This repository will track the decisions and modifications introduce in the NG Platform solution at the architecture level. This includes a matrix of containers and corresponding technical requirements.
All the resources in this repository are linked to make the content browsable. A good place to start is the System Level 2 diagram System Level 1
No installation required. This repo is based on simple Asciidoc files and plantuml diagrams.
This is the running plantuml/graphviz version used for rendering
@startuml testdot @enduml
Additional plantuml tools used:
For Control Plane links use "-[#control_plane]→" line style dashed
For User Plane links use "-[#user_plane]→" line style bold
For Control Plane links use "-[#mng_plane]→" line style dotted
For encrypted links use "-[#encrypted]→" red color
For unencrypted links use "-[#green]→" green color
For synchronous links use "-→>" notation
For asynchronous links use "-→" notation
Links should use a meaningful label describing the main role of the link
Links should end with "[<protocol>]" eg: HTTP, SS7, Diameter, gRPC..
Public exposed containers will be highlighted with red line covering "#line:public_expose". this is mapped to red color
clustering mode active/active "AA" active/passive "AP"
Clustering escalation: static "S", dynamic "D"
Number of instances: min-max
Number of AvailabilityZones: N
Number of Regions: N
The organization manages architecture through 4 different resources:
Diagrams: Provided System Level 1 and Level 2 diagrams
NFRs: A formal definition of tech requirements that will be linked to containers later.
Container Description: Contains basic metadata about the container, and the NFR compliance matrix.
ADRs: The log of ADR records as defined in [ADR](
Each NFR is defined by using a set of metadata which establish the template
Name |
Values |
Explanation |
Level |
This is the requirement level |
Risk |
This is the risk associated to not complying with the NFR |
Priority |
This is the priority to implement the NFR in relation to other NFRs. This is useful for corresponding component team to plan their backlog for NFR compliance |
Domain |
NFR are classified in different sets called domains |
Container is anything that needs to be running in order to implement a component. This includes data stores, balancers, gateways, and service logic containers. Low level infrastructure such as VPC, Transit Gateway, NATs gateway are not included as part of this repository. Each container is defined by using a set of metadata which establish the template
Name |
Values |
Explanation |
Role |
It helps to understand the main function of the container |
Vendor |
It tells whether the Container is delivered either in-house, or AWS, or another third party. |
Infra Ownership |
It tells whether the container infrastructure is provided in-house hence OWNED, or is provided by a third party FULlY_MANAGED |
Public exposure |
It tells whether the container is exposed to some external network. This is a hint to evaluate NFR applicability |
Deployment Region |
It tells whether the component is designed to be deployed in the central EU region, or replicated in different regions for Local Breakout purposes |
Module |
Identifies which module within the NG platform solution this container belongs to |
Component |
Identifies which component within the NG platform solution this container belongs to |
The Architecture Decision Record helps to track the changes into the NG Platform architecture.
Name |
Explanation |
Title |
short present tense imperative phrase, less than 50 characters |
Context |
what is the issue that we’re seeing that is motivating this decision or change |
Decision |
what is the change that we’re actually proposing or doing |
Consequences |
what becomes easier or more difficult to do because of this change |
In order to facilitate searching the content the asciidoc documents are marked with special labels based on the template metadata. Find the table below explaining available labels:
NFR Record Table
Label |
Explanation |
Allows filtering the search to NFR records only |
NFR_LEVEL_<level> |
Allows filtering the NFRs under a given level |
NFR_RISK_<risk> |
Allows filtering the NFRs under a given risk |
NFR_PRIORITY_<priority> |
Allows filtering the NFRs under a given priority |
NFR_DOMAIN_<domain> |
Allows filtering the NFRs under a given domain |
Container Record Table
Label |
Explanation |
Allows filtering the search to Container records only |
MODULE_<module> |
Allows filtering the Containers under a given module |
COMPONENT_<component> |
Allows filtering the Containers under a given risk |
ROLE_<role> |
Allows filtering the Containers under a given role |
VENDOR_<vendor> |
Allows filtering the Containers under a given domain |
EXPOSURE_<exposure> |
Allows filtering the Containers under a given exposure |
REGION_<dep region> |
Allows filtering the Containers under a given region |
INFRA_<infra> |
Allows filtering the Containers under a given infra model |
ADR Record Table
Label |
Explanation |
Allows filtering the search to ADR records only |
MODULE_<module> |
Allows filtering the ADR impacting a given module |
COMPONENT_<component> |
Allows filtering ADR impacting a given component |
Thanks to Confluence advanced search we can use the repo to make queries. Find below a couple of useful queries. Notice Confluence is turning the keywords into lowercase.
You can freely combine text and labels with generic url:<free text>&spaces=1CP&ancestor=3924852831&type=page&labels=<label> <label>
From version 1.12.8 each commit to main will extract medatadata about nfrs and containers and push it to a DB (AWS DocumentDB/MongoDB). Per component Reports will be generated based on queries. In addition, the DB is available to support any query at any time. The API is reachable at "<version>/nfrs|containers". This API is based on this AWS article
There are two collections available called "nfrs" and "containers" correspondingly. NFRs collection document looks like this
Containers collection document looks like this:
"nfrs" : [
The collections allow GET operation to perform queries with given query params:
"filter": mongodb expression as in 'filter={"keywords": {"$all":["COMPONENT_PGW"]}}'
"projection": mongodb expresion a in 'projection={"_id": 0, "title": 1}'
Containers collection has a special GET mode to do join queries with NFRs collection:
"filter": mongodb expression as in 'filter={"keywords": {"$all":["COMPONENT_PGW"]}}'. Applied first thing in aggregate pipeline
"nfr_filter" mongodb expression as in 'nfr_filter={"$and" : [{"nfrRelated.keywords": {"$all":["NFR_LEVEL_MANDATORY", "MILESTONE_FUT"]}}, {"nfrs.applicability" : "APPLICABLE"}]}' . Applied right after the nfr lookup join.
"group": mongodb field name to use as group. Example 'group=nfrs.applicability'. Special value "NONE" will disable grouping
Following is a list of examples: +* Search containers implementation status for NFR-01-0001 under component SDM
All the content is linked using asciidoc anchors with relative paths, to allow navigation throughout the content.Please always try to introduce as much linking as possible:
Writing NFR There is a NFR template you may use to fork new requirements. The ID just follows an easy convention TR-<seqNum>.
Writing Container Matrices There is a Container Template you may use to fork new containers. The file should be named with container id. Containers should provide links ,.,mto corresponding diagrams and requirements.
Creating Diagrams45use plantuml. Please link to other resources correspondingly. In particular diagrams should link to container resources.
ADR records We use [ADR]( Please link to other resources correspondingly.
Any change in architecture should be introduced through regular Git workflow, using separate branch, and PR. Only when PR is approved, the merge into master will happen.