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Q120265: Using the Diamond Viper Video Card with Space Simulator

Q120265: Using the Diamond Viper Video Card with Space Simulator

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Article: Q120265
Product(s): Microsoft Home Games
Version(s): MS-DOS:1.0
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 10-JUN-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Space Simulator for MS-DOS, version 1.0 


Space Simulator can be used in 640 x 400 resolution on a Diamond Viper video
adapter if version 2.04 or later of the VPRMODE.EXE utility is used to supply
VESA 1.2 compatibility.

Space Simulator cannot use this video card in 800 x 600 resolution.


The VRPMODE driver can be obtained from the Diamond Computer Systems electronic
bulletin board by downloading VPRM204.EXE, or by contacting Diamond Computer
Systems technical support.

Follow these steps to enable the VPRMODE driver:

1. Copy VPRMODE.EXE to your Space Simulator directory (usually the C:\SPACESIM

2. Using a text editor such as the MS-DOS Edit utility, open the AUTOEXEC.BAT
  file from the root directory of the boot drive.

3. Add the following line to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file

  c:\<path>\vprmode vesa

  where <path> is the path to the VPRMODE program. For example, if you
  copied VPRMODE.EXE to your C:\SPACESIM directory, enter the following line:

  c:\spacesim\vprmode vesa

4. Save changes to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and restart your machine.

5. Change to the Space Simulator directory. (For example if your directory is
  named SPACESIM, type the following at the MS-DOS command prompt and press


6. Type "setup" (without the quotation marks) and press ENTER.

7. At the first Setup screen, set the Display option to:

  <2> 640 x 400 (super VGA with 512K)

8. On the next screen, set the video card type as VESA 1.2 Compatible.

9. Continue through Setup and run Space Simulator. The display will now be in
  SVGA 640 x 400, 256 colors every time you run Space Simulator.

For more information, contact Diamond Computer Systems:

  Technical support Diamond Speedstar video cards: (408) 325-7100
  BBS support 2400 only: (408) 325-7080
  BBS support 9600 only: (408) 325-7175

The third-party products discussed in this article are manufactured by vendors
independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding
these products' performance or reliability.

Additional query words: 1.00 ss1 dos blinking flickering spacesim 800x600 640x400

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbGamesSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbSpaceSim100DOS
Version           : MS-DOS:1.0
Issue type        : kbinfo


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