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Q274645: MGS: SideWinder Dual Strike Buttons Do Not Function Correctly |
/kb/274/Q274645/ |
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Article: Q274645
Product(s): Microsoft Home Games
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbenv kbhw kbimu kbHardware
Last Modified: 25-JUL-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Metal Gear Solid
When you play Microsoft Metal Gear Solid with a Microsoft SideWinder Dual Strike
game controller, you may experience any of the following problems with the
- Button X may function as button Y.
- Button Y may function as button Z.
- Button D may function as button X.
- The hat switch may not function at all.
This behavior can occur if you attempt to reconfigure the SideWinder Dual Strike
Additional query words: msgame 1.00 metalgearsolid mgs
Keywords : kbenv kbhw kbimu kbHardware
Technology : kbGamesSearch kbMetalGearSearch
Version : :
Issue type : kbprb
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