AppSync is a managed service which uses GraphQL
It is used for building APIs on AWS which use GraphQL
GraphQL makes it easy for applications to get the exact data they need. This includes combining data from multiple resources
Datasets behind GraphQL can include:
- NoSQL data stores
- RDS databases
- etc.
AppSync integrates with (resolvers) DynamoDB, Aurora, ElasticSearch, etc.
Supports customer resources using Lambda
Provides support for real time data retrieval using WebSocket or MQTT on WebSocket protocols
Mobile applications: replacement for Cognito Sync
Requires a GraphQL schema for getting started
Example for GraphQL schema:
type Query { human(id: ID!): Human } type Human { name: String appearsIn: [Episode] starships: [Starship] } enum Episode { NEWHOPE EMPIRE JEDI } type Starship { name: String }
- Four ways we can authorize applications to interact with AppSync:
- OPENID_CONNECT (OpenID Connect provider/ JWT)
- For custom domain & HTTPS, use CloudFront in front of AppSync