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Article: Q177874
Product(s): Microsoft Home Games
Version(s): WINDOWS:1.0
Operating System(s):
Keyword(s): kbmm aoe
Last Modified: 08-NOV-2001
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Age of Empires, version 1.0
The information in this article is a copy of the contents of the Age of Empires
Strattyp.doc file, located in the Docs folder on the Age of Empires CD-ROM.
This file is formatted for Microsoft Word 97 and you cannot open it with WordPad.
For more information about this issue, please see the following article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Q177787 Age of Empires: WordPad Cannot Read Stratsmp.doc or Strattyp.doc
Age of Empires Strategy Types
September, 1997
(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997
The following strategy .ai files are available for use in player-created
scenarios. Files with an .ai extension contain information that guides the
strategy of computer opponents. These files determine what a computer
opponent will research and build, which units will be trained, and in what
quantities. The file also determines whether the computer opponent will
try to build a Wonder. You can use any text editor to modify .ai files.
Below is the complete list of custom .ai files you can use when building
scenarios in Age of Empires. The files are located in the Data folder where
you installed Age of Empires.
File Name: File names end with an .ai extension.
Description: The primary combat units that the computer player will
Stone, Tool, Bronze, Iron: The age in which the computer player is most
likely to start attacking.
File Name Description Stone Tool Bronze Iron
--------- ----------- ----- ---- ------ ----
AI designed for death
Death Match Requires huge starting Attack
Assyria resources.
Death Match Requires huge starting Attack
Babylon resources.
Death Match Requires huge starting Attack
Choson resources.
Death Match Requires huge starting Attack
Egypt resources.
Death Match Requires huge starting Attack
Greek resources.
Death Match Requires huge starting Attack
Hittite resources.
Death Match Requires huge starting Attack
Minoa resources.
Death Match Requires huge starting Attack
Persia resources.
Death Match Requires huge starting Attack
Phoenicia resources.
Death Match Requires huge starting Attack
Shang resources.
Death Match Requires huge starting Attack
Sumeria resources.
Death Match Requires huge starting Attack
Yamato resources.
File Name Description Stone Tool Bronze Iron
--------- ----------- ----- ---- ------ ----
AI designed for use with
the 2 highest difficulty
Immortal 15 Helepolis, 15 Horse Attack
Assyria Archers, 6 Chariot
Immortal 10 Priests, 10 Ballista Attack
Egypt Towers, 17 War Elephants,
6 Chariots
Immortal 20 Phalanxes, 3 Catapult Attack
Greek Triremes
Immortal 8 Juggernaughts, 8 Long Attack
Minoa Bowmen, 10 Helepolis,
4 Triremes
Immortal 10 Catapults, 15 Horse Attack
Sumeria Archers, 6 Bowmen
Immortal 16 Cavalry, 12 Catapults, Attack
Yamato 2 Priests
File Name Description Stone Tool Bronze Iron
--------- ----------- ----- ---- ------ ----
Civilization-specific AI:
Assyria Ballista 10 Ballistas, 12 Horse Attack
Archers, 6 Chariot
Assyria Bowmen 12 Tool Age Bowmen, Attack
8 Chariot Archers,
6 Ballistas, 10 Horse
Babylon Swordsmen 14 Long Swordsman, Attack
6 Priests, 5 Catapults,
6 Towers
Babylon Scouts 10 Scouts, 14 Long Attack
Swordsmen, 6 Priests,
5 Catapults, 6 Towers
Choson Swordsmen 16 Long Swordsmen, Attack
6 Priests, 3 Catapults,
6 Towers
Choson Axemen 10 Axemen, 16 Long Attack
Swordsmen, 6 Priests,
3 Catapults, 6 Towers
Egypt War 16 War Elephants, Attack
Elephants 9 Priests, 2 Chariots
Egypt Chariots 8 Chariots, 10 War Attack
Elephants, 9 Priests
Greek Phalanx 20 Phalanxes, 10 Ballistas, Attack Attack
3 Catapults
Hittite Horse 15 Horse Archers, Attack
Archers 8 Catapults, 2 Clubmen,
2 Archers
Hittite Bowmen 10 Bowmen, 15 Horse Attack
Archers, 8 Catapults
Minoa Composite 16 Composite Bowmen, Attack
Bowmen 6 Cavalry, 3 Triremes,
3 Priests, 2 Ballistas
Persia Elephant 12 Elephant Archers, Attack
Archers 12 War Elephants
Phoenicia 12 Elephant Archers, Attack
Elephants 12 War Elephants
Shang Heavy 16 Heavy Cavalry, Attack
Cavalry 4 Catapults, 4 Priests
Shang Cavalry 16 Cavalry, 4 Catapults, Attack
4 Priests
Shang Clubmen 8 Clubmen, 16 Cavalry, Attack
4 Catapults, 4 Priests
Sumeria 15 Horse Archers, Attack
Catapults 10 Catapults, 6 Bowmen,
3 Priests
Sumeria Scouts 8 Scouts, 15 Horse Attack
Archers, 10 Catapults
2 Bowmen, 3 Priests
Yamato Heavy 15 Heavy Cavalry, Attack
Cavalry 10 Catapults, 3 Priests
File Name Description Stone Tool Bronze Iron
--------- ----------- ----- ---- ------ ----
specific AI:
Elephant Archer 15 Elephant Archers, Attack
Iron 5 Cavalry, 3 Inf,
2 Ballistas, 2 Archers,
2 Catapults
Archers Bronze 14 Archers, 4 Chariots, Attack
4 Catapults, 2 Priests,
1 Scout
Archers Iron 14 Archers, 8 Cavalry Attack
Archers, 4 Priests,
2 Catapults, 1 Ballista
Cav Archer Iron 14 Horse Archers, Attack
6 Chariot Archers,
3 Ballistas, 2 Catapults.
For use with Assyrians,
Babylonians, Hittites,
Shang, Sumerians.
Cavalry Bronze 14 Cavalry, 6 Ballistas, Attack
4 Axemen, 2 Bowmen
Cavalry Iron 18 Cavalry, 6 Ballistas, Attack
2 Archers
Infantry Bronze Infantry/Cavalry Attack
Infantry Stone Infantry Attack
Infantry Tool Infantry/Bowman Attack
Phalanx Bronze Phalanxes/Catapults Attack
Phalanx Iron 16 Phalanxes, Attack
4 Catapults, 6 Infantry,
1 Priest
Priest Bronze Priests/Phalanxes Attack
Priest Iron 10 Priests, 9 Long Attack
Swordsmen, 4 Clubmen,
2 Catapults, 2 Archers
Trireme Bronze Galleys Attack
Trireme Iron Trireme/Catapult Attack
War Elephant 13 War Elephants, Attack
Iron 4 Phalanxes, 4 Catapults,
3 Clubmen
Additional query words: 1.00 age aoe ages empire ageofempires
Keywords : kbmm aoe
Technology : kbHomeProdSearch kbAOE kbGamesSearch kbZNotKeyword kbAOESearch
Version : WINDOWS:1.0
Issue type : kbinfo
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