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Q73289: MS-DOS 5 Working Disk Contents (3.5-Inch Disk Set)

Q73289: MS-DOS 5 Working Disk Contents (3.5-Inch Disk Set)

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Article: Q73289
Product(s): Microsoft Disk Operating System
Version(s): MS-DOS:5.0
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 21-NOV-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft MS-DOS operating system version 5.0 


The following are directory listings of the working disks created by using Setup
with the /F parameter (3.5-inch disks). (The first listing was obtained using
the DIR command with the /AH parameter to view the hidden system files.)


Disk 1

IO       SYS     33430 04-09-91   5:00a
MSDOS    SYS     37394 04-09-91   5:00a
       2 file(s)      70824 bytes
                     742912 bytes free

Volume in drive B is STARTUP
Volume Serial Number is 16D3-3C7D
Directory of B:\ 

ANSI     SYS      9029 04-09-91   5:00a
AUTOEXEC BAT        24 06-19-91   7:39a
COMMAND  COM     47845 04-09-91   5:00a
CONFIG   SYS        63 06-19-91   7:39a
COUNTRY  SYS     17069 04-09-91   5:00a
DEBUG    EXE     20634 04-09-91   5:00a
DISPLAY  SYS     15792 04-09-91   5:00a
DOSKEY   COM      5883 04-09-91   5:00a
EDLIN    EXE     12642 04-09-91   5:00a
EGA      CPI     58873 04-09-91   5:00a
EGA      SYS      4885 04-09-91   5:00a
EMM386   EXE     91742 04-09-91   5:00a
FASTOPEN EXE     12050 04-09-91   5:00a
FDISK    EXE     57224 04-09-91   5:00a
FORMAT   COM     32911 04-09-91   5:00a
HIMEM    SYS     11552 04-09-91   5:00a
KEYB     COM     14986 04-09-91   5:00a
KEYBOARD SYS     34697 04-09-91   5:00a
MEM      EXE     39818 04-09-91   5:00a
MIRROR   COM     18169 04-09-91   5:00a
MODE     COM     23537 04-09-91   5:00a
NLSFUNC  EXE      7052 04-09-91   5:00a
RAMDRIVE SYS      5873 04-09-91   5:00a
SETVER   EXE     12007 04-09-91   5:00a
SHARE    EXE     10912 04-09-91   5:00a
SMARTDRV SYS      8335 04-09-91   5:00a
SYS      COM     13440 04-09-91   5:00a
UNDELETE EXE     13924 04-09-91   5:00a
UNFORMAT COM     18576 04-09-91   5:00a
XCOPY    EXE     15804 04-09-91   5:00a
      30 file(s)     635348 bytes
                     742912 bytes free

Disk 2

Volume in drive B is SHELL
Volume Serial Number is 16D3-3D4A
Directory of B:\ 

DOSHELP  HLP      5651 04-09-91   5:00a
DOSSHELL COM      4623 04-09-91   5:00a
DOSSHELL EXE    235484 04-09-91   5:00a
DOSSHELL GRB      4421 04-09-91   5:00a
DOSSHELL HLP    161763 04-09-91   5:00a
DOSSHELL INI     12231 04-09-91   5:00a
DOSSHELL VID      9462 04-09-91   5:00a
DOSSWAP  EXE     18756 04-09-91   5:00a
EDIT     HLP     17898 04-09-91   5:00a
HELP     EXE     11473 04-09-91   5:00a
PACKING  LST      2587 04-09-91   5:00a
PRINT    EXE     15656 04-09-91   5:00a
QBASIC   HLP    130810 04-09-91   5:00a
RECOVER  EXE      9146 04-09-91   5:00a
      14 file(s)     639961 bytes
                     814592 bytes free

Disk 3

Volume in drive B is BASIC
Volume Serial Number is 16D3-3DE8
Directory of B:\ 

4201     CPI      6404 04-09-91   5:00a
4208     CPI       720 04-09-91   5:00a
5202     CPI       395 04-09-91   5:00a
APPEND   EXE     10774 04-09-91   5:00a
ASSIGN   COM      6399 04-09-91   5:00a
ATTRIB   EXE     15796 04-09-91   5:00a
BACKUP   EXE     36092 04-09-91   5:00a
CHKDSK   EXE     16200 04-09-91   5:00a
COMP     EXE     14282 04-09-91   5:00a
DISKCOMP COM     10652 04-09-91   5:00a
DISKCOPY COM     11793 04-09-91   5:00a
DRIVER   SYS      5409 04-09-91   5:00a
EDIT     COM       413 04-09-91   5:00a
FC       EXE     18650 04-09-91   5:00a
FIND     EXE      6770 04-09-91   5:00a
GORILLA  BAS     29434 04-09-91   5:00a
GRAFTABL COM     11205 04-09-91   5:00a
GRAPHICS COM     19694 04-09-91   5:00a
GRAPHICS PRO     21232 04-09-91   5:00a
LABEL    EXE      9390 04-09-91   5:00a
MONEY    BAS     46225 04-09-91   5:00a
MORE     COM      2618 04-09-91   5:00a
MSHERC   COM      6934 04-09-91   5:00a
NIBBLES  BAS     24103 04-09-91   5:00a
QBASIC   EXE    254799 04-09-91   5:00a
REMLINE  BAS     12314 04-09-91   5:00a
RESTORE  EXE     38294 04-09-91   5:00a
SORT     EXE      6938 04-09-91   5:00a
WINA20   386      9349 04-09-91   5:00a
      29 file(s)     653278 bytes
                     796672 bytes free

Disk 4

Volume in drive B is SUPPLEMENT
Volume Serial Number is 16D3-403C
Directory of B:\ 

APPNOTES TXT      9701 04-09-91   5:00a
EXE2BIN  EXE      8424 04-09-91   5:00a
EXPAND   EXE     14563 04-09-91   5:00a
JOIN     EXE     17870 04-09-91   5:00a
LCD      CPI     10753 04-09-91   5:00a
LOADFIX  COM      1131 04-09-91   5:00a
PRINTER  SYS     18804 04-09-91   5:00a
README   TXT     33655 04-09-91   5:00a
REPLACE  EXE     20226 04-09-91   5:00a
SUBST    EXE     18478 04-09-91   5:00a
TREE     COM      6901 04-09-91   5:00a
      11 file(s)     160506 bytes
                    1294336 bytes free

Additional query words: 5.00 noupd

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbMSDOSSearch kbMSDOS500
Version           : MS-DOS:5.0


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