This plugin allows for Android phonegap applications to receive push notifications from the Push Service.
- channel - The parse push channel to subscribe this device to */ window.plugins.parsePushNotifications.subscribe(channel);
- channel - The parse push channel to unsubscribe this device from */ window.plugins.parsePushNotifications.unsubscribe(channel);
- callback - function that will be called with one bool parameter indicating whether or not the app was launched via a notification */ window.plugins.parsePushNotifications.isAppLaunchedFromNotification(function(launchedFromNotification){ ... });
- callback - function with parameters
channel - the Parse push channel that sent the notification
data - data object containing any extra data sent with the notification
*/ window.plugins.parsePushNotifications.getNotificationInfo(function(channel, data){ ... });
window.addEventListener("deviceready", function(){ window.plugins.parsePushNotifications.isAppLaunchedFromNotification(function(launchedFromNotification){ if(launchedFromNotification){ window.plugins.parsePushNotifications.getNotificationInfo(function(channel, data){ //Notification launch logic. Use channel and data to do deep linking, etc. }); } else { //normal app launch logic } }); }, false);
cordova plugin add
In (PROJECT_ROOT)\plugins\jaeger.ParsePushNotifications\src\android\ and (PROJECT_ROOT)\platforms\android\src\org\apache\cordova\plugin\ do the following:
In the onCreate method, Replace PARSE_APPLICATION_ID and PARSE_CLIENT_KEY with the corresponding keys from your Parse application dashboard
In (PROJECT_ROOT)\platforms\android\AndroidManifest.xml, add the following attribute to your tag
NOTE: If your application already contains a class that extends Application, you will have to merge your existing class with ParseApplication to make one class and update your AndroidManifest.xml accordingly.