layout | title | permalink | machines | |||||||||||||||||||||
page |
PC Tech Journal Disks |
/disks/pcx86/shareware/pctj/ |
Over the lifetime of PC Tech Journal (1983-1989), they shared a variety of files and published source code listings. You could type the listings in by hand, or you could use their "PCTECHline" dial-up service and download them for free (aside from any long-distance phone charges).
I'm not sure if PC Tech Journal regularly (or ever) distributed their software collections on diskette, or archived them in monthly ZIP files, but obviously someone did, because you can find a bunch of ZIP archives at "THE PROGRAMMER'S CORNER: BBS ARCHIVE FROM THE PAST".
Of particular interest is the "Best Of" collection, a diskette that we had to recreate from multiple ZIP archives. It includes this note from the magazine's editors:
This disk is a compilation of programs that have appeared in PC
Tech Journal over the years. The diskette will spare you the
task of typing long listings from the magazine, thus leaving you
with time for more productive uses of the material published in
PC Tech Journal.
The diskette contains two subdirectories, UTILITY and HPMETRIC,
in which you will find the programs. Each directory also
includes the file CONTENTS, which identifies each program and
provides a reference to the issue of PC Tech Journal in which it
first appeared. The CONTENTS files are in ASCII text format
suitable for TYPEing or PRINTing. The file WARRANTY contains the
limited warranty and copyright notice.
Thank you for subscribing to PC Tech Journal. We hope this
diskette and your future issues of the PC Tech Journal will be a
valuable and useful addition to your library.
Julie Anderson Will Fastie
Editor Editorial Director
We've gone through those ZIP archives, filtered out the duplicates, organized them chronologically, and then put their contents onto diskette images that you can easily "Load" and "Save" in any PCjs Machine. In fact, if you click on the name of any diskette in the headings below, a machine should automatically launch with that diskette loaded in drive B.
Looking at the dates alone, you can tell that this collection is woefully incomplete, but perhaps more will surface over time. Let us know if you find more. Thanks.
{% include machine.html id="pctj" %}
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1985-12)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8512
Directory of A:\
AUTH PER 1034 09-23-85 2:22p
BENCHMRK LSP 640 11-26-85 4:23p
CALENDAR PAS 2931 09-19-85 12:23p
COMM PAS 7429 10-21-85 4:58p
EXPERT PRO 3383 12-09-85 9:25a
FIXCURS ASM 1019 09-17-85 3:14p
LANDER ASM 3588 09-26-85 4:15p
MLABELS ACE 771 09-15-85 8:59p
M_AUTH PER 1673 10-15-85 2:18p
PARSER PRO 445 12-09-85 9:25a
10 file(s) 22913 bytes
134656 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1986-03)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8603
Directory of A:\
DOS4AH ASM 2856 04-11-86 10:24a
DOS4AH COM 58 04-11-86 10:25a
DOS4BH ASM 4129 04-11-86 10:24a
DOS4BH COM 110 04-11-86 10:25a
DOSCOM COM 12022 07-25-86 1:34p
DOSCOM PAS 1248 07-25-86 1:34p
SPMMLIB PAS 5021 07-26-86 11:46a
TJOS ASM 4688 12-13-85 9:35a
8 file(s) 30132 bytes
127488 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1986-10)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8610
Directory of A:\
DOTTIME DEF 106 07-22-86 9:38p
DOTTIME MOD 3449 07-22-86 9:56p
DRAWPOLY DEF 601 07-21-86 10:50p
DRAWPOLY MOD 1949 07-21-86 10:47p
EDITBLCK 8677 06-28-86 6:29a
EGAMAKE BAT 795 08-15-86 3:50p
EGATEST EXE 50080 10-01-86 10:27a
EGATEST MOD 13694 08-15-86 3:44p
FONTBUMP DEF 327 07-21-86 10:18p
FONTBUMP MOD 4444 08-15-86 3:56p
INFO 781 08-15-86 3:58p
LOWEGA DEF 4975 08-15-86 3:47p
LOWEGA MOD 28255 10-01-86 2:44p
OPCODES DEF 809 06-11-86 10:28a
OPCODES MOD 49 06-11-86 10:17a
OTHRFONT DAT 3584 06-01-86 9:48p
PAUSES DEF 545 07-21-86 10:51p
PAUSES MOD 1636 07-21-86 11:15p
POINTLIB DEF 294 06-01-86 10:36a
POINTLIB MOD 350 06-01-86 10:38a
20 file(s) 125400 bytes
30208 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1986-12)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8612
Directory of A:\
JUMPSRCH PAS 8985 10-22-86 1:45p
ROREADER PAS 2683 08-20-86 2:41p
2 file(s) 11668 bytes
147968 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1987-02)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8702
Directory of A:\
BUSPERF C 1078 11-25-86 1:59p
BUSPERF EXE 62310 11-16-86 7:25p
BUSPERFX ASM 4704 12-16-86 3:09p
DELAY C 493 12-15-86 3:58p
GETTICKS C 579 12-15-86 3:59p
MAKEFILE 466 12-15-86 3:59p
MJNZMAC ASM 427 12-16-86 10:00a
MLOOPMAC ASM 437 12-16-86 10:02a
SETFREQ C 475 12-16-86 4:02p
SOUND C 465 12-15-86 4:00p
SOUND H 192 12-15-86 4:00p
SOUNDS C 984 12-15-86 4:01p
SOUNDS EXE 20552 12-08-86 3:20p
SPKR C 269 12-15-86 4:01p
SPKR EXE 2066 12-08-86 3:20p
THERME 322 12-02-86 5:17p
THERME C 15577 12-17-86 10:14a
THERME DEF 322 12-02-86 1:26p
THERME EXE 8640 12-17-86 10:16a
THERME H 814 12-17-86 10:10a
THERME ICO 1038 11-24-86 3:26p
THERME RC 1528 12-17-86 10:10a
TIMER H 331 12-15-86 4:01p
TONE C 339 12-15-86 4:02p
TONE EXE 6734 12-08-86 3:20p
TOOLS INI 30 12-04-86 5:43p
26 file(s) 131172 bytes
23040 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1987-06)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8706
Directory of A:\
ASKDEMO BAT 471 04-21-87 1:26p
ASKKEY ASM 1813 04-21-87 1:28p
BIGARRAY F77 503 04-02-87 2:48p
BIGERROR F77 503 04-02-87 2:50p
DRAWCHAR COM 13758 03-19-87 12:59p
DRAWCHAR PAS 6925 04-23-87 1:18p
ITERATE F77 500 04-02-87 2:50p
MINIMUM F77 11 04-02-87 2:51p
PERFORM F77 678 04-06-87 10:27a
README TXT 191 06-05-87 2:20p
SYNTH1 F77 716 04-02-87 2:48p
11 file(s) 26069 bytes
Total files listed:
11 file(s) 26069 bytes
132096 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1987-07)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8707
Directory of A:\
ATKEY ASM 12321 05-28-87 2:01p
DSPYINFO C 1382 05-27-87 4:07p
DSPYINFO MK 377 04-06-87 1:19p
EGA_INFO C 1027 02-16-87 10:11a
ENHANKB ASM 979 05-02-87 7:17p
GETSTATE C 433 05-27-87 4:05p
MEMCHK C 846 05-27-87 4:05p
SETVMODE C 539 05-27-87 4:07p
TOOLS INI 55 02-14-87 6:24a
TO_COLOR C 447 05-27-87 4:08p
TO_MONO C 382 05-27-87 4:09p
USE_EGA C 2009 02-16-87 10:35a
USE_EGA MK 429 04-06-87 3:47p
13 file(s) 21226 bytes
Total files listed:
13 file(s) 21226 bytes
136192 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1987-10)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8710
Directory of A:\
HERCDEMO C 4423 04-04-87 10:34p
HERCDEMO EXE 8250 04-04-87 10:46p
INIT ASM 2155 04-04-87 10:44p
MEMMGR 785 03-26-87 12:00p
MEMMGR C 18004 03-26-87 12:00p
MEMMGR DEF 717 03-26-87 12:00p
MEMMGR EXE 8080 07-20-87 10:28a
MEMMGR H 1691 03-26-87 12:00p
MEMMGR RC 3274 03-26-87 12:00p
9 file(s) 47379 bytes
110080 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1987-11)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8711
Directory of A:\
BOX1 C 2657 09-09-87 7:55a
BOX2 C 3367 09-09-87 7:56a
BOX3 C 4091 09-09-87 7:58a
CPUTYPE ASM 2234 09-18-87 4:22p
4 file(s) 12349 bytes
146944 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1988-04)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8804
Directory of A:\
ACCURACY EXE 14288 03-23-88 4:00p
ACCURACY PAS 12983 03-23-88 4:00p
CMOS C1 1383 02-09-88 9:35a
CRITTEST PAS 2985 03-23-88 4:00a
EXDB3 ASM 1581 01-29-88 1:12p
MORFILES ASM 831 01-29-88 12:53p
OPTZTEST LST 6264 03-23-88 4:00a
OPTZTEST PAS 2773 03-23-88 4:00p
POS_READ C1 2569 02-09-88 9:34a
SAMPUNIT PAS 2359 03-23-88 4:00a
10 file(s) 48016 bytes
109568 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1988-05)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8805
Directory of A:\
8514DEMO C 6556 03-24-88 10:30a
8514DEMO EXE 8528 03-14-88 3:10p
8514TEST C 17840 03-14-88 3:31p
8514TEST EXE 25462 03-14-88 3:32p
CHARMENU C 11301 03-22-88 2:19p
CHARMENU EXE 9600 12-14-87 4:28p
CLICKMON C 2083 03-21-88 10:48a
CLICKMON EXE 3304 12-09-87 4:21p
FUNC ASM 1298 03-15-88 10:44a
PATHNAME C 731 03-17-88 11:28a
PATHNAME EXE 7355 03-17-88 12:10p
PROGNAME ASM 1597 03-17-88 9:12a
PTRLEN INC 528 03-13-88 7:25p
TIMEPOP C 806 03-21-88 10:48a
TIMEPOP EXE 3360 12-08-87 11:12p
VGALOAD ASM 63593 03-14-88 4:28p
VGALOAD COM 3338 03-14-88 4:30p
17 file(s) 167280 bytes
144384 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1988-06)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8806
Directory of A:\
FAMDEMO ASM 2093 04-13-88 9:30a
LANPERF C 7331 04-28-88 8:59a
LANPERF EXE 24568 05-20-88 10:08a
LANPERF ZIP 24302 03-01-89 9:03p
LPTEST ASM 7433 04-10-88 9:58p
OPTBENCH C 8965 04-25-88 4:56p
6 file(s) 74692 bytes
83968 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1988-07)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8807
Directory of A:\
EDINVENT APC 16290 04-17-88 4:23p
EDINVENT API 21568 04-17-88 3:59p
EDINVENT APP 12317 04-17-88 3:59p
EDINVENT APX 20096 04-17-88 3:59p
OS2NLOK ASM 6459 05-13-88 2:39p
OS2NLOK DEV 1176 05-13-88 2:43p
README 147 07-27-88 9:47a
7 file(s) 78053 bytes
79872 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1988-08)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8808
Directory of A:\
NBLIB C 10493 05-25-88 2:56p
NBRECV C 6475 05-28-88 9:19p
NBRECV EXE 18657 05-31-88 9:58a
NBSEND C 8611 06-02-88 2:53p
NBSEND EXE 20567 05-31-88 9:58a
NCPLIB C 12989 05-28-88 9:44p
NETWORK H 6879 07-12-88 3:59p
_NETBIOS C 380 05-25-88 2:56p
_NETLOCK ASM 1639 05-25-88 2:56p
9 file(s) 86690 bytes
71168 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1988-09)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8809
Directory of A:\
ASKSYS ASM 4348 09-15-88 1:46p
ASKSYS COM 1316 07-15-88 1:37p
OS2LINK <DIR> 07-08-17 3:53p
3 file(s) 5664 bytes
Directory of A:\OS2LINK
. <DIR> 07-08-17 3:53p
.. <DIR> 07-08-17 3:53p
DLLENTRY ASM 469 07-13-88 9:49a
DYNOTE C 835 07-19-88 4:07p
DYNOTE DEF 422 07-06-88 4:15p
DYNSCALE C 2587 07-22-88 11:25a
DYNSCALE DEF 244 07-19-88 4:02p
MKDLL CMD 308 07-19-88 3:59p
8 file(s) 4865 bytes
Total files listed:
11 file(s) 10529 bytes
147456 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1988-11)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8811
Directory of A:\
GETCRTCR ASM 1141 09-06-88 11:23a
INCSTRTA C 681 09-06-88 11:23a
SCREENOR ASM 6789 09-06-88 11:24a
SCROLLV C 269 09-06-88 11:24a
SETCRTCR ASM 916 09-06-88 11:23a
SHOWEXE C 17476 09-07-88 10:58a
SHOWEXE EXE 25238 09-06-88 7:54a
SPLITSCR ASM 4038 09-06-88 11:24a
STRIPCH C 3837 09-06-88 11:24a
VGAZOOM ASM 14510 08-09-88 1:15p
VGAZOOM COM 2020 12-12-88 9:24a
VGAZOOM2 ASM 15800 09-14-88 4:00p
12 file(s) 92715 bytes
64512 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1988-12)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8812
Directory of A:\
QDEMO1 C 5878 10-17-88 1:08p
QDEMO2 C 5530 10-17-88 1:08p
2 file(s) 11408 bytes
148480 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (1989-01)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJ8901
Directory of A:\
DB386 ASM 7056 11-08-88 2:19p
DB386 COM 698 11-09-88 8:47a
2 file(s) 7754 bytes
152064 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (Benchmarks)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTBENCH
Directory of A:\
ALR25386 TIM 4096 09-09-88 12:46a
COM286 TIM 4096 09-09-88 12:46a
COM386 TIM 4096 09-09-88 12:50a
COM38620 TIM 4096 09-09-88 12:51a
COM38625 TIM 4096 09-09-88 12:52a
COMP386 TIM 4096 09-09-88 12:53a
COMPIII TIM 4096 09-09-88 12:53a
CURRENT TIM 4096 09-19-88 9:29p
EVE38625 TIM 4096 09-09-88 12:54a
HLANALYZ EXE 46796 09-09-88 5:24p
HLBENCH EXE 35788 09-09-88 5:23p
HLBENCH SCT 4001 09-05-88 8:25p
HLDESC EXE 33680 09-09-88 5:23p
HLDISK EXE 22123 09-09-88 5:23p
HLFLOAT EXE 52396 09-09-88 5:23p
HLGRAPH EXE 55722 09-09-88 5:24p
HLHELP TXT 4414 09-09-88 6:10p
HLSORT EXE 17453 09-09-88 5:24p
HLSTART EXE 28160 09-09-88 5:24p
HLSTART SCT 4001 09-09-88 12:09a
HLTEXT EXE 30196 09-09-88 5:23p
HLWINDOW EXE 32448 09-09-88 5:23p
IBM50021 TIM 4096 09-09-88 12:55a
IBM60041 TIM 4096 09-09-88 12:56a
IBM70A21 TIM 4096 09-09-88 12:56a
IBM80071 TIM 4096 09-09-88 12:56a
IBM80111 TIM 4096 09-09-88 12:57a
IBMAT339 TIM 4096 09-09-88 12:57a
MSHERC COM 6749 03-07-88 5:10a
MSHERC MSG 56 09-19-88 9:23p
PCTECH BAT 49 09-09-88 1:00a
READ ME 2908 09-09-88 5:35p
TJ640200 PCX 7912 09-09-88 3:30p
TJ640350 PCX 11699 09-09-88 10:09a
TJ640480 PCX 14909 09-09-88 4:36p
XREF TXT 14 09-07-88 6:29p
36 file(s) 472914 bytes
735744 bytes free
{% include machine-command.html type='button' label='Load Disk' machine='pctj' command='script' value='select FDC listDrives "A:"; select FDC listDisks "PC Tech Journal (Best Of)"; loadDisk FDC scroll' %}
Volume in drive A is PCTJBEST
Directory of A:\
ASKDEMO BAT 466 11-02-87 10:47a
ASKKEY COM 39 11-02-87 10:35a
ATBIOS COM 13947 11-06-86 7:06p
ATPERF EXE 95924 01-23-87 2:51p
AUTOTEST EXE 16000 07-13-84 5:48p
BUSPERF EXE 62310 11-16-86 7:25p
COMPLEX EXE 7066 06-30-87 12:47p
CONTENTS HPM 851 12-02-87 4:33p
CONTENTS UTL 5286 12-02-87 4:54p
CPUID COM 2944 11-19-87 2:26p
DISKTEST EXE 15616 07-17-84 12:44p
DOWNLD EXE 8000 06-30-87 12:48p
DUMBTERM EXE 5328 11-04-87 11:47a
EMMSTAT EXE 1741 11-02-87 11:26a
EPSON COM 281 11-05-87 10:40a
FIXCURS COM 29 11-02-87 9:24a
GRAPHICS EXE 7066 06-30-87 12:48p
HPMETRIC <DIR> 07-08-17 3:17p
KEYBECHO COM 11154 05-01-87 1:34p
KEYBINFO COM 2449 05-01-87 1:41p
MACHINE COM 200 11-02-87 10:50a
MACRO EXE 8430 07-02-87 4:09p
MATHCHIP COM 113 11-04-87 1:50p
MATHSWIT COM 105 11-04-87 1:53p
NDPTYPE COM 230 11-19-87 2:08p
PAGESIZE EXE 7808 06-30-87 12:47p
PRTSC COM 110 11-04-87 1:45p
PUSHPOP EXE 7126 06-30-87 12:47p
README 1100 12-02-87 4:55p
RESOLUT EXE 19864 06-30-87 12:46p
SETALARM COM 514 11-02-87 9:12a
SETKEY COM 190 11-05-87 10:46a
SETRTC BAT 81 10-30-87 1:29p
SUPEREN COM 211 11-02-87 10:56a
TAD COM 104 10-01-84 10:10a
TECHLINE 615 12-02-87 5:05p
UNDRLN COM 132 11-09-87 10:58a
UTILITY <DIR> 07-08-17 3:13p
VDEL COM 404 11-05-87 11:04a
WARRANTY 1404 05-26-89 4:49p
WHERE EXE 7552 01-01-80 12:24a
XMEM COM 1332 10-06-85 7:36p
42 file(s) 314122 bytes
Directory of A:\HPMETRIC
. <DIR> 07-08-17 3:17p
.. <DIR> 07-08-17 3:17p
COMPLEX EXE 7066 06-30-87 12:47p
CONTENTS HP 851 12-02-87 3:33p
DOWNLD EXE 8000 06-30-87 12:48p
GRAPHICS EXE 7066 06-30-87 12:48p
MACRO EXE 8430 07-02-87 4:09p
PAGESIZE EXE 7808 06-30-87 12:47p
PUSHPOP EXE 7126 06-30-87 12:47p
RESOLUT EXE 19864 06-30-87 12:46p
10 file(s) 66211 bytes
Directory of A:\UTILITY
. <DIR> 07-08-17 3:13p
.. <DIR> 07-08-17 3:13p
ASKDEMO BAT 466 11-02-87 9:47a
ASKKEY COM 39 11-02-87 9:35a
ATBIOS COM 13947 11-06-86 6:06p
ATPERF EXE 95924 01-23-87 1:51p
AUTOTEST EXE 16000 07-13-84 5:48p
BUSPERF EXE 62310 11-16-86 6:25p
CONTENTS UTI 5286 12-02-87 3:54p
CPUID COM 2944 11-19-87 1:26p
DISKTEST EXE 15616 07-17-84 12:44p
DUMBTERM EXE 5328 11-04-87 10:47a
EMMSTAT EXE 1741 11-02-87 10:26a
EPSON COM 281 11-05-87 9:40a
FIXCURS COM 29 11-02-87 8:24a
KEYBECHO COM 11154 05-01-87 1:34p
KEYBINFO COM 2449 05-01-87 1:41p
MACHINE COM 200 11-02-87 9:50a
MATHCHIP COM 113 11-04-87 12:50p
MATHSWIT COM 105 11-04-87 12:53p
NDPTYPE COM 230 11-19-87 1:08p
PRTSC COM 110 11-04-87 12:45p
SETALARM COM 514 11-02-87 8:12a
SETKEY COM 190 11-05-87 9:46a
SETRTC BAT 81 10-30-87 12:29p
SUPEREN COM 211 11-02-87 9:56a
TAD COM 104 10-01-84 10:10a
UNDRLN COM 132 11-09-87 9:58a
VDEL COM 404 11-05-87 10:04a
WHERE EXE 7552 01-01-80 12:00a
XMEM COM 1332 10-06-85 7:36p
31 file(s) 244792 bytes
Total files listed:
83 file(s) 625125 bytes
566272 bytes free