- Change type from CardTheme to CardThemeData in response to breaking change in flutter 3.27.
- Added padding and margin properties for gf_search_bar
- Added drag option for circular progress bar in gf_progress_bar
- Replaced topbar with content parameter in gf_alert
- Fixed social buttons assets issue
- Fixed alignment issue for gf_toggle text
- Fixed shadow issue for gf_list_tile when no color passed
- Updated Readme
- Code formatted for better score
- Added drag functionality for Linear progress bar
- Added validation in multiselect widget, GF-CheckBox, GF-Radio, GF-DropDown
- GF-Alert design updated and made it more customizable
- Fixed text crop issue in GF-Toggle
- Added the async function for search query
- Mouse support for GF-Carousel
- Fixed analysis warnings
- Support for flutter 3
- Basic form widgets
- Fallback to flutter 2.* because of version issues
- Next release will support flutter 3
- Migrated to Flutter 3.0.0.
- Option for adding preselected values in MultiSelect dropdown widget.
- WidgetBinding instances null check issue fixed.
- GFTextField migrated to null nullsafety and now enabled.
- New GFTextField widgets added : GFTextFieldRounded, GFTextFieldSquared, GFTextFieldPill.
- Added Prefix Icon option for GFTextField widgets.
- Added GFDrawer Header centerAlign option
- Added border for GFCarousel
- Added divider height option for GFTypography
- Added font weight option for GFTypography
- Added width parameter for GFTabBar
- GFCarousal pagination issue fixed.
- GFIconBadge icon issue fixed.
- GFToast issue fixed.
- GFCard issue fixed.
- couple of Null Safety related issues.
- GFcarousel issues resolved.
- Added test cases.
- Added nullsafety.
- [GFProgressBar] issue.
- [GFBottomSheet] minor issue.
- [GFIconButton] wrong touch issue. #195
- [GFDropdown] minor issue.
- [GFCarousel] issue. #185
- Many more minor improvements.
- Test cases added for couple of components
- GFLoader
- GFTypography
- [GFButton] width related issue.
- [GFRadio] minor issue.
- [GFRadioListTile] selection issue
- [GFCheckbox] minor issue.
- [GFCheckboxListTile] selection issue
- Many more minor improvements.
- few new compoenents added
- GFBottomSheet
- GFIntroScreen
- GFAnimation
- GFBorder
- GFStickyHeader
- [GFAppBar] clear button does not fire onChanged #149
- [GFCarousel] initialPage Not Honored if Page Indicators Enabled. #144
- [GFCarousel] timer of the autoPlay is not disposed #143
- [GFCarousel] active page indicator is not being updated without "onPageChanged" #139
- [GFTabBar] Docs say about isScrollable which is not supported #132
- couple of compoenents (WIP)
- GFCheckboxTile
- GFRadioTile
- added new components
- GFCheckbox
- GFRadio
- Changed name to GetWidget
- Many minor issues fixed
- Resolved issues.
- Few minor fixes
- Few minor fixes
- added new component
- GFShimmer
- Hot reload in GFButton
- added new component
- GFProgressBar
- GFLoader - import issue fixed
- added new component
- GFFloatingWidget
- GFRating - minor issue fixed
- added new component
- GFLoader
- GFSearchBar - minor issue fixed
- added new component
- GFRating
- GFToggle - minor issue fixed
- added few new components
- GFAccordian
- GFAlert
- GFSearchBar
- GFDrawer
- GFAppBar
- import issue fixed.
- added few new components
- GFToast
- GFFloatingWidget
- GFToggle
- Stable version release
- code refectoring
- this release includes following stable components
- GFAvatar
- GFButton
- GFIconButton
- GFButtonBar
- GFBadge
- GFButtonBadge
- GFIconBadge
- GFCard
- GFCarousel
- GFImageOverlay
- GFListTile
- GFTabs
- GFTypography
- Added library exports for commonly used files.
- ListTile re-implemeted.
- ListTile issue.
- Warnings and Hints
- Warnings and Hints
- Changelog and Description
- Warnings and Hints
- initial release with buttons, badge, card, list tile, avatar and many more components.