You can directly edit the canvas that is being rendered by passing in a customDrawFunction. The custom draw function takes in an object with the following keys:
- values: an array of pixel values with each element representing one band
- context: the browser's context object
- x: how far from the left side of the canvas does drawing start
- y: how far from the top of the canvas does drawing start
- width: how wide in screen pixels is the rectangular representation of a raster pixel sampled from the original raster
- height: how tall in screen pixels is the rectangular representation of a raster pixel sampled from the original raster
- rasterX: how far from the left edge of the original raster in original raster pixels
- rasterY: how far from the top edge of the original raster in original raster pixels
- sampleX: how many samples in from the left of the available pixels. When reading from a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF, this is equivalent to number of pixels in from the left edge of the fetched pixels.
- sampleY: how many samples in from the top of the available pixels. When reading from a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF, this is equivalent to number of pixels in from the top edge of the fetched pixels.
- sampledRaster: only applicable when reading from a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF. This refers to the pixels fetched from the remote GeoTIFF.
Here's a rough example implementing drawing of wind direction arrows: and the source code for it.
You can turn on extra console logging for debugging purposes by setting the debugLevel to 1 or greater.
new GeoRasterLayer({
debugLevel: 1
The default builds of GeoRasterLayer include support for nearly all projections. Of course, this increases the total build size of the library by a lot, specifically from about 54kb to 311kb. If you don't want this built-in support, you can use the lite version of the library, which is found at ./dist/georaster-layer-for-leaflet.lite.min.js
. This means you'll want to do const GeoRasterLayer = require('georaster-layer-for-leaflet/dist/georaster-layer-for-leaflet.lite.min.js')
or import GeoRasterLayer from 'georaster-layer-for-leaflet/dist/georaster-layer-for-leaflet.lite.min.js
when loading the library. If you are building GeoRasterLayer from source and using webpack, consider using null-loader, which is what we use in our webpack.config.js.