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May 5, 2019
May 5, 2019
layout title permalink machines
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PC DOS 2.00 (Disk 1)
dBASE III 1.0 (Disk 1)


The machine below is configured to run the original, unmodified, copy-protected software from dBASE III 1.0 (Disk 1). More information on dBASE III copy-protection is available on the dBASE III 1.0 with Debugger page.

{% include machine.html id="ibm5160" %}

dBASE III Disk Information

Two of the PCjs disks shown below:

are from our private collection and should be exact copies of the original dBASE III 1.0 distribution disks, with the exception of DBASE.EXE, which was patched to eliminate copy-protection checks. Details of that patch are available in our collection of Personal Documents of Dubious Historical Interest, along with this blog post.

Also, for completeness, the original DBASE.EXE has been recreated by "unpatching" it and saving it on the Locked disk image. Even though we no longer have the original distribution disk, we have "annotated" our disk image to simulate the same damaged sector that the original disk contained, so the original program runs as well.

Another variation of the dBASE III disks come from the WinWorld archive:

and, with the exception of DBASE.EXE, the files on Disk 1 match the files on our Patched disk; the newer dates probably just reflect an update by Vault Corporation to the copy-protection code in DBASE.EXE. However, Disk 2 contains more files than our Samples disk, and WinWorld's README admits that:

Some of the sample programs have been run/changed.

so overall, the disks from our private collection may be more authentic.

Directory of dBASE III 1.0 (Patched)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of  A:\

DBASE    EXE   112720   9-28-84   3:46p
DBASE    OVL   147456   6-26-84   5:36p
HELP     DBS    53760   6-26-84   5:36p
ASSIST   HLP    15223   6-26-84   5:37p
READ     ME      4224   6-26-84   5:37p
CONFIG   SYS       22   6-26-84   5:37p
        6 File(s)     15360 bytes free

Directory of dBASE III 1.0 (Samples)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of  A:\

DFORMAT  EXE    39424   6-12-84   2:56p
DCONVERT EXE    48128   6-06-84   3:10p
DFM      MSG    50432   6-12-84   2:46p
DEPOSITS DBF      227   6-14-84   3:42a
CHECKFIL DBF      355   6-14-84   3:42a
INVGET   DBF      419   6-14-84   3:40a
INVOICES DBF      598   6-14-84   3:43a
BILLINGS DBF     1024   4-29-84   7:57p
NAMES    DBF     1024   5-01-84  12:52p
PERSON   DBF     1248   4-30-84   5:31p
POSTFILE DBF     1339   6-05-84  10:51a
HOLD84   DBF     1412   4-01-84  10:56p
CLADDRES DBF     1477   4-08-84   9:01p
PERSONNE DBF     1925   6-05-84  10:55a
RENTALS  DBF     2560   6-15-84   2:06p
SUPPLIER DBF     2659   4-09-84   7:40p
COSTBASE DBF     3301   6-14-84   3:46a
WAGES    DBF     3801   4-01-84  10:55p
NAMES    FMT      398   4-07-84   7:38p
KONSTANT MEM      770   5-01-84   3:58p
COSTJOBS NDX     1024   1-01-80   1:45a
BILLINGS NDX     1024   1-01-80   1:46a
BILLJOBS NDX     1024   1-01-80   1:46a
INVOICES NDX     1024   1-01-80   1:46a
COSTNAME NDX     2048   1-01-80   1:46a
SUPPLIER NDX     2560   3-28-84   5:55p
INVSUBTO PRG      768   3-28-84   9:54p
DEPPRINT PRG      896   3-28-84   9:49p
INVUPDAT PRG      896   5-01-84   8:37a
DEPMENU  PRG     1280   6-15-84   2:47p
BIG      PRG     1280   6-15-84   3:26p
ACCOUNTS PRG     1408   4-30-84   9:08a
INVEDIT  PRG     1408   5-01-84   8:38a
PAYMENU  PRG     1408   5-01-84   8:45a
INDEXING PRG     1408   5-01-84  10:11a
INVCHECK PRG     1536   5-01-84   8:38a
PAYRECAP PRG     1536   6-15-84   4:41p
NAMETEST PRG     1664   5-01-84   1:59p
DEPTRANS PRG     1664   5-01-84   8:31a
INVMENU  PRG     1792   5-01-84   8:33a
COSTUPDA PRG     2048   6-15-84   2:45p
COSTMENU PRG     2688   5-01-84   7:57a
PAYEMPS  PRG     2944   6-15-84   2:43p
DEPOSITS PRG     3584   6-15-84   2:41p
COSTTIME PRG     3584   6-15-84   2:45p
TIMECALC PRG     3712   6-15-84   2:50p
CHECKSTU PRG     3712   6-15-84   5:21p
PAYFIND  PRG     3712   6-15-84   4:42p
INVOICES PRG     3712   6-15-84   4:53p
COSTBILL PRG     4608   5-01-84   1:32p
SALESTAX PRG     5376   6-15-84   5:43p
INVPRINT PRG     5888   6-15-84   4:37p
JOBCOSTS PRG     6016   6-15-84   2:43p
PAYBILLS PRG     9472   6-15-84   4:44p
PAYROLL  PRG    13056   6-15-84   4:50p
       55 File(s)     75776 bytes free

Directory of dBASE III 1.0 (Locked)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of  A:\

DBASE    EXE   112720   8-11-17   9:51a
DBASE    OVL   147456   6-26-84   5:36p
HELP     DBS    53760   6-26-84   5:36p
ASSIST   HLP    15223   6-26-84   5:37p
READ     ME      4224   6-26-84   5:37p
CONFIG   SYS       22   6-26-84   5:37p
        6 File(s)     15360 bytes free

Directory of dBASE III 1.0 (Disk 1)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of  A:\

DBASE    EXE   112720   7-15-84   8:28a
DBASE    OVL   147456   7-15-84   8:28a
HELP     DBS    53760   7-15-84   8:29a
ASSIST   HLP    15223   7-15-84   8:29a
READ     ME      4224   7-15-84   8:29a
CONFIG   SYS       22   7-15-84   8:29a
        6 File(s)     10240 bytes free

Directory of dBASE III 1.0 (Disk 2)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of  A:\

DFORMAT  EXE    39424   6-12-84   2:56p
DCONVERT EXE    48128   6-06-84   3:10p
DFM      MSG    50432   6-12-84   2:46p
DEPOSITS DBF      227   6-14-84   3:42a
CHECKFIL DBF      355   6-14-84   3:42a
INVGET   DBF      419   6-14-84   3:40a
INVOICES DBF      598   6-14-84   3:43a
BILLINGS DBF     1024   4-29-84   7:57p
NAMES    DBF     1342  11-13-84   9:31a
PERSON   DBF     1248   4-30-84   5:31p
POSTFILE DBF     1339   6-05-84  10:51a
HOLD84   DBF     1412   4-01-84  10:56p
CLADDRES DBF     1477   4-08-84   9:01p
PERSONNE DBF     1925   6-05-84  10:55a
RENTALS  DBF     2560  11-12-84   4:01a
SUPPLIER DBF     2659   4-09-84   7:40p
COSTBASE DBF     3301   6-14-84   3:46a
WAGES    DBF     3801   4-01-84  10:55p
NAMES    FMT      398   4-07-84   7:38p
KONSTANT MEM      770   5-01-84   3:58p
COSTJOBS NDX     1024   1-01-80   1:45a
BILLINGS NDX     1024   1-01-80   1:46a
BILLJOBS NDX     1024   1-01-80   1:46a
INVOICES NDX     1024   1-01-80   1:46a
COSTNAME NDX     2048   1-01-80   1:46a
SUPPLIER NDX     2560   3-28-84   5:55p
CONSTANT MEM      426  11-06-84   3:04a
DEPPRINT PRG      896   3-28-84   9:49p
INVUPDAT PRG      896   5-01-84   8:37a
DEPMENU  PRG     1280   6-15-84   2:47p
BIG      PRG     1280   6-15-84   3:26p
ACCOUNTS PRG     1408   4-30-84   9:08a
INVEDIT  PRG     1408   5-01-84   8:38a
PAYMENU  PRG     1408   5-01-84   8:45a
INDEXING PRG     1408   5-01-84  10:11a
INVCHECK PRG     1536   5-01-84   8:38a
PAYRECAP PRG     1536   6-15-84   4:41p
NAMETEST PRG     1664   5-01-84   1:59p
DEPTRANS PRG     1664   5-01-84   8:31a
INVMENU  PRG     1792   5-01-84   8:33a
COSTUPDA PRG     2048   6-15-84   2:45p
COSTMENU PRG     2688   5-01-84   7:57a
PAYEMPS  PRG     2944   6-15-84   2:43p
DEPOSITS PRG     3584   6-15-84   2:41p
COSTTIME PRG     3584   6-15-84   2:45p
TIMECALC PRG     3712   6-15-84   2:50p
CHECKSTU PRG     3712   6-15-84   5:21p
PAYFIND  PRG     3712   6-15-84   4:42p
INVOICES PRG     3712   6-15-84   4:53p
COSTBILL PRG     4608   5-01-84   1:32p
SALESTAX PRG     5376   6-15-84   5:43p
INVPRINT PRG     5888   6-15-84   4:37p
JOBCOSTS PRG     6016   6-15-84   2:43p
PAYBILLS PRG     9472   6-15-84   4:44p
PAYROLL  PRG    13056   6-15-84   4:50p
LAST     NDX     1024  11-13-84   9:22a
INVSUBTO PRB      768   3-28-84   9:54p
ADDRESS  NDX     1024  11-13-84   9:27a
ZIP      NDX     1024  11-13-84   9:23a
MONEY    NDX     1024  11-06-84   3:36a
FULL     NDX     1024  11-06-84   3:38a
WHO      NDX     1024  11-06-84   4:12a
MONTH    NDX     1024  11-13-84   9:32a
TEST     TXT      588  11-07-84  12:22p
CHAPTER6 TXT     2414  11-07-84   1:11p
TEST     BAK      190  11-07-84   1:09p
TEST     PRG      223  11-07-84   1:48p
SALES    NDX     1024  11-07-84   2:01p
RENTS    DBF     1317  11-07-84   2:00p
COMMISS  FRM     1990  11-07-84   2:26p
SUMMARY  TXT     1262  11-07-84   2:19p
STATESLS NDX     1024  11-07-84   2:39p
PERSON   NDX     1024  11-12-84  10:38a
NOTES    DBF      274  11-12-84   4:20a
NOTES    DBT      512  11-12-84   4:14a
DOCTORS  DBF      253  11-13-84  10:18a
       76 File(s)     48128 bytes free