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Q117693: PC Adm: Microsoft Mail MMFCLEAN.EXE Utility

Q117693: PC Adm: Microsoft Mail MMFCLEAN.EXE Utility

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Article: Q117693
Product(s): Microsoft Mail For PC Networks
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.0,3.2
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbgraphxlinkcritical
Last Modified: 21-DEC-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, versions 3.0, 3.2 


Microsoft provides MMFCLEAN.EXE, Windows-based application to be used on
Microsoft Mail 3.0 and later postoffices to purge mail from mail message files

For complete information about obtaining and installing MMFCLEAN.EXE, see the
following sections:

- To download the utility

- To install MMFCLEAN.EXE


Currently, there is no way for an administrator to monitor or manage space
consumed by a Windows or OS/2 Mail user on a version 3.0 or later Microsoft Mail
postoffice (PO). In versions of Microsoft Mail earlier than version 3.0, the
administrator could purge mail messages for all users on the PO. When the mail
message file (MMF) architecture of versions 3.0 and later of Microsoft Mail for
Windows was introduced, the administrator lost the ability to purge mail
messages stored in the MMFs.

The MMFCLEAN utility is a Windows-based application to be used on Microsoft Mail
3.0 and later postoffices to purge mail from MMFs. MMFs usually exist on the PO
and contain the users' private mail messages and folders. There is one MMF per
Windows user on the PO. By default, the Windows user will have his or her MMF
file stored on the PO, but the user can choose to store the MMF file on his or
her local machine. The MMFCLEAN utility matches the capability of the Mail
Administrator program. The administrator should run it from a Windows 3.0 or
3.1, or Windows for Workgroups 3.1 or 3.11 local area network (LAN) client
connected to the PO over the network.

You can use the MMFCLEAN utility to clean the MMF according to the following

- Message Age days

- All messages with size greater than XXX

- Message priority

Things to Note Before Running MMFCLEAN

WARNING: Before you use the MMFCLEAN utility to clean the database, make an
additional backup copy of your Microsoft Mail postoffice. If an error occurs
during a fix, you can restore the backup made immediately before you used the
MMFCLEAN utility. In all other circumstances, you should restore the database
from your most recent regularly scheduled backup.

- Available disk space should be three times the size of the largest MMF.

- Do not use an active PO; all users should be logged off and the PO should be
  backed up.

- File Scan is required for Novell networks.

- MMFs not stored on the PO will not be included; any MMFs stored on a user's
  local drive or on another server will not be cleaned.

- No other Mail application should be running on the workstation when you start
  the MMFCLEAN utility.

- The Just Compress check box in the Criteria dialog box overrides all other
  criteria. Remember that when a cleaning is done, a compress is also
  automatically done.

  Important: When MMFCLEAN does comparisons on the aging date, the creation date
  of the message is used instead of the date the user received the message.
  This means that if a user was on vacation for a week and then came in and
  downloaded his new messages to his MMF, the user's message could get deleted
  right after it is read if the criteria for MMFCLEAN is Read Mail Greater Than
  7 Days. We are currently investigating how to change this limitation.

To download the utility

The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download Center:

  DownloadDownload Mmfutil.exe now

For additional information about how to download Microsoft Support files, click
the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services

Microsoft used the most current virus detection software available on the date of
posting to scan this file for viruses. Once posted, the file is housed on secure
servers that prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.

After you download MMFCLEAN.EXE to a clean directory, run it (by typing "mmfutil"
(without the quotation marks) at the MS-DOS command prompt) to extract the
contents of the file. You should receive the following files:

  VMB.386      (  9,273 bytes, dated 02-24-92,  3:54 P.M.)
  DEMILAYR.DLL ( 48,304 bytes, dated 07-01-93, 12:20 P.M.)
  MAILMGR.DLL  ( 51,632 bytes, dated 07-01-93,  1:12 P.M.)
  STORE.DLL    (231,264 bytes, dated 02-01-94,  2:40 P.M.)
  MMFCLEAN.EXE ( 43,520 bytes, dated 10-12-94,  3:48 P.M.)
  WX.EXE       ( 14,215 bytes, dated 03-03-92,  5:57 A.M.)
  WXSRVR.EXE   ( 17,920 bytes, dated 03-03-92,  5:57 A.M.)
  MMFCLEAN.INI (  1,398 bytes, dated 12-13-93, 10:54 A.M.)


1. At the MS-DOS command prompt, type the following and press ENTER

  " mkdir <drive>:\mmfclean" (without the quotation marks)

  where <drive> is the local hard disk drive.

2. At the MS-DOS command prompt, type the following and press ENTER

  " copy <srcdrive>:\*.dll <destdrive>:\mmfclean" (without the
  quotation marks)

  where <srcdrive> is the drive and directory where you ran the self-
  extracting MMFUTIL.EXE file and <destdrive> is the drive and directory
  where you created the MMFCLEAN directory. For example, if you ran the
  self-extracting file from the TEST directory on drive D, and the MMFCLEAN
  directory is located on drive C, type the following command:

  " copy d:\test\*.dll c:\mmfclean" (without the quotation marks)

3. At the MS-DOS command prompt, type the following and press ENTER

  " copy <srcdrive>:\mmfclean.exe <destdrive>:\mmfclean" (without
  the quotation marks)

  where <srcdrive> is the drive and directory where you ran the self-
  extracting MMFUTIL.EXE file and <destdrive> is the drive and directory
  where you created the MMFCLEAN directory. For example, if you ran the
  self-extracting file from the TEST directory on drive D, and the MMFCLEAN
  directory is located on drive C, type the following command:

  " copy d:\test\mmfclean.exe c:\mmfclean" (without the quotation marks)

4. At the MS-DOS command prompt, type the following and press ENTER

  " copy <srcdrive>:\mmfclean.ini <destdrive>:\<windowsdir>"
  (without the quotation marks)

  where <srcdrive> is the drive and directory where you ran the self-
  extracting MMFUTIL.EXE file, <destdrive> is the drive where your
  Windows directory is located, and <windowsdir> is the path to your
  Windows directory. For example, if you ran the self-extracting file from the
  TEST directory on drive D and the Windows directory is named WINDOWS and is
  located on drive C, type the following command:

  " copy d:\test\mmfclean.ini c:\windows" (without the quotation marks)

5. Set up an MMFCLEAN icon in Windows Program Manager and set the working
  directory to where MMFCLEAN.EXE is located.


The MMFCLEAN.INI file must reside in the Windows directory.

You can define the following parameters in the [Options] section of the
MMFCLEAN.INI file. Some modifications to the .INI file are required before you
run it for the first time.

Parameter                           | Example/description
Drive=<drive and path to            | Drive=m:\testpo
postoffice>                         | -or-
                                   | Drive=\\<server>\<share>\<path>
                                   | -or-
                                   | Drive=<server>/<share>:<path>
Name=<administrator's mailbox name> | Name=Admin
Password=<administrator's password> | Password=password
MailAge=<default mail age days>     | MailAge=30
MsgSize=<default message size       | MsgSize=20
in kilobytes>                       |
MsgPriority=<default message        | MsgPriority=3
priority>                           |
                                   | Here is how the numeric priorities
                                   | relate to the Mail for Windows
                                   | priorities: Priorities 1 & 2=Low,
                                   | priority 3=Medium, and priorities
                                   | 4 & 5=High.
MMFSize=<minimum MMF size           | MMFSize=45
in kilobytes>                       |
                                   | MMFs smaller than the specified size
                                   | are ignored. A value of zero means
                                   | to accept all.
OnlyReadMail=<delete only read      | OnlyReadMail=1
mail 0/1>                           |
                                   | 0 = Unread and Read
                                   | 1 = Read mail only
AllFolders=<0/1/2>                  | AllFolders=0
                                   | Which folders should be searched:
                                   | 0 = All folders
                                   | 1 = Inbox, Sent mail, and Wastebasket
                                   |     folders only
                                   | 2 = Sent mail and Wastebasket
                                   |     folders only
LogFile=<path & name of log file>   | LogFile=c:\mmfclean\mmfclean.log
JustLogUsers=<0/1>                  | JustLogUsers=0
                                   | 1 = Only log user statistics to log
                                   |     file-no cleaning or compression.
JustCompress=<0/1>                  | JustCompress=0
                                   | 1 = Only Compress MMFs-no cleaning.
SkipBad=<0/1>                       | SkipBad=0
                                   | Skip bad MMFs when processing-useful
                                   | for overnight runs. Bad MMFs are
                                   | logged for later interactive rebuild.
                                   | SkipBad is ignored when WorkLocal=1.
                                   | 0 = Do not skip bad MMFs, but bring
                                   |     up a repair dialog box.
                                   | 1 = Skip bad MMFs.
WorkLocal=<0/1>                     | WorkLocal=0
                                   | Copy MMFs to a local drive for
                                   | processing. Useful if servers and
                                   | networks are slow and you need
                                   | increased performance.
                                   | 0 = Don't copy, work off the server.
                                   | 1 = Copy to local drive.
LocalPath=<path>                    | LocalPath=c:\temp
                                   | Destination path for MMFs that are
                                   | being copied locally. Presence of
                                   | this entry does not imply that
                                   | WorkLocal=1. This is so you can have
                                   | a path entry in your .INI file, but
                                   | turn local processing on and off
                                   | from the command line.

MMFCLEAN Command-Line Options

Usage: mmfclean [command-line options]

Options                  | Description
/P:<password>            | Admin password.
/N:<username>            | Admin user name.
/D:<drive>               | Postoffice path.
/A:<days>                | Mail age.
/G:<msgsize>             | All messages greater than.
/O:<1-5>                 | Mail priority less than or equal to.
/S:<mmfsize>             | Users with MMF size greater than.
/R                       | Only read mail.
/U                       | Both read and unread mail.
/F                       | Search all folders.
/I                       | Search Inbox, Sent Mail, Wastebasket only.
/W                       | Search Sent Mail and Wastebasket only.
/L:<logfilename>         | Log file.
/J                       | Log users-don't compress.
/C                       | Just compress-no cleaning.
/B                       | Batch mode-run immediately and exit after.
/K                       | Skip bad MMFs when processing.
/H                       | Copy files to local drive for processing; use
                        | of this switch without /T or a corresponding
                        | .INI file entry file causes MMFCLEAN to
                        | default to the Windows directory.
/T:<path>                | Local path to which MMF files should be
                        | copied for processing (/H switch); use of
                        | this switch implies /H.

Running MMFCLEAN in Batch Mode

To run the MMFCLEAN utility from an MS-DOS batch file, you need the VMB.386,
WX.EXE, and WXSRVR.EXE utilities located with this utility. Copy VMB.386 to your
Windows SYSTEM subdirectory, and copy WX.EXE and WXSRVR.EXE to your Windows
directory. Additionally, you need to add the VMB.386 file to the [386Enh]
section of your SYSTEM.INI file. For example:


The VMB.386 file will allow you to run a Windows-based application from the
MS-DOS prompt.

WXSRVR.EXE is a Windows-based application that should be run from File Manager or
Program Manager first. WX.EXE is an MS-DOS-based application that is run from
the MS-DOS command prompt under Windows.

Usage: wx [options] program [command-line options]

Options                   | Description
/A                        | Run program asynchronously.
/H[ELP]                   | Call QuickHelp.
/N[OLOGO]                 | Suppress copyright message.
/W                        | Assume virtual machine (VM) is windowed.
/?                        | Display summary help.

Example: wx /w mmfclean.exe /a:20 /n:admin /p:password /u /b


Log File Error Messages:

1. Error:

  Administrator Admin 00000000 42Kbytes
  Cannot lock user's MMF file; could result in corruption.
  Skipping user.

  Cause: The user is logged into Mail or the file is open.

2. Error:

  Administrator Admin 00000000 42Kbytes
  Error copying m:\mmf\00000000.mmf to C:\mmfTeMP\~~MMFKFC.TMP

  Cause: The user no longer exists or was deleted.

3. Error: USER1 USER1 00000005 577Kbytes Error opening C:\mmfTeMP\~~MMFJEA.TMP
  Cause: The user's name or password in the MMF does not match the name or
  password in the access files.

4. Error:

  Administrator Admin 00000000 42Kbytes
  Error copying m:\mmf\00000000.mmf to C:\mmfTeMP\~~MMFNEC.TMP

  Cause: There was not enough disk space on the local drive.

Other Error Messages

1. Error:

  ! The version of STORE.DLL on your computer must be updated.

  Cause: The working directory was not set to C:\MMFCLEAN.

2. Error:

  <STOP> An inconsistency has been detected in the mail message file.
  This problem must be repaired before the mail file can continue to be used.
  Repairs may take up to several hours depending on the number of messages you
  have in your message file.

  MMFClean Log information:

  Username Username 00000005 39Kbytes
  This MMF file is corrupt and was not automatically repaired.

  Cause: A corrupt MMF was found. For more details, please refer to the

Additional query words: 3.20 wga

Keywords          : kbgraphxlinkcritical 
Technology        : kbMailSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbMailPCN320 kbMailPCN300
Version           : WINDOWS:3.0,3.2


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