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305 lines (264 loc) · 10.4 KB
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Microsoft Windows/386 2.10

Microsoft Windows 2.10 was actually released as two separate products:

Microsoft Windows/286 2.10

Windows/286 2.10 was released on May 27, 1988, less than six months after the release of Windows 2.0.

No disks are available at this time.

In the meantime, take a look at Windows/286 2.11.

Microsoft Windows/386 2.10

Reportedly, Windows/386 2.10 was also released on May 27, 1988. However, as you can see from the directory listings below, these disks may not have been released until September 1988, if the timestamps are accurate.

Directory listings of the six 720Kb distribution diskettes (which have been copied to six 1.2Mb diskettes) are provided below.

Directory of Windows/386 2.10 (SETUP)

 Volume in drive A is DISK1      

Directory of A:\

386LOGO  LGD      2573 09-07-88  12:00a
CGA40    FON      6544 09-07-88  12:00a
CGA80    FON      4512 09-07-88  12:00a
COMM     DRV      4484 09-07-88  12:00a
EGA40    FON      8576 09-07-88  12:00a
EGA80    FON      5520 09-07-88  12:00a
FONTHI   FON      4608 09-07-88  12:00a
FONTHIUS FON      4528 09-07-88  12:00a
FONTLO   FON      4160 09-07-88  12:00a
FONTLOUS FON      4528 09-07-88  12:00a
FONTSQ   FON      5728 09-07-88  12:00a
FONTSQCA FON      5552 09-07-88  12:00a
FONTSQES FON      5552 09-07-88  12:00a
FONTSQNO FON      5552 09-07-88  12:00a
FONTSQUS FON      5536 09-07-88  12:00a
GDI      EXE    101770 09-07-88  12:00a
HERCULES FON      9104 09-07-88  12:00a
HIMEM    SYS      6261 09-07-88  12:00a
HPMOUSE  DRV      4410 09-07-88  12:00a
KBDBE    DRV      8782 09-07-88  12:00a
KBDCA    DRV      9022 09-07-88  12:00a
KBDDA    DRV      8490 09-07-88  12:00a
KBDES    DRV      9460 09-07-88  12:00a
KBDFR    DRV      8698 09-07-88  12:00a
KBDFS    DRV      8522 09-07-88  12:00a
KBDGR    DRV      8682 09-07-88  12:00a
KBDIT    DRV      8322 09-07-88  12:00a
KBDNE    DRV      8522 09-07-88  12:00a
KBDSF    DRV      8778 09-07-88  12:00a
KBDSG    DRV      8754 09-07-88  12:00a
KBDSP    DRV      8848 09-07-88  12:00a
KBDUK    DRV      8264 09-07-88  12:00a
KBDUS    DRV      8088 09-07-88  12:00a
KERNEL   EXE     58816 09-07-88  12:00a
LMOUSE   DRV      3298 09-07-88  12:00a
MOUSE    DRV      3667 09-07-88  12:00a
MSDOS    EXE     46224 09-07-88  12:00a
MSDOSD   EXE      6586 09-07-88  12:00a
MSMOUSE1 DRV      2014 09-07-88  12:00a
MSMOUSE2 DRV      2014 09-07-88  12:00a
NOMOUSE  DRV      1245 09-07-88  12:00a
SETUP    EXE     68779 09-07-88  12:00a
SETUP    INF     20144 09-07-88  12:00a
SOUND    DRV      5309 09-07-88  12:00a
SYSTEM   DRV      2945 09-07-88  12:00a
USERF    EXE    154512 09-07-88  12:00a
WIN      CNF      2448 09-07-88  12:00a
WIN      INI      3207 09-07-88  12:00a
       48 file(s)     701938 bytes

Total files listed:
       48 file(s)     701938 bytes
                      501760 bytes free

Directory of Windows/386 2.10 (UTILS 1)

 Volume in drive A is DISK2      

Directory of A:\

DESKJET  DRV     76096 09-07-88  12:00a
EPSON24  DRV     50272 09-07-88  12:00a
EPSON9   DRV     43776 09-07-88  12:00a
FUJIMTRX DRV     48576 09-07-88  12:00a
HERCULES 386    120634 09-07-88  12:00a
HERCULES 3EX     37196 09-07-88  12:00a
HERCULES DRV     28272 09-07-88  12:00a
HERCULES GRB      4743 09-07-88  12:00a
HERCULES LGO       557 09-07-88  12:00a
HPPCL    DRV    212096 09-07-88  12:00a
HPPLOT   DRV     62992 09-07-88  12:00a
READMEE2 TXT      1083 09-07-88  12:00a
READMEE9 TXT      1228 09-07-88  12:00a
READMEFU TXT      1106 09-07-88  12:00a
READMEHP TXT      4801 09-07-88  12:00a
READMEPL TXT     15594 09-07-88  12:00a
       16 file(s)     709022 bytes

Total files listed:
       16 file(s)     709022 bytes
                      499712 bytes free

Directory of Windows/386 2.10 (UTILS 2)

 Volume in drive A is DISK3      

Directory of A:\

A4TRAY   TXT       944 09-07-88  12:00a
CITOH    DRV     14208 09-07-88  12:00a
IBMCOLOR DRV     14144 09-07-88  12:00a
IBMGRX   DRV     14512 09-07-88  12:00a
LBP8US   DRV     65664 09-07-88  12:00a
MEMSET   EXE     36083 09-07-88  12:00a
NECCOLOR DRV     28896 09-07-88  12:00a
NECP2    DRV     14352 09-07-88  12:00a
OKI24    DRV     45680 09-07-88  12:00a
OLIPRINT DRV     37472 09-07-88  12:00a
PAINTJET DRV     45536 09-07-88  12:00a
PROPRINT DRV     35616 09-07-88  12:00a
PROPRN24 DRV     34480 09-07-88  12:00a
PSCRIPT  DRV    196288 09-07-88  12:00a
QWIII    DRV     48480 09-07-88  12:00a
RAMDRIVE SYS      8358 09-07-88  12:00a
RAMDRIVE TXT      7198 09-07-88  12:00a
READMENE TXT      1180 09-07-88  12:00a
READMEO2 TXT      1002 09-07-88  12:00a
READMEOL TXT      1989 09-07-88  12:00a
READMEP2 TXT       955 09-07-88  12:00a
READMEP9 TXT       978 09-07-88  12:00a
READMEPJ TXT     14274 09-07-88  12:00a
READMEPS TXT      8121 09-07-88  12:00a
SETENHKB COM        14 09-07-88  12:00a
SMARTDRV SYS     10224 09-07-88  12:00a
THINKJET DRV     13296 09-07-88  12:00a
TTY      DRV      6224 09-07-88  12:00a
WIN386   PS2       138 09-07-88  12:00a
       29 file(s)     706306 bytes

Total files listed:
       29 file(s)     706306 bytes
                      500736 bytes free

Directory of Windows/386 2.10 (DISPLAYS)

 Volume in drive A is DISK4      

Directory of A:\

ATTDC    DRV     28736 09-07-88  12:00a
CGA      386    122836 09-07-88  12:00a
CGA      3EX     37148 09-07-88  12:00a
CGA      DRV     24784 09-07-88  12:00a
CGA      GRB      5614 09-07-88  12:00a
CGA      LGO       468 09-07-88  12:00a
COMPAQ   DRV     28144 09-07-88  12:00a
CTVGA    386    141195 09-07-88  12:00a
CTVGA    3EX     37500 09-07-88  12:00a
EGA      386    140571 09-07-88  12:00a
EGA      3EX     37404 09-07-88  12:00a
EGA      GRB      7979 09-07-88  12:00a
EGAHIRES DRV     33040 09-07-88  12:00a
IDC      GRB      5715 09-07-88  12:00a
KBDLA    DRV      8816 09-07-88  12:00a
KBDNO    DRV      8506 09-07-88  12:00a
KBDPO    DRV      8108 09-07-88  12:00a
VGA      GRB      8605 09-07-88  12:00a
VGA450   DRV     32736 09-07-88  12:00a
       19 file(s)     717905 bytes

Total files listed:
       19 file(s)     717905 bytes
                      492032 bytes free

Directory of Windows/386 2.10 (FONTS)

 Volume in drive A is DISK5      

Directory of A:\

COURA    FON     14144 07-01-88  12:00a
COURB    FON     19088 07-01-88  12:00a
COURC    FON     13040 07-01-88  12:00a
COURD    FON     21328 07-01-88  12:00a
COURE    FON     23808 07-01-88  12:00a
DM600    DRV     32224 07-01-88  12:00a
HELVA    FON     36768 07-01-88  12:00a
HELVB    FON     50880 07-01-88  12:00a
HELVC    FON     38960 07-01-88  12:00a
HELVD    FON     58144 07-01-88  12:00a
HELVE    FON     64784 07-01-88  12:00a
MODERN   FON      7584 07-01-88  12:00a
NEWFON   EXE     33231 07-01-88  12:00a
ROMAN    FON     11120 07-01-88  12:00a
SCRIPT   FON     10304 07-01-88  12:00a
TMSRA    FON     35392 07-01-88  12:00a
TMSRB    FON     45936 07-01-88  12:00a
TMSRC    FON     37824 07-01-88  12:00a
TMSRD    FON     57184 07-01-88  12:00a
TMSRE    FON     58304 07-01-88  12:00a
TOSH     DRV     14480 07-01-88  12:00a
XER4020  DRV     22032 07-01-88  12:00a
       22 file(s)     706559 bytes

Total files listed:
       22 file(s)     706559 bytes
                      502272 bytes free

Directory of Windows/386 2.10 (APPS)

 Volume in drive A is DISK6      

Directory of A:\

ABC      TXT        42 07-01-88  12:00a
AT&TREAD TXT      3428 07-01-88  12:00a
CALC     EXE     28000 07-01-88  12:00a
CALENDAR EXE     38896 07-01-88  12:00a
CARDFILE EXE     39264 07-01-88  12:00a
CLIPBRD  EXE     10800 07-01-88  12:00a
CLOCK    EXE      8960 07-01-88  12:00a
COMMANDE PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
COMMANDF PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
COMMANDW PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
CONTROL  EXE     58064 07-01-88  12:00a
CVTPAINT EXE      5712 07-01-88  12:00a
DOTHIS   TXT       493 07-01-88  12:00a
NOTEPAD  EXE     19072 07-01-88  12:00a
PAINT    EXE     93280 07-01-88  12:00a
PIF          <DIR>     07-21-03  10:32a
PIFEDIT  EXE     26480 07-01-88  12:00a
PRACTICE WRI      2944 07-01-88  12:00a
README   TXT     13959 07-01-88  12:00a
REVERSI  EXE     15552 07-01-88  12:00a
SPOOLER  EXE     14336 07-01-88  12:00a
TERMINAL EXE     48640 07-01-88  12:00a
TI850    DRV     12816 07-01-88  12:00a
WINOLDAP MOD     31216 07-01-88  12:00a
WRITE    EXE    198368 07-01-88  12:00a
       25 file(s)     671429 bytes

Directory of A:\PIF

.            <DIR>     07-21-03  10:32a
..           <DIR>     07-21-03  10:32a
123      PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
ACCESS   PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
BASIC    PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
BASICA   PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
BOOKS    PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
CHART    PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
CLOUT    PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
DBASE    PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
DW3PG    PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
EDITOR   PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
FILE     PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
FL       PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
FW       PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
GRAPH    PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
HTPM     PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
LOTUS    PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
MP       PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
PE2      PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
PFSACCES PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
PLAN     PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
PROJ     PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
QB       PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
RB5000   PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
RBASE    PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
READY    PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
REPORT   PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
SC4      PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
SCOM     PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
SK       PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
SPELL    PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
SYMPHONY PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
TURBO    PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
VW3      PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
WORD     PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
WORKS    PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
WRDPERF  PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
WRITE    PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
WS2      PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
XTALK    PIF       369 07-01-88  12:00a
       41 file(s)      14391 bytes

Total files listed:
       66 file(s)     685820 bytes
                      515584 bytes free