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ivmartel edited this page Dec 30, 2021 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the dwv-jqmobile wiki!

For now the wiki is used to store unordered notes...



  1. checkout the master branch
  2. update the version number in package.json and service-worker.js
  3. commit and push (master branch): this will trigger a CI build and publish to demo/trunk

Check the build and publish:

  1. check that the CI build is ok
  2. create a github release with a tag equal to the version: this will trigger a CI build and publish to demo/stable
  3. add a zip of the 'demo/stable' folder of the gh-pages branch to the release assets

Post steps:

  1. checkout the master branch
  2. update the version number in package.json and service-worker.js
  3. commit and push (master branch)
Clone this wiki locally