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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 24, 2020. It is now read-only.

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layout title permalink machines
Microsoft Mouse 5.00
id type config autoMount autoType
PC DOS 3.30 (Disk 1)
MS Mouse 5.00 (SYSTEM)

Microsoft Mouse 5.00

The following PCjs diskette images come from our private disk collection, and they include additional files that were probably not on the original Microsoft distribution disks.

In particular, the MS Mouse 5.00 (PROGRAM) diskette contains a MOUSE6 subdirectory with a mouse driver that displays:

--- Installing Microsoft MOUSE    Device Driver v6.b4 test ---

{% include machine.html id="ibm5170" %}

Directory of MS Mouse 5.00 (SYSTEM)

 Volume in drive A has no label

Directory of A:\

README   DOC     15726 09-15-85   8:42p
SETUP    COM     32990 09-15-85   7:20p
123      DEF      3356 05-01-85  12:00p
123      MNU      1024 05-01-85  12:00p
AUTOEXEC BAT        17 05-01-85  12:00p
LIFE     EXE      2095 05-01-85  12:00p
MAKEMENU EXE     25180 05-01-85  12:00p
MENU     COM      2434 05-01-85  12:00p
MOUSE    COM      7067 08-27-85  12:03p
MOUSE    LIB      2560 05-01-85  12:00p
MOUSE    SYS      7294 08-27-85  12:01p
MPIBM    DEF      7712 05-01-85  12:00p
MPIBM    MNU      1664 05-01-85  12:00p
MPMS     DEF      7705 05-01-85  12:00p
MPMS     MNU      1664 05-01-85  12:00p
NOTEPAD  COM     12270 05-01-85  12:00p
NP       COD     25960 05-01-85  12:00p
NP       DAT      8522 05-01-85  12:00p
NP       HLP     17641 06-14-85  12:00p
PIANO    BAS      9031 01-04-80   2:27a
PIANO    EXE     33044 05-01-85  12:00p
VC       DEF      7977 05-01-85  12:00p
VC       MNU      2560 05-01-85  12:00p
WS       DEF     13560 05-01-85  12:00p
WS       MNU      4608 05-01-85  12:00p
DIVISION            62 09-15-85   8:55p
EVX      DEV       557 09-09-85   6:36p
TE1      DEV       875 09-09-85   6:33p
TE2      DEV       898 09-14-85   9:46p
ATT      DEV       954 09-12-85   3:54p
PLN      DEV       898 09-09-85   6:38p
HER      DEV       572 09-09-85   6:36p
TWO      DEV       946 09-14-85  10:19p
IBM      DEV       570 09-12-85   4:24a
EGA      DEV       977 09-14-85  11:30p
LN2      DEV       407 09-14-85  11:59p
SETCOLOR EXE     16518 09-01-85   4:41a
DRIVE1           26087 09-14-85  11:30p
DRIVE2           27072 09-14-85  10:19p
BIT9X14  FNT      7426 04-12-85   2:56p
BIT5X7   FNT      1154 04-12-85   2:56p
BIT5X8   FNT      1282 04-12-85   2:56p
       42 file(s)     340916 bytes

Total files listed:
       42 file(s)     340916 bytes
                           0 bytes free

Directory of MS Mouse 5.00 (PROGRAM)

 Volume in drive A has no label

Directory of A:\

MOUSE    COM      7067 08-27-85  12:03p
FRIEZE   COM     43762 08-23-86   9:58a
FRIEZE   TPL     16387 05-05-86   3:35p
PCINSTAL EXE     29446 09-14-85  11:47p
PBRUSH   EXE    123096 02-11-86   5:06p
PBRUSH   OVL      1225 01-15-86   5:00p
DEF16    PAL      1156 04-12-85   2:56p
DEF4     PAL      1156 04-15-85   6:22p
DEF2     PAL      1156 08-19-85   3:47a
ROMAN    FNT      8001 04-12-85   2:56p
BIT8X8   FNT      2314 08-30-85   1:42p
BIT8X14  FNT      3856 08-30-85   1:42p
BIT8X16  FNT      4370 08-30-85   1:42p
BIT16X14 FNT      7426 08-30-85   1:43p
BIT16X16 FNT      8450 08-30-85   1:43p
PSETUP   DAT       151 08-05-86   8:08p
CARDS    DAT      2107 09-15-85   8:47p
PRINTERS DAT       983 09-15-85   8:54p
DDEVICE  DAT       191 09-15-85   8:51p
AUTOEXEC BAT         5 04-12-85   2:57p
PAINT    BAT        37 08-05-86   8:08p
EURO     FNT      3038 04-12-85   2:56p
SLIDES   BAS      3650 09-15-85   6:56p
FRZSUB   BAS        58 09-13-85   6:00p
OENGLISH FNT      9108 04-12-85   2:56p
COMPUTER FNT      3058 04-12-85   2:56p
README2  DOC       231 09-15-85   9:28p
MOUSE6       <DIR>     09-14-86  12:12a
       28 file(s)     281485 bytes

Directory of A:\MOUSE6

.            <DIR>     09-14-86  12:12a
..           <DIR>     09-14-86  12:12a
MOUSE    COM     11541 08-14-86  12:25p
MOUSE    HLP      2231 08-14-86  10:04a
CPANEL   COM      7308 08-12-86   9:07a
CPANEL   HLP      2720 08-14-86   8:36a
FUNCTION HLP      1303 08-15-86   7:49a
MOUSE    LIB      2560 12-02-85  11:50a
        8 file(s)      27663 bytes

Total files listed:
       36 file(s)     309148 bytes
                       31744 bytes free