Implements webmention.
Web UI for posting content and receiving mentions.
- Autolinkify.
- Maybe markdown?
Each blog page will have a small JS script that imports the approved webmentions for that page.
System also triggers outgoing webmentions.
Also for blog content by looking at the Atom feed.
Data for webmentions is stored in Google Cloud Datastore.
- For each entry we need to store the list of approved and rejected webmentions, and if we sent webmentions for that URL yet.
- Stored by target url, i.e. the bitworking.org permalink.
type WebMebmention struct { Sent bool Mentions []string }
- Start with handling webmentions for the Atom feed.
- Poll Atom feed.
- Look up each Source [link] and [updated] value in GS.
- If not present, or updated doesn't match, then emit webmentions for each Target found in the Source and write state to GS.
- Serve webmention endpoint.
- Collect unverified webmentions.
- Periodically verify webmentions, at which point they become untriaged webmentions.
- Serve web page for triaging webmentions.
- Serve endpoint that displays approved webmentions for a given path.
- Keep an lru cache of such results.
- Add inline script to display approved webmentions to blog template.