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Archiving Rich Media Content

Alex Osborne edited this page Jul 4, 2018 · 2 revisions

Archiving Rich-Media Content

This section of the Heritrix user guide examines the challenges facing archivists of rich-media content and offers specific suggestions for configuring the Heritrix crawler so that it is optimized to handle these challenges.

Rich-media includes different kinds of advanced Web content that allows users a greater range of experience than normal text/html Web pages.  Rich-media encompasses video, animation, images, and audio.  Rich-media also includes interactive technologies that go beyond basic FORM data entry.  Examples include Wikis, such as Wikipedia, technologies like AJAX that provide users with fine grained control over Web content, and Flash technology, which exposes a vast array of user interface widgets that allow spatial arrangements of data well beyond the capabilities of first-generation Web sites.  Rich-media is also characterized by larger file sizes than normal text/html pages.

Large File Sizes

Rich-media content, such as Flash and video, is usually much larger than standard text/html pages.  Crawling such content requires large investments in storage and bandwidth.  To mitigate these issues, deduplication is recommended for rich-media crawls.  Deduplication detects previously collected content that is redundant and skips the download of such content.  Pointers to the duplicate content allow it to appear in subsequent crawls.  For details see Configuring Heritrix for Deduplication.

Links Embedded in Rich-Media

Many rich-media technologies allow links to be embedded in file formats that are not conducive to link extraction.  When crawling a rich-media site, it is therefore important to identify if the site has a site-map.  A site-map is an HTML page that contains links to all the important pages on the site.  By adding the URI of the site-map as a seed to a rich-media crawl, links that would not otherwise be extracted will be archived.

Excessive Memory and CPU Usage

Downloading rich-media content can often cause excessive load to be placed on the crawling computers memory and CPU.  For example, extracting links from Flash and other rich-media resources requires extensive data parsing, which is CPU intensive.   Atypical input patterns can also cause excessive CPU usage when regular expressions used by Heritrix are run.  It is therefore recommended that rich-media crawls be allocated more memory and CPU than "normal" crawls.  The memory allocated to Heritrix is set from the command line.  The following example shows the command line option to allocate 1 GB of memory to Heritrix, which should be sufficient for most rich-media crawls.

export JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx1024M

Multi-core processors are also recommended for rich-media crawls.

Streaming Media

Streaming media is media content delivered sequentially over time to a media-consumer from a media-producer.  Examples of streaming media include Internet Radio and TV.  Streaming media is concerned with the delivery mechanism of the media format and not the format itself.   Heritrix can capture media streamed over HTTP or FTP, but does not recognize other streaming protocols such as Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP).  This limitation has generated interest in embedding a media player in Heritrix that does recognize most streaming formats.  For more information on embedding a Media Player in Heritrix, see the "Archiving Streaming Media on the Web Proof of Concept and First Results" article in the International Web Archiving Workshop 2006 conference paper at

Social Networking Sites

Many social networking sites make use of rich-media to enhance their user-experience.  For specific guidelines on archiving social media sites see Archiving Social Networking Sites with Archive-It .  These instructions apply to the Archive-It application, which is built on top of Heritrix.


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