Spring Boot, Kafka, Zookeeper, Kafdrop, Spring Data/JPA, MySQL, Rest API
Single topic per individual platform .
Kafka as a traditional message broker.
Single topic to all platforms .
Different clientType value attribute. To be processed separately using recordFilterStrategy.
Use Cases(Address creation)
Improve the speed of synchronizing customer information in a typical Insurance domain.
In the Insurance domain, multiple platforms are able to update customer information, like addresses:
Website application
Life400 - mainframe
Use Kafka to receive and process all ADDRESS creation from multiple platforms and process to the downstream services.
Introduced address_transaction table which will be referred by the consumers.
Kafka as traditional message broker.
One topic per platform
One producer endpoint per platform/topic.
One consumer listener per platform/topic.
Sample High-level architecture diagram
Kafka single topic with consumer using recordFilterStrategy.
One topic for all platforms with different clientType.
One producer endpoint to all platforms.
One consumer listener per platform clientType by using recordFilterStrategy.
containerFactory = "allPlatformSalesforceFactory"
containerFactory = "allPlatformWebsiteFactory"
containerFactory = "allPlatformLife400Factory"
Sample High-level architecture diagram
Prerequisites on running this project:
Install Java 11(Needed by Kafkdrop - kafka message viewer).
Install Docker Desktop.
JMeter - for testing.
Tech stack and services in kafka-project.
Kafkdrop - kafka message viewer
kafka-producer service
kafka-consumer service
address-service - services to process consume messages
MySql - to save all transactions
Steps in running kafka-project.
Checkout the project in Github.
Go the project directory.
Install kafka-project services.
Start kafka-project services.
View Kafdrop on the browser using the below URL.
Testing kafka-project locally.
Copy the JMeter script to JMeter bin directory.
JMeter script - kafka-project/_external_files/kafka-producer-v1.jmx
JMeter bin - < JMeter path> /bin
cp < JMeter script> < JMeter bin>
Open JMeter interface. No need to run in non-GUI mode.
cd < JMeter bin>
Execute JMeter script.
View Kafka messages using Kafdrop.
View the address records.
Setup MySQL client.
Verify the data.