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Microsoft C Compiler 5.1 for DOS

Microsoft C Compiler 5.1 for DOS

NOTE: Microsoft released the 5.1 C compiler in two different packages: this 11-disk set containing only files for DOS, and a larger 14-disk set with files for both DOS and OS/2. For the latter, see Microsoft C Compiler 5.1 for DOS and OS/2.

Directory listings of the eleven 360Kb distribution diskettes, and a copy of the PACKING.LST, are provided below.

We also have Microsoft C Compiler 5.1 Documentation Updates.

Directory of MS C 5.10 (SETUP)

 Volume in drive A has no label

Directory of A:\

README   DOC     53046 03-07-88   5:10a
UTILITY  DOC     15432 03-07-88   5:10a
PACKING  LST      7817 03-07-88   5:10a
CL       EXE     31329 03-07-88   5:10a
CL       HLP      2169 03-07-88   5:10a
CL       ERR      2276 03-07-88   5:10a
C1       EXE    114521 03-07-88   5:10a
C23      ERR      3272 03-07-88   5:10a
SETUP    EXE     83253 03-07-88   5:10a
SETUP    DOC     11917 03-07-88   5:10a
       10 file(s)     325032 bytes

Total files listed:
       10 file(s)     325032 bytes
                       31744 bytes free

Directory of MS C 5.10 (COMPILER1)

 Volume in drive A has no label

Directory of A:\

PATCH        <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
C1       ERR     14393 03-07-88   5:10a
C1L      EXE    149303 03-07-88   5:10a
C3       EXE    125221 03-07-88   5:10a
ERRMSG   DOC     17293 03-07-88   5:10a
FPEXCEPT DOC     16254 03-07-88   5:10a
        6 file(s)     322464 bytes

Directory of A:\PATCH

.            <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
..           <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
PATCH87  DOC      3937 03-07-88   5:10a
PATCH87  EXE      4206 03-07-88   5:10a
STKPAT   BAT        94 03-07-88   5:10a
STKPAT   SCR        30 03-07-88   5:10a
SETRHS   EXE       543 03-07-88   5:10a
RMRHS    EXE       543 03-07-88   5:10a
PATCH320 DOC      2169 03-07-88   5:10a
        9 file(s)      11522 bytes

Total files listed:
       15 file(s)     333986 bytes
                       20480 bytes free

Directory of MS C 5.10 (COMPILER2)

 Volume in drive A has no label

Directory of A:\

FIXSHIFT COM       688 03-07-88   5:10a
MSHERC   COM      6749 03-07-88   5:10a
QLIB     DOC     12047 03-07-88   5:10a
QLIB     EXE     24557 03-07-88   5:10a
QLIB     INI      2905 03-07-88   5:10a
C2       EXE    202919 03-07-88   5:10a
QC       HLP     50649 03-07-88   5:10a
SETENV   EXE     10870 03-07-88   5:10a
CV       HLP     21552 03-07-88   5:10a
        9 file(s)     332936 bytes

Total files listed:
        9 file(s)     332936 bytes
                       25600 bytes free

Directory of MS C 5.10 (UTILITY1)

 Volume in drive A has no label

Directory of A:\

CVPACK   EXE     38897 03-07-88   5:10a
ERROUT   EXE     10729 03-07-88   5:10a
EXEC     EXE      9299 03-07-88   5:10a
EXEHDR   EXE     18043 03-07-88   5:10a
EXEMOD   EXE     12336 03-07-88   5:10a
EXEPACK  EXE     14803 03-07-88   5:10a
ILINK    EXE     43593 03-07-88   5:10a
LIB      EXE     34895 03-07-88   5:10a
MAKE     EXE     23675 03-07-88   5:10a
MOUSE    COM     14545 03-07-88   5:10a
README   QC      28931 03-07-88   5:10a
       11 file(s)     249746 bytes

Total files listed:
       11 file(s)     249746 bytes
                      105472 bytes free

Directory of MS C 5.10 (UTILITY2)

 Volume in drive A has no label

Directory of A:\

EXT          <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
INI          <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
CALLTREE EXE     19391 03-07-88   5:10a
ECH      EXE      8270 03-07-88   5:10a
EXP      EXE     15409 03-07-88   5:10a
M        EXE     94821 03-07-88   5:10a
MEGREP   EXE     20741 03-07-88   5:10a
RM       EXE     12424 03-07-88   5:10a
UNDEL    EXE     17003 03-07-88   5:10a
        9 file(s)     188059 bytes

Directory of A:\EXT

.            <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
..           <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
EXT      DOC     15877 03-07-88   5:10a
EXT      H        8730 03-07-88   5:10a
EXTHDR   OBJ      1893 03-07-88   5:10a
SKEL     C        2457 03-07-88   5:10a
WS       ZXT      2084 03-07-88   5:10a
        7 file(s)      31041 bytes

Directory of A:\INI

.            <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
..           <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
BRIEF    INI      2094 03-07-88   5:10a
EPSILON  INI       978 03-07-88   5:10a
QUICK    INI      1058 03-07-88   5:10a
        5 file(s)       4130 bytes

Total files listed:
       21 file(s)     223230 bytes
                      128000 bytes free

Directory of MS C 5.10 (INCLUDE)

 Volume in drive A has no label

Directory of A:\

STARTUP      <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
INCLUDE      <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
SOURCE       <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
LIBH     LIB     14209 03-07-88   5:10a
QUICKLIB OBJ      7917 03-07-88   5:10a
SETARGV  OBJ       143 03-07-88   5:10a
BINMODE  OBJ       127 03-07-88   5:10a
        7 file(s)      22396 bytes

Directory of A:\INCLUDE

.            <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
..           <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
SYS          <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
ASSERT   H         699 03-07-88   5:10a
BIOS     H        4866 03-07-88   5:10a
CONIO    H         952 03-07-88   5:10a
CTYPE    H        2465 03-07-88   5:10a
DIRECT   H         690 03-07-88   5:10a
DOS      H        5917 03-07-88   5:10a
ERRNO    H        1283 03-07-88   5:10a
FCNTL    H        1255 03-07-88   5:10a
FLOAT    H        6011 03-07-88   5:10a
GRAPH    H        7480 03-07-88   5:10a
IO       H        1294 03-07-88   5:10a
LIMITS   H        1553 03-07-88   5:10a
MALLOC   H        3097 03-07-88   5:10a
MATH     H        3324 03-07-88   5:10a
MEMORY   H        1065 03-07-88   5:10a
SEARCH   H        1025 03-07-88   5:10a
SETJMP   H         907 03-07-88   5:10a
SHARE    H         554 03-07-88   5:10a
SIGNAL   H        1905 03-07-88   5:10a
STDARG   H         614 03-07-88   5:10a
STDDEF   H        1100 03-07-88   5:10a
STDIO    H        4500 03-07-88   5:10a
STDLIB   H        4900 03-07-88   5:10a
STRING   H        2209 03-07-88   5:10a
TIME     H        2342 03-07-88   5:10a
VARARGS  H         642 03-07-88   5:10a
PROCESS  H        1988 03-07-88   5:10a
       30 file(s)      64637 bytes

Directory of A:\INCLUDE\SYS

.            <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
..           <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
LOCKING  H         573 03-07-88   5:10a
STAT     H        1497 03-07-88   5:10a
TIMEB    H         844 03-07-88   5:10a
TYPES    H         849 03-07-88   5:10a
UTIME    H        1061 03-07-88   5:10a
        7 file(s)       4824 bytes

Directory of A:\SOURCE

.            <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
..           <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
SAMPLES  DOC       843 03-07-88   5:10a
CFLOW    C       44796 03-07-88   5:10a
CFLOW    DOC      3764 03-07-88   5:10a
DEMO     C         419 03-07-88   5:10a
EMOEM    ASM     12129 03-07-88   5:10a
GRDEMO   C       20907 03-07-88   5:10a
SIEVE    C         788 03-07-88   5:10a
SORTDEMO C       25399 03-07-88   5:10a
       10 file(s)     109045 bytes

Directory of A:\STARTUP

.            <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
..           <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
DOS          <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
FILE2    H        1027 03-07-88   5:10a
MSDOS    H        6849 03-07-88   5:10a
REGISTER H         922 03-07-88   5:10a
STARTUP  BAT      1663 03-07-88   5:10a
MAKEFILE          4148 03-07-88   5:10a
CHKSTK   ASM      2044 03-07-88   5:10a
CHKSUM   ASM      3524 03-07-88   5:10a
NULBODY  C          13 03-07-88   5:10a
README   DOC      3199 03-07-88   5:10a
MSDOS    INC      6181 03-07-88   5:10a
CMACROS  INC     12066 03-07-88   5:10a
BRKCTL   INC       784 03-07-88   5:10a
VERSION  INC       503 03-07-88   5:10a
WILD     C        7182 03-07-88   5:10a
_FILE    C        1691 03-07-88   5:10a
CRT0FP   ASM      2223 03-07-88   5:10a
FMSGHDR  ASM      2429 03-07-88   5:10a
SETARGV  ASM       971 03-07-88   5:10a
       21 file(s)      57419 bytes

Directory of A:\STARTUP\DOS

.            <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
..           <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
NULBODY  LNK       149 03-07-88   5:10a
STDENVP  ASM      3780 03-07-88   5:10a
CRT0     ASM      7612 03-07-88   5:10a
CRT0DAT  ASM     14175 03-07-88   5:10a
CRT0MSG  ASM      2840 03-07-88   5:10a
EXECMSG  ASM      1337 03-07-88   5:10a
NMSGHDR  ASM      3010 03-07-88   5:10a
STDALLOC ASM      2825 03-07-88   5:10a
STDARGV  ASM     13852 03-07-88   5:10a
       11 file(s)      49580 bytes

Total files listed:
       86 file(s)     307901 bytes
                       14336 bytes free

Directory of MS C 5.10 (LIBSM)

 Volume in drive A has no label

Directory of A:\

SLIBCR   LIB    132047 03-07-88   5:10a
SLIBFA   LIB     46089 03-07-88   5:10a
SVARSTCK OBJ       507 03-07-88   5:10a
MLIBCR   LIB    133071 03-07-88   5:10a
MLIBFA   LIB     46601 03-07-88   5:10a
MVARSTCK OBJ       507 03-07-88   5:10a
        6 file(s)     358822 bytes

Total files listed:
        6 file(s)     358822 bytes
                        1024 bytes free

Directory of MS C 5.10 (LIBLC)

 Volume in drive A has no label

Directory of A:\

CLIBCR   LIB    141301 03-07-88   5:10a
CVARSTCK OBJ       487 03-07-88   5:10a
LLIBCR   LIB    142837 03-07-88   5:10a
LLIBFA   LIB     47625 03-07-88   5:10a
LVARSTCK OBJ       487 03-07-88   5:10a
        5 file(s)     332737 bytes

Total files listed:
        5 file(s)     332737 bytes
                       27648 bytes free

Directory of MS C 5.10 (LIBFP)

 Volume in drive A has no label

Directory of A:\

FORTRAN      <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
LINK     EXE     65539 03-07-88   5:10a
EM       LIB     16921 03-07-88   5:10a
87       LIB      4121 03-07-88   5:10a
GRAPHICS LIB     59357 03-07-88   5:10a
SLIBFP   LIB     37281 03-07-88   5:10a
MLIBFP   LIB     38305 03-07-88   5:10a
CLIBFA   LIB     47113 03-07-88   5:10a
CLIBFP   LIB     38307 03-07-88   5:10a
LLIBFP   LIB     39331 03-07-88   5:10a
       10 file(s)     346275 bytes

Directory of A:\FORTRAN

.            <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
..           <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
MDBGMSG  OBJ       540 03-07-88   5:10a
LDBGMSG  OBJ       544 03-07-88   5:10a
F4COMPAT BAT      3107 03-07-88   5:10a
        5 file(s)       4191 bytes

Total files listed:
       15 file(s)     350466 bytes
                        3072 bytes free

Directory of MS C 5.10 (CODEVIEW)

 Volume in drive A has no label

Directory of A:\

SAMPLE       <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
CV       EXE    232896 03-07-88   5:10a
        2 file(s)     232896 bytes

Directory of A:\SAMPLE

.            <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
..           <DIR>     03-07-88   5:10a
CODEVIEW DOC     12928 03-07-88   5:10a
ADAPT    BAT       133 03-07-88   5:10a
DEMOB    BAT       254 03-07-88   5:10a
LIFEB    BAT       336 03-07-88   5:10a
LIFEEB   BAT       402 03-07-88   5:10a
MENU     BAT       550 03-07-88   5:10a
SAMPLE   BAT      1059 03-07-88   5:10a
LIFE     C       14713 03-07-88   5:10a
LIFE     EXE     33237 03-07-88   5:10a
LIFE     R        5282 03-07-88   5:10a
C_AUTO   CV       3571 03-07-88   5:10a
E_AUTO   CV       6788 03-07-88   5:10a
L_AUTO   CV      13272 03-07-88   5:10a
M_AUTO   CV        733 03-07-88   5:10a
Q_AUTO   CV         15 03-07-88   5:10a
S_AUTO   CV       9091 03-07-88   5:10a
RESPOND  COM       124 03-07-88   5:10a
S1       @@@       230 03-07-88   5:10a
S12      @@@       926 03-07-88   5:10a
S13      @@@       368 03-07-88   5:10a
S14      @@@       520 03-07-88   5:10a
S2       @@@       752 03-07-88   5:10a
S3       @@@       276 03-07-88   5:10a
S4       @@@       354 03-07-88   5:10a
S5       @@@       554 03-07-88   5:10a
S6       @@@       432 03-07-88   5:10a
S7       @@@       427 03-07-88   5:10a
S8       @@@       479 03-07-88   5:10a
S9       @@@       865 03-07-88   5:10a
       31 file(s)     108671 bytes

Total files listed:
       33 file(s)     341567 bytes
                        3072 bytes free

Directory of MS C 5.10 (QUICKC)

 Volume in drive A has no label

Directory of A:\

QC       EXE    326656 03-07-88   5:10a
QCL      EXE     28065 03-07-88   5:10a
QCL      HLP      1456 03-07-88   5:10a
        3 file(s)     356177 bytes

Total files listed:
        3 file(s)     356177 bytes
                        5120 bytes free


                           PACK525.LST File

         Files for the Microsoft(R) C Optimizing Compiler Version 5.10

             (C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987, 1988

This file describes the parts of the Microsoft(R) C Optimizing Compiler,
Version 5.10 package.

Disk 1 : Setup Disk

File                    Description
----                    -----------
README.DOC              Release notes for compiler
UTILITY.DOC             Release notes for Microsoft CodeView(R) and utilities
PACKING.LST             List of files in this product (this file)
CL.EXE                  Real-mode C driver program
CL.HLP                  Driver help
CL.ERR                  Driver error messages
C1.EXE                  Real-mode compiler pass 1
C23.ERR                 Error messages for compiler passes 2 and 3
SETUP.EXE               Setup program
SETUP.DOC               Release notes for setup program

Disk 2 : Include Files and Start-up Source Code

File                    Description
----                    -----------
LIBH.LIB                General helper library
BINMODE.OBJ             Binary-mode I/O object file
QUICKLIB.OBJ            QuickC library helper object file
SETARGV.OBJ             Wild-card processing object file

INCLUDE\ASSERT.H        Include file
INCLUDE\BIOS.H          "
INCLUDE\DOS.H           "
INCLUDE\IO.H            "
INCLUDE\MATH.H          "
INCLUDE\TIME.H          "


STARTUP\README.DOC      Information about start-up source code
STARTUP\MAKEFILE        Makefile for start-up source code
STARTUP\STARTUP.BAT     Batch file for building start-up file
STARTUP\FILE2.H         C and MASM include file
STARTUP\CHKSTK.ASM      Common start-up source code
STARTUP\_FILE.C         "
STARTUP\WILD.C          "

STARTUP\DOS\CRT0.ASM      DOS start-up source code
STARTUP\DOS\NULBODY.LNK   Linker command file for testing start-up code

SOURCE\SAMPLES.DOC      Notes on sample C programs
SOURCE\CFLOW.C          QuickC demonstration (real and protected mode)
SOURCE\CFLOW.DOC        Notes on CFLOW.C program
SOURCE\DEMO.C           Simple demonstration program (real and protected mode)
SOURCE\EMOEM.ASM        8087 customization module
SOURCE\GRDEMO.C         Graphics demonstration program (real mode/DOS only)
SOURCE\SIEVE.C          Register sieve demonstration program (all modes)
SOURCE\SORTDEMO.C       Sort methods demonstration program (protected mode,
                            but this program can be bound for DOS/real mode)

Disk 3 : Compiler Disk 1

File                    Description
----                    -----------
C1.ERR                  Error messages for compiler pass 1
C1L.EXE                 Real-mode large-model version of C1.EXE
C3.EXE                  Real-mode compiler pass 3
ERRMSG.DOC              Notes on error messages for ALL software
FPEXCEPT.DOC            Notes on floating-point exception handling

PATCH\PATCH320.DOC      Notes on patch for PC-DOS 3.20
PATCH\PATCH87.DOC       Notes on patch for MS-DOS 3.20
PATCH\PATCH87.EXE       Patch for MS-DOS 3.20
PATCH\SETRHS.EXE        Patch for PC-DOS 3.20
PATCH\RMRHS.EXE         Support file for PC-DOS 3.20 patch

Disk 4 : Compiler Disk 2

File                    Description
----                    -----------
C2.EXE                  Real-mode compiler pass 2
FIXSHIFT.COM            Program to fix ROM BIOS bug for QuickC
MSHERC.COM              Hercules(R) graphics support program
QC.HLP                  QuickC on-line help
CV.HLP                  CodeView help
QLIB.EXE                Utility for building Quick libraries
QLIB.INI                Initialization for QLIB.EXE
QLIB.DOC                Notes on using QLIB.EXE
SETENV.EXE              Environment Expansion Utility

Disk 5 : Utilities Disk 1

File                    Description
----                    -----------
CVPACK.EXE              CodeView information-packing utility
ERROUT.EXE              STDERR Redirection Utility
EXEC.EXE                Utility used only by ILINK.EXE
EXEHDR.EXE              Segmented EXE Header utility
EXEMOD.EXE              EXE File Header Utility
EXEPACK.EXE             EXE File Compression Utility
ILINK.EXE               Microsoft Incremental linker (bound)
LIB.EXE                 Library Manager
MAKE.EXE                Program Maintenance Utility
MOUSE.COM               Mouse support program
README.QC               Release notes for QuickC

Disk 6 : Utilities Disk 2

File                    Description
----                    -----------
ECH.EXE                 Character-echoing utility used by Microsoft Editor
EXP.EXE                 Expunge utility (used with RM.EXE)
M.EXE                   Microsoft Editor for real mode and DOS
MEGREP.EXE              Bound file-searching utility
RM.EXE                  File-removing utility
UNDEL.EXE               File-recovery utility

EXT\EXT.DOC             Notes on Microsoft Editor extensions and support files
EXT\EXT.H               Support file for Microsoft Editor extensions
EXT\EXTHDR.OBJ          "
EXT\SKEL.C              "
EXT\WS.ZXT              Real-mode/DOS extension file

INI\BRIEF.INI           BRIEF(R) initialization file for Microsoft Editor
INI\EPSILON.INI         Epsilon(TM) configuration file for Microsoft Editor
INI\QUICK.INI           Quick-product configuration file for Microsoft Editor

Disk 7 : Small and Medium Model Libraries Disk

File                    Description
----                    -----------
MLIBCR.LIB              Medium-model library
MLIBFA.LIB              Medium-model alternate-math library
MVARSTCK.OBJ            Medium-model competing-heap/stack object
SLIBCR.LIB              Small model library
SLIBFA.LIB              Small-model alternate-math library
SVARSTCK.OBJ            Small-model competing-heap/stack object file

Disk 8 : Compact and Large Model Libraries Disk

File                    Description
----                    -----------
CLIBCR.LIB              Compact-model library
CVARSTCK.OBJ            Compact-model competing-heap/stack object
LLIBCR.LIB              Large-model library
LLIBFA.LIB              Large-model alternate-math library
LVARSTCK.OBJ            Large-model competing-heap/stack object file

Disk 9 : Floating Point Libraries

File                    Description
----                    -----------
LINK.EXE                Linker for DOS and real mode
EM.LIB                  Emulator library
87.LIB                  Math-coprocessor library
GRAPHICS.LIB            Graphics library
DOSCALLS.LIB            OS/2 support library
CLIBFA.LIB              Compact-model alternate-math library
CLIBFP.LIB              Compact-model floating-point library
LLIBFP.LIB              Large-model floating-point library
MLIBFP.LIB              Medium-model floating-point library
SLIBFP.LIB              Small-model floating point library

FORTRAN\F4COMPAT.BAT    Batch file for making FORTRAN 4.x-compatible libraries
FORTRAN\LDBGMSG.OBJ     Objects for making FORTRAN 4.x-compatible libraries

Disk 10 : Microsoft(R) QuickC(TM)

File                    Description
----                    -----------
QC.EXE                  QuickC programming environment
QCL.EXE                 Driver for Microsoft QuickC(TM) Compiler
QCL.HLP                 QuickC driver help

Disk 11 : Microsoft CodeView(R) with Tutorial

File                    Description
----                    -----------
CV.EXE                  CodeView debugger for DOS and OS/2 real mode
SAMPLE\CODEVIEW.DOC     Notes on CodeView demo
SAMPLE\DEMOB.BAT        Sample batch file for CodeView
SAMPLE\LIFE.C           Source file for CodeView demo
SAMPLE\LIFE.EXE         Executable file for CodeView demo
SAMPLE\LIFE.R           Support file for CodeView demo
SAMPLE\S1.@@@           "
SAMPLE\S2.@@@           "
SAMPLE\S3.@@@           "
SAMPLE\S4.@@@           "
SAMPLE\S5.@@@           "
SAMPLE\S6.@@@           "
SAMPLE\S7.@@@           "
SAMPLE\S8.@@@           "
SAMPLE\S9.@@@           "
SAMPLE\S12.@@@          "
SAMPLE\S13.@@@          "
SAMPLE\S14.@@@          "