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Jabran Rafique edited this page Apr 9, 2015 · 12 revisions

API ReferenceFacebook


Facebook SDK can be setup using following method and settings:

 * Setup Facebook SDK
 * @param Object settings
 * @return Object
new Socialmedia.Facebook( settings );

The settings object is made of following parameters:

Required parameter

 * Facebook APP ID
 * @type: String|Numeric String
 * @default: NULL
 * @throws: Error
appid: '0123456789'

Optional parameters

 * Enable/disable SDK to check
 * user login status itself
 * @type: Boolean
 * @default: false
status: false

 * Enable/disable XFBML
 * XFBML parses & renders Facebook elements in app
 * @type: Boolean
 * @default: true
xfbml: true

 * Enable/disable cookies for session storage
 * @type: Boolean
 * @default: true
cookie: true

 * Enable/disable Frictionless requests
 * @type: Boolean
 * @default: false
requests: false

 * Load specific Facebook SDK version
 * @type: String
 * @default: Latest
version: 'v2.2'

 * Enable/disable debug mode with uncompressed version
 * @type: Boolean
 * @default: false
debug: false

 * Facebook Canvas autogrow on content update
 * @type: Boolean
 * @default: true
autogrow: true

 * Channel URL for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
 * @type: String
 * @default: NULL
channel: ''

 * Asynchronous callback function
 * Any methods that rely on Facebook SDK must
 * be called using this callback function as it
 * runs asynchronously after Facebook SDKs are loaded.
 * This function runs FB.getLoginStatus in background
 * and returns a Graph API Object with current user status
 * @type: Function
 * @param: Graph API Object response
 * @default: Function
callback: function(response) {}


socialmedia exposes following API for Facebook platform:

Next: Twitter

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