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Q96001: PC DirSync: Error and Status Msgs #9 - 29 |
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Article: Q96001
Product(s): Microsoft Mail For PC Networks
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.0
Operating System(s):
Last Modified: 19-FEB-2002
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Mail for PC Networks, version 3.0
Directory Synchronization Error and Status Messages #9 - 29
On Microsoft Mail for PC Networks version 3.0 Server Disk 1, there is a file
called DIRSYNC.TXT that contains the error codes used in directory
synchronization (Dir-Sync) and in the IMPORT utility for Mail. The errors are
logged in the DIRSYNC.LOG file.
[9] Out of Memory
Ensure that you are running the program on a computer with at least 640K of
[10] Directory Sync has not been enabled
Ensure that your postoffice is a version 3.0 postoffice. If it is not,
upgrade to version 3.0 before continuing.
[12] Invalid character in column 1
The import file has an invalid character in column 1.
Check the file for an invalid code in column 1. The valid codes are A (Add), D
(Delete), M (Modify), R (Replace) and T (Template file).
Also check the file for an invalid character in column 1 following the line
that contains the code. The line that follows Add, Delete or Modify codes and
contains specific user template information should have a hyphen in column 1.
Lines that follow a T code and are part of a template file should have a
space in column 1.
[13] Invalid transaction command
Check the import file for an invalid code in column 1. The valid codes are A
(Add), D (Delete), M (Modify), R (Replace), and T (Template file).
[14] Error processing RESYNC.GLB
The Import utility is temporarily unable to generate RESYNC.GLB. Run the
Import utility again with the -S option to clear the problem.
[15] Invalid character in phone number
Check the import file for an invalid character in at least one of the FAX
phone number fields. Valid phone number characters are digits, the space, the
comma (,) and the hyphen (-).
[16] Unknown address type
Check the import file for an invalid address. See the Server version
Administrator's Guide for the format of Microsoft Mail addresses and the
specific gateway manual for the format of foreign addresses.
[17] Unexpected end of line in node address
Microsoft Mail type addresses (PCM, PROFS, SNADS and OV) require a network
(or gateway name) and a postoffice (or a node or DGN) separated by a slash
mark (/). Check the import file for at least one Microsoft Mail type address
that is not correctly specified.
[18] Unexpected end of line in fullname
Check the import file for a missing address and possibly a missing portion of
the fullname (the alias) following an Add (A), Delete (D) or Modify (M) code.
[19] Unexpected end of line in physical address
Microsoft Mail type addresses (PCM, PROFS, SNADS and OV) require a network
name (or gateway name), a postoffice name (or a NodeID or DGN), and a mailbox
name (or UserID or DEN) separated by slash marks (/). The address is preceded
by an address type and a colon (:). The following is an example of a PROFS
Check the import file in lines containing Add (A), Delete (D) and Modify (M)
codes for at least one Microsoft Mail type address that is not correctly
[20] Address element is too long
Check the import file for Microsoft Mail type addresses (PCM, PROFS, SNADS
and OV addresses) that have a network name (or gateway name), postoffice name
(or NodeID or DGN) or a mailbox name (or UserID or DEN) that exceeds ten
[21] Input file is corrupt or has incorrect format.
Check the import file for any lines that are not in the correct format.
[22] Expecting '/' in template information line
The import file requires a slash mark (/) to separate a template prompt from
template information. The format of the line is:
Check the import file for at least one missing prompt/information slash mark
[23] Expecting tab or space
Check the import file for invalid characters where there should be a tab or a
space. For example, when specifying to Add (A), Delete (D) or Modify (M) an
address, there must either be spaces in columns 2 and 33, or the alias must
be separated from the address code (A, D, or M) and the address type by tabs.
[24] Template info not allowed for this address type
Check the import file for template information specified for an address that
does not support templates. The types of addresses that do not support
templates are: MCI, X400, SMTP, MHS, MSMAIL, and FAX. Remove any template
information that appears with addresses of these types.
[25] Physical address is too long
Check the import file for an address following an Add (A), Delete (D) or
Modify (M) code that exceeds the size limit.
[26] Error in physical address
There is an error in at least one address in the import file following an Add
(A), Delete (D) or Modify (M) code. The error is most likely in an MCI or FAX
address. Both of these types of addresses have carriage returns within the
address while the import file format requires the address to fit on one line.
The solution is to substitute different characters for the carriage return.
For FAX addresses in the import file, tildes (~) separate the four fields of
the physical address. The Import utility replaces these with carriage returns
before storing the address in the postoffice data files. For MCI addresses in
the import file, a space substitutes a carriage return-linefeed. The Import
utility inserts the required carriage return-linefeeds into the address
before storing it in the postoffice data files.
[27] Alias already exists
Check the import file for aliases following an Add (A) or a Modify (M) code
that already exists in one of the postoffice's address lists. All address
lists except for the Global Address List must have unique aliases.
[28] Duplicate alias in transaction queue
Check the import file for duplicate aliases destined for the same address
list in lines containing Add (A) or Modify (M) codes.
[29] Alias does not exist
Check the import file lines containing Delete (D) or Modify (M) codes for an
alias that does exist.
Additional query words:
Keywords :
Technology : kbMailSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbMailPCN300
Version : WINDOWS:3.0
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