- Inclusion of word cloud functionality?
- word cloud EDA
- Move actions page for downloading actions to dashboard
- Add word cloud pre-processing:
- spell-check (check out hunspell R package)
- stemming
- Add interactive display of clustering algorithm results (rows: questions of a lab; columns: students; tiles colored according to (maximum a posteriori) cluster assignment
- Need to be able to either specify number of clusters or let the algorithm choose according to some criterion (e.g., BIC)
- Use of von Mises mixture model; port to JavaScript? for now, provide R interface to receive document-term matrix and return a list of cluster assignments
For dendograms, add hierarchical clustering with minmax linkage
Directory structure or keyword tagging for lessons? Make it easier to navigate a larger course
- Add progress metric for each lesson
- New info tables actionable (scores, tags, extensions)
- Logging scores in pre-existing components
- Update translation keys
- Weird bug freezing edit lesson metric modal
[ ] <HIGH> Initialize activeComponents cache
[ ] <HIGH> Add multiples policy to metric UI and remove from compute modal
- Enter lots of data for testing through the UI
- validation of rule parameters
- edit_lesson_metric_modal: Unclicking shared rule after changing rule should leave lower rules at last shared value
- Add 'metric_order' endpoint
- Generalize coverage to support patterns and types
- More salient namespace title on assessments screen (among others)
- Make time filters relative to course start
Some potential changes:
Definition of a 'term' course-wide (e.g., semester start and end) and 'academic year'.
If so, could offer possible defaults for time restrictions; also calendar year.