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Update Frames

Jahir Fiquitiva edited this page Feb 19, 2023 · 40 revisions

Frames is regularly updated with new features and improvements. See the frames constant in buildSrc/src/main/java/Versions.kt to check what Frames version youʼre using.

const val frames = "..."

Compare it to the latest version: . To update Frames, follow the steps listed in the section below. If a specific version is not present in the section below, all you have to do is change the value of the frames constant in buildSrc/src/main/java/Versions.kt. Remember not to skip versions. That is, if updating from 3.4.4 to 3.4.6, first update to 3.4.5, then to 3.4.6.

Keep in mind that when copying changes from a commit or set of commits linked in the section below, you can skip any edits made to MyApp.kt and build.yml.

How to Update

Frames 3.5.1

Copy all the changes from these commits.

And make sure to update the Gradle configuration in Android Studio like this:

Frames 3.5.0

Copy all the changes from these commits.

Frames 3.4.9

We found an error in this release and therefore removed it. If youʼre updating from version 3.4.8 or older, skip version 3.4.9 entirely and see above for how to update to version 3.5.0. If you updated to version 3.4.9 while it was available, we recommend you update to version 3.5.0. See above for how to do so, but keep in mind that youʼve already applied most of the changes required. Youʼll only have to change Versions.kt.

Frames 3.4.8

Copy all changes from this commit.

Frames 3.4.7

Copy all changes from this commit.

Frames 3.4.6

Copy all changes from this commit. You can ignore the changes in the .idea folder.

Frames 3.4.5

Copy all changes from this commit.

Frames 3.4.4

Copy all changes from this commit.

Frames 3.4.3

Copy all changes from this commit.

Frames 3.4.2

Copy all changes from this comparison.

Frames 3.3.7

Copy all changes from this commit.

Frames 3.3.5

Copy all changes from this commit.

Frames 3.3.4

Copy all changes from this commit.

Frames 3.3.3

Copy all changes from this commit.

Frames 3.3.1

Copy all changes from this commit.

Frames 3.2.1

Copy all changes from this commit.

Frames 3.1.3

Copy all changes from this commit.

Frames 3.1.2:

Review the settings in /app/src/main/res/values/dashboard_setup.xml.

Frames 3.0.4

Copy all changes from the following commits: 1, 2, 3.


If youʼre using Frames 2, see here for how to update. We recommend you switch to Frames 3.