title | description | tagline | button_text | button_link | layout |
RAPIDS + Plotly Dash |
Learn How to Use RAPIDS with Plotly Dash |
Build Web Applications With Dash |
Plotly Dash |
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![Placeholder]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link /assets/images/Plotly_Dash_logo.png %}){: .projects-logo}
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Plotly’s Dash{: target="_blank"} enables Data Science teams to focus on the data and models, while producing and sharing enterprise-ready analytic apps that sit on top of RAPIDS-accelerated Python dataframes. What would typically require a team of back-end developers, front-end developers, and IT can all be done by Data Science teams with Dash. {: .subtitle}
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{: .section-title-full}
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Before Dash, it would take an entire team of engineers and designers to create interactive analytics apps. Dash apps require very little boilerplate to get started. A fully-functional analytics app can weigh in at just 40 lines of Python code.
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Every aesthetic element of a Dash app is customizable and rendered in the web so you can employ the full power of CSS.
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Dash links interactive UI controls and displays, like sliders, dropdown menus, and graphs, to your data analytics code, giving you hands-on input for your data views.
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![viz app]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link /assets/images/RAPIDS-Dash-App.png %}){: .full-image-center}
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Read how straightforward it is to integrate RAPIDS libraries like cuDF with a Plotly Dash App on the Making Of Census Viz Blog Post{: target="_blank"}.
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Explore the code for the Plotly Dash + RAPIDS 2010 Census Visualization{: target="_blank"} and its Covid-19 Branch{: target="_blank"} on GitHub.
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Learn more about the partnership with RAPIDS and future plans on this Blog Post Announcement{: target="_blank"}.
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{: .section-title-halfs} Get started with Dash by checking out the Plotly example gallery and comprehensive documentation.
Install Dash via pip or conda Find details here{: target="_blank"}.
Read the Plotly 1.0 launch article{: target="_blank"} from 2019 or rewind back to 2017 for the essay that kicked everything off{: target="_blank"}.
See what’s possible with Dash at the App Gallery{: target="_blank"}.
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{: .section-subtitle-top-1} The Dash tutorial{: target="_blank"} walks you through how to create an app, from layout to callbacks.
Members of the Dash community share what they’ve build in the Community Forum{: target="_blank"}.
Read a comprehensive list of articles and more on Medium{: target="_blank"}, or view some of the highlighted articles below:
Pattern-Matching Callbacks in Dash{: target="_blank"}
Productionize Object Detection Models with Dash Enterprise{: target="_blank"}
Develop NLP Visualizations for clear, immediate insights into text data and outputs{: target="_blank"}
Understanding Word Embedding Arithmetic: Why there’s no single answer to “King − Man + Woman = ?”{: target="_blank"}
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Dash is comprised of several component libraries suited for a variety of use cases. See the overview below. {: .subtitle}
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Dash is a web application framework that provides pure Python abstraction around HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Instead of writing HTML or using an HTML templating engine, you compose your layout using Python structures with the dash-html-components library.
Learn More {: target="_blank"}
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Dash DataTable is an interactive table component designed for viewing, editing, and exploring large datasets. DataTable is rendered with standard, semantic HTML
markup, which makes it accessible, responsive, and easy to style.Learn More {: target="_blank"}
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Dash DAQ comprises a robust set of controls that make it simpler to integrate data acquisition and controls into your Dash applications.
Learn More {: target="_blank"}
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Dash ships with supercharged components for interactive user interfaces. A core set of components, written and maintained by the Dash team, is available in the dash-core-components library.
Learn More {: target="_blank"}
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Dash Bio is a suite of bioinformatics components that make it simpler to analyze and visualize bioinformatics data and interact with them in a Dash application.
Learn More {: target="_blank"}
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Dash Cytoscape is a graph visualization component for creating easily customizable, high-performance, interactive, and web-based networks.
Learn More {: target="_blank"}
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