Welcome and thank you for contributing to the Intelligence Community UI Kit. This guide will take you through the technical considerations for contributing.
Table of contents
The Intelligence Community Design System (ICDS) has adopted the Contributor Covenant. Please familiarise yourself with our full conduct principles.
To find out more about the different types of contributions, the criteria or our release roadmap, read how to contribute to the Design System and UI Kit
You can help us speed up the development of our Design System by contributing new components and patterns, making improvements to existing ones or raising bugs.
Before getting started, please check our Github issues page to check whether a similar bug or suggestion already exists. If not, create a ticket with as much information as possible. The working group will triage your ticket and get back to you. The working group meet on a fortnightly basis to review new tickets, but important bugs will be reviewed sooner.
As part of our vision for the Intelligence Community UI Kit, our aim is to provide a rich set of professionally designed, framework agnostic components, which will allow development teams to build highly accessible and consistent applications. In order to achieve this, we have built our component library using Stencil.
Each component has its own directory which can be found in ./packages/web-components/src/components
. Feel free to review the current components and familiarise yourself with the Stencil syntax.
Node 16+ is required to build and run the codebase.
If you would like to contribute code, please complete the following steps:
- Select a ticket from our backlog
- Fork the IC UI Kit repository and clone your forked repo onto your device.
- Make sure to add the
repo as your upstream remote branch, by running:
git remote add upstream [email protected]:mi6/ic-ui-kit.git
- Create a new branch in your forked repo, named after the issue number of your contribution (e.g. feature/123-new-feature).
- Run the following:
npm install
npm run bootstrap
npm run build
rm package-lock.json
yarn install
yarn run bootstrap
yarn run build
- To run Storybook, with instances running web and React components, run:
npm run storybook
yarn run storybook
Develop your component/make your changes, keeping to the coding standards and practices.
Commit your changes, as per the Git commit style guide and push to your feature branch.
Submit a pull request to merge to the
branch in the original repository:- Click on
Compare & pull request
. - Set the base to be the original repository's
branch and the host to be yourforked branch
. - Click on
Create pull request
- Click on
Within Storybook, all components must include documentation which:
- Explains the component and includes props documentation.
- Offers basic usage examples.
All changes will be reviewed via a pull request. Raise the pull request to merge to the develop
branch. Provide details on what has been changed or added. To make sure there is enough detail in the pull request, our pull request template is available.
All pull requests will be reviewed by:
- Checking the change meets the guidance set out on this page.
- Checking the change meets the requirements of the ticket.
- For new components or large changes, testing the project locally by importing the component into a real project.
- Checking anything else deemed relevant by the reviewer.
Pull requests must have the approval of 2 reviewers before they can be merged into the develop
Stencil provides plugins, which outputs wrapped framework agnostic components. During the build stage, React components are dynamically generated and are accessible from the React package.
Linting tools are ran against the codebase to keep in line with our coding standards. The linting tools used are:
These tools are ran as part of the pre-commit and can also be ran separately.
Resolve linting and formatting issues via npm run lint:fix
and npm run prettier:fix
For automated versioning, we use Conventional Commits.
Commitizen is used to provide a step-by-step prompt for committing to your branch.
Please ensure that your commits are signed when contributing to the IC UI Kit repository.
Follow these steps when making a commit:
Ensure your commit only contains changes for one of the scopes: root changes like storybook and lerna config, core web components or React components. If your change affects more than one scope then make multiple commits, i.e. one for each scope.
Once your changes are staged, run
git commit
. This will trigger the Commitizen command line utility. -
Select the commit type, read each of the options and select the appropriate one.
When asked for scope, enter either:
if your commit contains changes to the root of the project.web-components
for changes to the core web components package.react
for changes specific to the React package.
Provide a short description of the change.
- Use the present tense, such as "Add feature" not "Added feature"
- Reference the issue number at the start of the commit, such as "#123 Add feature"
Provide a longer description of the change.
If there are breaking changes enter
and provide a description. -
Provide a link to the issue by entering the reference e.g.
. -
When the editor opens up, check your commit message and press
to confirm.
- Prefix interfaces and types with
, e.g.:
export interface IcMenuOption {
value?: string;
label: string;
description?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
recommended?: boolean;
children?: IcMenuOption[];
export type IcInformationStatusOrEmpty = "warning" | "error" | "success" | "";
Global interfaces and types should be added to ./packages/web-components/utils/types.ts
- Avoid using inline css.
- Refer to the StencilJS documentation for styling components.
Testing should always include accessibility testing. A combination of automated and manual accessibility testing is needed. Automated accessibility testing tools are available to fix initial low level issues. The following tools are used:
All changes must meet the criteria for WCAG 2.1 AA. Find out more about the importance of accessibility and how to test for accessibility.
All components should aim for 100% unit test coverage, but as a very minimum, they must have at least 80% coverage. In addition to coverage, tests should be sufficient enough for the functionality changed or added.
Jest is the testing framework used to run unit tests. Each component directory includes <component>.spec.ts
file. Unit tests are run via npm run test
. To view the unit test coverage, run npm run test:coverage
from the root folder.
Below is an example of a component and how unit tests are used to test the component.
// ic-component.tsx
export class Component {
@Prop() label!: string;
@Prop() status?: string;
@Event() icComponentThemeChange!: EventEmitter<{ mode: string }>;
async updateLabel(label: string) {
this.label = label;
private theme: IcTheme;
private updateStatus(status: string) {
this.status = status;
@Listen("themeChange", { target: "document" })
themeChangeHandler(ev: CustomEvent): void {
this.theme = ev.detail.mode;
private clickHandler() {
mode: "dark"
Unit test
// ic-component.spec.ts
it("component renders", () => {
const page = await newSpecPage({
components: [Component],
html: `<ic-component label="foo"></ic-component>`
// Testing public methods with @Method annotation
it("tests public methods @Method", async () => {
const page = await newSpecPage({
components: [Component],
html: `<ic-component label="foo"></ic-component>`
// Public methods are accessible via the root
await page.root.updateLabel("bar");
await page.waitForChanges();
// Testing private methods
it("tests private method", async () => {
const page = await newSpecPage({
components: [Component],
html: `<ic-component label="foo" status="bar"></ic-component>`
// heading is accessible via root as props are public properties
// Private methods are accessible via the rootInstance
await page.rootInstance.updateStatus("baz");
await page.waitForChanges();
// Testing custom events which are triggered via @Listen annotation
it('tests receiving custom events', async () => {
const page = await newSpecPage({
components: [Component]
html: `<ic-component label="foo"></ic-alert>`
await page.rootInstance.themeChangeHandler({ detail: { mode: "bar" } });
await page.waitForChanges();
// Testing events emitted from the component
it('tests emitted events', async () => {
const page = await newSpecPage({
components: [Component],
html: `<ic-component label="foo"></ic-component>`,
const callbackFn = jest.fn();
page.win.addEventListener('icComponentThemeChange', callbackFn);
// clickHandler emits the icComponentThemeChange event
await page.rootInstance.clickHandler();
await page.waitForChanges();
mode: "dark",
Read more about Stencil Unit testing.
Stencil provides utility functions from Jest and Puppeteer to create end-to-end / integration tests. End-to-end / integraton testing makes it easier to test multiple components within a real browser. Each component includes a <component>.e2e.ts
Below is an example of an integration test
it("should have the correct text", async () => {
const page = await newE2EPage();
await page.setContent(`
<ic-component label="foo"></ic-component>
await page.waitForChanges();
const button = await page.find("ic-component");
// Clicking the button updates the typography text
await button.click();
* It is possible to select components one level deep into a shadowDOM by using '>>>'
* Example - await page.find("ic-typography >>> span")
const typography = await page.find("ic-typography")
const text = typography.innerText;
Loki runs visual regression tests by building Storybook and taking snapshots of each story. As updates are made to components, the reference images are compared to the latest Storybook build to generate a pixel-to-pixel comparison and flag any differences. All reference images are stored within .loki
directory. Loki uses Google Chrome to render the components.