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bfabfe4 · May 20, 2019




layout title permalink preview redirect_from machines
Microsoft Windows 1.01
id type resume state config drives
[{name:"10Mb Hard Disk",type:3,path:"/disks-demo/pcx86/drives/10mb/PCDOS200-WIN101-EGA.json"}]

Microsoft Windows 1.01

Microsoft Windows 1.01, the first public version of Windows, was released on November 20, 1985. It is shown here running on an IBM PC XT (Model 5160) with an EGA Display. You can also run Windows 1.01 with a Debugger or a CGA Display.

A demo of an earlier pre-release version, Windows 1.0 ("Premiere Edition"), is also available.

Directory Listings of the five 360Kb distribution diskettes are provided below.

{% include machine.html id="ibm5160-ega-win101" %}

Directory Listings

Directory of Windows 1.01 (SETUP)

 Volume in drive A is SETUP      

Directory of A:\

CGA      DRV     13008 11-15-85   5:43a
COMM     DRV      4860 11-15-85   5:43a
EGAHIBW  DRV     13952 11-15-85   5:42a
EGAHIRES DRV     17536 11-15-85   5:42a
EGALORES DRV     15648 11-15-85   5:42a
EGAMONO  DRV     13952 11-15-85   5:42a
EMM      AT      12874 07-30-85   6:33p
EMM      PC      12898 07-30-85   6:15p
FTG      DRV      1961 11-15-85   5:42a
HERCULES DRV     15776 11-15-85   5:42a
HIFONTS  FON      7472 11-15-85   5:42a
JOYMOUSE DRV      2114 11-15-85   5:42a
KERNEL   EXE     33343 11-15-85   5:42a
KEYBUS   DRV      3335 11-15-85   5:42a
LMOUSE   DRV      2484 11-15-85   5:42a
LOFONTS  FON      5552 11-15-85   5:42a
LPC      DRV      2438 11-15-85   5:42a
MOUSE    DRV      3239 11-15-85   5:42a
MSMOUSE1 DRV      1966 11-15-85   5:42a
MSMOUSE2 DRV      1966 11-15-85   5:42a
NOMOUSE  DRV      1592 11-15-85   5:42a
RAMDRIVE SYS      6459 07-12-85   5:42p
SETUP    EXE     33974 11-15-85   5:42a
SETUP    LBL         7 11-15-85   5:42a
SOUND    DRV      5853 11-15-85   5:42a
SYSTEM   DRV      2594 11-15-85   5:42a
WRITE    DAT        43 11-15-85   5:42a
       27 file(s)     236896 bytes

Total files listed:
       27 file(s)     236896 bytes
                      110592 bytes free

Directory of Windows 1.01 (BUILD)

 Volume in drive A is BUILD      

Directory of A:\

BUILD    LBL         7 11-15-85   5:42a
CGA      GRB      1350 11-15-85   5:42a
CGA      LGO      2931 11-15-85   5:42a
EGAHIBW  GRB        15 11-15-85   5:42a
EGAHIBW  LGO         9 11-15-85   5:42a
EGAHIRES GRB        15 11-15-85   5:42a
EGAHIRES LGO         9 11-15-85   5:42a
EGALORES GRB      1213 11-15-85   5:42a
EGALORES LGO         9 11-15-85   5:42a
EGAMONO  GRB      1061 11-15-85   5:42a
EGAMONO  LGO      2930 11-15-85   5:42a
GDI      EXE     94254 11-15-85   5:42a
HERCULES GRB      1250 11-15-85   5:42a
HERCULES LGO      3054 11-15-85   5:42a
MSDOS    EXE     41904 11-15-85   5:42a
MSDOSD   EXE      5934 11-15-85   5:42a
SPOOLER  EXE     13216 11-15-85   5:42a
USER     EXE    122400 11-15-85   5:42a
WIN      CNF      1936 11-15-85   5:42a
WIN      INI      1801 11-15-85   5:42a
WINOLDAP MOD     19392 11-15-85   5:42a
       21 file(s)     314690 bytes

Total files listed:
       21 file(s)     314690 bytes
                       35840 bytes free

Directory of Windows 1.01 (UTILITY)

 Volume in drive A is UTILITY    

Directory of A:\

CITOH    DRV     10976 11-15-85   5:42a
COURA    FON      8720 11-15-85   5:42a
COURB    FON     12304 11-15-85   5:42a
COURC    FON      8784 11-15-85   5:42a
COURD    FON     15136 11-15-85   5:42a
EPSON    DRV     12688 11-15-85   5:42a
HELVA    FON      8032 11-15-85   5:42a
HELVB    FON     10480 11-15-85   5:42a
HELVC    FON      8656 11-15-85   5:42a
HELVD    FON     12224 11-15-85   5:42a
HP747XA  DRV     21232 11-15-85   5:42a
HPLASER  DRV     15600 11-15-85   5:42a
IBMGRX   DRV     11392 11-15-85   5:42a
LQ1500   DRV     12992 11-15-85   5:42a
MODERN   FON      9680 11-15-85   5:42a
NEC3550  DRV     21536 11-15-85   5:42a
NECP2    DRV     11312 11-15-85   5:42a
OKI92    DRV     11392 11-15-85   5:42a
README   DOC      2922 11-15-85   5:42a
ROMAN    FON     27264 11-15-85   5:42a
SCRIPT   FON      5744 11-15-85   5:42a
SG10     DRV     13264 11-15-85   5:42a
TI850    DRV     10704 11-15-85   5:42a
TMSRA    FON      8208 11-15-85   5:42a
TMSRB    FON     10784 11-15-85   5:42a
TMSRC    FON      8240 11-15-85   5:42a
TMSRD    FON     12608 11-15-85   5:42a
TOSH     DRV     11520 11-15-85   5:42a
UTILITY  LBL         9 11-15-85   5:42a
       29 file(s)     334403 bytes

Total files listed:
       29 file(s)     334403 bytes
                       11264 bytes free

Directory of Windows 1.01 (APPS)

 Volume in drive A is APPS       

Directory of A:\

ABC      TXT        42 11-15-85   5:42a
CALC     EXE     24992 11-15-85   5:42a
CALENDAR EXE     37360 11-15-85   5:42a
CARDFILE EXE     36528 11-15-85   5:42a
CLIPBRD  EXE      9696 11-15-85   5:42a
CLOCK    EXE      7920 11-15-85   5:42a
CONTROL  EXE     53360 11-15-85   5:42a
DOTHIS   TXT       493 11-15-85   5:42a
NOTEPAD  EXE     18544 11-15-85   5:42a
PAINT    EXE     89584 11-15-85   5:42a
REVERSI  EXE     14816 11-15-85   5:42a
TERMINAL EXE     43968 11-15-85   5:42a
       12 file(s)     337303 bytes

Total files listed:
       12 file(s)     337303 bytes
                       18432 bytes free

Directory of Windows 1.01 (WRITE)

 Volume in drive A is WRITE      

Directory of A:\

PRACTICE DOC      2944 11-15-85   5:44a
README   DOC      2922 11-15-85   5:44a
WRITE    EXE    188464 11-15-85   5:44a
        3 file(s)     194330 bytes

Total files listed:
        3 file(s)     194330 bytes
                      166912 bytes free