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Q65472: Predefined Identifiers in Microsoft C 6.00 |
/pubs/pc/reference/microsoft/kb/Q65472/ |
Article: Q65472
Version(s): 6.00 | 6.00
Operating System: MS-DOS | OS/2
Flags: ENDUSER | s_quickhelp s_c s_utils
Last Modified: 24-OCT-1990
The following information is contained in the online help for the
Microsoft C Compiler version 6.00.
This information below can be accessed by using the following steps:
1. Obtain help on the text "cl" using either the F1 key from the
Programmer's WorkBench, or by using "qh cl" from the DOS or OS/2
command lines.
2. Select Preprocessor Options, then Predefined Identifiers.
The compiler automatically defines identifiers useful in writing
portable programs. You can use these identifiers to compile code
sections conditionally. These identifiers are always defined unless
otherwise stated.
Identifier Target Identified
---------- -----------------
MSDOS MS-DOS operating system
M_I86 Member of the I86 processor family
M_I86mM Memory model type
<m> = T Tiny
S Small (default)
C Compact model
M Medium model
L Large model
H Huge model
M_I8086 8088 or 8086 processor; default or with /G0
M_I286 80286 processor; defined with /G1 or /G2 option
_MSC_VER Identifies the version of Microsoft C
NO_EXT_KEYS Disables Microsoft-specific language extensions
and extended keywords; defined only with /Za
_CHAR_UNSIGNED Changes default char type to unsigned; defined
only with /J option
The _MSC_VER identifier has a value of 600 for the Microsoft C Compiler
version 6.00. This identifier is not defined in Microsoft C versions
5.10 and earlier.