title | description | tagline | button_text | button_link | layout |
RAPIDS Branding and Guides |
RAPIDS logos, style guides, and brand guidelines |
Branding and Guides |
default |
{% capture brand_left %}
{: .section-title-halfs} This page contains useful guides, assets, fonts{: target="_blank"}, and themes to help you style RAPIDS communications consistently and clearly.
We welcome citations! If you use RAPIDS in a publication, please use citations in the following format (BibTeX entry for LaTeX):
title = {RAPIDS: Collection of Libraries for End to End GPU Data Science},
author = {RAPIDS Development Team},
year = {2018},
url = {https://rapids.ai},
{: .padding-bottom-3em }
A concise visual guide on the colors, fonts, and layouts to best apply the RAPIDS style. {: .no-tb-margins } [Get style guide PDF ]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link /assets/files/rapids-style-guide-2019-r8-web.pdf %}){: target="_blank"} {: .padding-bottom-3em }
An easy to use RAPIDS theme for Jupyter Notebooks. {: .no-tb-margins } [Get theme 'custom.css' ]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link /assets/files/custom.css %}){: target="_blank"}
{: .no-tb-margins }
from IPython.core.display import HTML
import urllib.request
response = urllib.request.urlopen('https://rapids.ai/assets/files/custom.css')
CSSstyle = '<style>' + response.read().decode("utf-8") + ' </style>'
{% endcapture %}
{% capture brand_right %}
{: .section-subtitle-top-1} High resolution SVG files, right click to save. {: .padding-bottom-3em }
High resolution PNG files, right click to save. {: .padding-bottom-3em }
High resolution background SVG file, right click to save. {: .padding-bottom-3em }
RAPIDS colors for easy reference. {: .no-tb-margins }
{% endcapture %}
{% include section-halfs.html background="background-white" padding-top="1em" padding-bottom="10em" content-left-half=brand_left content-right-half=brand_right %}
{% include slopecap.html background="background-darkpurple" position="top" slope="up" %} {% include cta-footer.html name="Try Data Science on GPUs with RAPIDS" tagline="" button="LEARN MORE" link="https://medium.com/rapids-ai" %}