Here we have a few hints on how to develop this module.
To set up the java environment we recommend using SDKMAN. Once sdkman is installed simply run sdk env
in the project
root to set the JDK.
To simplify the building the maven build is split into a few profiles to reduce the build time. There are a few commands in
the Makefile
that can help with the builds.
To debug in CF I found the easiest way is to use the docker. We can do this with this command:
docker run --name cf_2018 --rm -p 8500:8500 -e acceptEULA=YES -e password:admin -e JAVA_OPTS="-Ddeep.service.url= -Ddeep.logging.level=FINE -Ddeep.transform.path=/opt/dispath" -v ${PWD}/dispath:/opt/dispath -v ${PWD}/agent/target/agent-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:/opt/deep/deep.jar
Changing the -v paths to point to the locations on your machine. You also need to use the debug listen config ("Listen for Docker debug connections") that should be available with this project in idea.