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A community powered list of programs that work (and those that don't) on the Windows subsystem for Linux. The official Microsoft repository for filing bugs, etc., is located at Microsoft's BashOnWindows repo. This repo complements the offical one by providing a quick reference for how well programs run.

Please feel free to contribute programs you have tested to the table below. If you need help with the markdown, please review this markdown primer from gamejolt.

To contribute, please make a Pull Request; I will merge if it looks good! If you have never made a pull request, it is fast and easy. Please check out the Github documentation.

Then add your program below!

If you need to add more details about a program, add a + symbol to its name and add it to the file.

Important Note

Because this list is community powered, the maintainer does not hold any responsibility for the accuracy of the contents of this repository. Your mileage may vary.

The list:

Program Name apt name Functionality rating (0-5) website Notes Windows Build #
ADB 2 Installs; see this image for example, requires adb on Windows too.
Anaconda 4 Simple commands work after getting listed WSL build, symlinks issue has been fixed 14393
Apache server apache2 2 Must use a loopback for networking, buggy
Apache SINGA 4 Only CPU version is supported.
apt 5 Works fine 16299.19
apt-fast 3 ilikenwf/apt-fast Simple commands work. Needs more testing 15063.138
archey 3 djmelik/archey Works for the most part, but displays disk usage incorrectly 15063.138
aria2c aria2 3 Does not resolve domains, must use IP addresses. Possibly c-ares related 14901.1000
arp arp 0 /proc/net/arp: No such file or directory
arp-scan arp-scan 0 link_open: Address family not supported by protocol
atom atom 0 Does not install, causes apt and dpkg to lock up trying to install 16275
bash+ 3 Most functionality exists but there are problems with scripts
blackfire blackfire-agent 5 16299.15
byobu 3 Need to toggle the byobu charmap (run /usr/lib/byobu/include/toggle-utf8 or export BYOBU_CHARMAP=x ; . ~/.bashrc). Status bar occasionally disappears. 14901.1000
c-ares libc-ares2 0 c-ares/c-ares Does not resolve domains to ip addresses. 14901.1000
cargo 4 rust-lang/cargo Correctly recognizes and downloads dependencies on basic projects. Needs testing with larger projects. 14393.67
curl 4 curl/curl curl -sS tested
chromium-bsu 0 Completely Fails to Launch
composer 5 doesn't seem to have issues, but could use more test.
cmake 4 Seems to work perfectly, though more testing needed.
Coq 4 Installed without issue, needs more testing. 14393
docker 3 Using Docker for Windows it's possible to get the client working in WSL using the instructions here
Electron (and any apps based on it) 3 Some apps will install, but not run. Some will not install at all. Any app that uses Chrome 53 or later as it's backend should in theory work, no promises 16275
emacs 5 with latest WSL and Ubuntu Xenial works great in terminal mode and over X. 16251
firefox firefox 5 Runs, without reporting any errors whatsoever. 15063
fish 5 works fine
fortune 5 wikipedia - Fortune works fine
fsharp 4 Installed without issue, needs more testing. To use fsi (F# Interactive) fsharpi 14393
gazebo 3 Very laggy tested. Requries X11 server like VcXsrv and setting a few environment variables
gcc build-essential 4 Runs as expected, more testing needed 16299.19
gedit gedit 5 Works just fine after X Server configuration. Will throw some Dbus errors, but doesn't seem to affect performance. Can read and write files to Linux and Windows 16275
ghc ghc 4 Haskell on Bash Needs more tests 15031
gimp gimp 5 gimp Seems to work just fine. Can read and write files to both Linux and Windows. Xming freezes, VcXsrv works fine 16275
git 4 requires more testing, Basics work (clone, pull, push, fetch commit). Diff has some errors 16299.19
GNOME Web epiphany-browser 4 How-to Works fine but the video is choppy 14393
golang golang-go 3 Golang golang-go gets 1.6 which is not the latest version. Needs more testing 15031 (Xenial)
gparted 4 Window opens and can be interacted with, but it can't find any devices.
grep 4 wikipedia - grep WARNING: PASSWORD MAY BE SHOWN IN PLAINTEXT;requires more testing see this issue for more.
haxe 5 Haxe Foundation PPA Compiles programs correctly, haxelib works fine too
heroku 5 Heroku CLI Installs and works as expected, tested app listing, logs, setting config
htop 5 Works as expected, though only lists processes running under WSL, not under Windows. CPU and Memory usage stats are accurate. 16299.19
i3 4 Works fine under VcXsrv Server without -multiwindow command line option. Added export DISPLAY=:0 to .bashrc 15063.138
ifconfig 4 wikipedia - ifconfig Seems to work fine 15063.138
ip 4 man ip Seems to work fine 15063.138
ircii 5 Seems to work Flawlessly
irssi 5 Seems to work flawlessly
iwconfig 0 Unable to Access Network Interfaces (Should be localhost for all connections)
java 8 2 Runs at minimum, seems to have some functionality at least
java 7 2 Seems to work well, if laggy.
Jupyter Notebook 5 Seems to work well. Requires a browser such as FireFox.
kakoune 5 Works great, needs to be built from source
krita krita 0 Cannot connect to X server (tested with Xming). Further testing required.
ltrace ltrace 5 Seems to work Flawlessly
lua lua5.2 3 Lua Just tested with interpreter. Needs more tests 15031 (Xenial)
lynx 5 seems to work entirely
mount 2 man mount unable to mount iso/cd-rom files
Maude 4 Installed without issue, needs more testing
make 3 basic scripts working, needs more extensive testing. Tabbing for commands gets broken pipe
Meteor 5 Seems to work just fine. Can build and serve apps, create apps, and reads and writes to Windows and Linux 16275
Metasploit 4 Seems to work as expected.
MLton 0 BSOD 14393
Mongo Client 4 Works well connecting to mongod windows service
Mono mono-complete 4 Supported (more info). Instructions added to official documentation. Use 4.2 for now or 4.6 when released (4.4 has issues)
Minecraft 0 Crashes during boot with an error from OpenAL - Known Issue
Minecraft Launcher 3 Seems to work correctly, but is incredibly laggy.
mysql 4 Seems to work flawlessly 15063.138
mtr 0 wikipedia - mtr doesn't run
nano 4 Functions and displays correctly 16299.19
nasm 4 more testing needed
nethack 4 Need to run it from the /usr/games directory with "./nethack" and the default config it runs has numpad turned off so you have to use the unintuitive: y k u h l b j n
nginx+ 4 Can't bind to IPv6 15063.138
nmap 0 AF_Netsock options not implemented #1349
node.js nodejs 4 Seems to work fine. Runs the React VR hello world project perfectly. 15063.138
nuget 3 requires more testing
npm 4 some packages fail due to permissions - Default version is VERY old.
nvm 5 nvm Script to install newer versions of NPM and NodeJS.
OCaml 4 Works fine with Core, needs more testing. 15063.540
octave 3 GNU Octave GUI opens with X11, command line calculations are fine, plotting has libgl errors
OpenCoarrays 4 Installed from source but needs more testing. See the OpenCoarrays install instructions for more details
OpenRCT2 0 Fails with errors to do with Sharing Memory with X, Possibly due to VcXsrv.
ping 1 man ping Works if run as admin (not root), otherwise fails with ping: icmp open socket: Socket type not supported
pip+ 0 DO NOT INSTALL with --fix-missing. Breaks apt. See documentation
php5-cli 4 Working, needs more testing
php7.0 4 Installed without issue, needs more testing
python 5 Works even for very difficult and memory intensive workloads such as compiling PyPy 14366
pypy 5 Works even when translating itself 14366
qpidd 0 man qpidd Starting the daemon fails with a socket error: "critical Unexpected error: Can't bind to port Invalid argument (qpid/sys/posix/Socket.cpp:206)"
R r-base 4 devtools, doParallel and foreach works. May be numerically a little different from other system. More tests needed. 14393
rbenv 4 rbenv/rbenv works for the most part, but permissions of folders are wrong after installing (world writable), spawning warnings when running e.g. Rubygems 14366
reboot 0 man reboot Unable to shutdown system.
redis 4 Redis Able to start server and interact with built-client. Did part of tutorial and worked great. 15031 (Xenial)
rmw 5 rmw Remove to waste. Safely remove files to a trash folder from the cli.
rsync 4 works with ssh tunneling and with same file system. Needs more testing
ruby 4 works for Sinatra and Rails development using C extension gems for the most part, but rails new testapp works with WeBrick (the default), but hangs with thin 14986
rustc 4 Can compile basic programs. Needs testing with more complex programs 14393.67
Sage Math 4 Able to do a good portion of the Sage Math tutorial. There is a RunTime warning but does not stop Sage from working 15031
scp 5 man scp works for both remote to local and local to remote transfers.
screen 4 Already installed. Simple fix needed. 15063 (Xenial)
sed 4 didn't test all options, but everything I tested worked fine.
SMLNJ 0 Installed. Will not start correctly. 14393
SNMP Tools snmp 5 Seems to work fine 15063.138
sqlite 4 File locking is broken, which can lead to database corruption
ssh 5 wikipedia - ssh ssh works as expected
ssh-keygen ssh 4 man ssh-keygen -t rsa working
strace strace 5 Seems to work Flawlessly
sudo 5 wikipedia - sudo appears to be working as expected 16299.19
SWI-Prolog 4 Installed without issue, needs more testing. See: (Installing from PPA (Ubuntu Personal Package Archive)) 14393
swift 3 Everything except interactive shell works
tail 3 man tail Will tail files, but 'follow' (-f) reports "tail: unrecognized file system type 0x53464846"
tcc 3 tcc run and scripted "#!/usr/bin/tcc -run" files work correctly
telnet 4 wikipedia - telnet Further testing required
tensorflow 4 tensorflow/tensorflow See Scott Hanselman's post
tesseract-ocr 4 tesseract-ocr/tesseract No problems with command line usage
texlive 5 No problems so far 14366
tmux 4 tmux/tmux Works well for the most part, mouse mode doesn't seem to work 14366
torproject tor 5 Tor is a free software that prevents people from learning your location or browsing habits by letting you communicate anonymously on the Internet. 14393
ufw 0 Fails with an error about iptables 15063.138
useradd 4 man useradd Users can be added but /etc/skel profile logout and bashrc files but no default directories
usermod 5 man usermod Seems to work correctly
vim+ 3 vim/vim Will open and edit Window files it cannot create new files. Can create new linux files. Issues with colorschemes. Plugins don't work. Panes, buffers, and registers appear to be working correctly.
Visual Studio Code code && code-insider 2 Visual Studio Code Will install, but does not launch due to issues relating to Google Chrome with WSL. See: #758 Update: #2293 16275
vsftpd 3 ? Not installed with apt
wget 3 Simple commands work. Have only run basic commands
wireshark 5 wireshark Works just as expected
xfce4-terminal 5 Seems to work Perfectly 15063
startxfce4 (and all subsequent programs) 5 Everything seems to work, I didn't find anything wrong with it. 15063
xorg 4 Requires Configuration and an X server on Windows
yarn 3 Works mostly fine. Sometimes really slow due to Windows Defender (whitelisting helps). Global package installations are not always working properly. wsl performance problems yarn issue
yum 0 doesn't work at all. will segfault on yum, hangs indefinitely with yum install
youtube-dl 5 Works Perfectly
zsh 4 Simple commands work after getting listed WSL build, also checked oh-my-zsh 14393