- Tags for foods (recipe support for Pam's HarvestCraft, etc)
- Configuration options to allow nerfing of boars
- New configuration layout, names, and comments (THIS WILL BREAK YOUR CONFIG! Back them up!)
- Live, in-game reloading of configuration (you need to exit to the menu for full functionality)
- Deer can now additionally be bred with golden carrots, apples, and golden apples (originally wheat and carrots)
- Fixed timing of shark and squid attacks
- Fixed some step sounds not working
- Improved code stability and readability
- Fixed turkey block not displaying correctly in campfires or item frames
- Fixed animals with eye glow not looking right/having a fully black texture with most shaders
- Fixed placement of animal heads and turkey blocks in water not waterlogging properly
- Fixed bees not being able to pollinate from trillium (added to small_flowers tag)
- Fixed feral wolves and coyotes not being set to full health when tamed
- Fixed feral wolves and coyotes whimpering at 1/3 health - now is 1/2
- Fixed insect (butterfly/dragonfly) pathfinder pathing to non-air or water blocks
- Fixed butterflies not pathing to a new position after reaching first position
- Tweak crab animations, fix slight floating off ground
- Improved behavior of crab easter egg (auto-expiration of animation)
- Decreased the rate of grass eating in animals that eat grass
- Cleaned up internal tags
- Fixed being unable to equip a cape if anything was in the chestplate slot
- Fixed tamed coyotes and feral wolves being considered hostiles
- Fixed deer not consuming wheat or carrots but still breeding
- Fixed serializable errors on newer Java versions (Java 11+)
- Fixed configuration using last loaded biomes as defaults instead of the actual defaults
- 1.15: Fixed duplicate spawn entries when the world is reloaded
- 1.16: Fixed GlobalEntityTypeAttributes.put warnings on newer Forge versions
- 1.16: Fixed moose heads and brown bear heads not appearing in the creative menu or JEI
- 1.16: Essential Features portable jukebox compat now works with standalone version
- 1.16: Fixed config loading issues
- 1.16: Fixed animals not spawning in modded biomes properly
- Updated Italian translation (Credit: NinoSecret)
- Added hunger system for predatory animals (read more about it on the wiki)
- Hunger for:
- Sharks
- Bears
- Coyotes
- Feral wolves
- Piranhas
- Barracudas
- Added Curios support for wolf and bear capes
- Added drop-blocking (like the Lamprey has) where killed targets of some animals will not drop items to reduce clutter
- Drop blocking will no longer affect animals from buckets or with special attribute like taming
- Drop blocking for:
- Barracudas (exception when from bucket)
- Octopus (exception when tamed or from bucket)
- Sharks
- Piranha (exception when from bucket)
- Lamprey (already present in mod before update, exception when from bucket)
- Added "feral_wolf_tame_armor" tag to allow customizability of the helmet you must be wearing to tame a Feral Wolf
- 1.16: Default spawn biomes will now filter to the OVERWORLD forge Biome Dictionary tag (to prevent spawning in nether forests, etc)
- 1.16: Boars will not attack hoglins
- Fixed bug where all foods took 32 ticks to eat instead of 16 for some
- Fixed whales being invisible when they had no pitch
- Fixed deer fawn not following their parents
- Fixed black bear cubs not following their parents
- Fixed black bears not being territorial near players with cubs
- Fixed brown bear cubs following black bear adults
- Fixed bobbit worms not angling correctly when in non-water movable blocks (seagress, kelp)
- Fixed bug where piranhas would spawn adult skeleton horses when a baby horse was killed
- Fixed butterflies and moths sometimes suffocating themselves in walls when launching from a surface
- Fixed geese sometimes spawning naturally as the egg-spawned only variant (white goose)
- Fixed "tamed" octopi despawning
- Fixed bug where hammerhead sharks had no natural spawn biomes
- Fixed crab easter egg animations
- Fixed weird nose cubes on ribbon eel
- Fixed slow pathfinding in sharks, lampreys, giant/colossal squids, and octopus
- Improved land/water pathfinding in octopus
- Fixed octopus being bad at moving downwards
- Fixed giant/colossal squids getting stuck on the surface of water
- Fixed broken "ultimate succening" advancement, now works properly with Whisperwoods zotzpyres.
- Updated Russian translation (Credit: Smollet777)
- Updated Spanish translation (Credit: F2P26)
- Add butterflies
- Add dragonflies
- Add barracuda
- Add flying fish
- Add giant squid
- Add colossal squid
- Add piranha
- Add octopus
- Add bottled butterflies
- Add bottled dragonflies
- Add Bucket of Barracuda
- Add Bucket of Flying Fish
- Add Horseshoe Crab blood
- Add calamari
- Add Octopus' Garden advancement
- Add 20,000 Leagues of Trouble advancement
- Add Bug Collector advancement
- Add secret developer feature
- 1.15: Remove all mythical features (Hand Of Fate, Zotzpyre, Hirschgeist + Skull + Advancements) They will be moved to our other mod Whisperwoods
- Feral Wolves can now only be tamed when wearing an Ender Dragon head
- Add custom textures for baby boar, deer, goose, pheasant, and turkey
- Add new shark variants (hammerhead, goblin, mako, great white)
- Update model for shark variants (tiger, whitetip, blue)
- Make all animals available and non-hostile on Peaceful mode
- Add baby brown bears (any meat)
- Add baby black bears (salmon or honeycomb on 1.15)
- Add baby feral wolves (antlers, must be tamed)
- Add baby badgers (only occur naturally)
- Brown bears, black bears, feral wolves, badgers, boar, crab, deer, goat, goose, horseshoe crab, turkey, squirrel, songbird, and pheasant will now naturally spawn as babies (25% chance)
- Antlers can now be crafted into 3 bonemeal each
- Bears can now rear and will defend their babies, like vanilla polar bears
- Goats will now remember their friend when the world is unloaded
- Update Russian Translation
- Made more messages localizable (coyote/feral wolf messages, tooltips, etc)
- Make Lammergeiers Great Again! (No, seriously)
- Fix crashes related to null variants (Shark rendering, whale rendering)
- Fix heads with missing textures
- Add Romanian and Finnish Translations
- Fixed issue with serialization of types
- Fix random crashes when certain entities spawned naturally
- Fixed crash when taming animals
- Fixed reindeer having weird leg placement
- Fixed feral wolves not being able to heal to full health with food
- Fixed coyote, feral wolves, and goats having odd walking animations
- Fixed taranatulas spawning too much / in the light / in the wrong places
- Fixed weird desync with feral wolves and coyotes when sitting (walking while sitting, etc)
- Fix crash with Rosy's Update mod / overwriting vanilla bucket
- 1.15: Fix songbirds sometimes not appearing as landed
- 1.15: Fix walrus not moving when in water
- 1.15: Possibly fix crash with Lammergeier navigation
- 1.15: Fix Feral Wolves not dropping pelts and not changing eyes when tamed
- 1.14: Fixed crash when Zotzpyre rode a turtle partially submerged in water
- 1.12: Fixed freshwater eels spawning far too much
- 1.12: Updated Spanish Translation (9.0.0 equivalent)
- 1.12: Updated Russian Translation (9.0.0 equivalent)
- Added walrus
- Added geese
- Added whales (beluga, pilot, false killer, narwhal, bottlenose, and Cuvier's)
- Added saltwater eels
- Added freshwater eels
- Added albino deer variants and heads
- Added new deer model
- Added arctic, brown, and red feral wolf variants, capes, pelts, and heads
- Added greenland shark variant
- Improved shark animations
- Added goose egg
- Added golden goose egg
- Added blubber
- Updated advancemnts with new heads
- Added secret with the walrus (they like being fed fried eggs btw)
- Tweaked tarantulas so they rotate when on a wall
- Fix non-honey type badgers spawning in savannas
- Updated Spanish translation (partially updated to 9.0.0)
- Update French translation (8.2 equivalent)
- Update Chinese translation (8.2 equivalent)
- Update Russian translation (partially updated to 9.0.0)
- 1.12: Updated Thaumcraft aspects for new features
- 1.12: Added oredict listAllegg and listAllEgg to custom eggs
- 1.14: Biome based variants now enabled by default in config. No longer affects spawn eggs, only natural spawns. Existing configs must be updated.
- 1.14: Added a clientside config, also allows reindeer snow particles to be disabled
- 1.14: Made it so boars retaliate and summon their friends, like in 1.12
- 1.14: Added buckets for some water mobs (lamprey, nautilus, freshwater eel, saltwater eel, jellyfish)
- 1.14: Rewrote the ENTIRE variant system to make more sense and be named.
- 1.14: Rewrote the ENTIRE head-variant system to make more sense and be named.
- 1.14: Rewrites means that some items in worlds will break. DO NOT take this update lightly. Back up your worlds.
- 1.14: Fix crash "duplicate entity registry entry"
- Fix crabs and horseshoe crabs despawning by default (existing configs should be deleted or fixed)
- Remove zotzpyre in peaceful difficulty
- Fix zotzpyre spawning too much in some places
- Fix zotzpyre attacking other monsters (creepers especially)
- Fix zotzpyre sometimes going into ground
- Fix zotzpyre randomly floating mid-air
- Fix zotzpyre "attacking" horses
- Fix zotzpyre being unable to swim
- Fix boars not properly moving to crops
- Update portugeuse translation
- Fix goats not properly breeding from all tempt items and remove carrot on a stick as a tempt item
- Fix entities with nametags despawning if enabled in config
- Improved lamprey animations
- Fix tarantula spawning in deserts being very rare
- 1.14: Fix boars not properly pathing through berry bushes
- 1.14: Fix bears not properly pathing through berry bushes
- 1.14: Fix dispensers not outputting spawn eggs as entities but instead dropping them
- 1.14: Fix possible threading issues from packets
- 1.14: Fix possible configuration editing exploit from client to server
- 1.14: Fix reindeer spawning in frozen oceans
- 1.14: Update AI for lamprey to improve pathfinding
- 1.14: Fix crash with zotzpyre
- 1.14: Make boars immune to berry bush damage
- 1.14: Fix shark teleporting player to them when shot with arrows
- 1.14: Speed up sharks a bit
- 1.12: Fix crash with zotzpyre
- 1.12: Fix most of "Received passengers for unknown entity" log spam
- Add zotzpyre
- Add bobbit worm
- Revamped shark animations to reduce choppiness
- Added "Ultimate Succening" advancement for getting succed by a lamprey, bobbit worm, and zotzpyre
- Boars will now more actively seek crops to eat them
- Fixed feral wolf tail receding into body when tamed and added wagging for tamed wolves
- Fixed sharks attacking slowly/holding enemies and doing nothing
- Reduced water slowdown of bears
- Made squirrels immune to fall damage
- Added thaumcraft aspects for zotzpyre and bobbit
- Update Spanish translation to 8.1.0 features
- Update Russian translation for 8.0.0 features
- Update Japanese translation for 8.1.0 features
- Update German translation for 8.0.0 features
- Fix some entities with glowing eyes causing water behind them to be invisible
- Fix rare crash caused by some mods with armor displays and modeled armor (capes/hirschgeist skull). Test case Modern Warfare mod.
- 1.14: Brown Bears, Black Bears, and boars will now eat berries similar to foxes
- 1.14: Brown Bears and Black Bears are now immune to bush damage
- 1.14: Brown Bears will now attack salmon
- 1.14: Rewrote shark movement AI
- 1.14: Fixed some water mobs spawning on land (actually this time)
- Add moose
- Add turkey
- Add new songbird variant
- Add pheasant egg
- Add turkey egg
- Add fried egg
- Add turkey legs
- Add edible turkey block
- Update models for Feral Wolf (and heads)
- Lower reindeer health to 30
- Split coyote head into its own head (on 1.14 this will request an ID change, you WILL lose any coyote heads upon updating!)
- Add polish translation (slightly out of date)
- Fix being able to breed pheasant with wheat instead of pumpkin seeds
- Make deer drops better (always drop 2 antlers, sometimes venison)
- Fix coyote dropping wolf pelts
- Removed broken update checker
- 1.12: Fix fox dropping wolf pelts
- 1.12: Add oredictionary support to taming items config (format: "ore:oreName")
- 1.12: Add Thaumcraft 6 Aspects
- 1.12: Fix crash from Boar eating crops before the world is loaded
- 1.12: Fix cascading worldgen lag
- 1.12: Fix strange desync with lamprey
- 1.14: Fix heads, hand of fate, and trillium not dropping ever
- 1.14: Add campfire and smoker recipes for most cookables
- 1.14: Make nautilus by default despawn again (oops!)
- 1.14: Add Crab Rave support for Essential Features' Portable Jukebox
- 1.14: Fix crash when placing heads on tall grass or two-high plants
- 1.14: Internally rewrite configs and entity registration
- 1.14: Fix config not always generating with modded biomes (delete configs to get a new one)
- 1.14: Added waterlogging support for heads and hand of fate
- 1.14: Fix tame items config not working
- 1.14: Add tag support for tame item config (format: "#tagdomain:tagname")
- 1.14: Fix some water mobs spawning on land
- 1.14: Fix 'Unknown custom packet identifier' warnings in log
- 1.14: Fixed crashes for forge 1.14.4-28.1.0+
- Sharks will now retaliate
- Added a configuration option under all entities for despawn allowance
- Sharks now have limits on the size of things they can grab
- 1.14: Fixed "Get Badgered" happening whenever you take damage
- 1.14: Increased nautilus shell drop rate from nautilus (1/500 to 1/25)
- 1.14: Made lammergeiers less derpy and broken
- 1.14: Fixed crash with Forge 28.0.92+ (28.0.92+ REQUIRED for the mod from now on!)
- Added 25 advancements
- Entities killed by lamprey no longer drop items, to reduce clutter and lag
- Updated shark animations so their pitch relative to their trajectory
- Fixed lamprey not syncing grabs properly since 7.0.2
- Updated Chinese (simplified) translation
- 1.14: Fixed placement conditions for water entities (fixes things spawning outside of water)
- 1.14: Defer addition of biome generation features to prevent concurrent modification (fixes crash during loading sometimes)
- 1.14: Fix dismount firing on lampreys if the chunk is not loaded (fixes crash when loading new areas)
- Updated German Translation
- (Maybe?) Fixed "received passengers for unknown entity" spam
- 1.12: Fixed bear cape not rendering "arms" on armor stand
- 1.14: Fixed crash with shark dismounting targets
- 1.14: Fixed random crash with shark when grabbing some entities like skeletons
- Updated Russian Translation
- Updated Japanese Translation
- Added config to allow goat to dispense vanilla milk instead
- Flipped the nautilus so it swims in the right direction
- 1.12: Fixed lamprey spawning in ocean again, darn things!
- 1.12: Fixed snowy/classic wolf cape having broken texture and recipes
- 1.14: Fixed sided crash on server when using entity heads
- 1.14: Fixed crash from breeding unnamed reindeer
- 1.14: Fixed modded biomes not auto-generating in configs (also preventing spawns in modded biomes)
- 1.14: Fixed water entities not always spawning in water properly
- Added crabs
- Added nautilus
- Added sharks
- Added horseshoe crabs
- Added bear heads
- Added wolf capes (with baubles support)
- Added wolf pelts, used for crafting capes or wool and leather, drops from wolves
- Added bear capes (with baubles support)
- Added bear skin, used for crafting bear capes or woll and leather, drops from bears
- Added crab meat, drops from crabs
- Added a configuration option to allow variants to be selected based on biomes (white feral wolves -> snowy biomes), off by default
- Added Italian translation, thanks to Gaber373!
- Moved kermode bear into black bear egg as a rare variant
- Renamed creative tab and mod info name from "Better Animals+" to "Better Animals Plus"
- Added a secret with crabs (try mixing the disk of the skeleton and creeper with the raw crustacean) wink
- Fixed lampreys not dismounting upon death properly
- Fixed bears sometimes dropping the wrong head type
- Fixed random crash killing tameable animals
- Fixed desync of taming item config for servers and clients
- Added configuration for taming items
- Fixed milk bucket not being returned (again)
- Fixed crashes caused by animal heads
- Fixed taming items that are replaced by mods not working even though they match
- Fixed some broken loot tables
- Lamprey now drop fish
- Lamprey no longer spawn in the ocean by default (please re-generate configs for this)
- Lamprey now wander when not attacking
- Updated French Translation (Thanks to @Neerwan on GitHub)
- Fix crash from Lamprey moving (unknown cause)
- Fix invalid lang key on Hirschgeist daytime attack message
- Added Badgers
- Added Lampreys
- Added Songbirds
- Trillium now match biome grass color
- Lammergeiers have new animations
- Deer are breedable (wheat)
- Tamed Fox are breedable (raw rabbit or chicken)
- Hand of Fate has breaking progress and a nicer bounding box
- Deer no longer run without a single leg on the ground
- Deer will eat grass
- Goats will eat grass
- Lammergeiers will now land on the ground before sitting
- Fix some translations that were not working
- Fixed bug with deer drops/loot table causing it to not exist or not drop
- Fixed crashes with DataManager keys on Jellyfish
- Fixed heads with corrupted or invalid NBT data causing client to crash
- Fixed doSpawning config option doing nothing
- Fixed deer head icons not matching their antlers
- Removed doRegister from config
- Added config option to make coyotes always hostile
- Coyotes can now be tamed with cooked or raw chicken, rabbit, and pheasant as opposed to just raw rabbit.
- Code refactors (as usual) that make development easier
- Fix bug that caused modded biomes to be unable to spawn BA+ entities and made the configuration unable to affect it
- Fix random crash on client when loading chunks with Trillium or Hand of Fate, where the TE loads before the block.
- Added Boars
- Added Squirrels
- Added Boar heads
- Animal head items have textures for each variant
- Spawn eggs now show in the Better Animals Plus tab
- Added biomes configuration for spawning
- Fixed jellyfish floating/being too large
- Fixed reindeer neck rotating strangely when eating
- Fixed lammergeiers derping before attacking ("hesitating")
- Fixed minor offsets on resting leg models (should prevent feet half clipping into the ground or being angled)
- Fixed Esperanto translation
- Fixed some random crashes with Entity datamanager (may still afflict old worlds with older entities, try removing mod, loading world, and re-adding mod)
- Redo render factory system (use method references)
- Removed the useless "Common Proxy"
- Fixed bug where animal heads would not drop their item after being broken by external sources (like water)
- Added config options to disable natural spawning instead of removing entities alltogether
- Rewrote configuration / entity registration system to add more options (min, max) and categorize entities
- Lowered Coyote and Goat spawnrates slightly
- Increase size of deer hitbox by 0.2 blocks
- Coyotes no longer growl while tamed (unless attacking) and don't bark
- Tamed feral wolves will growl when attacking
- Foxes will not bark
- Fixed bug where HOF recipe was stuck on last oredict for stone
- The wearable Hirschgeist skull can now be repaired with bones and antlers
- Breaking and replacing wolf, deer, or reindeer skull will no longer pick a new variant, but instead persists through the item
- Wolves, deer, and reindeer will drop heads that match their skins
- Drop rate of heads greatly reduced
- Increased goat health
- Lammergeier now accepts any food for healing
- Fixed incorrect translation for "fox" in Hungarian
- Added more oredictionary values for venison (listAllvenisonraw/cooked, foodVenisonraw/cooked) (Pam's HarvestCraft)
- Added fox head (also drops correctly and such)
- Updated all translations for new content except Arabic and Chinese
- Updated hirschgeist skull (wearable) model on head
- Fixed bug where the worn hirschgeist skull would render backwards in the inventory screen
- Added naming a reindeer "Rudolph" and fixed spawning logic for red-nosed versions
- Fixed crash with Wings, Horns, and Hooves (chaning internal lang layout)
- Fixed all the translations (big oops)
- Added reindeer
- Added reindeer head
- Fixed bug where wolf skulls didn't save their type
- Added both antler variants to the deer head
- Added baby deer
- Added Translation: Hungarian
- Updated Translations:
- German
- Esperanto
- English
- Spanish
- French
- Japanese
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Fixed Hand of Fate breaking bug
- Added a secret :D
- Updated Translations:
- German
- Esperanto
- English
- Spanish
- French
- Japanese
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Added jellyfish
- Added pheasant
- Added pheasant meat
- Fixed bug where bucket would not be returned when making goat cheese
- Adjusted spawn rates, fixed BIG spawning bug
- Add goat
- Add goat cheese
- Add goat milk
- Add wolf head (includes coyote)
- Add deer head
- Fix server crash with loading and unloading Trillium on servers
- Fix error in configuration where Hirschgeist spawn weight was named "weight"
- Fix pesky off center-ness with Hirschgeist skull
- Fixed drops and placement being wrong for Hirschgeist skull
- Feral Wolves attack goats
- Fixed some loot tables for mobs
- Fixed large deer hitbox
- Increased size of Wolf/Coyote/Fox hitbox
- Updated translations with new content:
- English
- Spanish
- Russian
- Japanese
- Esperanto
- New Languages:
- Arabic (by MicroDroid)
- German (by ekrempel)
- Esperanto (by its_meow)
- English (by its_meow)
- Spanish (by its_meow and ikerleon02)
- French (by slabruyere)
- Japanese (by B_Wither)
- Portuguese (by alexaldr)
- Russian (by kellixon)
- Chinese (Traditional) (by han880805)
- Chinese (Simplified) (by han880805)
- Fixed fatal server crash
- Added config options to disable spawning of mobs/generation of trillium
- Reorganized internal codebase
- Fixed bug where some users would experience overspawning
- Updated to new entity registry system (the fix for spawning)
- Added configurable spawning weights (in mod config)
- Update mcmod.info to include proper update/project/site links and fix typo
- Added antler drop for deer (My bad)
- Added venisons to OreDictionary (listAllmeatraw and listAllmeatcooked)
- Fix hirschgeist bones sometimes moving out of the ghost part
- Added sound for hirschgeist and footstep sounds
- Added Russian Translation (Thank you to kellixon!)
- Fix invalid domain errors (May reset model of trillium and burning status of hand of fate)
- Added particle system (not used)
- Removed misc unused code (reduce filesize, cleanup)
- Added lammergeier landing to make taming easier
- Made some hostile mobs spawn in peaceful but are unable to attack
- Added rotation to trillium (rotate different placement directions like a chest)
- Fix bug where mobs that check for daytime (hirschgeist, coyote) would not always register daytime/nighttime
- Fix hirschgeist spawning in groups of more than one
- Add logo to mcmod.info
- Lammergeier now puts its head down while sitting (midair)
- Buffed feral wolf health (now more than normal wolves)