First do a git pull
to ensure that your branch is up to date
Working in the same 2 person group as lab .
Open up the ASMD Multiplier from Lab 1 ASMD_MULTIPLIER
Open up the ASMD Multiplier netlist created in ASMD_MULTIPLIER_NETLIST
Inspect the verilog code for functionality.
Instantiate the netlist module in the testbench created in lab 3 testbench.
//asmd multiplier netlist design-under-test (DUT)
asmd_multiplier_netlist_inst (
NOTE : netlist does not have word_length parameter... Why not?
Verify that the RTL and Netlist have similar functionality
//confirm that netlist product and rtl product output are equivalent.
always @(*) begin
if(product != product_netlist) begin
$error("product mismatch\n");
- Do this for all other outputs