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Required Entity Interfaces

itsmeow edited this page Jan 4, 2022 · 4 revisions


Entities using the builder system must implement IContainerEntity to function properly.

Any entity that uses variants in its builder must implement IVariantTypes to function effectively.

These interfaces provide a large amounts of default methods to allow for ease of interaction with the EntityTypeContainer system. There are default implementations of these interfaces that can be pasted into an entity class.

Better Animals Plus includes many implementations of these interfaces onto various LivingEntity subclasses.

Here are the Forge implementations.


IContainerEntity requires the implementation of only two methods, but you must also override an additional method to add functionality.

First, removeWhenFarAway (MCP: despawn) must call despawn from IContainerEntity in order to properly implement the despawn() call.

public boolean removeWhenFarAway(double range) {
    return despawn(range);

Second, getImplementation must return this. This is used to allow the interface to access methods and fields on the entity, since it doesn't extend Entity.

public T getImplementation() {
    return this;

Lastly, getContainer must return the EntityTypeContainer corresponding to your entity class.

public EntityTypeContainer<T> getContainer() {
    return ExampleModEntities.EXAMPLE;


IVariantTypes must implement all methods from IContainerEntity, and the following.

All Entities

protected void defineSynchedData() {

public void addAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag compound) {

public void readAdditionalSaveData(CompoundTag compound) {

public SpawnGroupData finalizeSpawn(ServerLevelAccessor world, DifficultyInstance difficulty, MobSpawnType reason, SpawnGroupData livingdata, CompoundTag compound) {
    return this.initAgeableData(world, reason, super.finalizeSpawn(world, difficulty, reason, livingdata, compound));

Ageable Entities

public AgableMob getBreedOffspring(ServerLevel world, AgableMob ageable) {
    if (!(ageable instanceof IVariantTypes))
        return null;
    IVariantTypes<?> child = getBaseChild();
    if (child == null)
        return null;
    return (AgableMob) child.setType(this.getOffspringType(this, (IVariantTypes<?>) ageable));

protected abstract EntityAnimalWithTypes getBaseChild();
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