The script can be run with these options:
Usage: node loadDHIS2Metadata.js [--help] [--config <FILE>] [--reset-time] [--full]
--help Display this message and exit.
--config <FILE> Load from given configuration file.
--reset-time Reset last exported time and exit.
--full Ignore the last exported time.
A sample configuration file is in loadDHIS2MetadataConfig.json:
"ilr": {
"url": "http://localhost:3447/fhir",
"user": "",
"pass": "",
"doc": ""
"dhis2": {
"url": "",
"user": "admin",
"pass": "district",
"dousers": false,
"doservices": true
The script can be invoked with:
node loadDHIS2Metadata.js
This will get all locations in the DHIS2 demo system for version 2.30, and put them into the FHIR server. To confirm:
curl http://localhost:3447/fhir/Location
The ilr:doc is the name used for the datastore in DHIS2 to manage the timestamp.