###User Stories
- Prompts that guide the development of a product
- Not a specification, but a communication and collaboration tool — part of the conversation between the product manager and the development team
- Short statements written on cards
#####Epic vs. Small-Scale Stories
- “Epic” stories involve looking at the product on a macro scale, and will include a series of micro user stories — starting with epics is good for capturing the full scope of a project
- Smaller-scale stories are more detailed and literal experiences the user will have with the product/site
#####Writing a User Story
- As a [role], I want [goal/desire], so that [benefit].
- Example: As a game player I want to get push notifications when I have more lives so that I know when I can play the game again.
- It can be useful to create "personas" of people who may be using the product, and imagine their user stories.
#####Testing the Story
- Acceptance criteria describes the conditions that have to be fulfilled so that the story is done, making the story testable