// ==UserScript== // @name WME TX DOT Planning // @namespace https://github.com/jangliss/WMETXDOTPlanning/blob/master/WMETXDOTPlanning.user.js // @version 0.0.10 // @description Redirect WME location to TXDOT FC Map // @author Jonathan Angliss // @include https://www.txdot.gov/* // @include https://txdot.gov/* // @include https://js.arcgis.com/* // @include /^https:\/\/(www|beta)\.waze\.com\/(?!user\/)(.{2,6}\/)?editor\/?.*$/ // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* == ChangeLog == 0.0.10 - Updates for new TXDOT FC Map 0.0.9 - Call new init not old one. 0.0.8 - Fixing Waze changes. 0.0.7 - Fix for Waze object changes 0.0.6 - Fix URLs as TXDOT has moved to https 0.0.5 - Fix for missing / in the editor URLs 0.0.4 - Adjust code to handle new localizations options in URL. 0.0.3 - Move to www.txdot.gov - Add code to check for map loading instead of depending on timer (handles slower connections) 0.0.2 - Use timer after code change on txdot.gov 0.0.1 - Initial build. */ // debugger; function TXDOTP_WME_Init() { var location = $('div.location-info-region'); if (location.length === 0) { setTimeout(TXDOTP_WME_Init, 1000); return; } location.after('
'); var outURL = 'https://www.txdot.gov/apps/statewide_mapping/StatewidePlanningMap.html?location=