This document aims to document the compliance with various RFCs.
Mostly supported.
- PROPFIND [supported]
- PROPPATCH [supported]
- MKCOL [supported]
- DELETE [supported]
- PUT [supported]
- COPY [not implemented]
- MOVE [not implemented]
- LOCK [not implemented]
- UNLOCK [not implemented]
- (9.1) Dav [supported]
- (9.2) Depth ['0, '1' and 'infinity' are supported]
- (9.3) Destination [only used with COPY/MOVE, which are not supported]
- (9.4) If [not supported]
- (9.5) Lock-Token [not supported]
- (9.6) Overwrite [only used with COPY/MOVE, which are not supported]
- (9.7) Status-URI [not supported]
- (9.8) Timeout [not supported, only used for locks]
- (15.1) creationdate [supported]
- (15.2) displayname [supported]
- (15.3) getcontentlanguage [supported]
- (15.4) getcontentlength [supported]
- (15.5) getcontenttype [supported]
- (15.6) getetag [supported]
- (15.7) getlastmodified [supported]
- (15.8) lockdiscovery [supported]
- (15.9) resourcetype [supported]
- (15.10) supportedlock [supported]
- (RFC2518 ONLY - 13.10) source [not supported]
Broadly speaking, only features related to the REPORT method are supported.
- REPORT [supported]
- CHECKOUT [not supported]
- CHECKIN [not supported]
- UNCHECKOUT [not supported]
- MKWORKSPACE [not supported]
- UPDATE [not supported]
- LABEL [not supported]
- MERGE [not supported]
- VERSION-CONTROL [not supported]
- BASELINE-CONTROL [not supported]
- MKACTIVITY [not supported]
- DAV:comment [supported]
- DAV:creator-displayname [not supported]
- DAV:supported-method-set [not supported]
- DAV:supported-live-property-set [not supported]
- DAV:supported-report-set [supported]
- DAV:predecessor-set [not supported]
- DAV:successor-set [not supported]
- DAV:checkout-set [not supported]
- DAV:version-name [not supported]
- DAV:checked-out [not supported]
- DAV:chcked-in [not supported]
- DAV:auto-version [not supported]
- DAV:expand-property [supported]
- DAV:version-tree [not supported]
Not supported
- SEARCH [not supported]
- DAV:datatype [not supported]
- DAV:searchable [not supported]
- DAV:selectable [not supported]
- DAV:sortable [not supported]
- DAV:caseless [not supported]
- DAV:operators [not supported]
Not really supported
- DAV:alternate-uri-set [not supported]
- DAV:principal-URL [supported]
- DAV:group-member-set [not supported]
- DAV:group-membership [supported]
- DAV:owner [supported]
- DAV:group [not supported]
- DAV:current-user-privilege-set [supported]
- DAV:supported-privilege-set [not supported]
- DAV:acl [not supported]
- DAV:acl-restrictions [not supported]
- DAV:inherited-acl-set [not supported]
- DAV:principal-collection-set [not supported]
- DAV:acl-principal-prop-set [not supported]
- DAV:principal-match [not supported]
- DAV:principal-property-search [not supported]
- DAV:principal-search-property-set [not supported]
Fully supported.
- CALDAV:calendar-description [supported]
- CALDAV:calendar-home-set [supported]
- CALDAV:calendar-timezone [supported]
- CALDAV:supported-calendar-component-set [supported]
- CALDAV:supported-calendar-data [supported]
- CALDAV:max-resource-size [supported]
- CALDAV:min-date-time [supported]
- CALDAV:max-date-time [supported]
- CALDAV:max-instances [supported]
- CALDAV:max-attendees-per-instance [supported]
- MKCALENDAR [not supported]
- CALDAV:calendar-query [supported]
- CALDAV:calendar-multiget [supported]
- CALDAV:free-busy-query [supported]
Fully supported.
- CARDDAV:addressbook-description [supported]
- CARDDAV:supported-address-data [supported]
- CARDDAV:max-resource-size [supported]
- CARDDAV:addressbook-home-set [supported]
- CARDDAV:princial-address [supported]
- CARDDAV:addressbook-query [supported]
- CARDDAV:addressbook-multiget [supported]
- CALDAV:schedule-outbox-URL [supported]
- CALDAV:schedule-inbox-URL [supported]
- CALDAV:calendar-user-address-set [supported]
- CALDAV:calendar-user-type [supported]
- CALDAV:schedule-calendar-transp [supported]
- CALDAV:schedule-default-calendar-URL [supported]
- CALDAV:schedule-tag [supported]
Most of this is outside of the scope of xandikos, but it does support DAV:current-user-principal
Not supported
- CALDAV:timezone-service-set [supported]
- CALDAV:calendar-timezone-id [not supported]
- CALDAV:current-user-principal [supported]
- CARDDAV:max-image-size [supported]
- DAV:getctag [supported]
- DAV:calendar-proxy-read-for [supported]
- DAV:calendar-proxy-write-for [supported]
- calendar-color [supported]
- calendar-order [supported]
- getctag [supported]
- refreshrate [supported]
- source
- xmpp-server
- xmpp-heartbeat
- xmpp-uri
- headervalue [supported]
- settings [supported]
- addressbook-color [supported]
- CALDAV:max-attachments-per-resource [supported]
- CALDAV:max-attachment-size [supported]
- CALDAV:managed-attachments-server-URL [supported]
Fully supported.
- DAV:add-member [supported]
- POST [supported]
Fully supported
- MKCOL [supported]
- {DAV:}quote-available-bytes [supported]
- {DAV:}quote-used-bytes [supported]
This RFC documents a mechanism that allows clients to find the WebDAV mount associated with a specific page. It's unclear to the writer what the value of this is - an alternate resource in the HTML page would also do.
As far as I can tell, there is only a single server side implementation and a single client side implementation of this RFC. I don't have access to the client implementation (Xythos Drive) and the server side implementation is in SabreDAV.
Experimental support for WebDAV Mount is available in the 'mount' branch, but won't be merged without a good use case.
Apple extension:
Currently unsupported.