActivity, getCallingPackage, getChangingConfigurations, getComponentName, getContentScene, getContentTransitionManager, getCurrentFocus, getFragmentManager, getIntent, getLastNonConfigurationInstance, getLayoutInflater, getLoaderManager, getLocalClassName, getMediaController, getParent, getParentActivityIntent, getPreferences, getReferrer, getRequestedOrientation, getSearchEvent, getSystemService, getTaskId, getTitle, getTitleColor, getVoiceInteractor, getVolumeControlStream, getWindow, getWindowManager, hasWindowFocus, isChangingConfigurations, isChild, isDestroyed, isFinishing, isImmersive, isInMultiWindowMode, isInPictureInPictureMode, isLocalVoiceInteractionSupported, isTaskRoot, isVoiceInteraction, isVoiceInteractionRoot, managedQuery, moveTaskToBack, navigateUpTo, navigateUpToFromChild, onActionModeFinished, onActionModeStarted, onActivityReenter, onAttachedToWindow, onAttachFragment, onContextItemSelected, onContextMenuClosed, onCreate, onCreateContextMenu, onCreateDescription, onCreateNavigateUpTaskStack, onCreateOptionsMenu, onCreatePanelView, onCreateThumbnail, onDetachedFromWindow, onEnterAnimationComplete, onGenericMotionEvent, onKeyDown, onKeyLongPress, onKeyMultiple, onKeyShortcut, onKeyUp, onLocalVoiceInteractionStarted, onLocalVoiceInteractionStopped, onNavigateUp, onNavigateUpFromChild, onOptionsItemSelected, onOptionsMenuClosed, onPostCreate, onPrepareNavigateUpTaskStack, onPrepareOptionsMenu, onProvideAssistContent, onProvideAssistData, onProvideKeyboardShortcuts, onProvideReferrer, onRestoreInstanceState, onSaveInstanceState, onSearchRequested, onSearchRequested, onTouchEvent, onTrackballEvent, onTrimMemory, onUserInteraction, onVisibleBehindCanceled, onWindowAttributesChanged, onWindowFocusChanged, onWindowStartingActionMode, onWindowStartingActionMode, openContextMenu, openOptionsMenu, overridePendingTransition, postponeEnterTransition, recreate, registerForContextMenu, releaseInstance, removeDialog, reportFullyDrawn, requestDragAndDropPermissions, requestPermissions, requestShowKeyboardShortcuts, requestVisibleBehind, requestWindowFeature, runOnUiThread, setActionBar, setContentTransitionManager, setDefaultKeyMode, setEnterSharedElementCallback, setExitSharedElementCallback, setFeatureDrawable, setFeatureDrawableAlpha, setFeatureDrawableResource, setFeatureDrawableUri, setFinishOnTouchOutside, setImmersive, setIntent, setMediaController, setProgress, setProgressBarIndeterminate, setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility, setProgressBarVisibility, setRequestedOrientation, setResult, setResult, setSecondaryProgress, setTaskDescription, setTitle, setTitle, setTitleColor, setVisible, setVolumeControlStream, setVrModeEnabled, shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale, shouldUpRecreateTask, showAssist, showDialog, showDialog, showLockTaskEscapeMessage, startActionMode, startActionMode, startActivities, startActivities, startActivity, startActivity, startActivityFromChild, startActivityFromChild, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityIfNeeded, startActivityIfNeeded, startIntentSender, startIntentSender, startIntentSenderFromChild, startIntentSenderFromChild, startLocalVoiceInteraction, startLockTask, startManagingCursor, startNextMatchingActivity, startNextMatchingActivity, startPostponedEnterTransition, startSearch, stopLocalVoiceInteraction, stopLockTask, stopManagingCursor, takeKeyEvents, triggerSearch, unregisterForContextMenu
applyOverrideConfiguration, getAssets, getTheme
bindService, checkCallingOrSelfPermission, checkCallingOrSelfUriPermission, checkCallingPermission, checkCallingUriPermission, checkPermission, checkSelfPermission, checkUriPermission, checkUriPermission, clearWallpaper, createConfigurationContext, createDeviceProtectedStorageContext, createDisplayContext, createPackageContext, databaseList, deleteDatabase, deleteFile, deleteSharedPreferences, enforceCallingOrSelfPermission, enforceCallingOrSelfUriPermission, enforceCallingPermission, enforceCallingUriPermission, enforcePermission, enforceUriPermission, enforceUriPermission, fileList, getApplicationContext, getApplicationInfo, getBaseContext, getCacheDir, getClassLoader, getCodeCacheDir, getContentResolver, getDatabasePath, getDataDir, getDir, getExternalCacheDir, getExternalCacheDirs, getExternalFilesDir, getExternalFilesDirs, getExternalMediaDirs, getFilesDir, getFileStreamPath, getMainLooper, getNoBackupFilesDir, getObbDir, getObbDirs, getPackageCodePath, getPackageManager, getPackageName, getPackageResourcePath, getSharedPreferences, getSystemServiceName, getWallpaper, getWallpaperDesiredMinimumHeight, getWallpaperDesiredMinimumWidth, grantUriPermission, isDeviceProtectedStorage, isRestricted, moveDatabaseFrom, moveSharedPreferencesFrom, openFileInput, openFileOutput, openOrCreateDatabase, openOrCreateDatabase, peekWallpaper, registerReceiver, registerReceiver, removeStickyBroadcast, removeStickyBroadcastAsUser, revokeUriPermission, sendBroadcast, sendBroadcast, sendBroadcastAsUser, sendBroadcastAsUser, sendOrderedBroadcast, sendOrderedBroadcast, sendOrderedBroadcastAsUser, sendStickyBroadcast, sendStickyBroadcastAsUser, sendStickyOrderedBroadcast, sendStickyOrderedBroadcastAsUser, setWallpaper, setWallpaper, startInstrumentation, startService, stopService, unbindService, unregisterReceiver
getColor, getColorStateList, getDrawable, getString, getString, getSystemService, getText, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, registerComponentCallbacks, unregisterComponentCallbacks
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static final class R.anim
+extends java.lang.Object
+Modifier and Type | +Field and Description | +
static int |
+abc_fade_in |
static int |
+abc_fade_out |
static int |
+abc_grow_fade_in_from_bottom |
static int |
+abc_popup_enter |
static int |
+abc_popup_exit |
static int |
+abc_shrink_fade_out_from_bottom |
static int |
+abc_slide_in_bottom |
static int |
+abc_slide_in_top |
static int |
+abc_slide_out_bottom |
static int |
+abc_slide_out_top |
static int |
+design_bottom_sheet_slide_in |
static int |
+design_bottom_sheet_slide_out |
static int |
+design_fab_in |
static int |
+design_fab_out |
static int |
+design_snackbar_in |
static int |
+design_snackbar_out |
public static final int abc_fade_in+
public static final int abc_fade_out+
public static final int abc_grow_fade_in_from_bottom+
public static final int abc_popup_enter+
public static final int abc_popup_exit+
public static final int abc_shrink_fade_out_from_bottom+
public static final int abc_slide_in_bottom+
public static final int abc_slide_in_top+
public static final int abc_slide_out_bottom+
public static final int abc_slide_out_top+
public static final int design_bottom_sheet_slide_in+
public static final int design_bottom_sheet_slide_out+
public static final int design_fab_in+
public static final int design_fab_out+
public static final int design_snackbar_in+
public static final int design_snackbar_out+
public static final class R.animator
+extends java.lang.Object
+Modifier and Type | +Field and Description | +
static int |
+design_appbar_state_list_animator |
public static final int design_appbar_state_list_animator+
public static final class R.attr
+extends java.lang.Object
+Modifier and Type | +Field and Description | +
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a floating point value, such as "
+1.2 ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be one of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be one of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
+ |
static int |
+Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be an integer value, such as "
+100 ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be one of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
+ |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
+ |
static int |
+Must be one of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a floating point value, such as "
+1.2 ". |
static int |
+Must be an integer value, such as "
+100 ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be an integer value, such as "
+100 ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
+ |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a floating point value, such as "
+1.2 ". |
static int |
+Must be one of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a floating point value, such as "
+1.2 ". |
static int |
+Must be one of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a floating point value, such as "
+1.2 ". |
static int |
+Must be an integer value, such as "
+100 ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be an integer value, such as "
+100 ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be an integer value, such as "
+100 ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a floating point value, such as "
+1.2 ". |
static int |
+Must be one of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a floating point value, such as "
+1.2 ". |
static int |
+Must be one of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be one of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be an integer value, such as "
+100 ". |
static int |
+Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be one of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be one of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be an integer value, such as "
+100 ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be an integer value, such as "
+100 ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be one of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be one of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+May be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be one of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be one of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a color value, in the form of "
+#rgb ", "#argb ",
+"#rrggbb ", or "#aarrggbb ". |
static int |
+Must be one of the following constant values.
+ |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "
+@[+][package:]type:name "
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
static int |
+May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "
+14.5sp ". |
static int |
+Must be a boolean value, either "
+true " or "false ". |
public static final int actionBarDivider+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionBarItemBackground+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionBarPopupTheme+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionBarSize+
May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
wrap_content | 0 |
public static final int actionBarSplitStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionBarStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionBarTabBarStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionBarTabStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionBarTabTextStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionBarTheme+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionBarWidgetTheme+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionButtonStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionDropDownStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionLayout+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionMenuTextAppearance+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionMenuTextColor+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
public static final int actionModeBackground+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionModeCloseButtonStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionModeCloseDrawable+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionModeCopyDrawable+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionModeCutDrawable+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionModeFindDrawable+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionModePasteDrawable+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionModePopupWindowStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionModeSelectAllDrawable+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionModeShareDrawable+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionModeSplitBackground+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionModeStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionModeWebSearchDrawable+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionOverflowButtonStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionOverflowMenuStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int actionProviderClass+
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int actionViewClass+
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int activityChooserViewStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int alertDialogButtonGroupStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int alertDialogCenterButtons+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int alertDialogStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int alertDialogTheme+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int allowStacking+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int alpha+
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int arrowHeadLength+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int arrowShaftLength+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int autoCompleteTextViewStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int background+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int backgroundSplit+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
public static final int backgroundStacked+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
public static final int backgroundTint+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int backgroundTintMode+
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
src_over | 3 | |
src_in | 5 | |
src_atop | 9 | |
multiply | 14 | |
screen | 15 |
public static final int barLength+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int behavior_autoHide+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int behavior_hideable+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int behavior_overlapTop+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int behavior_peekHeight+
May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
auto | -1 |
public static final int behavior_skipCollapsed+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int borderWidth+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int borderlessButtonStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int bottomSheetDialogTheme+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int bottomSheetStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int buttonBarButtonStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int buttonBarNegativeButtonStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int buttonBarNeutralButtonStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int buttonBarPositiveButtonStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int buttonBarStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int buttonGravity+
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
top | 0x30 | |
bottom | 0x50 |
public static final int buttonPanelSideLayout+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int buttonStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int buttonStyleSmall+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int buttonTint+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int buttonTintMode+
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
src_over | 3 | |
src_in | 5 | |
src_atop | 9 | |
multiply | 14 | |
screen | 15 |
public static final int checkboxStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int checkedTextViewStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int closeIcon+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int closeItemLayout+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int collapseContentDescription+
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int collapseIcon+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int collapsedTitleGravity+
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
top | 0x30 | |
bottom | 0x50 | |
left | 0x03 | |
right | 0x05 | |
center_vertical | 0x10 | |
fill_vertical | 0x70 | |
center_horizontal | 0x01 | |
center | 0x11 | |
start | 0x00800003 | |
end | 0x00800005 |
public static final int collapsedTitleTextAppearance+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int color+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int colorAccent+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int colorBackgroundFloating+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int colorButtonNormal+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int colorControlActivated+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int colorControlHighlight+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int colorControlNormal+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int colorPrimary+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int colorPrimaryDark+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int colorSwitchThumbNormal+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int commitIcon+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int constraintSet+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int contentInsetEnd+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int contentInsetEndWithActions+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int contentInsetLeft+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int contentInsetRight+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int contentInsetStart+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int contentInsetStartWithNavigation+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int contentScrim+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int controlBackground+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int counterEnabled+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int counterMaxLength+
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int counterOverflowTextAppearance+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int counterTextAppearance+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int customNavigationLayout+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int defaultQueryHint+
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int dialogPreferredPadding+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int dialogTheme+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int displayOptions+
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
none | 0 | |
useLogo | 0x1 | |
showHome | 0x2 | |
homeAsUp | 0x4 | |
showTitle | 0x8 | |
showCustom | 0x10 | |
disableHome | 0x20 |
public static final int divider+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int dividerHorizontal+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int dividerPadding+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int dividerVertical+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int drawableSize+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int drawerArrowStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int dropDownListViewStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int dropdownListPreferredItemHeight+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int editTextBackground+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int editTextColor+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
public static final int editTextStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int elevation+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int errorEnabled+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int errorTextAppearance+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int expandActivityOverflowButtonDrawable+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int expanded+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int expandedTitleGravity+
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
top | 0x30 | |
bottom | 0x50 | |
left | 0x03 | |
right | 0x05 | |
center_vertical | 0x10 | |
fill_vertical | 0x70 | |
center_horizontal | 0x01 | |
center | 0x11 | |
start | 0x00800003 | |
end | 0x00800005 |
public static final int expandedTitleMargin+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int expandedTitleMarginBottom+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int expandedTitleMarginEnd+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int expandedTitleMarginStart+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int expandedTitleMarginTop+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int expandedTitleTextAppearance+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int fabSize+
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
auto | -1 | |
normal | 0 | |
mini | 1 |
public static final int foregroundInsidePadding+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int gapBetweenBars+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int goIcon+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int headerLayout+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int height+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int hideOnContentScroll+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int hintAnimationEnabled+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int hintEnabled+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int hintTextAppearance+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int homeAsUpIndicator+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int homeLayout+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int icon+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int iconifiedByDefault+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int imageButtonStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int indeterminateProgressStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int initialActivityCount+
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int insetForeground+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
public static final int isLightTheme+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int itemBackground+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int itemIconTint+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int itemPadding+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int itemTextAppearance+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int itemTextColor+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int keylines+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int layout+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int layoutManager+
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_anchor+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int layout_anchorGravity+
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
top | 0x30 | |
bottom | 0x50 | |
left | 0x03 | |
right | 0x05 | |
center_vertical | 0x10 | |
fill_vertical | 0x70 | |
center_horizontal | 0x01 | |
fill_horizontal | 0x07 | |
center | 0x11 | |
fill | 0x77 | |
clip_vertical | 0x80 | |
clip_horizontal | 0x08 | |
start | 0x00800003 | |
end | 0x00800005 |
public static final int layout_behavior+
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_collapseMode+
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
none | 0 | |
pin | 1 | |
parallax | 2 |
public static final int layout_collapseParallaxMultiplier+
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_constraintBaseline_creator+
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_constraintBaseline_toBaselineOf+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int layout_constraintBottom_creator+
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int layout_constraintBottom_toTopOf+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int layout_constraintDimensionRatio+
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int layout_constraintEnd_toStartOf+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int layout_constraintGuide_begin+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_constraintGuide_end+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_constraintGuide_percent+
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_constraintHeight_default+
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
spread | 0 | |
wrap | 1 |
public static final int layout_constraintHeight_max+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_constraintHeight_min+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_constraintHorizontal_bias+
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_constraintHorizontal_chainStyle+
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
spread | 0 | |
spread_inside | 1 | |
packed | 2 |
public static final int layout_constraintHorizontal_weight+
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_constraintLeft_creator+
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int layout_constraintLeft_toRightOf+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int layout_constraintRight_creator+
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_constraintRight_toLeftOf+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int layout_constraintRight_toRightOf+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int layout_constraintStart_toEndOf+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int layout_constraintStart_toStartOf+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int layout_constraintTop_creator+
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int layout_constraintTop_toTopOf+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int layout_constraintVertical_bias+
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_constraintVertical_chainStyle+
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
spread | 0 | |
spread_inside | 1 | |
packed | 2 |
public static final int layout_constraintVertical_weight+
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_constraintWidth_default+
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
spread | 0 | |
wrap | 1 |
public static final int layout_constraintWidth_max+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_constraintWidth_min+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_dodgeInsetEdges+
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
none | 0x0 | |
top | 0x30 | |
bottom | 0x50 | |
left | 0x03 | |
right | 0x03 | |
start | 0x00800003 | |
end | 0x00800005 | |
all | 0x77 |
public static final int layout_editor_absoluteX+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_editor_absoluteY+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_goneMarginBottom+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_goneMarginEnd+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_goneMarginLeft+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_goneMarginRight+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_goneMarginStart+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_goneMarginTop+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_insetEdge+
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
none | 0x0 | |
top | 0x30 | |
bottom | 0x50 | |
left | 0x03 | |
right | 0x03 | |
start | 0x00800003 | |
end | 0x00800005 |
public static final int layout_keyline+
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int layout_optimizationLevel+
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
none | 1 | |
all | 2 | |
basic | 4 | |
chains | 8 |
public static final int layout_scrollFlags+
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
scroll | 0x1 | |
exitUntilCollapsed | 0x2 | |
enterAlways | 0x4 | |
enterAlwaysCollapsed | 0x8 | |
snap | 0x10 |
public static final int layout_scrollInterpolator+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int listChoiceBackgroundIndicator+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int listDividerAlertDialog+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int listItemLayout+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int listLayout+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int listMenuViewStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int listPopupWindowStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int listPreferredItemHeight+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int listPreferredItemHeightLarge+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int listPreferredItemHeightSmall+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int listPreferredItemPaddingLeft+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int listPreferredItemPaddingRight+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int logo+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int logoDescription+
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int maxActionInlineWidth+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int maxButtonHeight+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int measureWithLargestChild+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int menu+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int multiChoiceItemLayout+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int navigationContentDescription+
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int navigationIcon+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int navigationMode+
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
normal | 0 | |
listMode | 1 | |
tabMode | 2 |
public static final int overlapAnchor+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int paddingBottomNoButtons+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int paddingEnd+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int paddingStart+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int paddingTopNoTitle+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int panelBackground+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int panelMenuListTheme+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int panelMenuListWidth+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int passwordToggleContentDescription+
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int passwordToggleDrawable+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int passwordToggleEnabled+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int passwordToggleTint+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int passwordToggleTintMode+
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
src_over | 3 | |
src_in | 5 | |
src_atop | 9 | |
multiply | 14 | |
screen | 15 |
public static final int popupMenuStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int popupTheme+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int popupWindowStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int preserveIconSpacing+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int pressedTranslationZ+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int progressBarPadding+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int progressBarStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int queryBackground+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int queryHint+
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int radioButtonStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ratingBarStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ratingBarStyleIndicator+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ratingBarStyleSmall+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int reverseLayout+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int rippleColor+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int scrimAnimationDuration+
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int scrimVisibleHeightTrigger+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int searchHintIcon+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int searchIcon+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int searchViewStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int seekBarStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int selectableItemBackground+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int selectableItemBackgroundBorderless+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int showAsAction+
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
never | 0 | |
ifRoom | 1 | |
always | 2 | |
withText | 4 | |
collapseActionView | 8 |
public static final int showDividers+
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
none | 0 | |
beginning | 1 | |
middle | 2 | |
end | 4 |
public static final int showText+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int showTitle+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int singleChoiceItemLayout+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int spanCount+
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int spinBars+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int spinnerDropDownItemStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int spinnerStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int splitTrack+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int srcCompat+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int stackFromEnd+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int state_above_anchor+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int state_collapsed+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int state_collapsible+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int statusBarBackground+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int statusBarScrim+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int subMenuArrow+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int submitBackground+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int subtitle+
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int subtitleTextAppearance+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int subtitleTextColor+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int subtitleTextStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int suggestionRowLayout+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int switchMinWidth+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int switchPadding+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int switchStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int switchTextAppearance+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int tabBackground+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int tabContentStart+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int tabGravity+
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
fill | 0 | |
center | 1 |
public static final int tabIndicatorColor+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int tabIndicatorHeight+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int tabMaxWidth+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int tabMinWidth+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int tabMode+
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
scrollable | 0 | |
fixed | 1 |
public static final int tabPadding+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int tabPaddingBottom+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int tabPaddingEnd+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int tabPaddingStart+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int tabPaddingTop+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int tabSelectedTextColor+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int tabTextAppearance+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int tabTextColor+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int textAllCaps+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
public static final int textAppearanceLargePopupMenu+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int textAppearanceListItem+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int textAppearanceListItemSmall+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int textAppearancePopupMenuHeader+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int textAppearanceSearchResultSubtitle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int textAppearanceSearchResultTitle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int textAppearanceSmallPopupMenu+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int textColorAlertDialogListItem+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
public static final int textColorError+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int textColorSearchUrl+
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
public static final int theme+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int thickness+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int thumbTextPadding+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int thumbTint+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int thumbTintMode+
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
src_over | 3 | |
src_in | 5 | |
src_atop | 9 | |
multiply | 14 | |
screen | 15 | |
add | 16 |
public static final int tickMark+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int tickMarkTint+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int tickMarkTintMode+
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
src_over | 3 | |
src_in | 5 | |
src_atop | 9 | |
multiply | 14 | |
screen | 15 | |
add | 16 |
public static final int title+
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int titleEnabled+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int titleMargin+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int titleMarginBottom+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int titleMarginEnd+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int titleMarginStart+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int titleMarginTop+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int titleMargins+
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int titleTextAppearance+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int titleTextColor+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int titleTextStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int toolbarId+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int toolbarNavigationButtonStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int toolbarStyle+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int track+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int trackTint+
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int trackTintMode+
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
src_over | 3 | |
src_in | 5 | |
src_atop | 9 | |
multiply | 14 | |
screen | 15 | |
add | 16 |
public static final int useCompatPadding+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int voiceIcon+
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int windowActionBar+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int windowActionBarOverlay+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int windowActionModeOverlay+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int windowFixedHeightMajor+
May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%
+The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to
+some parent container.
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int windowFixedHeightMinor+
May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%
+The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to
+some parent container.
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int windowFixedWidthMajor+
May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%
+The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to
+some parent container.
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int windowFixedWidthMinor+
May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%
+The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to
+some parent container.
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int windowMinWidthMajor+
May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%
+The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to
+some parent container.
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int windowMinWidthMinor+
May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%
+The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to
+some parent container.
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int windowNoTitle+
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final class R.bool
+extends java.lang.Object
+Modifier and Type | +Field and Description | +
static int |
+abc_action_bar_embed_tabs |
static int |
+abc_allow_stacked_button_bar |
static int |
+abc_config_actionMenuItemAllCaps |
static int |
+abc_config_closeDialogWhenTouchOutside |
static int |
+abc_config_showMenuShortcutsWhenKeyboardPresent |
public static final int abc_action_bar_embed_tabs+
public static final int abc_allow_stacked_button_bar+
public static final int abc_config_actionMenuItemAllCaps+
public static final int abc_config_closeDialogWhenTouchOutside+
public static final int abc_config_showMenuShortcutsWhenKeyboardPresent+
public static final class R.color
+extends java.lang.Object
+public static final int abc_background_cache_hint_selector_material_dark+
public static final int abc_background_cache_hint_selector_material_light+
public static final int abc_btn_colored_borderless_text_material+
public static final int abc_btn_colored_text_material+
public static final int abc_color_highlight_material+
public static final int abc_hint_foreground_material_dark+
public static final int abc_hint_foreground_material_light+
public static final int abc_input_method_navigation_guard+
public static final int abc_primary_text_disable_only_material_dark+
public static final int abc_primary_text_disable_only_material_light+
public static final int abc_primary_text_material_dark+
public static final int abc_primary_text_material_light+
public static final int abc_search_url_text+
public static final int abc_search_url_text_normal+
public static final int abc_search_url_text_pressed+
public static final int abc_search_url_text_selected+
public static final int abc_secondary_text_material_dark+
public static final int abc_secondary_text_material_light+
public static final int abc_tint_btn_checkable+
public static final int abc_tint_default+
public static final int abc_tint_edittext+
public static final int abc_tint_seek_thumb+
public static final int abc_tint_spinner+
public static final int abc_tint_switch_thumb+
public static final int abc_tint_switch_track+
public static final int accent_material_dark+
public static final int accent_material_light+
public static final int background_floating_material_dark+
public static final int background_floating_material_light+
public static final int background_material_dark+
public static final int background_material_light+
public static final int bright_foreground_disabled_material_dark+
public static final int bright_foreground_disabled_material_light+
public static final int bright_foreground_inverse_material_dark+
public static final int bright_foreground_inverse_material_light+
public static final int bright_foreground_material_dark+
public static final int bright_foreground_material_light+
public static final int button_material_dark+
public static final int button_material_light+
public static final int colorAccent+
public static final int colorPrimary+
public static final int colorPrimaryDark+
public static final int design_bottom_navigation_shadow_color+
public static final int design_error+
public static final int design_fab_shadow_end_color+
public static final int design_fab_shadow_mid_color+
public static final int design_fab_shadow_start_color+
public static final int design_fab_stroke_end_inner_color+
public static final int design_fab_stroke_end_outer_color+
public static final int design_fab_stroke_top_inner_color+
public static final int design_fab_stroke_top_outer_color+
public static final int design_snackbar_background_color+
public static final int design_textinput_error_color_dark+
public static final int design_textinput_error_color_light+
public static final int design_tint_password_toggle+
public static final int dim_foreground_disabled_material_dark+
public static final int dim_foreground_disabled_material_light+
public static final int dim_foreground_material_dark+
public static final int dim_foreground_material_light+
public static final int foreground_material_dark+
public static final int foreground_material_light+
public static final int highlighted_text_material_dark+
public static final int highlighted_text_material_light+
public static final int material_blue_grey_800+
public static final int material_blue_grey_900+
public static final int material_blue_grey_950+
public static final int material_deep_teal_200+
public static final int material_deep_teal_500+
public static final int material_grey_100+
public static final int material_grey_300+
public static final int material_grey_50+
public static final int material_grey_600+
public static final int material_grey_800+
public static final int material_grey_850+
public static final int material_grey_900+
public static final int notification_action_color_filter+
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color+
public static final int notification_material_background_media_default_color+
public static final int primary_dark_material_dark+
public static final int primary_dark_material_light+
public static final int primary_material_dark+
public static final int primary_material_light+
public static final int primary_text_default_material_dark+
public static final int primary_text_default_material_light+
public static final int primary_text_disabled_material_dark+
public static final int primary_text_disabled_material_light+
public static final int ripple_material_dark+
public static final int ripple_material_light+
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_dark+
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light+
public static final int secondary_text_disabled_material_dark+
public static final int secondary_text_disabled_material_light+
public static final int switch_thumb_disabled_material_dark+
public static final int switch_thumb_disabled_material_light+
public static final int switch_thumb_material_dark+
public static final int switch_thumb_material_light+
public static final int switch_thumb_normal_material_dark+
public static final int switch_thumb_normal_material_light+
public static final class R.dimen
+extends java.lang.Object
+public static final int abc_action_bar_content_inset_material+
public static final int abc_action_bar_content_inset_with_nav+
public static final int abc_action_bar_default_height_material+
public static final int abc_action_bar_default_padding_end_material+
public static final int abc_action_bar_default_padding_start_material+
public static final int abc_action_bar_elevation_material+
public static final int abc_action_bar_icon_vertical_padding_material+
public static final int abc_action_bar_overflow_padding_end_material+
public static final int abc_action_bar_overflow_padding_start_material+
public static final int abc_action_bar_progress_bar_size+
public static final int abc_action_bar_stacked_max_height+
public static final int abc_action_bar_stacked_tab_max_width+
public static final int abc_action_bar_subtitle_bottom_margin_material+
public static final int abc_action_bar_subtitle_top_margin_material+
public static final int abc_action_button_min_height_material+
public static final int abc_action_button_min_width_material+
public static final int abc_action_button_min_width_overflow_material+
public static final int abc_alert_dialog_button_bar_height+
public static final int abc_button_inset_horizontal_material+
public static final int abc_button_inset_vertical_material+
public static final int abc_button_padding_horizontal_material+
public static final int abc_button_padding_vertical_material+
public static final int abc_cascading_menus_min_smallest_width+
public static final int abc_config_prefDialogWidth+
public static final int abc_control_corner_material+
public static final int abc_control_inset_material+
public static final int abc_control_padding_material+
public static final int abc_dialog_fixed_height_major+
public static final int abc_dialog_fixed_height_minor+
public static final int abc_dialog_fixed_width_major+
public static final int abc_dialog_fixed_width_minor+
public static final int abc_dialog_list_padding_bottom_no_buttons+
public static final int abc_dialog_list_padding_top_no_title+
public static final int abc_dialog_min_width_major+
public static final int abc_dialog_min_width_minor+
public static final int abc_dialog_padding_material+
public static final int abc_dialog_padding_top_material+
public static final int abc_dialog_title_divider_material+
public static final int abc_disabled_alpha_material_dark+
public static final int abc_disabled_alpha_material_light+
public static final int abc_dropdownitem_icon_width+
public static final int abc_dropdownitem_text_padding_left+
public static final int abc_dropdownitem_text_padding_right+
public static final int abc_edit_text_inset_bottom_material+
public static final int abc_edit_text_inset_horizontal_material+
public static final int abc_edit_text_inset_top_material+
public static final int abc_floating_window_z+
public static final int abc_list_item_padding_horizontal_material+
public static final int abc_panel_menu_list_width+
public static final int abc_progress_bar_height_material+
public static final int abc_search_view_preferred_height+
public static final int abc_search_view_preferred_width+
public static final int abc_seekbar_track_background_height_material+
public static final int abc_seekbar_track_progress_height_material+
public static final int abc_select_dialog_padding_start_material+
public static final int abc_switch_padding+
public static final int abc_text_size_body_1_material+
public static final int abc_text_size_body_2_material+
public static final int abc_text_size_button_material+
public static final int abc_text_size_caption_material+
public static final int abc_text_size_display_1_material+
public static final int abc_text_size_display_2_material+
public static final int abc_text_size_display_3_material+
public static final int abc_text_size_display_4_material+
public static final int abc_text_size_headline_material+
public static final int abc_text_size_large_material+
public static final int abc_text_size_medium_material+
public static final int abc_text_size_menu_header_material+
public static final int abc_text_size_menu_material+
public static final int abc_text_size_small_material+
public static final int abc_text_size_subhead_material+
public static final int abc_text_size_subtitle_material_toolbar+
public static final int abc_text_size_title_material+
public static final int abc_text_size_title_material_toolbar+
public static final int activity_horizontal_margin+
public static final int activity_vertical_margin+
public static final int design_appbar_elevation+
public static final int design_bottom_navigation_active_item_max_width+
public static final int design_bottom_navigation_active_text_size+
public static final int design_bottom_navigation_elevation+
public static final int design_bottom_navigation_height+
public static final int design_bottom_navigation_item_max_width+
public static final int design_bottom_navigation_item_min_width+
public static final int design_bottom_navigation_margin+
public static final int design_bottom_navigation_shadow_height+
public static final int design_bottom_navigation_text_size+
public static final int design_bottom_sheet_modal_elevation+
public static final int design_bottom_sheet_peek_height_min+
public static final int design_fab_border_width+
public static final int design_fab_elevation+
public static final int design_fab_image_size+
public static final int design_fab_size_mini+
public static final int design_fab_size_normal+
public static final int design_fab_translation_z_pressed+
public static final int design_navigation_elevation+
public static final int design_navigation_icon_padding+
public static final int design_navigation_icon_size+
public static final int design_navigation_max_width+
public static final int design_navigation_padding_bottom+
public static final int design_navigation_separator_vertical_padding+
public static final int design_snackbar_action_inline_max_width+
public static final int design_snackbar_background_corner_radius+
public static final int design_snackbar_elevation+
public static final int design_snackbar_extra_spacing_horizontal+
public static final int design_snackbar_max_width+
public static final int design_snackbar_min_width+
public static final int design_snackbar_padding_horizontal+
public static final int design_snackbar_padding_vertical+
public static final int design_snackbar_padding_vertical_2lines+
public static final int design_snackbar_text_size+
public static final int design_tab_max_width+
public static final int design_tab_scrollable_min_width+
public static final int design_tab_text_size+
public static final int design_tab_text_size_2line+
public static final int disabled_alpha_material_dark+
public static final int disabled_alpha_material_light+
public static final int fab_margin+
public static final int highlight_alpha_material_colored+
public static final int highlight_alpha_material_dark+
public static final int highlight_alpha_material_light+
public static final int hint_alpha_material_dark+
public static final int hint_alpha_material_light+
public static final int hint_pressed_alpha_material_dark+
public static final int hint_pressed_alpha_material_light+
public static final int item_touch_helper_max_drag_scroll_per_frame+
public static final int item_touch_helper_swipe_escape_max_velocity+
public static final int item_touch_helper_swipe_escape_velocity+
public static final int nav_header_height+
public static final int nav_header_vertical_spacing+
public static final int notification_action_icon_size+
public static final int notification_action_text_size+
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin+
public static final int notification_content_margin_start+
public static final int notification_large_icon_height+
public static final int notification_large_icon_width+
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top+
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin+
public static final int notification_right_icon_size+
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top+
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding+
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large+
public static final int notification_subtext_size+
public static final int notification_top_pad+
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text+
public static final class R.drawable
+extends java.lang.Object
+public static final int abc_ab_share_pack_mtrl_alpha+
public static final int abc_action_bar_item_background_material+
public static final int abc_btn_borderless_material+
public static final int abc_btn_check_material+
public static final int abc_btn_check_to_on_mtrl_000+
public static final int abc_btn_check_to_on_mtrl_015+
public static final int abc_btn_colored_material+
public static final int abc_btn_default_mtrl_shape+
public static final int abc_btn_radio_material+
public static final int abc_btn_radio_to_on_mtrl_000+
public static final int abc_btn_radio_to_on_mtrl_015+
public static final int abc_btn_switch_to_on_mtrl_00001+
public static final int abc_btn_switch_to_on_mtrl_00012+
public static final int abc_cab_background_internal_bg+
public static final int abc_cab_background_top_material+
public static final int abc_cab_background_top_mtrl_alpha+
public static final int abc_control_background_material+
public static final int abc_dialog_material_background+
public static final int abc_edit_text_material+
public static final int abc_ic_ab_back_material+
public static final int abc_ic_arrow_drop_right_black_24dp+
public static final int abc_ic_clear_material+
public static final int abc_ic_commit_search_api_mtrl_alpha+
public static final int abc_ic_go_search_api_material+
public static final int abc_ic_menu_copy_mtrl_am_alpha+
public static final int abc_ic_menu_cut_mtrl_alpha+
public static final int abc_ic_menu_overflow_material+
public static final int abc_ic_menu_paste_mtrl_am_alpha+
public static final int abc_ic_menu_selectall_mtrl_alpha+
public static final int abc_ic_menu_share_mtrl_alpha+
public static final int abc_ic_search_api_material+
public static final int abc_ic_star_black_16dp+
public static final int abc_ic_star_black_36dp+
public static final int abc_ic_star_black_48dp+
public static final int abc_ic_star_half_black_16dp+
public static final int abc_ic_star_half_black_36dp+
public static final int abc_ic_star_half_black_48dp+
public static final int abc_ic_voice_search_api_material+
public static final int abc_item_background_holo_dark+
public static final int abc_item_background_holo_light+
public static final int abc_list_divider_mtrl_alpha+
public static final int abc_list_focused_holo+
public static final int abc_list_longpressed_holo+
public static final int abc_list_pressed_holo_dark+
public static final int abc_list_pressed_holo_light+
public static final int abc_list_selector_background_transition_holo_dark+
public static final int abc_list_selector_background_transition_holo_light+
public static final int abc_list_selector_disabled_holo_dark+
public static final int abc_list_selector_disabled_holo_light+
public static final int abc_list_selector_holo_dark+
public static final int abc_list_selector_holo_light+
public static final int abc_menu_hardkey_panel_mtrl_mult+
public static final int abc_popup_background_mtrl_mult+
public static final int abc_ratingbar_indicator_material+
public static final int abc_ratingbar_material+
public static final int abc_ratingbar_small_material+
public static final int abc_scrubber_control_off_mtrl_alpha+
public static final int abc_scrubber_control_to_pressed_mtrl_000+
public static final int abc_scrubber_control_to_pressed_mtrl_005+
public static final int abc_scrubber_primary_mtrl_alpha+
public static final int abc_scrubber_track_mtrl_alpha+
public static final int abc_seekbar_thumb_material+
public static final int abc_seekbar_tick_mark_material+
public static final int abc_seekbar_track_material+
public static final int abc_spinner_mtrl_am_alpha+
public static final int abc_spinner_textfield_background_material+
public static final int abc_switch_thumb_material+
public static final int abc_switch_track_mtrl_alpha+
public static final int abc_tab_indicator_material+
public static final int abc_tab_indicator_mtrl_alpha+
public static final int abc_text_cursor_material+
public static final int abc_text_select_handle_left_mtrl_dark+
public static final int abc_text_select_handle_left_mtrl_light+
public static final int abc_text_select_handle_middle_mtrl_dark+
public static final int abc_text_select_handle_middle_mtrl_light+
public static final int abc_text_select_handle_right_mtrl_dark+
public static final int abc_text_select_handle_right_mtrl_light+
public static final int abc_textfield_activated_mtrl_alpha+
public static final int abc_textfield_default_mtrl_alpha+
public static final int abc_textfield_search_activated_mtrl_alpha+
public static final int abc_textfield_search_default_mtrl_alpha+
public static final int abc_textfield_search_material+
public static final int abc_vector_test+
public static final int avd_hide_password+
public static final int avd_hide_password_1+
public static final int avd_hide_password_2+
public static final int avd_hide_password_3+
public static final int avd_show_password+
public static final int avd_show_password_1+
public static final int avd_show_password_2+
public static final int avd_show_password_3+
public static final int book_buddy+
public static final int book_reading+
public static final int design_bottom_navigation_item_background+
public static final int design_fab_background+
public static final int design_ic_visibility+
public static final int design_ic_visibility_off+
public static final int design_password_eye+
public static final int design_snackbar_background+
public static final int ic_book_pile+
public static final int ic_book_placeholder+
public static final int ic_book_read+
public static final int ic_book_reading+
public static final int ic_book_shelves+
public static final int ic_book_to_read+
public static final int ic_expand_less_black_24px+
public static final int ic_expand_more_black_24px+
public static final int ic_input_black+
public static final int ic_menu_camera+
public static final int ic_menu_gallery+
public static final int ic_menu_manage+
public static final int ic_menu_send+
public static final int ic_menu_share+
public static final int ic_menu_slideshow+
public static final int navigation_empty_icon+
public static final int notification_action_background+
public static final int notification_bg+
public static final int notification_bg_low+
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal+
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed+
public static final int notification_bg_normal+
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed+
public static final int notification_icon_background+
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg+
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg+
public static final int notification_tile_bg+
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg+
public static final int side_nav_bar+
public final class R
+extends java.lang.Object
+Modifier and Type | +Class and Description | +
static class |
+R.anim |
static class |
+R.animator |
static class |
+R.attr |
static class |
+R.bool |
static class |
+R.color |
static class |
+R.dimen |
static class |
+R.drawable |
static class |
+R.id |
static class |
+R.integer |
static class |
+R.layout |
static class |
+R.menu |
static class |
+R.mipmap |
static class |
+R.string |
static class |
+R.style |
static class |
+R.styleable |
static class |
+R.xml |
public static final class R.id
+extends java.lang.Object
+Modifier and Type | +Field and Description | +
static int |
+action_bar |
static int |
+action_bar_activity_content |
static int |
+action_bar_container |
static int |
+action_bar_root |
static int |
+action_bar_spinner |
static int |
+action_bar_subtitle |
static int |
+action_bar_title |
static int |
+action_container |
static int |
+action_context_bar |
static int |
+action_divider |
static int |
+action_image |
static int |
+action_menu_divider |
static int |
+action_menu_presenter |
static int |
+action_mode_bar |
static int |
+action_mode_bar_stub |
static int |
+action_mode_close_button |
static int |
+action_text |
static int |
+action0 |
static int |
+actions |
static int |
+activity_chooser_view_content |
static int |
+add |
static int |
+alertTitle |
static int |
+all |
static int |
+always |
static int |
+auto |
static int |
+basic |
static int |
+beginning |
static int |
+bottom |
static int |
+button_continue |
static int |
+button_login |
static int |
+button_showBook |
static int |
+button_skip |
static int |
+buttonPanel |
static int |
+cancel_action |
static int |
+center |
static int |
+center_horizontal |
static int |
+center_vertical |
static int |
+chains |
static int |
+checkbox |
static int |
+chronometer |
static int |
+clip_horizontal |
static int |
+clip_vertical |
static int |
+collapseActionView |
static int |
+contentPanel |
static int |
+custom |
static int |
+customPanel |
static int |
+decor_content_parent |
static int |
+default_activity_button |
static int |
+design_bottom_sheet |
static int |
+design_menu_item_action_area |
static int |
+design_menu_item_action_area_stub |
static int |
+design_menu_item_text |
static int |
+design_navigation_view |
static int |
+disableHome |
static int |
+drawer_layout |
static int |
+edit_query |
static int |
+editText_shelfFilter |
static int |
+end |
static int |
+end_padder |
static int |
+enterAlways |
static int |
+enterAlwaysCollapsed |
static int |
+exitUntilCollapsed |
static int |
+expand_activities_button |
static int |
+expandableListExpand |
static int |
+expandableListItemBookAuthor |
static int |
+expandableListItemBookTitle |
static int |
+expandableListItemImage |
static int |
+expandableListView_shelf |
static int |
+expanded_menu |
static int |
+fill |
static int |
+fill_horizontal |
static int |
+fill_vertical |
static int |
+fixed |
static int |
+group_login |
static int |
+group_search |
static int |
+home |
static int |
+homeAsUp |
static int |
+icon |
static int |
+icon_group |
static int |
+ifRoom |
static int |
+image |
static int |
+imageView |
static int |
+imageViewBook |
static int |
+imageViewBookPile |
static int |
+info |
static int |
+item_touch_helper_previous_elevation |
static int |
+largeLabel |
static int |
+layout_contentShelves |
static int |
+layout_loginButtons |
static int |
+layoutContentSearch |
static int |
+left |
static int |
+line1 |
static int |
+line3 |
static int |
+linearLayout_searchView |
static int |
+linearLayout_shelf |
static int |
+linearLayout_shelves |
static int |
+list_item |
static int |
+listItemBookAuthor |
static int |
+listItemBookPublished |
static int |
+listItemBookTitle |
static int |
+listItemImage |
static int |
+listItemShelfBookAmount |
static int |
+listItemShelfName |
static int |
+listMode |
static int |
+ListViewFooter |
static int |
+ListViewFooterShelves |
static int |
+listViewSearchBooks |
static int |
+ListViewSearchBooksHeader |
static int |
+ListViewShelfFooter |
static int |
+ListViewShelfHeader |
static int |
+listViewShelves |
static int |
+ListViewShelvesHeader |
static int |
+masked |
static int |
+media_actions |
static int |
+middle |
static int |
+mini |
static int |
+multiply |
static int |
+nav_bookshelves |
static int |
+nav_header_main |
static int |
+nav_login |
static int |
+nav_logout |
static int |
+nav_read |
static int |
+nav_reading |
static int |
+nav_search_books |
static int |
+nav_to_read |
static int |
+nav_view |
static int |
+navigation_header_container |
static int |
+never |
static int |
+none |
static int |
+normal |
static int |
+notification_background |
static int |
+notification_main_column |
static int |
+notification_main_column_container |
static int |
+packed |
static int |
+parallax |
static int |
+parent |
static int |
+parentPanel |
static int |
+pin |
static int |
+progress_circular |
static int |
+progress_horizontal |
static int |
+progressBar_shelf |
static int |
+progressBar_spinnerLoad |
static int |
+progressBarLogin |
static int |
+progressBarSearchBooks |
static int |
+progressBarSelectedBook |
static int |
+progressBarShelves |
static int |
+radio |
static int |
+ratingBar_reviewRating |
static int |
+ratingBarGoodreadsRating |
static int |
+right |
static int |
+right_icon |
static int |
+right_side |
static int |
+screen |
static int |
+scroll |
static int |
+scrollable |
static int |
+scrollIndicatorDown |
static int |
+scrollIndicatorUp |
static int |
+scrollView |
static int |
+search |
static int |
+search_badge |
static int |
+search_bar |
static int |
+search_button |
static int |
+search_close_btn |
static int |
+search_edit_frame |
static int |
+search_go_btn |
static int |
+search_mag_icon |
static int |
+search_plate |
static int |
+search_src_text |
static int |
+search_voice_btn |
static int |
+select_dialog_listview |
static int |
+selectedBookData |
static int |
+shortcut |
static int |
+showCustom |
static int |
+showHome |
static int |
+showTitle |
static int |
+smallLabel |
static int |
+snackbar_action |
static int |
+snackbar_text |
static int |
+snap |
static int |
+spacer |
static int |
+spinner_shelves |
static int |
+split_action_bar |
static int |
+spread |
static int |
+spread_inside |
static int |
+src_atop |
static int |
+src_in |
static int |
+src_over |
static int |
+start |
static int |
+status_bar_latest_event_content |
static int |
+submenuarrow |
static int |
+submit_area |
static int |
+tabMode |
static int |
+text |
static int |
+text_input_password_toggle |
static int |
+text2 |
static int |
+textinput_counter |
static int |
+textinput_error |
static int |
+textSpacerNoButtons |
static int |
+textSpacerNoTitle |
static int |
+textView_drawerName |
static int |
+textView_expandableAdded |
static int |
+textView_expandableBody |
static int |
+textView_expandableRead |
static int |
+textView_expandableShelves |
static int |
+textView_expandableStarted |
static int |
+textView_expandableUpdated |
static int |
+textView_loginCancel |
static int |
+textView_loginError |
static int |
+textView_loginInstructions |
static int |
+textView_loginSuccess |
static int |
+textView_reviewRating |
static int |
+textView_reviewTitle |
static int |
+textView_shelfBookAmount |
static int |
+textViewBookAuthors |
static int |
+textViewBookDescription |
static int |
+textViewBookDescriptionTitle |
static int |
+textViewBookEditionDetails |
static int |
+textViewBookFormat |
static int |
+textViewBookIsbnTen |
static int |
+textViewBookIsbnThirteen |
static int |
+textViewBookOrigPublication |
static int |
+textViewBookPages |
static int |
+textViewBookPublication |
static int |
+textViewBookPublisher |
static int |
+textViewBookRatingAmount |
static int |
+textViewBookTitle |
static int |
+textViewGoodreadsBookLink |
static int |
+textViewGoodreadsData |
static int |
+textViewGoodreadsDataShelf |
static int |
+textViewGoodreadsDataShelves |
static int |
+textViewSearchMessage |
static int |
+textViewShelvesAmount |
static int |
+time |
static int |
+title |
static int |
+title_template |
static int |
+titleDividerNoCustom |
static int |
+toolbar |
static int |
+top |
static int |
+topPanel |
static int |
+touch_outside |
static int |
+transition_current_scene |
static int |
+transition_scene_layoutid_cache |
static int |
+up |
static int |
+useLogo |
static int |
+view_offset_helper |
static int |
+viewSearchInstructions |
static int |
+viewSearchResults |
static int |
+visible |
static int |
+withText |
static int |
+wrap |
static int |
+wrap_content |
public static final int ListViewFooter+
public static final int ListViewFooterShelves+
public static final int ListViewSearchBooksHeader+
public static final int ListViewShelfFooter+
public static final int ListViewShelfHeader+
public static final int ListViewShelvesHeader+
public static final int action0+
public static final int action_bar+
public static final int action_bar_activity_content+
public static final int action_bar_container+
public static final int action_bar_root+
public static final int action_bar_spinner+
public static final int action_bar_subtitle+
public static final int action_bar_title+
public static final int action_container+
public static final int action_context_bar+
public static final int action_divider+
public static final int action_image+
public static final int action_menu_divider+
public static final int action_menu_presenter+
public static final int action_mode_bar+
public static final int action_mode_bar_stub+
public static final int action_mode_close_button+
public static final int action_text+
public static final int actions+
public static final int activity_chooser_view_content+
public static final int add+
public static final int alertTitle+
public static final int all+
public static final int always+
public static final int auto+
public static final int basic+
public static final int beginning+
public static final int bottom+
public static final int buttonPanel+
public static final int button_continue+
public static final int button_login+
public static final int button_showBook+
public static final int button_skip+
public static final int cancel_action+
public static final int center+
public static final int center_horizontal+
public static final int center_vertical+
public static final int chains+
public static final int checkbox+
public static final int chronometer+
public static final int clip_horizontal+
public static final int clip_vertical+
public static final int collapseActionView+
public static final int contentPanel+
public static final int custom+
public static final int customPanel+
public static final int decor_content_parent+
public static final int default_activity_button+
public static final int design_bottom_sheet+
public static final int design_menu_item_action_area+
public static final int design_menu_item_action_area_stub+
public static final int design_menu_item_text+
public static final int design_navigation_view+
public static final int disableHome+
public static final int drawer_layout+
public static final int editText_shelfFilter+
public static final int edit_query+
public static final int end+
public static final int end_padder+
public static final int enterAlways+
public static final int enterAlwaysCollapsed+
public static final int exitUntilCollapsed+
public static final int expand_activities_button+
public static final int expandableListExpand+
public static final int expandableListItemBookAuthor+
public static final int expandableListItemBookTitle+
public static final int expandableListItemImage+
public static final int expandableListView_shelf+
public static final int expanded_menu+
public static final int fill+
public static final int fill_horizontal+
public static final int fill_vertical+
public static final int fixed+
public static final int group_login+
public static final int group_search+
public static final int home+
public static final int homeAsUp+
public static final int icon+
public static final int icon_group+
public static final int ifRoom+
public static final int image+
public static final int imageView+
public static final int imageViewBook+
public static final int imageViewBookPile+
public static final int info+
public static final int item_touch_helper_previous_elevation+
public static final int largeLabel+
public static final int layoutContentSearch+
public static final int layout_contentShelves+
public static final int layout_loginButtons+
public static final int left+
public static final int line1+
public static final int line3+
public static final int linearLayout_searchView+
public static final int linearLayout_shelf+
public static final int linearLayout_shelves+
public static final int listItemBookAuthor+
public static final int listItemBookPublished+
public static final int listItemBookTitle+
public static final int listItemImage+
public static final int listItemShelfBookAmount+
public static final int listItemShelfName+
public static final int listMode+
public static final int listViewSearchBooks+
public static final int listViewShelves+
public static final int list_item+
public static final int masked+
public static final int media_actions+
public static final int middle+
public static final int mini+
public static final int multiply+
public static final int nav_bookshelves+
public static final int nav_header_main+
public static final int nav_login+
public static final int nav_logout+
public static final int nav_read+
public static final int nav_reading+
public static final int nav_search_books+
public static final int nav_to_read+
public static final int nav_view+
public static final int navigation_header_container+
public static final int never+
public static final int none+
public static final int normal+
public static final int notification_background+
public static final int notification_main_column+
public static final int notification_main_column_container+
public static final int packed+
public static final int parallax+
public static final int parent+
public static final int parentPanel+
public static final int pin+
public static final int progressBarLogin+
public static final int progressBarSearchBooks+
public static final int progressBarSelectedBook+
public static final int progressBarShelves+
public static final int progressBar_shelf+
public static final int progressBar_spinnerLoad+
public static final int progress_circular+
public static final int progress_horizontal+
public static final int radio+
public static final int ratingBarGoodreadsRating+
public static final int ratingBar_reviewRating+
public static final int right+
public static final int right_icon+
public static final int right_side+
public static final int screen+
public static final int scroll+
public static final int scrollIndicatorDown+
public static final int scrollIndicatorUp+
public static final int scrollView+
public static final int scrollable+
public static final int search+
public static final int search_badge+
public static final int search_bar+
public static final int search_button+
public static final int search_close_btn+
public static final int search_edit_frame+
public static final int search_go_btn+
public static final int search_mag_icon+
public static final int search_plate+
public static final int search_src_text+
public static final int search_voice_btn+
public static final int select_dialog_listview+
public static final int selectedBookData+
public static final int shortcut+
public static final int showCustom+
public static final int showHome+
public static final int showTitle+
public static final int smallLabel+
public static final int snackbar_action+
public static final int snackbar_text+
public static final int snap+
public static final int spacer+
public static final int spinner_shelves+
public static final int split_action_bar+
public static final int spread+
public static final int spread_inside+
public static final int src_atop+
public static final int src_in+
public static final int src_over+
public static final int start+
public static final int status_bar_latest_event_content+
public static final int submenuarrow+
public static final int submit_area+
public static final int tabMode+
public static final int text+
public static final int text2+
public static final int textSpacerNoButtons+
public static final int textSpacerNoTitle+
public static final int textViewBookAuthors+
public static final int textViewBookDescription+
public static final int textViewBookDescriptionTitle+
public static final int textViewBookEditionDetails+
public static final int textViewBookFormat+
public static final int textViewBookIsbnTen+
public static final int textViewBookIsbnThirteen+
public static final int textViewBookOrigPublication+
public static final int textViewBookPages+
public static final int textViewBookPublication+
public static final int textViewBookPublisher+
public static final int textViewBookRatingAmount+
public static final int textViewBookTitle+
public static final int textViewGoodreadsBookLink+
public static final int textViewGoodreadsData+
public static final int textViewGoodreadsDataShelf+
public static final int textViewGoodreadsDataShelves+
public static final int textViewSearchMessage+
public static final int textViewShelvesAmount+
public static final int textView_drawerName+
public static final int textView_expandableAdded+
public static final int textView_expandableBody+
public static final int textView_expandableRead+
public static final int textView_expandableShelves+
public static final int textView_expandableStarted+
public static final int textView_expandableUpdated+
public static final int textView_loginCancel+
public static final int textView_loginError+
public static final int textView_loginInstructions+
public static final int textView_loginSuccess+
public static final int textView_reviewRating+
public static final int textView_reviewTitle+
public static final int textView_shelfBookAmount+
public static final int text_input_password_toggle+
public static final int textinput_counter+
public static final int textinput_error+
public static final int time+
public static final int title+
public static final int titleDividerNoCustom+
public static final int title_template+
public static final int toolbar+
public static final int top+
public static final int topPanel+
public static final int touch_outside+
public static final int transition_current_scene+
public static final int transition_scene_layoutid_cache+
public static final int up+
public static final int useLogo+
public static final int viewSearchInstructions+
public static final int viewSearchResults+
public static final int view_offset_helper+
public static final int visible+
public static final int withText+
public static final int wrap+
public static final int wrap_content+
public static final class R.integer
+extends java.lang.Object
+Modifier and Type | +Field and Description | +
static int |
+abc_config_activityDefaultDur |
static int |
+abc_config_activityShortDur |
static int |
+app_bar_elevation_anim_duration |
static int |
+bottom_sheet_slide_duration |
static int |
+cancel_button_image_alpha |
static int |
+design_snackbar_text_max_lines |
static int |
+hide_password_duration |
static int |
+show_password_duration |
static int |
+status_bar_notification_info_maxnum |
public static final int abc_config_activityDefaultDur+
public static final int abc_config_activityShortDur+
public static final int app_bar_elevation_anim_duration+
public static final int bottom_sheet_slide_duration+
public static final int cancel_button_image_alpha+
public static final int design_snackbar_text_max_lines+
public static final int hide_password_duration+
public static final int show_password_duration+
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum+
public static final class R.layout
+extends java.lang.Object
+public static final int abc_action_bar_title_item+
public static final int abc_action_bar_up_container+
public static final int abc_action_bar_view_list_nav_layout+
public static final int abc_action_menu_item_layout+
public static final int abc_action_menu_layout+
public static final int abc_action_mode_bar+
public static final int abc_action_mode_close_item_material+
public static final int abc_activity_chooser_view+
public static final int abc_activity_chooser_view_list_item+
public static final int abc_alert_dialog_button_bar_material+
public static final int abc_alert_dialog_material+
public static final int abc_alert_dialog_title_material+
public static final int abc_dialog_title_material+
public static final int abc_expanded_menu_layout+
public static final int abc_list_menu_item_checkbox+
public static final int abc_list_menu_item_icon+
public static final int abc_list_menu_item_layout+
public static final int abc_list_menu_item_radio+
public static final int abc_popup_menu_header_item_layout+
public static final int abc_popup_menu_item_layout+
public static final int abc_screen_content_include+
public static final int abc_screen_simple+
public static final int abc_screen_simple_overlay_action_mode+
public static final int abc_screen_toolbar+
public static final int abc_search_dropdown_item_icons_2line+
public static final int abc_search_view+
public static final int abc_select_dialog_material+
public static final int activity_book+
public static final int activity_main+
public static final int activity_search+
public static final int activity_shelf+
public static final int activity_shelves+
public static final int content_book+
public static final int content_search+
public static final int content_shelf+
public static final int content_shelves+
public static final int design_bottom_navigation_item+
public static final int design_bottom_sheet_dialog+
public static final int design_layout_snackbar+
public static final int design_layout_snackbar_include+
public static final int design_layout_tab_icon+
public static final int design_layout_tab_text+
public static final int design_menu_item_action_area+
public static final int design_navigation_item+
public static final int design_navigation_item_header+
public static final int design_navigation_item_separator+
public static final int design_navigation_item_subheader+
public static final int design_navigation_menu+
public static final int design_navigation_menu_item+
public static final int design_text_input_password_icon+
public static final int expandable_list_item_book+
public static final int expandable_list_item_book_child+
public static final int expandable_list_item_book_footer+
public static final int expandable_list_item_book_header+
public static final int list_item_shelf+
public static final int list_item_shelf_footer+
public static final int list_item_shelf_header+
public static final int list_item_work+
public static final int list_item_work_footer+
public static final int list_item_work_header+
public static final int nav_app_bar+
public static final int nav_header_main+
public static final int nav_view+
public static final int notification_action+
public static final int notification_action_tombstone+
public static final int notification_media_action+
public static final int notification_media_cancel_action+
public static final int notification_template_big_media+
public static final int notification_template_big_media_custom+
public static final int notification_template_big_media_narrow+
public static final int notification_template_big_media_narrow_custom+
public static final int notification_template_custom_big+
public static final int notification_template_icon_group+
public static final int notification_template_lines_media+
public static final int notification_template_media+
public static final int notification_template_media_custom+
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer+
public static final int notification_template_part_time+
public static final int select_dialog_item_material+
public static final int select_dialog_multichoice_material+
public static final int select_dialog_singlechoice_material+
public static final int spinner_item+
public static final int support_simple_spinner_dropdown_item+
public static final class R.menu
+extends java.lang.Object
+Modifier and Type | +Field and Description | +
static int |
+activity_main_drawer |
static int |
+main |
static int |
+search |
public static final int activity_main_drawer+
public static final int main+
public static final int search+
public static final class R.mipmap
+extends java.lang.Object
+Modifier and Type | +Field and Description | +
static int |
+ic_launcher |
static int |
+ic_launcher_round |
public static final int ic_launcher+
public static final int ic_launcher_round+
public static final class R.string
+extends java.lang.Object
+public static final int abc_action_bar_home_description+
public static final int abc_action_bar_home_description_format+
public static final int abc_action_bar_home_subtitle_description_format+
public static final int abc_action_bar_up_description+
public static final int abc_action_menu_overflow_description+
public static final int abc_action_mode_done+
public static final int abc_activity_chooser_view_see_all+
public static final int abc_activitychooserview_choose_application+
public static final int abc_capital_off+
public static final int abc_capital_on+
public static final int abc_font_family_body_1_material+
public static final int abc_font_family_body_2_material+
public static final int abc_font_family_button_material+
public static final int abc_font_family_caption_material+
public static final int abc_font_family_display_1_material+
public static final int abc_font_family_display_2_material+
public static final int abc_font_family_display_3_material+
public static final int abc_font_family_display_4_material+
public static final int abc_font_family_headline_material+
public static final int abc_font_family_menu_material+
public static final int abc_font_family_subhead_material+
public static final int abc_font_family_title_material+
public static final int abc_search_hint+
public static final int abc_searchview_description_clear+
public static final int abc_searchview_description_query+
public static final int abc_searchview_description_search+
public static final int abc_searchview_description_submit+
public static final int abc_searchview_description_voice+
public static final int abc_shareactionprovider_share_with+
public static final int abc_shareactionprovider_share_with_application+
public static final int abc_toolbar_collapse_description+
public static final int account_continue+
public static final int account_login+
public static final int account_result_cancel+
public static final int account_result_success+
public static final int account_skip+
public static final int add_account_instructions+
public static final int app_name+
public static final int appbar_scrolling_view_behavior+
public static final int book_description_title+
public static final int book_edition_details_title+
public static final int bottom_sheet_behavior+
public static final int button_show_book+
public static final int character_counter_pattern+
public static final int content_description_book+
public static final int content_description_books+
public static final int filter_hint+
public static final int http_books_search_error+
public static final int nav_all_shelves+
public static final int nav_bookshelves+
public static final int nav_currently_reading+
public static final int nav_login+
public static final int nav_logout+
public static final int nav_read+
public static final int nav_search_books+
public static final int nav_to_read+
public static final int navigation_drawer_close+
public static final int navigation_drawer_open+
public static final int password_toggle_content_description+
public static final int path_password_eye+
public static final int path_password_eye_mask_strike_through+
public static final int path_password_eye_mask_visible+
public static final int path_password_strike_through+
public static final int rating_title+
public static final int results_loading_error+
public static final int review_title+
public static final int search_hint+
public static final int search_menu_title+
public static final int search_message+
public static final int snackbar_added+
public static final int snackbar_error+
public static final int snackbar_load_error+
public static final int snackbar_login_error+
public static final int snackbar_removed+
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow+
public static final class R.style
+extends java.lang.Object
+public static final int AlertDialog_AppCompat+
public static final int AlertDialog_AppCompat_Light+
public static final int Animation_AppCompat_Dialog+
public static final int Animation_AppCompat_DropDownUp+
public static final int Animation_Design_BottomSheetDialog+
public static final int AppTheme+
public static final int AppTheme_AppBarOverlay+
public static final int AppTheme_NoActionBar+
public static final int AppTheme_PopupOverlay+
public static final int Base_AlertDialog_AppCompat+
public static final int Base_AlertDialog_AppCompat_Light+
public static final int Base_Animation_AppCompat_Dialog+
public static final int Base_Animation_AppCompat_DropDownUp+
public static final int Base_DialogWindowTitle_AppCompat+
public static final int Base_DialogWindowTitleBackground_AppCompat+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Body1+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Body2+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Button+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Caption+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display1+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display2+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display3+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display4+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Headline+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Inverse+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Large+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Large_Inverse+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Light_Widget_PopupMenu_Large+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Light_Widget_PopupMenu_Small+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Medium+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Medium_Inverse+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Menu+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_SearchResult+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_SearchResult_Subtitle+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_SearchResult_Title+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Small+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Small_Inverse+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Subhead+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Subhead_Inverse+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Title+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Title_Inverse+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Menu+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle_Inverse+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Title+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Title_Inverse+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionMode_Title+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button_Borderless_Colored+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button_Colored+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button_Inverse+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_DropDownItem+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_PopupMenu_Header+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_PopupMenu_Large+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_PopupMenu_Small+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Switch+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_TextView_SpinnerItem+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_Widget_AppCompat_ExpandedMenu_Item+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar_Subtitle+
public static final int Base_TextAppearance_Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar_Title+
public static final int Base_Theme_AppCompat+
public static final int Base_Theme_AppCompat_CompactMenu+
public static final int Base_Theme_AppCompat_Dialog+
public static final int Base_Theme_AppCompat_Dialog_Alert+
public static final int Base_Theme_AppCompat_Dialog_FixedSize+
public static final int Base_Theme_AppCompat_Dialog_MinWidth+
public static final int Base_Theme_AppCompat_DialogWhenLarge+
public static final int Base_Theme_AppCompat_Light+
public static final int Base_Theme_AppCompat_Light_DarkActionBar+
public static final int Base_Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog+
public static final int Base_Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog_Alert+
public static final int Base_Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog_FixedSize+
public static final int Base_Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog_MinWidth+
public static final int Base_Theme_AppCompat_Light_DialogWhenLarge+
public static final int Base_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat+
public static final int Base_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_ActionBar+
public static final int Base_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dark+
public static final int Base_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dark_ActionBar+
public static final int Base_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dialog+
public static final int Base_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dialog_Alert+
public static final int Base_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Light+
public static final int Base_V11_Theme_AppCompat_Dialog+
public static final int Base_V11_Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog+
public static final int Base_V11_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dialog+
public static final int Base_V12_Widget_AppCompat_AutoCompleteTextView+
public static final int Base_V12_Widget_AppCompat_EditText+
public static final int Base_V21_Theme_AppCompat+
public static final int Base_V21_Theme_AppCompat_Dialog+
public static final int Base_V21_Theme_AppCompat_Light+
public static final int Base_V21_Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog+
public static final int Base_V21_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dialog+
public static final int Base_V22_Theme_AppCompat+
public static final int Base_V22_Theme_AppCompat_Light+
public static final int Base_V23_Theme_AppCompat+
public static final int Base_V23_Theme_AppCompat_Light+
public static final int Base_V7_Theme_AppCompat+
public static final int Base_V7_Theme_AppCompat_Dialog+
public static final int Base_V7_Theme_AppCompat_Light+
public static final int Base_V7_Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog+
public static final int Base_V7_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dialog+
public static final int Base_V7_Widget_AppCompat_AutoCompleteTextView+
public static final int Base_V7_Widget_AppCompat_EditText+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_Solid+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TabBar+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TabText+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TabView+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton_CloseMode+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton_Overflow+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActionMode+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ActivityChooserView+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_AutoCompleteTextView+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Button+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Button_Borderless+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Button_Borderless_Colored+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Button_ButtonBar_AlertDialog+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Button_Colored+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Button_Small+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ButtonBar+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ButtonBar_AlertDialog+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_CompoundButton_CheckBox+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_CompoundButton_RadioButton+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_CompoundButton_Switch+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_DrawerArrowToggle+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_DrawerArrowToggle_Common+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_DropDownItem_Spinner+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_EditText+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ImageButton+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_Solid+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabBar+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabText+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabText_Inverse+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabView+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Light_PopupMenu+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Light_PopupMenu_Overflow+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ListMenuView+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ListPopupWindow+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ListView+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ListView_DropDown+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ListView_Menu+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_PopupMenu+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_PopupMenu_Overflow+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_PopupWindow+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ProgressBar+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_ProgressBar_Horizontal+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_RatingBar+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_RatingBar_Indicator+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_RatingBar_Small+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_SearchView+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_SearchView_ActionBar+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_SeekBar+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_SeekBar_Discrete+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Spinner+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Spinner_Underlined+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_TextView_SpinnerItem+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar+
public static final int Base_Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar_Button_Navigation+
public static final int Base_Widget_Design_AppBarLayout+
public static final int Base_Widget_Design_TabLayout+
public static final int Platform_AppCompat+
public static final int Platform_AppCompat_Light+
public static final int Platform_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat+
public static final int Platform_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dark+
public static final int Platform_ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Light+
public static final int Platform_V11_AppCompat+
public static final int Platform_V11_AppCompat_Light+
public static final int Platform_V14_AppCompat+
public static final int Platform_V14_AppCompat_Light+
public static final int Platform_V21_AppCompat+
public static final int Platform_V21_AppCompat_Light+
public static final int Platform_V25_AppCompat+
public static final int Platform_V25_AppCompat_Light+
public static final int Platform_Widget_AppCompat_Spinner+
public static final int RtlOverlay_DialogWindowTitle_AppCompat+
public static final int RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TitleItem+
public static final int RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_DialogTitle_Icon+
public static final int RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_PopupMenuItem+
public static final int RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_PopupMenuItem_InternalGroup+
public static final int RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_PopupMenuItem_Text+
public static final int RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_Search_DropDown+
public static final int RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_Search_DropDown_Icon1+
public static final int RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_Search_DropDown_Icon2+
public static final int RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_Search_DropDown_Query+
public static final int RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_Search_DropDown_Text+
public static final int RtlOverlay_Widget_AppCompat_SearchView_MagIcon+
public static final int RtlUnderlay_Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton+
public static final int RtlUnderlay_Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton_Overflow+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Body1+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Body2+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Button+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Caption+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display1+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display2+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display3+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Display4+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Headline+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Inverse+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Large+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Large_Inverse+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Light_SearchResult_Subtitle+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Light_SearchResult_Title+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Light_Widget_PopupMenu_Large+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Light_Widget_PopupMenu_Small+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Medium+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Medium_Inverse+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Menu+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Info+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Info_Media+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Line2+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Line2_Media+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Media+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Time+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Time_Media+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Title+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Notification_Title_Media+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_SearchResult_Subtitle+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_SearchResult_Title+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Small+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Small_Inverse+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Subhead+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Subhead_Inverse+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Title+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Title_Inverse+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Menu+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Subtitle_Inverse+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Title+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionBar_Title_Inverse+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionMode_Subtitle_Inverse+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionMode_Title+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_ActionMode_Title_Inverse+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button_Borderless_Colored+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button_Colored+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Button_Inverse+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_DropDownItem+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_PopupMenu_Header+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_PopupMenu_Large+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_PopupMenu_Small+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_Switch+
public static final int TextAppearance_AppCompat_Widget_TextView_SpinnerItem+
public static final int TextAppearance_Design_CollapsingToolbar_Expanded+
public static final int TextAppearance_Design_Counter+
public static final int TextAppearance_Design_Counter_Overflow+
public static final int TextAppearance_Design_Error+
public static final int TextAppearance_Design_Hint+
public static final int TextAppearance_Design_Snackbar_Message+
public static final int TextAppearance_Design_Tab+
public static final int TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent+
public static final int TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent_Info+
public static final int TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent_Line2+
public static final int TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent_Time+
public static final int TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent_Title+
public static final int TextAppearance_Widget_AppCompat_ExpandedMenu_Item+
public static final int TextAppearance_Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar_Subtitle+
public static final int TextAppearance_Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar_Title+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_CompactMenu+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_DayNight+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_DarkActionBar+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_Dialog+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_Dialog_Alert+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_Dialog_MinWidth+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_DialogWhenLarge+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_DayNight_NoActionBar+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_Dialog+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_Dialog_Alert+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_Dialog_MinWidth+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_DialogWhenLarge+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_Light+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_Light_DarkActionBar+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog_Alert+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_Light_Dialog_MinWidth+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_Light_DialogWhenLarge+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_Light_NoActionBar+
public static final int Theme_AppCompat_NoActionBar+
public static final int Theme_Design+
public static final int Theme_Design_BottomSheetDialog+
public static final int Theme_Design_Light+
public static final int Theme_Design_Light_BottomSheetDialog+
public static final int Theme_Design_Light_NoActionBar+
public static final int Theme_Design_NoActionBar+
public static final int ThemeOverlay_AppCompat+
public static final int ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_ActionBar+
public static final int ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dark+
public static final int ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dark_ActionBar+
public static final int ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dialog+
public static final int ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Dialog_Alert+
public static final int ThemeOverlay_AppCompat_Light+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_Solid+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TabBar+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TabText+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ActionBar_TabView+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton_CloseMode+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ActionButton_Overflow+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ActionMode+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ActivityChooserView+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_AutoCompleteTextView+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Button+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Button_Borderless+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Button_Borderless_Colored+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Button_ButtonBar_AlertDialog+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Button_Colored+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Button_Small+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ButtonBar+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ButtonBar_AlertDialog+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_CompoundButton_CheckBox+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_CompoundButton_RadioButton+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_CompoundButton_Switch+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_DrawerArrowToggle+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_DropDownItem_Spinner+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_EditText+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ImageButton+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_Solid+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_Solid_Inverse+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabBar+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabBar_Inverse+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabText+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabText_Inverse+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabView+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionBar_TabView_Inverse+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionButton+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionButton_CloseMode+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionButton_Overflow+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActionMode_Inverse+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_ActivityChooserView+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_AutoCompleteTextView+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_DropDownItem_Spinner+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_ListPopupWindow+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_ListView_DropDown+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_PopupMenu+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_PopupMenu_Overflow+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_SearchView+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Light_Spinner_DropDown_ActionBar+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ListMenuView+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ListPopupWindow+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ListView+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ListView_DropDown+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ListView_Menu+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_NotificationActionContainer+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_NotificationActionText+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_PopupMenu+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_PopupMenu_Overflow+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_PopupWindow+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ProgressBar+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_ProgressBar_Horizontal+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_RatingBar+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_RatingBar_Indicator+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_RatingBar_Small+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_SearchView+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_SearchView_ActionBar+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_SeekBar+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_SeekBar_Discrete+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Spinner+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Spinner_DropDown+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Spinner_DropDown_ActionBar+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Spinner_Underlined+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_TextView_SpinnerItem+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar+
public static final int Widget_AppCompat_Toolbar_Button_Navigation+
public static final int Widget_Design_AppBarLayout+
public static final int Widget_Design_BottomNavigationView+
public static final int Widget_Design_BottomSheet_Modal+
public static final int Widget_Design_CollapsingToolbar+
public static final int Widget_Design_CoordinatorLayout+
public static final int Widget_Design_FloatingActionButton+
public static final int Widget_Design_NavigationView+
public static final int Widget_Design_ScrimInsetsFrameLayout+
public static final int Widget_Design_Snackbar+
public static final int Widget_Design_TabLayout+
public static final int Widget_Design_TextInputLayout+
public static final class R.styleable
+extends java.lang.Object
+Modifier and Type | +Field and Description | +
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a ActionBar.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a ActionBarLayout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBarLayout array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a ActionMenuItemView.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionMenuItemView array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a ActionMenuView.
+ |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a ActionMode.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionMode array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionMode array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionMode array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionMode array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionMode array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionMode array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a ActivityChooserView.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActivityChooserView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActivityChooserView array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a AlertDialog.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a AppBarLayout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppBarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppBarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppBarLayout array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a AppBarLayout_Layout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppBarLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppBarLayout_Layout array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a AppBarLayoutStates.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppBarLayoutStates array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppBarLayoutStates array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a AppCompatImageView.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatImageView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatImageView array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a AppCompatSeekBar.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatSeekBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatSeekBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatSeekBar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatSeekBar array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a AppCompatTextHelper.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextHelper array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextHelper array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextHelper array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextHelper array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextHelper array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextHelper array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextHelper array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a AppCompatTextView.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextView array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a AppCompatTheme.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a BottomNavigationView.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the BottomNavigationView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the BottomNavigationView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the BottomNavigationView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the BottomNavigationView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the BottomNavigationView array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a BottomSheetBehavior_Layout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the BottomSheetBehavior_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the BottomSheetBehavior_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the BottomSheetBehavior_Layout array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a ButtonBarLayout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ButtonBarLayout array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a CollapsingToolbarLayout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a CollapsingToolbarLayout_Layout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a ColorStateListItem.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ColorStateListItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ColorStateListItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ColorStateListItem array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a CompoundButton.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CompoundButton array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CompoundButton array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CompoundButton array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a ConstraintLayout_Layout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a ConstraintSet.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a CoordinatorLayout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a CoordinatorLayout_Layout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a DesignTheme.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the DesignTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the DesignTheme array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the DesignTheme array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a DrawerArrowToggle.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the DrawerArrowToggle array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the DrawerArrowToggle array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the DrawerArrowToggle array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the DrawerArrowToggle array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the DrawerArrowToggle array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the DrawerArrowToggle array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the DrawerArrowToggle array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the DrawerArrowToggle array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a FloatingActionButton.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a FloatingActionButton_Behavior_Layout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton_Behavior_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a ForegroundLinearLayout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ForegroundLinearLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ForegroundLinearLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ForegroundLinearLayout array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a LinearConstraintLayout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearConstraintLayout array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a LinearLayoutCompat.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a LinearLayoutCompat_Layout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat_Layout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a ListPopupWindow.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ListPopupWindow array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ListPopupWindow array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a MenuGroup.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuGroup array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuGroup array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuGroup array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuGroup array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuGroup array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuGroup array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a MenuItem.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a MenuView.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a NavigationView.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a PopupWindow.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the PopupWindow array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the PopupWindow array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the PopupWindow array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a PopupWindowBackgroundState.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the PopupWindowBackgroundState array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a RecycleListView.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the RecycleListView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the RecycleListView array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a RecyclerView.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the RecyclerView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the RecyclerView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the RecyclerView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the RecyclerView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the RecyclerView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the RecyclerView array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a ScrimInsetsFrameLayout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ScrimInsetsFrameLayout array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a ScrollingViewBehavior_Layout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ScrollingViewBehavior_Layout array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a SearchView.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a SnackbarLayout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SnackbarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SnackbarLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SnackbarLayout array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a Spinner.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Spinner array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Spinner array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Spinner array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Spinner array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Spinner array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a SwitchCompat.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a TabItem.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabItem array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabItem array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a TabLayout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a TextAppearance.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a TextInputLayout.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a Toolbar.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a View.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the View array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the View array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the View array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the View array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the View array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a ViewBackgroundHelper.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ViewBackgroundHelper array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ViewBackgroundHelper array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ViewBackgroundHelper array. |
static int[] |
+Attributes that can be used with a ViewStubCompat.
+ |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ViewStubCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ViewStubCompat array. |
static int |
+This symbol is the offset where the
+ attribute's value can be found in the ViewStubCompat array. |
public static final int[] ActionBar+
Includes the following attributes:
public static final int ActionBar_background+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.background
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ActionBar_backgroundSplit+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.backgroundSplit
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
public static final int ActionBar_backgroundStacked+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.backgroundStacked
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
public static final int ActionBar_contentInsetEnd+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetEnd
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ActionBar_contentInsetEndWithActions+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetEndWithActions
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ActionBar_contentInsetLeft+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetLeft
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ActionBar_contentInsetRight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetRight
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ActionBar_contentInsetStart+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetStart
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ActionBar_contentInsetStartWithNavigation+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetStartWithNavigation
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ActionBar_customNavigationLayout+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.customNavigationLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ActionBar_displayOptions+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.displayOptions
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
none | 0 | |
useLogo | 0x1 | |
showHome | 0x2 | |
homeAsUp | 0x4 | |
showTitle | 0x8 | |
showCustom | 0x10 | |
disableHome | 0x20 |
public static final int ActionBar_divider+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.divider
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ActionBar_elevation+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.elevation
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ActionBar_height+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.height
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ActionBar_hideOnContentScroll+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.hideOnContentScroll
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ActionBar_homeAsUpIndicator+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.homeAsUpIndicator
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ActionBar_homeLayout+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.homeLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ActionBar_icon+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.icon
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ActionBar_indeterminateProgressStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.indeterminateProgressStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ActionBar_itemPadding+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.itemPadding
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ActionBar_logo+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.logo
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ActionBar_navigationMode+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.navigationMode
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
normal | 0 | |
listMode | 1 | |
tabMode | 2 |
public static final int ActionBar_popupTheme+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.popupTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ActionBar_progressBarPadding+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.progressBarPadding
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ActionBar_progressBarStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.progressBarStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ActionBar_subtitle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.subtitle
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ActionBar_subtitleTextStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.subtitleTextStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ActionBar_title+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.title
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ActionBar_titleTextStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleTextStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int[] ActionBarLayout+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
public static final int ActionBarLayout_android_layout_gravity+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_gravity
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionBarLayout
public static final int[] ActionMenuItemView+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
public static final int ActionMenuItemView_android_minWidth+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.minWidth
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionMenuItemView
public static final int[] ActionMenuView+
public static final int[] ActionMode+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
public static final int ActionMode_background+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.background
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionMode
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ActionMode_backgroundSplit+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.backgroundSplit
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionMode
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
public static final int ActionMode_closeItemLayout+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.closeItemLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionMode
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ActionMode_height+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.height
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionMode
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ActionMode_subtitleTextStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.subtitleTextStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionMode
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ActionMode_titleTextStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleTextStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActionMode
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int[] ActivityChooserView+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
public static final int ActivityChooserView_expandActivityOverflowButtonDrawable+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.expandActivityOverflowButtonDrawable
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActivityChooserView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ActivityChooserView_initialActivityCount+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.initialActivityCount
+ attribute's value can be found in the ActivityChooserView
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] AlertDialog+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
public static final int AlertDialog_android_layout+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog
public static final int AlertDialog_buttonPanelSideLayout+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.buttonPanelSideLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AlertDialog_listItemLayout+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.listItemLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AlertDialog_listLayout+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.listLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AlertDialog_multiChoiceItemLayout+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.multiChoiceItemLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AlertDialog_showTitle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.showTitle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AlertDialog_singleChoiceItemLayout+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.singleChoiceItemLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int[] AppBarLayout+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
public static final int AppBarLayout_android_background+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.background
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppBarLayout
public static final int AppBarLayout_elevation+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.elevation
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppBarLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppBarLayout_expanded+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.expanded
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppBarLayout
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] AppBarLayoutStates+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
public static final int AppBarLayoutStates_state_collapsed+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.state_collapsed
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppBarLayoutStates
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppBarLayoutStates_state_collapsible+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.state_collapsible
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppBarLayoutStates
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] AppBarLayout_Layout+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
public static final int AppBarLayout_Layout_layout_scrollFlags+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_scrollFlags
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppBarLayout_Layout
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
scroll | 0x1 | |
exitUntilCollapsed | 0x2 | |
enterAlways | 0x4 | |
enterAlwaysCollapsed | 0x8 | |
snap | 0x10 |
public static final int AppBarLayout_Layout_layout_scrollInterpolator+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_scrollInterpolator
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppBarLayout_Layout
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int[] AppCompatImageView+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
public static final int AppCompatImageView_android_src+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.src
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatImageView
public static final int AppCompatImageView_srcCompat+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.srcCompat
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatImageView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int[] AppCompatSeekBar+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
| |
public static final int AppCompatSeekBar_android_thumb+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.thumb
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatSeekBar
public static final int AppCompatSeekBar_tickMark+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tickMark
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatSeekBar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatSeekBar_tickMarkTint+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tickMarkTint
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatSeekBar
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatSeekBar_tickMarkTintMode+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tickMarkTintMode
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatSeekBar
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
src_over | 3 | |
src_in | 5 | |
src_atop | 9 | |
multiply | 14 | |
screen | 15 | |
add | 16 |
public static final int[] AppCompatTextHelper+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
public static final int AppCompatTextHelper_android_drawableBottom+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.drawableBottom
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextHelper
public static final int AppCompatTextHelper_android_drawableEnd+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.drawableEnd
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextHelper
public static final int AppCompatTextHelper_android_drawableLeft+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.drawableLeft
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextHelper
public static final int AppCompatTextHelper_android_drawableRight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.drawableRight
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextHelper
public static final int AppCompatTextHelper_android_drawableStart+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.drawableStart
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextHelper
public static final int AppCompatTextHelper_android_drawableTop+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.drawableTop
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextHelper
public static final int AppCompatTextHelper_android_textAppearance+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextHelper
public static final int[] AppCompatTextView+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
public static final int AppCompatTextView_android_textAppearance+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextView
public static final int AppCompatTextView_textAllCaps+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textAllCaps
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTextView
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
public static final int[] AppCompatTheme+
Includes the following attributes:
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionBarDivider+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionBarDivider
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionBarItemBackground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionBarItemBackground
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionBarPopupTheme+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionBarPopupTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionBarSize+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionBarSize
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
wrap_content | 0 |
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionBarSplitStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionBarSplitStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionBarStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionBarStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionBarTabBarStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionBarTabBarStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionBarTabStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionBarTabStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionBarTabTextStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionBarTabTextStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionBarTheme+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionBarTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionBarWidgetTheme+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionBarWidgetTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionButtonStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionButtonStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionDropDownStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionDropDownStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionMenuTextAppearance+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionMenuTextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionMenuTextColor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionMenuTextColor
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionModeBackground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionModeBackground
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionModeCloseButtonStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionModeCloseButtonStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionModeCloseDrawable+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionModeCloseDrawable
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionModeCopyDrawable+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionModeCopyDrawable
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionModeCutDrawable+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionModeCutDrawable
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionModeFindDrawable+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionModeFindDrawable
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionModePasteDrawable+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionModePasteDrawable
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionModePopupWindowStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionModePopupWindowStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionModeSelectAllDrawable+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionModeSelectAllDrawable
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionModeShareDrawable+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionModeShareDrawable
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionModeSplitBackground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionModeSplitBackground
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionModeStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionModeStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionModeWebSearchDrawable+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionModeWebSearchDrawable
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionOverflowButtonStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionOverflowButtonStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_actionOverflowMenuStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionOverflowMenuStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_activityChooserViewStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.activityChooserViewStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_alertDialogButtonGroupStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.alertDialogButtonGroupStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_alertDialogCenterButtons+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.alertDialogCenterButtons
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_alertDialogStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.alertDialogStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_alertDialogTheme+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.alertDialogTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_android_windowAnimationStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.windowAnimationStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
public static final int AppCompatTheme_android_windowIsFloating+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.windowIsFloating
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
public static final int AppCompatTheme_autoCompleteTextViewStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.autoCompleteTextViewStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_borderlessButtonStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.borderlessButtonStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_buttonBarButtonStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.buttonBarButtonStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_buttonBarNegativeButtonStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.buttonBarNegativeButtonStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_buttonBarNeutralButtonStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.buttonBarNeutralButtonStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_buttonBarPositiveButtonStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.buttonBarPositiveButtonStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_buttonBarStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.buttonBarStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_buttonStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.buttonStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_buttonStyleSmall+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.buttonStyleSmall
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_checkboxStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.checkboxStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_checkedTextViewStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.checkedTextViewStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_colorAccent+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.colorAccent
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_colorBackgroundFloating+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.colorBackgroundFloating
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_colorButtonNormal+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.colorButtonNormal
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_colorControlActivated+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.colorControlActivated
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_colorControlHighlight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.colorControlHighlight
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_colorControlNormal+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.colorControlNormal
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_colorPrimary+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.colorPrimary
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_colorPrimaryDark+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.colorPrimaryDark
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_colorSwitchThumbNormal+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.colorSwitchThumbNormal
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_controlBackground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.controlBackground
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_dialogPreferredPadding+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.dialogPreferredPadding
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_dialogTheme+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.dialogTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_dividerHorizontal+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.dividerHorizontal
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_dividerVertical+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.dividerVertical
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_dropDownListViewStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.dropDownListViewStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_dropdownListPreferredItemHeight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.dropdownListPreferredItemHeight
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_editTextBackground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.editTextBackground
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_editTextColor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.editTextColor
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
public static final int AppCompatTheme_editTextStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.editTextStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_homeAsUpIndicator+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.homeAsUpIndicator
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_imageButtonStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.imageButtonStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_listChoiceBackgroundIndicator+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.listChoiceBackgroundIndicator
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_listDividerAlertDialog+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.listDividerAlertDialog
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_listMenuViewStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.listMenuViewStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_listPopupWindowStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.listPopupWindowStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_listPreferredItemHeight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.listPreferredItemHeight
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_listPreferredItemHeightLarge+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.listPreferredItemHeightLarge
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_listPreferredItemHeightSmall+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.listPreferredItemHeightSmall
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_listPreferredItemPaddingLeft+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.listPreferredItemPaddingLeft
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_listPreferredItemPaddingRight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.listPreferredItemPaddingRight
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_panelBackground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.panelBackground
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_panelMenuListTheme+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.panelMenuListTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_panelMenuListWidth+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.panelMenuListWidth
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_popupMenuStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.popupMenuStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_popupWindowStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.popupWindowStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_radioButtonStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.radioButtonStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_ratingBarStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.ratingBarStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_ratingBarStyleIndicator+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.ratingBarStyleIndicator
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_ratingBarStyleSmall+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.ratingBarStyleSmall
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_searchViewStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.searchViewStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_seekBarStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.seekBarStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_selectableItemBackground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.selectableItemBackground
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_selectableItemBackgroundBorderless+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.selectableItemBackgroundBorderless
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_spinnerDropDownItemStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.spinnerDropDownItemStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_spinnerStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.spinnerStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_switchStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.switchStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_textAppearanceLargePopupMenu+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textAppearanceLargePopupMenu
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_textAppearanceListItem+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textAppearanceListItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_textAppearanceListItemSmall+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textAppearanceListItemSmall
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_textAppearancePopupMenuHeader+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textAppearancePopupMenuHeader
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_textAppearanceSearchResultSubtitle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textAppearanceSearchResultSubtitle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_textAppearanceSearchResultTitle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textAppearanceSearchResultTitle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_textAppearanceSmallPopupMenu+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textAppearanceSmallPopupMenu
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_textColorAlertDialogListItem+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textColorAlertDialogListItem
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
public static final int AppCompatTheme_textColorSearchUrl+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textColorSearchUrl
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
public static final int AppCompatTheme_toolbarNavigationButtonStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.toolbarNavigationButtonStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_toolbarStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.toolbarStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int AppCompatTheme_windowActionBar+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.windowActionBar
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_windowActionBarOverlay+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.windowActionBarOverlay
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_windowActionModeOverlay+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.windowActionModeOverlay
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_windowFixedHeightMajor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.windowFixedHeightMajor
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%
+The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to
+some parent container.
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_windowFixedHeightMinor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.windowFixedHeightMinor
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%
+The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to
+some parent container.
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_windowFixedWidthMajor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.windowFixedWidthMajor
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%
+The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to
+some parent container.
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_windowFixedWidthMinor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.windowFixedWidthMinor
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%
+The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to
+some parent container.
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_windowMinWidthMajor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.windowMinWidthMajor
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%
+The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to
+some parent container.
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_windowMinWidthMinor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.windowMinWidthMinor
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%
+The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to
+some parent container.
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int AppCompatTheme_windowNoTitle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.windowNoTitle
+ attribute's value can be found in the AppCompatTheme
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] BottomNavigationView+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
public static final int BottomNavigationView_elevation+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.elevation
+ attribute's value can be found in the BottomNavigationView
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int BottomNavigationView_itemBackground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.itemBackground
+ attribute's value can be found in the BottomNavigationView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int BottomNavigationView_itemIconTint+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.itemIconTint
+ attribute's value can be found in the BottomNavigationView
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int BottomNavigationView_itemTextColor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.itemTextColor
+ attribute's value can be found in the BottomNavigationView
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int BottomNavigationView_menu+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.menu
+ attribute's value can be found in the BottomNavigationView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int[] BottomSheetBehavior_Layout+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
public static final int BottomSheetBehavior_Layout_behavior_hideable+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.behavior_hideable
+ attribute's value can be found in the BottomSheetBehavior_Layout
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int BottomSheetBehavior_Layout_behavior_peekHeight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.behavior_peekHeight
+ attribute's value can be found in the BottomSheetBehavior_Layout
May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
auto | -1 |
public static final int BottomSheetBehavior_Layout_behavior_skipCollapsed+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.behavior_skipCollapsed
+ attribute's value can be found in the BottomSheetBehavior_Layout
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] ButtonBarLayout+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
public static final int ButtonBarLayout_allowStacking+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.allowStacking
+ attribute's value can be found in the ButtonBarLayout
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] CollapsingToolbarLayout+
Includes the following attributes:
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_collapsedTitleGravity+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.collapsedTitleGravity
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
top | 0x30 | |
bottom | 0x50 | |
left | 0x03 | |
right | 0x05 | |
center_vertical | 0x10 | |
fill_vertical | 0x70 | |
center_horizontal | 0x01 | |
center | 0x11 | |
start | 0x00800003 | |
end | 0x00800005 |
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_collapsedTitleTextAppearance+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.collapsedTitleTextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_contentScrim+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentScrim
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_expandedTitleGravity+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.expandedTitleGravity
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
top | 0x30 | |
bottom | 0x50 | |
left | 0x03 | |
right | 0x05 | |
center_vertical | 0x10 | |
fill_vertical | 0x70 | |
center_horizontal | 0x01 | |
center | 0x11 | |
start | 0x00800003 | |
end | 0x00800005 |
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_expandedTitleMargin+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.expandedTitleMargin
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_expandedTitleMarginBottom+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.expandedTitleMarginBottom
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_expandedTitleMarginEnd+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.expandedTitleMarginEnd
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_expandedTitleMarginStart+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.expandedTitleMarginStart
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_expandedTitleMarginTop+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.expandedTitleMarginTop
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_expandedTitleTextAppearance+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.expandedTitleTextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_scrimAnimationDuration+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.scrimAnimationDuration
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_scrimVisibleHeightTrigger+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.scrimVisibleHeightTrigger
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_statusBarScrim+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.statusBarScrim
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_title+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.title
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_titleEnabled+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleEnabled
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_toolbarId+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.toolbarId
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int[] CollapsingToolbarLayout_Layout+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_Layout_layout_collapseMode+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_collapseMode
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout_Layout
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
none | 0 | |
pin | 1 | |
parallax | 2 |
public static final int CollapsingToolbarLayout_Layout_layout_collapseParallaxMultiplier+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_collapseParallaxMultiplier
+ attribute's value can be found in the CollapsingToolbarLayout_Layout
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.alpha
+ attribute's value can be found in the ColorStateListItem
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.alpha
+ attribute's value can be found in the ColorStateListItem
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.color
+ attribute's value can be found in the ColorStateListItem
public static final int[] CompoundButton+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
public static final int CompoundButton_android_button+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.button
+ attribute's value can be found in the CompoundButton
public static final int CompoundButton_buttonTint+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.buttonTint
+ attribute's value can be found in the CompoundButton
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int CompoundButton_buttonTintMode+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.buttonTintMode
+ attribute's value can be found in the CompoundButton
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
src_over | 3 | |
src_in | 5 | |
src_atop | 9 | |
multiply | 14 | |
screen | 15 |
public static final int[] ConstraintLayout_Layout+
Includes the following attributes:
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_android_maxHeight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.maxHeight
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_android_maxWidth+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.maxWidth
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_android_minHeight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.minHeight
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_android_minWidth+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.minWidth
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_android_orientation+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.orientation
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_constraintSet+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.constraintSet
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintBaseline_creator+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintBaseline_creator
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintBaseline_toBaselineOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintBaseline_toBaselineOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintBottom_creator+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintBottom_creator
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintBottom_toTopOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintBottom_toTopOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintDimensionRatio+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintDimensionRatio
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintEnd_toStartOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintEnd_toStartOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintGuide_begin+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintGuide_begin
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintGuide_end+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintGuide_end
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintGuide_percent+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintGuide_percent
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintHeight_default+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintHeight_default
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
spread | 0 | |
wrap | 1 |
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintHeight_max+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintHeight_max
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintHeight_min+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintHeight_min
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintHorizontal_bias+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintHorizontal_bias
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintHorizontal_chainStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintHorizontal_chainStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
spread | 0 | |
spread_inside | 1 | |
packed | 2 |
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintHorizontal_weight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintHorizontal_weight
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintLeft_creator+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintLeft_creator
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintLeft_toRightOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintLeft_toRightOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintRight_creator+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintRight_creator
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintRight_toLeftOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintRight_toLeftOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintRight_toRightOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintRight_toRightOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintStart_toEndOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintStart_toEndOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintStart_toStartOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintStart_toStartOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintTop_creator+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintTop_creator
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintTop_toTopOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintTop_toTopOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintVertical_bias+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintVertical_bias
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintVertical_chainStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintVertical_chainStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
spread | 0 | |
spread_inside | 1 | |
packed | 2 |
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintVertical_weight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintVertical_weight
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintWidth_default+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintWidth_default
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
spread | 0 | |
wrap | 1 |
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintWidth_max+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintWidth_max
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_constraintWidth_min+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintWidth_min
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_editor_absoluteX+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_editor_absoluteX
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_editor_absoluteY+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_editor_absoluteY
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_goneMarginBottom+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_goneMarginBottom
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_goneMarginEnd+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_goneMarginEnd
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_goneMarginLeft+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_goneMarginLeft
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_goneMarginRight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_goneMarginRight
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_goneMarginStart+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_goneMarginStart
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_goneMarginTop+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_goneMarginTop
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintLayout_Layout_layout_optimizationLevel+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_optimizationLevel
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintLayout_Layout
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
none | 1 | |
all | 2 | |
basic | 4 | |
chains | 8 |
public static final int[] ConstraintSet+
Includes the following attributes:
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_alpha+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.alpha
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_elevation+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.elevation
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_id+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.id
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_layout_height+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_height
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_layout_marginBottom+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_marginBottom
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_layout_marginEnd+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_marginEnd
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_layout_marginLeft+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_marginLeft
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_layout_marginRight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_marginRight
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_layout_marginStart+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_marginStart
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_layout_marginTop+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_marginTop
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_layout_width+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_width
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_orientation+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.orientation
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_rotationX+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.rotationX
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_rotationY+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.rotationY
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_scaleX+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.scaleX
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_scaleY+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.scaleY
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_transformPivotX+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.transformPivotX
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_transformPivotY+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.transformPivotY
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_translationX+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.translationX
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_translationY+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.translationY
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_translationZ+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.translationZ
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_android_visibility+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.visibility
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintBaseline_creator+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintBaseline_creator
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintBaseline_toBaselineOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintBaseline_toBaselineOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintBottom_creator+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintBottom_creator
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintBottom_toTopOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintBottom_toTopOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintDimensionRatio+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintDimensionRatio
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintEnd_toStartOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintEnd_toStartOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintGuide_begin+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintGuide_begin
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintGuide_end+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintGuide_end
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintGuide_percent+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintGuide_percent
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintHeight_default+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintHeight_default
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
spread | 0 | |
wrap | 1 |
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintHeight_max+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintHeight_max
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintHeight_min+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintHeight_min
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintHorizontal_bias+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintHorizontal_bias
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintHorizontal_chainStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintHorizontal_chainStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
spread | 0 | |
spread_inside | 1 | |
packed | 2 |
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintHorizontal_weight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintHorizontal_weight
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintLeft_creator+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintLeft_creator
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintLeft_toRightOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintLeft_toRightOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintRight_creator+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintRight_creator
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintRight_toLeftOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintRight_toLeftOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintRight_toRightOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintRight_toRightOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintStart_toEndOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintStart_toEndOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintStart_toStartOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintStart_toStartOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintTop_creator+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintTop_creator
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintTop_toTopOf+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintTop_toTopOf
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
parent | 0 |
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintVertical_bias+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintVertical_bias
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintVertical_chainStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintVertical_chainStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
spread | 0 | |
spread_inside | 1 | |
packed | 2 |
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintVertical_weight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintVertical_weight
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a floating point value, such as "1.2
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintWidth_default+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintWidth_default
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
spread | 0 | |
wrap | 1 |
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintWidth_max+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintWidth_max
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_constraintWidth_min+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_constraintWidth_min
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_editor_absoluteX+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_editor_absoluteX
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_editor_absoluteY+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_editor_absoluteY
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_goneMarginBottom+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_goneMarginBottom
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_goneMarginEnd+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_goneMarginEnd
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_goneMarginLeft+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_goneMarginLeft
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_goneMarginRight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_goneMarginRight
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_goneMarginStart+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_goneMarginStart
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ConstraintSet_layout_goneMarginTop+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_goneMarginTop
+ attribute's value can be found in the ConstraintSet
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] CoordinatorLayout+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_keylines+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.keylines
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_statusBarBackground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.statusBarBackground
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int[] CoordinatorLayout_Layout+
Includes the following attributes:
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_android_layout_gravity+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_gravity
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout_Layout
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_anchor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_anchor
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout_Layout
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_anchorGravity+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_anchorGravity
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout_Layout
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
top | 0x30 | |
bottom | 0x50 | |
left | 0x03 | |
right | 0x05 | |
center_vertical | 0x10 | |
fill_vertical | 0x70 | |
center_horizontal | 0x01 | |
fill_horizontal | 0x07 | |
center | 0x11 | |
fill | 0x77 | |
clip_vertical | 0x80 | |
clip_horizontal | 0x08 | |
start | 0x00800003 | |
end | 0x00800005 |
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_behavior+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_behavior
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout_Layout
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_dodgeInsetEdges+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_dodgeInsetEdges
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout_Layout
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
none | 0x0 | |
top | 0x30 | |
bottom | 0x50 | |
left | 0x03 | |
right | 0x03 | |
start | 0x00800003 | |
end | 0x00800005 | |
all | 0x77 |
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_insetEdge+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_insetEdge
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout_Layout
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
none | 0x0 | |
top | 0x30 | |
bottom | 0x50 | |
left | 0x03 | |
right | 0x03 | |
start | 0x00800003 | |
end | 0x00800005 |
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_keyline+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_keyline
+ attribute's value can be found in the CoordinatorLayout_Layout
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] DesignTheme+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
public static final int DesignTheme_bottomSheetDialogTheme+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.bottomSheetDialogTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the DesignTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int DesignTheme_bottomSheetStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.bottomSheetStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the DesignTheme
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int DesignTheme_textColorError+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textColorError
+ attribute's value can be found in the DesignTheme
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] DrawerArrowToggle+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
public static final int DrawerArrowToggle_arrowHeadLength+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.arrowHeadLength
+ attribute's value can be found in the DrawerArrowToggle
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int DrawerArrowToggle_arrowShaftLength+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.arrowShaftLength
+ attribute's value can be found in the DrawerArrowToggle
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int DrawerArrowToggle_barLength+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.barLength
+ attribute's value can be found in the DrawerArrowToggle
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int DrawerArrowToggle_color+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.color
+ attribute's value can be found in the DrawerArrowToggle
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int DrawerArrowToggle_drawableSize+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.drawableSize
+ attribute's value can be found in the DrawerArrowToggle
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int DrawerArrowToggle_gapBetweenBars+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.gapBetweenBars
+ attribute's value can be found in the DrawerArrowToggle
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int DrawerArrowToggle_spinBars+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.spinBars
+ attribute's value can be found in the DrawerArrowToggle
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int DrawerArrowToggle_thickness+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.thickness
+ attribute's value can be found in the DrawerArrowToggle
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] FloatingActionButton+
Includes the following attributes:
public static final int FloatingActionButton_backgroundTint+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.backgroundTint
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int FloatingActionButton_backgroundTintMode+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.backgroundTintMode
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
src_over | 3 | |
src_in | 5 | |
src_atop | 9 | |
multiply | 14 | |
screen | 15 |
public static final int FloatingActionButton_borderWidth+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.borderWidth
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int FloatingActionButton_elevation+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.elevation
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int FloatingActionButton_fabSize+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.fabSize
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
auto | -1 | |
normal | 0 | |
mini | 1 |
public static final int FloatingActionButton_pressedTranslationZ+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.pressedTranslationZ
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int FloatingActionButton_rippleColor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.rippleColor
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int FloatingActionButton_useCompatPadding+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.useCompatPadding
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] FloatingActionButton_Behavior_Layout+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
public static final int FloatingActionButton_Behavior_Layout_behavior_autoHide+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.behavior_autoHide
+ attribute's value can be found in the FloatingActionButton_Behavior_Layout
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] ForegroundLinearLayout+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
public static final int ForegroundLinearLayout_android_foreground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.foreground
+ attribute's value can be found in the ForegroundLinearLayout
public static final int ForegroundLinearLayout_android_foregroundGravity+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.foregroundGravity
+ attribute's value can be found in the ForegroundLinearLayout
public static final int ForegroundLinearLayout_foregroundInsidePadding+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.foregroundInsidePadding
+ attribute's value can be found in the ForegroundLinearLayout
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] LinearConstraintLayout+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
public static final int LinearConstraintLayout_android_orientation+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.orientation
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearConstraintLayout
public static final int[] LinearLayoutCompat+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
public static final int LinearLayoutCompat_android_baselineAligned+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.baselineAligned
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat
public static final int LinearLayoutCompat_android_baselineAlignedChildIndex+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.baselineAlignedChildIndex
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat
public static final int LinearLayoutCompat_android_gravity+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.gravity
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat
public static final int LinearLayoutCompat_android_orientation+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.orientation
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat
public static final int LinearLayoutCompat_android_weightSum+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.weightSum
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat
public static final int LinearLayoutCompat_divider+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.divider
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int LinearLayoutCompat_dividerPadding+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.dividerPadding
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int LinearLayoutCompat_measureWithLargestChild+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.measureWithLargestChild
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int LinearLayoutCompat_showDividers+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.showDividers
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
none | 0 | |
beginning | 1 | |
middle | 2 | |
end | 4 |
public static final int[] LinearLayoutCompat_Layout+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
| |
public static final int LinearLayoutCompat_Layout_android_layout_gravity+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_gravity
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat_Layout
public static final int LinearLayoutCompat_Layout_android_layout_height+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_height
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat_Layout
public static final int LinearLayoutCompat_Layout_android_layout_weight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_weight
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat_Layout
public static final int LinearLayoutCompat_Layout_android_layout_width+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout_width
+ attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayoutCompat_Layout
public static final int[] ListPopupWindow+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
public static final int ListPopupWindow_android_dropDownHorizontalOffset+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.dropDownHorizontalOffset
+ attribute's value can be found in the ListPopupWindow
public static final int ListPopupWindow_android_dropDownVerticalOffset+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.dropDownVerticalOffset
+ attribute's value can be found in the ListPopupWindow
public static final int[] MenuGroup+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
public static final int MenuGroup_android_checkableBehavior+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.checkableBehavior
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuGroup
public static final int MenuGroup_android_enabled+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.enabled
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuGroup
public static final int MenuGroup_android_id+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.id
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuGroup
public static final int MenuGroup_android_menuCategory+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.menuCategory
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuGroup
public static final int MenuGroup_android_orderInCategory+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.orderInCategory
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuGroup
public static final int MenuGroup_android_visible+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.visible
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuGroup
public static final int[] MenuItem+
Includes the following attributes:
public static final int MenuItem_actionLayout+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int MenuItem_actionProviderClass+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionProviderClass
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int MenuItem_actionViewClass+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.actionViewClass
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int MenuItem_android_alphabeticShortcut+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.alphabeticShortcut
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem
public static final int MenuItem_android_checkable+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.checkable
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem
public static final int MenuItem_android_checked+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.checked
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem
public static final int MenuItem_android_enabled+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.enabled
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem
public static final int MenuItem_android_icon+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.icon
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem
public static final int MenuItem_android_id+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.id
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem
public static final int MenuItem_android_menuCategory+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.menuCategory
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem
public static final int MenuItem_android_numericShortcut+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.numericShortcut
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem
public static final int MenuItem_android_onClick+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.onClick
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem
public static final int MenuItem_android_orderInCategory+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.orderInCategory
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem
public static final int MenuItem_android_title+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.title
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem
public static final int MenuItem_android_titleCondensed+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleCondensed
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem
public static final int MenuItem_android_visible+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.visible
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem
public static final int MenuItem_showAsAction+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.showAsAction
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuItem
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
never | 0 | |
ifRoom | 1 | |
always | 2 | |
withText | 4 | |
collapseActionView | 8 |
public static final int[] MenuView+
Includes the following attributes:
public static final int MenuView_android_headerBackground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.headerBackground
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView
public static final int MenuView_android_horizontalDivider+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.horizontalDivider
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView
public static final int MenuView_android_itemBackground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.itemBackground
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView
public static final int MenuView_android_itemIconDisabledAlpha+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.itemIconDisabledAlpha
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView
public static final int MenuView_android_itemTextAppearance+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.itemTextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView
public static final int MenuView_android_verticalDivider+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.verticalDivider
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView
public static final int MenuView_android_windowAnimationStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.windowAnimationStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView
public static final int MenuView_preserveIconSpacing+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.preserveIconSpacing
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int MenuView_subMenuArrow+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.subMenuArrow
+ attribute's value can be found in the MenuView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int[] NavigationView+
Includes the following attributes:
public static final int NavigationView_android_background+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.background
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView
public static final int NavigationView_android_fitsSystemWindows+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.fitsSystemWindows
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView
public static final int NavigationView_android_maxWidth+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.maxWidth
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView
public static final int NavigationView_elevation+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.elevation
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int NavigationView_headerLayout+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.headerLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int NavigationView_itemBackground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.itemBackground
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int NavigationView_itemIconTint+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.itemIconTint
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int NavigationView_itemTextAppearance+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.itemTextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int NavigationView_itemTextColor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.itemTextColor
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int NavigationView_menu+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.menu
+ attribute's value can be found in the NavigationView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int[] PopupWindow+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
public static final int PopupWindow_android_popupAnimationStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.popupAnimationStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the PopupWindow
public static final int PopupWindow_android_popupBackground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.popupBackground
+ attribute's value can be found in the PopupWindow
public static final int PopupWindow_overlapAnchor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.overlapAnchor
+ attribute's value can be found in the PopupWindow
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] PopupWindowBackgroundState+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
public static final int PopupWindowBackgroundState_state_above_anchor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.state_above_anchor
+ attribute's value can be found in the PopupWindowBackgroundState
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] RecycleListView+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
public static final int RecycleListView_paddingBottomNoButtons+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.paddingBottomNoButtons
+ attribute's value can be found in the RecycleListView
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int RecycleListView_paddingTopNoTitle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.paddingTopNoTitle
+ attribute's value can be found in the RecycleListView
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] RecyclerView+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
public static final int RecyclerView_android_descendantFocusability+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.descendantFocusability
+ attribute's value can be found in the RecyclerView
public static final int RecyclerView_android_orientation+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.orientation
+ attribute's value can be found in the RecyclerView
public static final int RecyclerView_layoutManager+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layoutManager
+ attribute's value can be found in the RecyclerView
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int RecyclerView_reverseLayout+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.reverseLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the RecyclerView
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int RecyclerView_spanCount+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.spanCount
+ attribute's value can be found in the RecyclerView
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int RecyclerView_stackFromEnd+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.stackFromEnd
+ attribute's value can be found in the RecyclerView
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] ScrimInsetsFrameLayout+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
public static final int ScrimInsetsFrameLayout_insetForeground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.insetForeground
+ attribute's value can be found in the ScrimInsetsFrameLayout
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
public static final int[] ScrollingViewBehavior_Layout+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
public static final int ScrollingViewBehavior_Layout_behavior_overlapTop+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.behavior_overlapTop
+ attribute's value can be found in the ScrollingViewBehavior_Layout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] SearchView+
Includes the following attributes:
public static final int SearchView_android_focusable+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.focusable
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView
public static final int SearchView_android_imeOptions+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.imeOptions
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView
public static final int SearchView_android_inputType+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.inputType
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView
public static final int SearchView_android_maxWidth+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.maxWidth
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView
public static final int SearchView_closeIcon+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.closeIcon
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int SearchView_commitIcon+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.commitIcon
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int SearchView_defaultQueryHint+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.defaultQueryHint
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int SearchView_goIcon+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.goIcon
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int SearchView_iconifiedByDefault+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.iconifiedByDefault
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int SearchView_layout+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int SearchView_queryBackground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.queryBackground
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int SearchView_queryHint+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.queryHint
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int SearchView_searchHintIcon+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.searchHintIcon
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int SearchView_searchIcon+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.searchIcon
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int SearchView_submitBackground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.submitBackground
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int SearchView_suggestionRowLayout+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.suggestionRowLayout
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int SearchView_voiceIcon+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.voiceIcon
+ attribute's value can be found in the SearchView
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int[] SnackbarLayout+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
public static final int SnackbarLayout_android_maxWidth+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.maxWidth
+ attribute's value can be found in the SnackbarLayout
public static final int SnackbarLayout_elevation+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.elevation
+ attribute's value can be found in the SnackbarLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int SnackbarLayout_maxActionInlineWidth+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.maxActionInlineWidth
+ attribute's value can be found in the SnackbarLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] Spinner+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
public static final int Spinner_android_dropDownWidth+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.dropDownWidth
+ attribute's value can be found in the Spinner
public static final int Spinner_android_entries+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.entries
+ attribute's value can be found in the Spinner
public static final int Spinner_android_popupBackground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.popupBackground
+ attribute's value can be found in the Spinner
public static final int Spinner_android_prompt+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.prompt
+ attribute's value can be found in the Spinner
public static final int Spinner_popupTheme+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.popupTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the Spinner
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int[] SwitchCompat+
Includes the following attributes:
public static final int SwitchCompat_android_textOff+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textOff
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat
public static final int SwitchCompat_android_textOn+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textOn
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat
public static final int SwitchCompat_android_thumb+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.thumb
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat
public static final int SwitchCompat_showText+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.showText
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int SwitchCompat_splitTrack+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.splitTrack
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int SwitchCompat_switchMinWidth+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.switchMinWidth
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int SwitchCompat_switchPadding+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.switchPadding
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int SwitchCompat_switchTextAppearance+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.switchTextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int SwitchCompat_thumbTextPadding+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.thumbTextPadding
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int SwitchCompat_thumbTint+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.thumbTint
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int SwitchCompat_thumbTintMode+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.thumbTintMode
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
src_over | 3 | |
src_in | 5 | |
src_atop | 9 | |
multiply | 14 | |
screen | 15 | |
add | 16 |
public static final int SwitchCompat_track+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.track
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int SwitchCompat_trackTint+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.trackTint
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int SwitchCompat_trackTintMode+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.trackTintMode
+ attribute's value can be found in the SwitchCompat
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
src_over | 3 | |
src_in | 5 | |
src_atop | 9 | |
multiply | 14 | |
screen | 15 | |
add | 16 |
public static final int[] TabItem+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
public static final int TabItem_android_icon+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.icon
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabItem
public static final int TabItem_android_layout+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabItem
public static final int TabItem_android_text+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.text
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabItem
public static final int[] TabLayout+
Includes the following attributes:
public static final int TabLayout_tabBackground+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tabBackground
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int TabLayout_tabContentStart+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tabContentStart
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TabLayout_tabGravity+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tabGravity
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
fill | 0 | |
center | 1 |
public static final int TabLayout_tabIndicatorColor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tabIndicatorColor
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TabLayout_tabIndicatorHeight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tabIndicatorHeight
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TabLayout_tabMaxWidth+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tabMaxWidth
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TabLayout_tabMinWidth+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tabMinWidth
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TabLayout_tabMode+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tabMode
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
scrollable | 0 | |
fixed | 1 |
public static final int TabLayout_tabPadding+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tabPadding
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TabLayout_tabPaddingBottom+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tabPaddingBottom
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TabLayout_tabPaddingEnd+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tabPaddingEnd
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TabLayout_tabPaddingStart+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tabPaddingStart
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TabLayout_tabPaddingTop+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tabPaddingTop
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TabLayout_tabSelectedTextColor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tabSelectedTextColor
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TabLayout_tabTextAppearance+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tabTextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int TabLayout_tabTextColor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.tabTextColor
+ attribute's value can be found in the TabLayout
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] TextAppearance+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
public static final int TextAppearance_android_shadowColor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.shadowColor
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance
public static final int TextAppearance_android_shadowDx+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.shadowDx
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance
public static final int TextAppearance_android_shadowDy+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.shadowDy
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance
public static final int TextAppearance_android_shadowRadius+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.shadowRadius
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance
public static final int TextAppearance_android_textColor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textColor
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance
public static final int TextAppearance_android_textColorHint+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textColorHint
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance
public static final int TextAppearance_android_textSize+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textSize
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance
public static final int TextAppearance_android_textStyle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textStyle
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance
public static final int TextAppearance_android_typeface+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.typeface
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance
public static final int TextAppearance_textAllCaps+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textAllCaps
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextAppearance
May be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
May be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
public static final int[] TextInputLayout+
Includes the following attributes:
public static final int TextInputLayout_android_hint+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.hint
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout
public static final int TextInputLayout_android_textColorHint+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.textColorHint
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout
public static final int TextInputLayout_counterEnabled+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.counterEnabled
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TextInputLayout_counterMaxLength+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.counterMaxLength
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout
Must be an integer value, such as "100
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TextInputLayout_counterOverflowTextAppearance+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.counterOverflowTextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int TextInputLayout_counterTextAppearance+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.counterTextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int TextInputLayout_errorEnabled+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.errorEnabled
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TextInputLayout_errorTextAppearance+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.errorTextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int TextInputLayout_hintAnimationEnabled+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.hintAnimationEnabled
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TextInputLayout_hintEnabled+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.hintEnabled
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TextInputLayout_hintTextAppearance+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.hintTextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int TextInputLayout_passwordToggleContentDescription+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.passwordToggleContentDescription
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TextInputLayout_passwordToggleDrawable+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.passwordToggleDrawable
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int TextInputLayout_passwordToggleEnabled+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.passwordToggleEnabled
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout
Must be a boolean value, either "true
" or "false
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TextInputLayout_passwordToggleTint+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.passwordToggleTint
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int TextInputLayout_passwordToggleTintMode+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.passwordToggleTintMode
+ attribute's value can be found in the TextInputLayout
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
src_over | 3 | |
src_in | 5 | |
src_atop | 9 | |
multiply | 14 | |
screen | 15 |
public static final int[] Toolbar+
Includes the following attributes:
public static final int Toolbar_android_gravity+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.gravity
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
public static final int Toolbar_android_minHeight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.minHeight
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
public static final int Toolbar_buttonGravity+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.buttonGravity
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
top | 0x30 | |
bottom | 0x50 |
public static final int Toolbar_collapseContentDescription+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.collapseContentDescription
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_collapseIcon+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.collapseIcon
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int Toolbar_contentInsetEnd+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetEnd
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_contentInsetEndWithActions+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetEndWithActions
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_contentInsetLeft+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetLeft
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_contentInsetRight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetRight
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_contentInsetStart+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetStart
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_contentInsetStartWithNavigation+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.contentInsetStartWithNavigation
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_logo+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.logo
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int Toolbar_logoDescription+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.logoDescription
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_maxButtonHeight+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.maxButtonHeight
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_navigationContentDescription+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.navigationContentDescription
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_navigationIcon+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.navigationIcon
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int Toolbar_popupTheme+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.popupTheme
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int Toolbar_subtitle+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.subtitle
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_subtitleTextAppearance+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.subtitleTextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int Toolbar_subtitleTextColor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.subtitleTextColor
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_title+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.title
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character. +
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_titleMargin+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleMargin
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_titleMarginBottom+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleMarginBottom
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_titleMarginEnd+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleMarginEnd
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_titleMarginStart+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleMarginStart
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_titleMarginTop+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleMarginTop
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_titleMargins+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleMargins
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int Toolbar_titleTextAppearance+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleTextAppearance
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int Toolbar_titleTextColor+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.titleTextColor
+ attribute's value can be found in the Toolbar
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int[] View+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
| |
| |
public static final int View_android_focusable+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.focusable
+ attribute's value can be found in the View
public static final int View_android_theme+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.theme
+ attribute's value can be found in the View
public static final int View_paddingEnd+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.paddingEnd
+ attribute's value can be found in the View
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int View_paddingStart+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.paddingStart
+ attribute's value can be found in the View
Must be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp
+Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size),
+in (inches), mm (millimeters).
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int View_theme+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.theme
+ attribute's value can be found in the View
Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name
+or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name
public static final int[] ViewBackgroundHelper+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
public static final int ViewBackgroundHelper_android_background+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.background
+ attribute's value can be found in the ViewBackgroundHelper
public static final int ViewBackgroundHelper_backgroundTint+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.backgroundTint
+ attribute's value can be found in the ViewBackgroundHelper
Must be a color value, in the form of "#rgb
", "#argb
", or "#aarrggbb
This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form
") or
+theme attribute (in the form
+containing a value of this type.
public static final int ViewBackgroundHelper_backgroundTintMode+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.backgroundTintMode
+ attribute's value can be found in the ViewBackgroundHelper
Must be one of the following constant values.
+Constant | Value | Description |
src_over | 3 | |
src_in | 5 | |
src_atop | 9 | |
multiply | 14 | |
screen | 15 |
public static final int[] ViewStubCompat+
Includes the following attributes:
+Attribute | Description |
| |
| |
public static final int ViewStubCompat_android_id+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.id
+ attribute's value can be found in the ViewStubCompat
public static final int ViewStubCompat_android_inflatedId+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.inflatedId
+ attribute's value can be found in the ViewStubCompat
public static final int ViewStubCompat_android_layout+
This symbol is the offset where the R.attr.layout
+ attribute's value can be found in the ViewStubCompat
public static final class R.xml
+extends java.lang.Object
+Modifier and Type | +Field and Description | +
static int |
+searchable |
public static final int searchable+
public class SearchActivity +extends BaseActivity +implements DownloadCallback+
Constructor and Description | +
SearchActivity() |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
boolean |
+onCreateOptionsMenu(android.view.Menu menu)
+Creates options menu with SearchView.
+ |
void |
+processFinish(DownloadXmlTask.Result result)
+Handles DownloadXmlTask results.
+ |
onBackPressed, onNavigationItemSelected, onOptionsItemSelected
addContentView, dispatchKeyEvent, findViewById, getDelegate, getDrawerToggleDelegate, getMenuInflater, getResources, getSupportActionBar, getSupportParentActivityIntent, invalidateOptionsMenu, onConfigurationChanged, onContentChanged, onCreateSupportNavigateUpTaskStack, onMenuItemSelected, onMenuOpened, onPanelClosed, onPrepareSupportNavigateUpTaskStack, onSupportActionModeFinished, onSupportActionModeStarted, onSupportContentChanged, onSupportNavigateUp, onWindowStartingSupportActionMode, setContentView, setContentView, setContentView, setSupportActionBar, setSupportProgress, setSupportProgressBarIndeterminate, setSupportProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility, setSupportProgressBarVisibility, setTheme, startSupportActionMode, supportInvalidateOptionsMenu, supportNavigateUpTo, supportRequestWindowFeature, supportShouldUpRecreateTask
dump, getLastCustomNonConfigurationInstance, getSupportFragmentManager, getSupportLoaderManager, getSupportMediaController, onAttachFragment, onCreatePanelMenu, onLowMemory, onMultiWindowModeChanged, onPictureInPictureModeChanged, onPreparePanel, onRequestPermissionsResult, onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance, onRetainNonConfigurationInstance, onStateNotSaved, setEnterSharedElementCallback, setExitSharedElementCallback, setSupportMediaController, startActivityForResult, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityFromFragment, startIntentSenderFromFragment, supportFinishAfterTransition, supportPostponeEnterTransition, supportStartPostponedEnterTransition, validateRequestPermissionsRequestCode
getExtraData, putExtraData
closeContextMenu, closeOptionsMenu, createPendingResult, dismissDialog, dismissKeyboardShortcutsHelper, dispatchGenericMotionEvent, dispatchKeyShortcutEvent, dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent, dispatchTouchEvent, dispatchTrackballEvent, enterPictureInPictureMode, finish, finishActivity, finishActivityFromChild, finishAffinity, finishAfterTransition, finishAndRemoveTask, finishFromChild, getActionBar, getApplication, getCallingActivity, getCallingPackage, getChangingConfigurations, getComponentName, getContentScene, getContentTransitionManager, getCurrentFocus, getFragmentManager, getIntent, getLastNonConfigurationInstance, getLayoutInflater, getLoaderManager, getLocalClassName, getMediaController, getParent, getParentActivityIntent, getPreferences, getReferrer, getRequestedOrientation, getSearchEvent, getSystemService, getTaskId, getTitle, getTitleColor, getVoiceInteractor, getVolumeControlStream, getWindow, getWindowManager, hasWindowFocus, isChangingConfigurations, isChild, isDestroyed, isFinishing, isImmersive, isInMultiWindowMode, isInPictureInPictureMode, isLocalVoiceInteractionSupported, isTaskRoot, isVoiceInteraction, isVoiceInteractionRoot, managedQuery, moveTaskToBack, navigateUpTo, navigateUpToFromChild, onActionModeFinished, onActionModeStarted, onActivityReenter, onAttachedToWindow, onAttachFragment, onContextItemSelected, onContextMenuClosed, onCreate, onCreateContextMenu, onCreateDescription, onCreateNavigateUpTaskStack, onCreatePanelView, onCreateThumbnail, onDetachedFromWindow, onEnterAnimationComplete, onGenericMotionEvent, onKeyDown, onKeyLongPress, onKeyMultiple, onKeyShortcut, onKeyUp, onLocalVoiceInteractionStarted, onLocalVoiceInteractionStopped, onNavigateUp, onNavigateUpFromChild, onOptionsMenuClosed, onPostCreate, onPrepareNavigateUpTaskStack, onPrepareOptionsMenu, onProvideAssistContent, onProvideAssistData, onProvideKeyboardShortcuts, onProvideReferrer, onRestoreInstanceState, onSaveInstanceState, onSearchRequested, onSearchRequested, onTouchEvent, onTrackballEvent, onTrimMemory, onUserInteraction, onVisibleBehindCanceled, onWindowAttributesChanged, onWindowFocusChanged, onWindowStartingActionMode, onWindowStartingActionMode, openContextMenu, openOptionsMenu, overridePendingTransition, postponeEnterTransition, recreate, registerForContextMenu, releaseInstance, removeDialog, reportFullyDrawn, requestDragAndDropPermissions, requestPermissions, requestShowKeyboardShortcuts, requestVisibleBehind, requestWindowFeature, runOnUiThread, setActionBar, setContentTransitionManager, setDefaultKeyMode, setEnterSharedElementCallback, setExitSharedElementCallback, setFeatureDrawable, setFeatureDrawableAlpha, setFeatureDrawableResource, setFeatureDrawableUri, setFinishOnTouchOutside, setImmersive, setIntent, setMediaController, setProgress, setProgressBarIndeterminate, setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility, setProgressBarVisibility, setRequestedOrientation, setResult, setResult, setSecondaryProgress, setTaskDescription, setTitle, setTitle, setTitleColor, setVisible, setVolumeControlStream, setVrModeEnabled, shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale, shouldUpRecreateTask, showAssist, showDialog, showDialog, showLockTaskEscapeMessage, startActionMode, startActionMode, startActivities, startActivities, startActivity, startActivity, startActivityFromChild, startActivityFromChild, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityIfNeeded, startActivityIfNeeded, startIntentSender, startIntentSender, startIntentSenderFromChild, startIntentSenderFromChild, startLocalVoiceInteraction, startLockTask, startManagingCursor, startNextMatchingActivity, startNextMatchingActivity, startPostponedEnterTransition, startSearch, stopLocalVoiceInteraction, stopLockTask, stopManagingCursor, takeKeyEvents, triggerSearch, unregisterForContextMenu
applyOverrideConfiguration, getAssets, getTheme
bindService, checkCallingOrSelfPermission, checkCallingOrSelfUriPermission, checkCallingPermission, checkCallingUriPermission, checkPermission, checkSelfPermission, checkUriPermission, checkUriPermission, clearWallpaper, createConfigurationContext, createDeviceProtectedStorageContext, createDisplayContext, createPackageContext, databaseList, deleteDatabase, deleteFile, deleteSharedPreferences, enforceCallingOrSelfPermission, enforceCallingOrSelfUriPermission, enforceCallingPermission, enforceCallingUriPermission, enforcePermission, enforceUriPermission, enforceUriPermission, fileList, getApplicationContext, getApplicationInfo, getBaseContext, getCacheDir, getClassLoader, getCodeCacheDir, getContentResolver, getDatabasePath, getDataDir, getDir, getExternalCacheDir, getExternalCacheDirs, getExternalFilesDir, getExternalFilesDirs, getExternalMediaDirs, getFilesDir, getFileStreamPath, getMainLooper, getNoBackupFilesDir, getObbDir, getObbDirs, getPackageCodePath, getPackageManager, getPackageName, getPackageResourcePath, getSharedPreferences, getSystemServiceName, getWallpaper, getWallpaperDesiredMinimumHeight, getWallpaperDesiredMinimumWidth, grantUriPermission, isDeviceProtectedStorage, isRestricted, moveDatabaseFrom, moveSharedPreferencesFrom, openFileInput, openFileOutput, openOrCreateDatabase, openOrCreateDatabase, peekWallpaper, registerReceiver, registerReceiver, removeStickyBroadcast, removeStickyBroadcastAsUser, revokeUriPermission, sendBroadcast, sendBroadcast, sendBroadcastAsUser, sendBroadcastAsUser, sendOrderedBroadcast, sendOrderedBroadcast, sendOrderedBroadcastAsUser, sendStickyBroadcast, sendStickyBroadcastAsUser, sendStickyOrderedBroadcast, sendStickyOrderedBroadcastAsUser, setWallpaper, setWallpaper, startInstrumentation, startService, stopService, unbindService, unregisterReceiver
getColor, getColorStateList, getDrawable, getString, getString, getSystemService, getText, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, registerComponentCallbacks, unregisterComponentCallbacks
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(android.view.Menu menu)+
in class BaseActivity
- Menupublic void processFinish(DownloadXmlTask.Result result)+
in interface DownloadCallback
- DownloadTask.Result contains document and statuspublic class ShelfActivity +extends BaseActivity+
Constructor and Description | +
ShelfActivity() |
onBackPressed, onCreateOptionsMenu, onNavigationItemSelected, onOptionsItemSelected
addContentView, dispatchKeyEvent, findViewById, getDelegate, getDrawerToggleDelegate, getMenuInflater, getResources, getSupportActionBar, getSupportParentActivityIntent, invalidateOptionsMenu, onConfigurationChanged, onContentChanged, onCreateSupportNavigateUpTaskStack, onMenuItemSelected, onMenuOpened, onPanelClosed, onPrepareSupportNavigateUpTaskStack, onSupportActionModeFinished, onSupportActionModeStarted, onSupportContentChanged, onSupportNavigateUp, onWindowStartingSupportActionMode, setContentView, setContentView, setContentView, setSupportActionBar, setSupportProgress, setSupportProgressBarIndeterminate, setSupportProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility, setSupportProgressBarVisibility, setTheme, startSupportActionMode, supportInvalidateOptionsMenu, supportNavigateUpTo, supportRequestWindowFeature, supportShouldUpRecreateTask
dump, getLastCustomNonConfigurationInstance, getSupportFragmentManager, getSupportLoaderManager, getSupportMediaController, onAttachFragment, onCreatePanelMenu, onLowMemory, onMultiWindowModeChanged, onPictureInPictureModeChanged, onPreparePanel, onRequestPermissionsResult, onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance, onRetainNonConfigurationInstance, onStateNotSaved, setEnterSharedElementCallback, setExitSharedElementCallback, setSupportMediaController, startActivityForResult, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityFromFragment, startIntentSenderFromFragment, supportFinishAfterTransition, supportPostponeEnterTransition, supportStartPostponedEnterTransition, validateRequestPermissionsRequestCode
getExtraData, putExtraData
closeContextMenu, closeOptionsMenu, createPendingResult, dismissDialog, dismissKeyboardShortcutsHelper, dispatchGenericMotionEvent, dispatchKeyShortcutEvent, dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent, dispatchTouchEvent, dispatchTrackballEvent, enterPictureInPictureMode, finish, finishActivity, finishActivityFromChild, finishAffinity, finishAfterTransition, finishAndRemoveTask, finishFromChild, getActionBar, getApplication, getCallingActivity, getCallingPackage, getChangingConfigurations, getComponentName, getContentScene, getContentTransitionManager, getCurrentFocus, getFragmentManager, getIntent, getLastNonConfigurationInstance, getLayoutInflater, getLoaderManager, getLocalClassName, getMediaController, getParent, getParentActivityIntent, getPreferences, getReferrer, getRequestedOrientation, getSearchEvent, getSystemService, getTaskId, getTitle, getTitleColor, getVoiceInteractor, getVolumeControlStream, getWindow, getWindowManager, hasWindowFocus, isChangingConfigurations, isChild, isDestroyed, isFinishing, isImmersive, isInMultiWindowMode, isInPictureInPictureMode, isLocalVoiceInteractionSupported, isTaskRoot, isVoiceInteraction, isVoiceInteractionRoot, managedQuery, moveTaskToBack, navigateUpTo, navigateUpToFromChild, onActionModeFinished, onActionModeStarted, onActivityReenter, onAttachedToWindow, onAttachFragment, onContextItemSelected, onContextMenuClosed, onCreate, onCreateContextMenu, onCreateDescription, onCreateNavigateUpTaskStack, onCreatePanelView, onCreateThumbnail, onDetachedFromWindow, onEnterAnimationComplete, onGenericMotionEvent, onKeyDown, onKeyLongPress, onKeyMultiple, onKeyShortcut, onKeyUp, onLocalVoiceInteractionStarted, onLocalVoiceInteractionStopped, onNavigateUp, onNavigateUpFromChild, onOptionsMenuClosed, onPostCreate, onPrepareNavigateUpTaskStack, onPrepareOptionsMenu, onProvideAssistContent, onProvideAssistData, onProvideKeyboardShortcuts, onProvideReferrer, onRestoreInstanceState, onSaveInstanceState, onSearchRequested, onSearchRequested, onTouchEvent, onTrackballEvent, onTrimMemory, onUserInteraction, onVisibleBehindCanceled, onWindowAttributesChanged, onWindowFocusChanged, onWindowStartingActionMode, onWindowStartingActionMode, openContextMenu, openOptionsMenu, overridePendingTransition, postponeEnterTransition, recreate, registerForContextMenu, releaseInstance, removeDialog, reportFullyDrawn, requestDragAndDropPermissions, requestPermissions, requestShowKeyboardShortcuts, requestVisibleBehind, requestWindowFeature, runOnUiThread, setActionBar, setContentTransitionManager, setDefaultKeyMode, setEnterSharedElementCallback, setExitSharedElementCallback, setFeatureDrawable, setFeatureDrawableAlpha, setFeatureDrawableResource, setFeatureDrawableUri, setFinishOnTouchOutside, setImmersive, setIntent, setMediaController, setProgress, setProgressBarIndeterminate, setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility, setProgressBarVisibility, setRequestedOrientation, setResult, setResult, setSecondaryProgress, setTaskDescription, setTitle, setTitle, setTitleColor, setVisible, setVolumeControlStream, setVrModeEnabled, shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale, shouldUpRecreateTask, showAssist, showDialog, showDialog, showLockTaskEscapeMessage, startActionMode, startActionMode, startActivities, startActivities, startActivity, startActivity, startActivityFromChild, startActivityFromChild, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityIfNeeded, startActivityIfNeeded, startIntentSender, startIntentSender, startIntentSenderFromChild, startIntentSenderFromChild, startLocalVoiceInteraction, startLockTask, startManagingCursor, startNextMatchingActivity, startNextMatchingActivity, startPostponedEnterTransition, startSearch, stopLocalVoiceInteraction, stopLockTask, stopManagingCursor, takeKeyEvents, triggerSearch, unregisterForContextMenu
applyOverrideConfiguration, getAssets, getTheme
bindService, checkCallingOrSelfPermission, checkCallingOrSelfUriPermission, checkCallingPermission, checkCallingUriPermission, checkPermission, checkSelfPermission, checkUriPermission, checkUriPermission, clearWallpaper, createConfigurationContext, createDeviceProtectedStorageContext, createDisplayContext, createPackageContext, databaseList, deleteDatabase, deleteFile, deleteSharedPreferences, enforceCallingOrSelfPermission, enforceCallingOrSelfUriPermission, enforceCallingPermission, enforceCallingUriPermission, enforcePermission, enforceUriPermission, enforceUriPermission, fileList, getApplicationContext, getApplicationInfo, getBaseContext, getCacheDir, getClassLoader, getCodeCacheDir, getContentResolver, getDatabasePath, getDataDir, getDir, getExternalCacheDir, getExternalCacheDirs, getExternalFilesDir, getExternalFilesDirs, getExternalMediaDirs, getFilesDir, getFileStreamPath, getMainLooper, getNoBackupFilesDir, getObbDir, getObbDirs, getPackageCodePath, getPackageManager, getPackageName, getPackageResourcePath, getSharedPreferences, getSystemServiceName, getWallpaper, getWallpaperDesiredMinimumHeight, getWallpaperDesiredMinimumWidth, grantUriPermission, isDeviceProtectedStorage, isRestricted, moveDatabaseFrom, moveSharedPreferencesFrom, openFileInput, openFileOutput, openOrCreateDatabase, openOrCreateDatabase, peekWallpaper, registerReceiver, registerReceiver, removeStickyBroadcast, removeStickyBroadcastAsUser, revokeUriPermission, sendBroadcast, sendBroadcast, sendBroadcastAsUser, sendBroadcastAsUser, sendOrderedBroadcast, sendOrderedBroadcast, sendOrderedBroadcastAsUser, sendStickyBroadcast, sendStickyBroadcastAsUser, sendStickyOrderedBroadcast, sendStickyOrderedBroadcastAsUser, setWallpaper, setWallpaper, startInstrumentation, startService, stopService, unbindService, unregisterReceiver
getColor, getColorStateList, getDrawable, getString, getString, getSystemService, getText, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, registerComponentCallbacks, unregisterComponentCallbacks
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public class ShelvesActivity +extends BaseActivity +implements DownloadCallback+
Constructor and Description | +
ShelvesActivity() |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
void |
+processFinish(DownloadXmlTask.Result result)
+Handles result of fetching shelves.
+ |
onBackPressed, onCreateOptionsMenu, onNavigationItemSelected, onOptionsItemSelected
addContentView, dispatchKeyEvent, findViewById, getDelegate, getDrawerToggleDelegate, getMenuInflater, getResources, getSupportActionBar, getSupportParentActivityIntent, invalidateOptionsMenu, onConfigurationChanged, onContentChanged, onCreateSupportNavigateUpTaskStack, onMenuItemSelected, onMenuOpened, onPanelClosed, onPrepareSupportNavigateUpTaskStack, onSupportActionModeFinished, onSupportActionModeStarted, onSupportContentChanged, onSupportNavigateUp, onWindowStartingSupportActionMode, setContentView, setContentView, setContentView, setSupportActionBar, setSupportProgress, setSupportProgressBarIndeterminate, setSupportProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility, setSupportProgressBarVisibility, setTheme, startSupportActionMode, supportInvalidateOptionsMenu, supportNavigateUpTo, supportRequestWindowFeature, supportShouldUpRecreateTask
dump, getLastCustomNonConfigurationInstance, getSupportFragmentManager, getSupportLoaderManager, getSupportMediaController, onAttachFragment, onCreatePanelMenu, onLowMemory, onMultiWindowModeChanged, onPictureInPictureModeChanged, onPreparePanel, onRequestPermissionsResult, onRetainCustomNonConfigurationInstance, onRetainNonConfigurationInstance, onStateNotSaved, setEnterSharedElementCallback, setExitSharedElementCallback, setSupportMediaController, startActivityForResult, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityFromFragment, startIntentSenderFromFragment, supportFinishAfterTransition, supportPostponeEnterTransition, supportStartPostponedEnterTransition, validateRequestPermissionsRequestCode
getExtraData, putExtraData
closeContextMenu, closeOptionsMenu, createPendingResult, dismissDialog, dismissKeyboardShortcutsHelper, dispatchGenericMotionEvent, dispatchKeyShortcutEvent, dispatchPopulateAccessibilityEvent, dispatchTouchEvent, dispatchTrackballEvent, enterPictureInPictureMode, finish, finishActivity, finishActivityFromChild, finishAffinity, finishAfterTransition, finishAndRemoveTask, finishFromChild, getActionBar, getApplication, getCallingActivity, getCallingPackage, getChangingConfigurations, getComponentName, getContentScene, getContentTransitionManager, getCurrentFocus, getFragmentManager, getIntent, getLastNonConfigurationInstance, getLayoutInflater, getLoaderManager, getLocalClassName, getMediaController, getParent, getParentActivityIntent, getPreferences, getReferrer, getRequestedOrientation, getSearchEvent, getSystemService, getTaskId, getTitle, getTitleColor, getVoiceInteractor, getVolumeControlStream, getWindow, getWindowManager, hasWindowFocus, isChangingConfigurations, isChild, isDestroyed, isFinishing, isImmersive, isInMultiWindowMode, isInPictureInPictureMode, isLocalVoiceInteractionSupported, isTaskRoot, isVoiceInteraction, isVoiceInteractionRoot, managedQuery, moveTaskToBack, navigateUpTo, navigateUpToFromChild, onActionModeFinished, onActionModeStarted, onActivityReenter, onAttachedToWindow, onAttachFragment, onContextItemSelected, onContextMenuClosed, onCreate, onCreateContextMenu, onCreateDescription, onCreateNavigateUpTaskStack, onCreatePanelView, onCreateThumbnail, onDetachedFromWindow, onEnterAnimationComplete, onGenericMotionEvent, onKeyDown, onKeyLongPress, onKeyMultiple, onKeyShortcut, onKeyUp, onLocalVoiceInteractionStarted, onLocalVoiceInteractionStopped, onNavigateUp, onNavigateUpFromChild, onOptionsMenuClosed, onPostCreate, onPrepareNavigateUpTaskStack, onPrepareOptionsMenu, onProvideAssistContent, onProvideAssistData, onProvideKeyboardShortcuts, onProvideReferrer, onRestoreInstanceState, onSaveInstanceState, onSearchRequested, onSearchRequested, onTouchEvent, onTrackballEvent, onTrimMemory, onUserInteraction, onVisibleBehindCanceled, onWindowAttributesChanged, onWindowFocusChanged, onWindowStartingActionMode, onWindowStartingActionMode, openContextMenu, openOptionsMenu, overridePendingTransition, postponeEnterTransition, recreate, registerForContextMenu, releaseInstance, removeDialog, reportFullyDrawn, requestDragAndDropPermissions, requestPermissions, requestShowKeyboardShortcuts, requestVisibleBehind, requestWindowFeature, runOnUiThread, setActionBar, setContentTransitionManager, setDefaultKeyMode, setEnterSharedElementCallback, setExitSharedElementCallback, setFeatureDrawable, setFeatureDrawableAlpha, setFeatureDrawableResource, setFeatureDrawableUri, setFinishOnTouchOutside, setImmersive, setIntent, setMediaController, setProgress, setProgressBarIndeterminate, setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility, setProgressBarVisibility, setRequestedOrientation, setResult, setResult, setSecondaryProgress, setTaskDescription, setTitle, setTitle, setTitleColor, setVisible, setVolumeControlStream, setVrModeEnabled, shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale, shouldUpRecreateTask, showAssist, showDialog, showDialog, showLockTaskEscapeMessage, startActionMode, startActionMode, startActivities, startActivities, startActivity, startActivity, startActivityFromChild, startActivityFromChild, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityFromFragment, startActivityIfNeeded, startActivityIfNeeded, startIntentSender, startIntentSender, startIntentSenderFromChild, startIntentSenderFromChild, startLocalVoiceInteraction, startLockTask, startManagingCursor, startNextMatchingActivity, startNextMatchingActivity, startPostponedEnterTransition, startSearch, stopLocalVoiceInteraction, stopLockTask, stopManagingCursor, takeKeyEvents, triggerSearch, unregisterForContextMenu
applyOverrideConfiguration, getAssets, getTheme
bindService, checkCallingOrSelfPermission, checkCallingOrSelfUriPermission, checkCallingPermission, checkCallingUriPermission, checkPermission, checkSelfPermission, checkUriPermission, checkUriPermission, clearWallpaper, createConfigurationContext, createDeviceProtectedStorageContext, createDisplayContext, createPackageContext, databaseList, deleteDatabase, deleteFile, deleteSharedPreferences, enforceCallingOrSelfPermission, enforceCallingOrSelfUriPermission, enforceCallingPermission, enforceCallingUriPermission, enforcePermission, enforceUriPermission, enforceUriPermission, fileList, getApplicationContext, getApplicationInfo, getBaseContext, getCacheDir, getClassLoader, getCodeCacheDir, getContentResolver, getDatabasePath, getDataDir, getDir, getExternalCacheDir, getExternalCacheDirs, getExternalFilesDir, getExternalFilesDirs, getExternalMediaDirs, getFilesDir, getFileStreamPath, getMainLooper, getNoBackupFilesDir, getObbDir, getObbDirs, getPackageCodePath, getPackageManager, getPackageName, getPackageResourcePath, getSharedPreferences, getSystemServiceName, getWallpaper, getWallpaperDesiredMinimumHeight, getWallpaperDesiredMinimumWidth, grantUriPermission, isDeviceProtectedStorage, isRestricted, moveDatabaseFrom, moveSharedPreferencesFrom, openFileInput, openFileOutput, openOrCreateDatabase, openOrCreateDatabase, peekWallpaper, registerReceiver, registerReceiver, removeStickyBroadcast, removeStickyBroadcastAsUser, revokeUriPermission, sendBroadcast, sendBroadcast, sendBroadcastAsUser, sendBroadcastAsUser, sendOrderedBroadcast, sendOrderedBroadcast, sendOrderedBroadcastAsUser, sendStickyBroadcast, sendStickyBroadcastAsUser, sendStickyOrderedBroadcast, sendStickyOrderedBroadcastAsUser, setWallpaper, setWallpaper, startInstrumentation, startService, stopService, unbindService, unregisterReceiver
getColor, getColorStateList, getDrawable, getString, getString, getSystemService, getText, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, obtainStyledAttributes, registerComponentCallbacks, unregisterComponentCallbacks
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public void processFinish(DownloadXmlTask.Result result)+
in interface DownloadCallback
- DownloadTask.Result with document and statuspublic class BookSearchAdapter +extends android.widget.ArrayAdapter<Work>+
Constructor and Description | +
BookSearchAdapter(java.util.List<Work> works,
+ android.content.Context context)
+Creates adapter.
+ |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
android.view.View |
+getView(int position,
+ android.view.View convertView,
+ android.view.ViewGroup parent)
+Updates convertView with Work object information.
+ |
add, addAll, addAll, clear, createFromResource, getContext, getCount, getDropDownView, getDropDownViewTheme, getFilter, getItem, getItemId, getPosition, insert, notifyDataSetChanged, remove, setDropDownViewResource, setDropDownViewTheme, setNotifyOnChange, sort
areAllItemsEnabled, getItemViewType, getViewTypeCount, hasStableIds, isEmpty, isEnabled, notifyDataSetInvalidated, registerDataSetObserver, unregisterDataSetObserver
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
getItemViewType, getViewTypeCount, hasStableIds, isEmpty, registerDataSetObserver, unregisterDataSetObserver
public BookSearchAdapter(java.util.List<Work> works, + android.content.Context context)+
- ArrayListcontext
- contextpublic android.view.View getView(int position, + android.view.View convertView, + android.view.ViewGroup parent)+
in interface android.widget.Adapter
in class android.widget.ArrayAdapter<Work>
- integerconvertView
- Viewparent
- ViewGrouppublic class BookShelfAdapter +extends android.widget.ArrayAdapter<Shelf>+
Constructor and Description | +
BookShelfAdapter(java.util.List<Shelf> shelves,
+ android.content.Context context)
+Creates adapter.
+ |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
android.view.View |
+getView(int position,
+ android.view.View convertView,
+ android.view.ViewGroup parent)
+Updates convertView with Shelf object information.
+ |
add, addAll, addAll, clear, createFromResource, getContext, getCount, getDropDownView, getDropDownViewTheme, getFilter, getItem, getItemId, getPosition, insert, notifyDataSetChanged, remove, setDropDownViewResource, setDropDownViewTheme, setNotifyOnChange, sort
areAllItemsEnabled, getItemViewType, getViewTypeCount, hasStableIds, isEmpty, isEnabled, notifyDataSetInvalidated, registerDataSetObserver, unregisterDataSetObserver
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
getItemViewType, getViewTypeCount, hasStableIds, isEmpty, registerDataSetObserver, unregisterDataSetObserver
public BookShelfAdapter(java.util.List<Shelf> shelves, + android.content.Context context)+
- ArrayListcontext
- contextpublic android.view.View getView(int position, + android.view.View convertView, + android.view.ViewGroup parent)+
in interface android.widget.Adapter
in class android.widget.ArrayAdapter<Shelf>
- integerconvertView
- Viewparent
- ViewGrouppublic class ShelfItemAdapter
+extends android.widget.BaseExpandableListAdapter
+Constructor and Description | +
ShelfItemAdapter(android.content.Context context,
+ java.util.List<Review> reviews) |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
java.lang.Object |
+getChild(int groupPosition,
+ int childPosition)
+Gets child.
+ |
long |
+getChildId(int groupPosition,
+ int childPosition)
+Gets child id.
+ |
int |
+getChildrenCount(int groupPosition)
+Gets children count.
+ |
android.view.View |
+getChildView(int groupPosition,
+ int childPosition,
+ boolean isLastChild,
+ android.view.View convertView,
+ android.view.ViewGroup parent)
+Creates childv view.
+ |
Review |
+getGroup(int groupPosition)
+Gets group position.
+ |
int |
+Gets group count.
+ |
long |
+getGroupId(int groupPosition)
+Gets group id.
+ |
android.view.View |
+getGroupView(int groupPosition,
+ boolean isExpanded,
+ android.view.View convertView,
+ android.view.ViewGroup parent)
+Creates group viewl
+ |
boolean |
+Returns hasStableIds.
+ |
boolean |
+isChildSelectable(int groupPosition,
+ int childPosition)
+Returns if child is selectable.
+ |
areAllItemsEnabled, getChildType, getChildTypeCount, getCombinedChildId, getCombinedGroupId, getGroupType, getGroupTypeCount, isEmpty, notifyDataSetChanged, notifyDataSetInvalidated, onGroupCollapsed, onGroupExpanded, registerDataSetObserver, unregisterDataSetObserver
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public ShelfItemAdapter(android.content.Context context, + java.util.List<Review> reviews)+
public int getGroupCount()+
public int getChildrenCount(int groupPosition)+
- int positionpublic Review getGroup(int groupPosition)+
- int group positionpublic java.lang.Object getChild(int groupPosition, + int childPosition)+
- intchildPosition
- intpublic long getGroupId(int groupPosition)+
- intpublic long getChildId(int groupPosition, + int childPosition)+
- int positionchildPosition
- int positionpublic boolean hasStableIds()+
public android.view.View getGroupView(int groupPosition, + boolean isExpanded, + android.view.View convertView, + android.view.ViewGroup parent)+
- int positionisExpanded
- boolean expandedconvertView
- View viewparent
- ViewGroup parentpublic android.view.View getChildView(int groupPosition, + int childPosition, + boolean isLastChild, + android.view.View convertView, + android.view.ViewGroup parent)+
- int positionchildPosition
- int positionisLastChild
- boolean last childconvertView
- Viewparent
- ViewGrouppublic boolean isChildSelectable(int groupPosition, + int childPosition)+
- int positionchildPosition
- int positionClass | +Description | +
BookSearchAdapter | +
+ Populates custom list item.
+ |
BookShelfAdapter | +
+ Populates custom list item.
+ |
ShelfItemAdapter | +
+ Populates custom expandable list item.
+ |
public class Author
+extends java.lang.Object
+implements java.io.Serializable
++ Created by Jenni on 26.4.2017.
Constructor and Description | +
Author(java.lang.String id,
+ java.lang.String name)
+Creates author.
+ |
Author(java.lang.String id,
+ java.lang.String name,
+ java.lang.String role)
+Creates author.
+ |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
java.lang.String |
+Gets id.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets name.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets role.
+ |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Author(java.lang.String id, + java.lang.String name)+
- Stringname
- Stringpublic Author(java.lang.String id, + java.lang.String name, + java.lang.String role)+
- Stringname
- Stringrole
- Stringpublic java.lang.String getId()+
public java.lang.String getName()+
public java.lang.String getRole()+
public class BestBook
+extends java.lang.Object
+implements java.io.Serializable
++ Created by Jenni on 19.4.2017.
Constructor and Description | +
+Default constructor.
+ |
BestBook(java.lang.String id,
+ java.lang.String title,
+ java.lang.String authorId,
+ java.lang.String authorName,
+ java.lang.String imageUrl,
+ java.lang.String smallImageUrl)
+ |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
Author |
+Gets author.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets id.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets image url.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets small image url.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets title.
+ |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public BestBook()+
public BestBook(java.lang.String id, + java.lang.String title, + java.lang.String authorId, + java.lang.String authorName, + java.lang.String imageUrl, + java.lang.String smallImageUrl)+
- Stringtitle
- StringauthorId
- StringauthorName
- StringimageUrl
- StringsmallImageUrl
- Stringpublic java.lang.String getId()+
public java.lang.String getTitle()+
public Author getAuthor()+
public java.lang.String getImageUrl()+
public java.lang.String getSmallImageUrl()+
public class Book
+extends java.lang.Object
+implements java.io.Serializable
++ Created by Jenni on 26.4.2017.
Constructor and Description | +
+Default constructor.
+ |
Book(java.lang.String title,
+ java.lang.String url,
+ java.lang.String isbnTen,
+ java.lang.String isbnThirteen,
+ java.lang.String description,
+ org.joda.time.LocalDate publication,
+ java.lang.String publisher,
+ java.lang.String format,
+ java.lang.String pages,
+ java.util.List<Author> authors,
+ java.lang.String reviewsWidgetHtml,
+ java.lang.String smallImageUrl)
+Constructs book.
+ |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
java.util.List<Author> |
+Gets list of authors and their roles.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets description of book.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets book format (hardcover, e-book, etc).
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets ISBN ten.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets ISBN thirteen.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets amount of pages.
+ |
org.joda.time.LocalDate |
+Gets publication date.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets publisher.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets small image url.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets title.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets url.
+ |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Book()+
public Book(java.lang.String title, + java.lang.String url, + java.lang.String isbnTen, + java.lang.String isbnThirteen, + java.lang.String description, + org.joda.time.LocalDate publication, + java.lang.String publisher, + java.lang.String format, + java.lang.String pages, + java.util.List<Author> authors, + java.lang.String reviewsWidgetHtml, + java.lang.String smallImageUrl)+
- Stringurl
- StringisbnTen
- StringisbnThirteen
- Stringdescription
- Stringpublication
- Stringpublisher
- Stringformat
- Stringpages
- Stringauthors
- StringreviewsWidgetHtml
- Stringpublic java.lang.String getTitle()+
public java.lang.String getUrl()+
public java.lang.String getIsbnTen()+
public java.lang.String getIsbnThirteen()+
public java.lang.String getDescription()+
public org.joda.time.LocalDate getPublication()+
public java.lang.String getPublisher()+
public java.lang.String getFormat()+
public java.lang.String getPages()+
public java.util.List<Author> getAuthors()+
public java.lang.String getSmallImageUrl()+
public class Review
+extends java.lang.Object
++ Created by Jenni on 9.5.2017.
Constructor and Description | +
+Default constructor.
+ |
Review(java.lang.String id,
+ Book book,
+ java.lang.String rating,
+ java.lang.String startedAt,
+ java.lang.String readAt,
+ java.lang.String dateAdded,
+ java.lang.String dateUpdated,
+ java.lang.String body,
+ java.util.List<Shelf> shelves)
+Creates review.
+ |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
java.lang.String |
+Gets review text.
+ |
Book |
+Gets book.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets dateAdded.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets dateUpdated.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets id.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets rating.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets readAt.
+ |
java.util.List<Shelf> |
+getShelves() |
java.lang.String |
+Gets startedAt.
+ |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Review()+
public Review(java.lang.String id, + Book book, + java.lang.String rating, + java.lang.String startedAt, + java.lang.String readAt, + java.lang.String dateAdded, + java.lang.String dateUpdated, + java.lang.String body, + java.util.List<Shelf> shelves)+
- String book idbook
- Book bookrating
- String rating of bookstartedAt
- String date when started reading bookreadAt
- String date when finished reading bookdateAdded
- String date when book addeddateUpdated
- String date when book updatedbody
- String review bodyshelves
- List shelvespublic java.lang.String getId()+
public Book getBook()+
public java.lang.String getRating()+
public java.lang.String getStartedAt()+
public java.lang.String getReadAt()+
public java.lang.String getDateAdded()+
public java.lang.String getDateUpdated()+
public java.lang.String getBody()+
public java.util.List<Shelf> getShelves()+
public class Shelf
+extends java.lang.Object
+implements java.io.Serializable
++ Created by Jenni on 3.5.2017.
Constructor and Description | +
Shelf(java.lang.String name)
+Creates shelf.
+ |
Shelf(java.lang.String name,
+ boolean isExclusive)
+Creates shelf.
+ |
Shelf(java.lang.String name,
+ java.lang.String id,
+ java.lang.String bookAmount)
+Creates shelf.
+ |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
java.lang.String |
+Gets book amount.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets id.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets name.
+ |
boolean |
+Gets exclusivity.
+ |
void |
+setBookAmount(java.lang.String bookAmount)
+Sets book amount.
+ |
void |
+setId(java.lang.String id)
+Sets id.
+ |
void |
+setName(java.lang.String name)
+Sets name.
+ |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Shelf(java.lang.String name, + java.lang.String id, + java.lang.String bookAmount)+
- String nameid
- String idpublic Shelf(java.lang.String name, + boolean isExclusive)+
- String nameisExclusive
- Boolean exclusivitypublic Shelf(java.lang.String name)+
- String namepublic java.lang.String getName()+
public void setName(java.lang.String name)+
- String namepublic java.lang.String getId()+
public void setId(java.lang.String id)+
- String idpublic java.lang.String getBookAmount()+
public void setBookAmount(java.lang.String bookAmount)+
- public boolean isExclusive()+
public class Work
+extends java.lang.Object
+implements java.io.Serializable
++ Created by Jenni on 19.4.2017.
Constructor and Description | +
+Default constructor for work.
+ |
Work(java.lang.String id,
+ java.lang.String booksCount,
+ java.lang.String ratingsCount,
+ java.lang.String originalPublicationYer,
+ float averageRating,
+ BestBook bestBook)
+Constructor for work.
+ |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
float |
+Gets avg rating.
+ |
BestBook |
+Gets best book representation of this work.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets books count.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets id.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets orig publication year.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Gets ratings count.
+ |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Work()+
public Work(java.lang.String id, + java.lang.String booksCount, + java.lang.String ratingsCount, + java.lang.String originalPublicationYer, + float averageRating, + BestBook bestBook)+
- StringbooksCount
- StringratingsCount
- StringoriginalPublicationYer
- StringaverageRating
- FloatbestBook
- BestBookpublic java.lang.String getId()+
public java.lang.String getBooksCount()+
public java.lang.String getRatingsCount()+
public java.lang.String getOriginalPublicationYear()+
public float getAverageRating()+
public BestBook getBestBook()+
Class | +Description | +
BaseActivity | +
+ Makes drawer with drawer functions.
+ |
BookActivity | +
+ Shows details of book and handles shelf updates.
+ |
BuildConfig | ++ |
MainActivity | +
+ Launches app and handles OAuth authentication.
+ |
R | ++ |
R.anim | ++ |
R.animator | ++ |
R.attr | ++ |
R.bool | ++ |
R.color | ++ |
R.dimen | ++ |
R.drawable | ++ |
R.id | ++ |
R.integer | ++ |
R.layout | ++ |
R.menu | ++ |
R.mipmap | ++ |
R.string | ++ |
R.style | ++ |
R.styleable | ++ |
R.xml | ++ |
SearchActivity | +
+ Search Activity for searching books.
+ |
ShelfActivity | +
+ Displays items on shelf.
+ |
ShelvesActivity | +
+ Shows all user shelves.
+ |
public class BookResultParser
+extends java.lang.Object
++ Created by Jenni on 26.4.2017.
Constructor and Description | +
BookResultParser() |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
static Book |
+docToBook(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
+Parses document to book.
+ |
static Book |
+elementToBook(org.w3c.dom.Element e)
+Parses Element to Book.
+ |
static java.lang.String |
+getStringContent(org.w3c.dom.Element e,
+ java.lang.String tagName)
+Gets string content from first Node of NodeList.
+ |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static Book docToBook(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)+
public static java.lang.String getStringContent(org.w3c.dom.Element e, + java.lang.String tagName)+
- ElementtagName
- Stringpublic static Book elementToBook(org.w3c.dom.Element e)+
- Elementpublic class BookSearchResultsParser
+extends java.lang.Object
++ Created by Jenni on 19.4.2017.
Constructor and Description | +
BookSearchResultsParser() |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
static java.util.List<Work> |
+docToWorks(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
+Parses document to ArrayList of Work objects.
+ |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public class BookShelfParser
+extends java.lang.Object
++ Created by Jenni on 3.5.2017.
Constructor and Description | +
BookShelfParser() |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
static java.util.List<Shelf> |
+docToShelves(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
+Parses document to ArrayList of Shelf objects.
+ |
static java.util.List<Shelf> |
+docToShelvesOfBook(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
+Adds shelves of book to list.
+ |
static java.util.List<Shelf> |
+nodeListToShelves(org.w3c.dom.NodeList shelvesNodeList)
+Converts NodeList to list of shelves.
+ |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static java.util.List<Shelf> docToShelves(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)+
- Documentpublic static java.util.List<Shelf> docToShelvesOfBook(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)+
- Document to parsepublic static java.util.List<Shelf> nodeListToShelves(org.w3c.dom.NodeList shelvesNodeList)+
- NodeListpublic interface DownloadCallback
++ Created by Jenni on 3.5.2017.
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
void |
+processFinish(DownloadXmlTask.Result result)
+Handles result from download task.
+ |
void processFinish(DownloadXmlTask.Result result)+
- DownloadTask.Result with document and statuspublic static class DownloadXmlTask.Result
+extends java.lang.Object
+Modifier and Type | +Field and Description | +
org.w3c.dom.Document |
+Xml document.
+ |
int |
+Http status.
+ |
public class DownloadXmlTask +extends android.os.AsyncTask<java.net.URL,java.lang.Integer,DownloadXmlTask.Result>+
Modifier and Type | +Class and Description | +
static class |
+Result from DownloadXmlTask.
+ |
Modifier and Type | +Field and Description | +
DownloadCallback |
+Handler of DownloadCallback.
+ |
Constructor and Description | +
DownloadXmlTask() |
public DownloadCallback callback+
public class Global
+extends java.lang.Object
+Modifier and Type | +Field and Description | +
static java.lang.String |
+Shared preferences name.
+ |
public static final java.lang.String MY_PREFS_NAME+
public class GoodreadsApi
+extends com.github.scribejava.core.builder.api.DefaultApi10a
+Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
java.lang.String |
+Returns access token endpoint.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+getAuthorizationUrl(com.github.scribejava.core.model.OAuth1RequestToken requestToken)
+Returns authorization url.
+ |
java.lang.String |
+Returns request token endpoint.
+ |
static GoodreadsApi |
+Returns instance.
+ |
createService, getAccessTokenExtractor, getAccessTokenVerb, getBaseStringExtractor, getHeaderExtractor, getRequestTokenExtractor, getRequestTokenVerb, getSignatureService, getTimestampService, isEmptyOAuthTokenParamIsRequired
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static GoodreadsApi instance()+
public java.lang.String getAccessTokenEndpoint()+
in class com.github.scribejava.core.builder.api.DefaultApi10a
public java.lang.String getRequestTokenEndpoint()+
in class com.github.scribejava.core.builder.api.DefaultApi10a
public java.lang.String getAuthorizationUrl(com.github.scribejava.core.model.OAuth1RequestToken requestToken)+
in class com.github.scribejava.core.builder.api.DefaultApi10a
- request tokenpublic class InputStreamParser
+extends java.lang.Object
+Constructor and Description | +
InputStreamParser() |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
static org.w3c.dom.Document |
+streamToXmlDoc(java.io.InputStream is)
+Converts InputStream to Document.
+ |
static org.w3c.dom.Document |
+stringToDoc(java.lang.String string)
+Converts string to document.
+ |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static org.w3c.dom.Document streamToXmlDoc(java.io.InputStream is)+
- InputStreampublic static org.w3c.dom.Document stringToDoc(java.lang.String string)+
- string to convertpublic class ReviewResultParser
+extends java.lang.Object
++ Created by Jenni on 9.5.2017.
Constructor and Description | +
ReviewResultParser() |
Modifier and Type | +Method and Description | +
static java.util.List<Review> |
+docToReviews(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
+Parses document to list of shelves.
+ |
static java.lang.String |
+getLastDigitSuffix(int number)
+Determines correct suffix for day digit.
+ |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public static java.util.List<Review> docToReviews(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)+
- Documentpublic static java.lang.String getLastDigitSuffix(int number)+
- dayInterface | +Description | +
DownloadCallback | +
+ Handles callback from download task.
+ |
Class | +Description | +
BookResultParser | +
+ Parses book document.
+ |
BookSearchResultsParser | +
+ Parses search results.
+ |
BookShelfParser | +
+ Parses book shelf.
+ |
DownloadXmlTask | +
+ Makes GET post to given url with AsyncTask.
+ |
DownloadXmlTask.Result | +
+ Result from DownloadXmlTask.
+ |
Global | +
+ Saves shared preferences name.
+ |
GoodreadsApi | +
+ Handles OAuth1 to GoodReads Api as per ScribeJava Custom Api guidelines.
+ |
InputStreamParser | +
+ Helps handle InputStreams.
+ |
ReviewResultParser | +
+ Parses review data.
+ |
+ + diff --git a/javadoc/overview-summary.html b/javadoc/overview-summary.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b5e1a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/javadoc/overview-summary.html @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ + + + + + +
Package | +Description | +
net.bookbuddy | ++ |
net.bookbuddy.adapters | ++ |
net.bookbuddy.data | ++ |
net.bookbuddy.utilities | ++ |
java.lang.String id+
java.lang.String name+
java.lang.String role+
java.lang.String id+
java.lang.String title+
Author author+
java.lang.String imageUrl+
java.lang.String smallImageUrl+
java.lang.String title+
java.lang.String url+
java.lang.String isbnTen+
java.lang.String isbnThirteen+
java.lang.String description+
org.joda.time.LocalDate publication+
java.lang.String publisher+
java.lang.String format+
java.lang.String pages+
java.util.List<E> authors+
java.lang.String reviewsWidgetHtml+
java.lang.String smallImageUrl+
java.lang.String name+
java.lang.String id+
java.lang.String bookAmount+
boolean isExclusive+
java.lang.String id+
java.lang.String booksCount+
java.lang.String ratingsCount+
java.lang.String originalPublicationYear+
float averageRating+
BestBook bestBook+