sendlk is a python SDK for the SMS getaway.
Here is an article of example, How to use this package with FastAPI ->
Use the package manager pip to install sendlk.
pip install sendlk
- Send Messages
- Send Verify Code (Package's feature)
- Validate Verify Code (Package's feature)
- Check Balance
- TODO: Contacts
- TODO: Message History
import sendlk
# Before import any module from sendlk you should initialize it first
# secret will use in the OTP/Phone number verify module
sendlk.initialize("sendlk-token", "my-custom-super-secret")
from sendlk.responses import SmsResponse, ProfileResponse
from sendlk.exceptions import SendLKException
from sendlk.engine import SMS, Profile
from sendlk.options import SendLKVerifyOption, SendLKCodeTemplate
response: SmsResponse = SMS.send("07XXXXXXXX", "Hello World!", "SendTest")
except SendLKException as e:
import sendlk
# Before import any module from sendlk you should initialize it first
# secret will use in the OTP/Phone number verify module
sendlk.initialize("sendlk-token", "my-custom-super-secret")
from sendlk.responses import SmsResponse
from sendlk.exceptions import SendLKException
from sendlk.engine import SMS
from sendlk.options import SendLKVerifyOption, SendLKCodeTemplate
# If you want to use custom text/body you can create custom template using "SendLKCodeTemplate"
# If code text template not given default one will be used
# Default: "0000 is your verification code."
class CustomCodeTemplate(SendLKCodeTemplate):
def __init__(self):
def text(self, code: str) -> str:
return f"{code} is the verification code for foo service."
options: SendLKVerifyOption = SendLKVerifyOption(
code_length=6, # Length of the code
expires_in=5, # Time in minutes the code will expire
sender_id=SENDER_ID, # Sender ID
subject="foo", # Subject of the token
code_template=CustomCodeTemplate() # Custom code template
response: SmsResponse = SMS.send_verify_code(PHONE_NUMBER, options)
token ="token", None)
code = input("Enter the code: ")
response: SmsResponse = SMS.validate_verify_code(code, token)
except SendLKException as e:
import sendlk
# Before import any module from sendlk you should initialize it first
# secret will use in the OTP/Phone number verify module
sendlk.initialize("sendlk-token", "my-custom-super-secret")
from sendlk.responses import SmsResponse, ProfileResponse
from sendlk.exceptions import SendLKException
from sendlk.engine import SMS, Profile
response: ProfileResponse = Profile.balance()
except SendLKException as e:
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.