this is guideline for devs working on this project as a core member if you wish to contribute to a specific portion, read in that folder
- Clone this project locally
- switch to branch you want or are working on
- add the code
- pull from the branch before pushing (branch structure tldr)
- resolve merge conflicts if any
- push and raise a pr to merge in main branch (try to add a description to make everone's life easier)
- try adding a argument and return description of a function wherever felt necessary
- use camelCase
- use env for sensitive key
- use arrow functions
- use hooks and functional components
- make global components for micro elements shared across the app i.e, button, links e.t.c
- make tailwind base classes for interaction events i.e, hover, animation avoid making extra base classes, rather optimize tailwind config and stick to designs provided
- linting is setup and prettier for tailwind (remove any warnings before pushing the code)
- setup prettier locally or run npx prettier --write . before commits (check for format issues with npx prettier --check .)