layout | title | permalink | machines | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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PC Disk Magazine Diskettes |
/disks/pcx86/shareware/pcdiskmag/ |
In addition to Directory Listings and Diskette Scans of the first 7 diskettes of PC Disk Magazine, we also have the User Guides that accompanied those diskettes.
{% include gallery-begin.html %} {% include gallery-image.html src="" width="120" height="190" title="PC Disk Magazine Vol. 1 No. 1" link="!ArcO_mFRe1Z9gqYSeCoXKlzL6H11pA" %} {% include gallery-image.html src="" width="120" height="190" title="PC Disk Magazine Vol. 1 No. 2" link="!ArcO_mFRe1Z9gqYRr0Q7wLXUGnj2Xg" %} {% include gallery-image.html src="" width="120" height="190" title="PC Disk Magazine Vol. 1 No. 3" link="!ArcO_mFRe1Z9gqYQrTt5mhvb4-rUOA" %} {% include gallery-image.html src="" width="120" height="190" title="PC Disk Magazine Vol. 1 No. 4" link="!ArcO_mFRe1Z9gqYTxo40Dp1rhT1zYQ" %} {% include gallery-image.html src="" width="120" height="190" title="PC Disk Magazine Vol. 1 No. 5" link="!ArcO_mFRe1Z9gqYU6ckonKErhNnsLQ" %} {% include gallery-image.html src="" width="120" height="190" title="PC Disk Magazine Vol. 1 No. 6" link="!ArcO_mFRe1Z9gqYVLQi9UE-cWHWh2A" %} {% include gallery-image.html src="" width="120" height="190" title="PC Disk Magazine Vol. 1 No. 7" link="!ArcO_mFRe1Z9gqYWgm_0GTM-B7Y7kw" %} {% include gallery-end.html %}
You can examine the disks, starting with "PC Disk Magazine (Disk 1)", in the machine below (also available with the PCjs Debugger).
{% include machine.html id="pcdiskmag" %}
Volume in drive A has no label
Directory of A:\
HIDESINK BAS 17560 07-28-83 3:15p
BPE BAS 11265 07-21-83 8:00p
LOANS BAS 15813 07-28-83 3:19p
PRINTCON BAS 3399 07-28-83 3:21p
PERPCAL BAS 5507 07-28-83 3:22p
AUTOBAR BAS 13332 07-28-83 3:24p
DEMOSTAT DAT 3693 06-21-83 11:20p
BDATA 6016 07-29-82 12:00a
BDATA2 3584 08-04-82 9:46a
PYRAMID BAS 6945 07-28-83 3:23p
DISKMAP COM 10070 06-01-83 2:00p
CASH BAS 25267 07-28-83 3:25p
CASH-RPT BAS 7848 07-28-83 3:27p
DEMOREAD BAS 631 07-28-83 3:29p
WSCONFIG BAS 24530 07-28-83 3:18p
15 file(s) 155460 bytes
1024 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label
Directory of A:\
BASXREF EXE 17152 09-19-83 2:58p
DISKINV EXE 28160 09-13-83 11:13p
DOUBLE EXE 1920 09-03-83 12:06a
LEASEBUY BAS 8192 08-26-83 5:15p
CONFIDE EXE 30356 09-08-83 2:21p
DLABEL COM 7527 06-01-83 2:00p
STATEZIP DAT 1257 10-03-83 7:52p
STATEZIP BAS 1526 09-15-83 7:49a
CASH BAS 20329 10-17-83 2:15p
CASH-RPT BAS 9984 01-01-80 5:28a
CASH-BLD BAS 1506 09-15-83 7:40a
11 file(s) 127909 bytes
30720 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label
Directory of A:\
DP BAS 14007 11-17-83 11:19p
DEPAST BAS 11999 11-17-83 11:22p
CASH-RPT BAS 12646 01-01-80 12:48a
SORT EXE 2688 10-19-83 10:48p
MERGE EXE 2688 10-19-83 10:48p
BANKIT COM 7328 10-10-83 3:43p
BANK 5632 10-10-83 12:51p
MONTM 8576 10-07-83 3:15p
MEASURE DAT 842 10-18-83 12:46a
MEASURE BAS 2560 01-01-80 1:47a
HEX EXE 32668 11-17-83 12:23p
DATNOIDS BAS 20736 10-31-83 12:02a
BIGPRINT BAS 11598 11-17-83 11:27p
LPDUMP COM 2880 11-09-83 9:05p
LINEPLOT BAS 19936 11-18-83 1:21a
15 file(s) 156784 bytes
512 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label
Directory of A:\
JUNIOR BAS 23896 01-17-84 1:15p
TRANSORT BAS 10125 01-17-84 1:22p
PCDUMP COM 2960 01-31-84 12:19p
PIECHART BAS 19350 02-06-84 8:08p
BIBLIO BAS 13581 01-18-84 12:06a
QUIKPRO1 BAS 1024 10-20-83 12:00a
RANDWRT 7296 01-01-83 12:00a
RANDWRT2 23808 01-29-84 12:00a
SORTF EXE 7040 10-22-83 3:12p
MERGEF EXE 6912 10-22-83 9:16p
ATC EXE 25600 11-10-83 9:26p
ECOPIE BAS 12318 01-18-84 12:02a
FEDTAX83 DAT 1104 11-16-83 5:53p
FEDTAX83 BAS 1699 12-10-83 2:02p
14 file(s) 156713 bytes
512 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label
Directory of A:\
TUTOR BAS 11613 03-14-84 5:31a
ASSUME DAT 1291 03-11-84 1:24p
SCREEN 5747 03-09-84 4:01a
QUIKPRO2 BAS 1024 01-04-84 12:00a
RANDPRT 6016 01-04-84 12:00a
RANDPRT2 23296 01-01-80 12:04a
SHARKHUN COM 7328 01-01-80 12:04a
SHARK 8192 10-06-83 7:34a
MONTM 8576 10-07-83 3:15p
BIO BAS 10175 03-09-84 2:29a
SETKEY EXE 6656 02-25-84 12:27a
FM COM 1280 10-31-83 2:11a
FM EXE 20224 11-27-83 3:24p
FM LOG 4224 02-22-83 7:54p
FM HLP 965 10-15-83 10:55p
BUGFEAST BAS 12181 01-01-80 7:09a
JIGJAGS BAS 12267 03-09-84 2:12a
PIECES 780 01-01-80 12:15a
PUZZLE SMP 259 01-01-80 1:56a
PUZZLE1 259 01-01-80 12:07a
PUZZLE2 257 01-01-80 2:03a
PUZZLE3 258 01-01-80 1:34a
WINE1 BAS 5951 03-09-84 1:50a
WINE1 DAT 7040 03-06-84 11:35a
24 file(s) 155859 bytes
0 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label
Directory of A:\
FNPLOT BAS 12059 05-28-84 4:20a
DIRREAD BAS 3393 05-28-84 12:21a
DIRREAD BIN 359 05-28-84 12:22a
FMPRNT LOD 24448 05-28-84 12:17a
FMPRNT HLP 1506 05-28-84 12:23a
ER EXE 28928 05-28-84 12:24a
TOYS WRD 256 05-28-84 12:26a
ER DAT 8192 05-28-84 12:26a
SM BAS 12979 05-28-84 1:38a
WINE2 BAS 5950 05-28-84 12:31a
WINE2 DAT 9088 05-28-84 5:16a
CHAM BAS 12657 05-28-84 4:21a
BEST 54 05-28-84 12:33a
JIGJAGS BAS 12283 05-28-84 4:21a
PIECES 780 05-28-84 12:35a
PUZZLE SMP 259 05-28-84 12:36a
PUZZLE4 257 05-28-84 12:35a
PUZZLE5 258 05-28-84 12:36a
PUZZLE6 257 05-28-84 12:36a
FOG EXE 21248 05-28-84 12:40a
20 file(s) 155211 bytes
1024 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label
Directory of A:\
LABEL BAS 26336 07-09-84 4:01a
CURVEFIT BAS 15188 07-09-84 2:11a
POWER DAT 256 07-09-84 2:04a
LINEAR DAT 256 07-09-84 2:07a
SECOND DAT 256 07-09-84 2:09a
EXPONENT DAT 256 07-09-84 2:08a
LOG DAT 128 07-09-84 2:10a
FUNNELS BAS 14876 07-09-84 4:01a
WINE3 BAS 5676 07-09-84 4:02a
WINE3 DAT 7337 07-09-84 12:01a
FMVIEW LOD 29952 07-09-84 3:25a
FMVIEW HLP 1923 07-09-84 3:26a
PRINTFMT EXE 2561 07-09-84 4:50a
JIGJAGS BAS 12276 07-09-84 4:00a
PIECES 780 07-09-84 4:55a
PUZZLE SMP 259 07-09-84 4:52a
PUZZLE7 257 07-09-84 4:53a
PUZZLE8 259 07-09-84 4:54a
PUZZLE9 259 07-09-84 4:56a
FALKLAND BAS 29410 07-09-84 12:01a
20 file(s) 148501 bytes
6144 bytes free