An extension of ENS (Ethereum Name Service) to support geographically specific query resolution. More background and details are available here.
EIP 2390 (Ethereum Improvement Proposal) was submitted as an ERC specification.
Deployment credentials not stored in this repository. To deploy, store deployment mnemonic in a file called .mnemonic and infura credentials in .infuraid and .infurakey.
Follow guide
- Make sure the account has money.
Create an account.
geth --testnet account new --datadir /mnt/md0/eth/
Start geth.
geth --testnet --syncmode fast --rpc --rpcapi eth,net,web3,personal --rpccorsdomain="*" --allow-insecure-unlock --datadir /mnt/md0/eth/
Truffle is set up to use the account defined by ./.mnmonic.
See for more.
Get some test ether from a faucet then run.
truffle migrate --network <local|localrop|ropsten>
Truffle will NOT deploy new contracts each time you run test. It stores the last deployed contract address in the build artifact json. Note that test file paths can be appended to the command to run specific tests.
truffle test --network <local|localrop|ropsten>