diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b3958a..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-import Parser from './ZapierImporter/Parser.mjs';
-import Builder from './ZapierImporter/Builder.mjs';
-export default {
- parseSource: (raw) => {
- return Builder.buildRequestTree(Parser.parseApp(raw));
- },
- parseRaw: (raw) => {
- return Parser.parseApp(raw);
- },
- buildRequests: (raw) => {
- return Builder.buildRequestTree(raw);
- }
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/Builder.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/Builder.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6402898..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/Builder.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-export default {
- buildRequestTree(app) {
- const version = 1;
- const requests = [];
- const errors = app.errors;
- // New app
- console.debug('/app');
- const preflight = {
- endpoint: '/app',
- method: 'POST',
- type: 'application/json',
- body: {
- name: app.name,
- version: version,
- label: app.label,
- theme: app.theme,
- language: 'en',
- private: true,
- countries: []
- }
- };
- // App base
- console.debug('/app/base');
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/${version}/base`,
- method: 'PUT',
- type: 'application/jsonc',
- body: app.base
- });
- console.debug('/app/connections');
- for (const connection of app.connections) {
- // New connection
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/connection`,
- method: 'POST',
- flag: 'NEW_FLAG',
- type: 'application/json',
- body: {
- type: connection.type,
- label: connection.label
- }
- });
- // Parameters
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/connection/___FLAG_NAME___/parameters`,
- method: 'PUT',
- flag: 'FLAG',
- type: 'application/jsonc',
- body: connection.parameters
- });
- // Api
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/connection/___FLAG_NAME___/api`,
- method: 'PUT',
- flag: 'FLAG',
- type: 'application/jsonc',
- body: connection.api
- });
- // Common
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/connection/___FLAG_NAME___/common`,
- method: 'PUT',
- flag: 'FLAG',
- type: 'application/json',
- body: connection.common
- });
- // Scope
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/connection/___FLAG_NAME___/scope`,
- method: 'PUT',
- flag: 'FLAG',
- type: 'application/json',
- body: connection.scope
- });
- // Scopes
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/connection/___FLAG_NAME___/scopes`,
- method: 'PUT',
- flag: 'FLAG',
- type: 'application/json',
- body: connection.scopes
- });
- }
- // RPCs
- console.debug('/app/rpcs');
- for (const rpc of app.rpcs) {
- // New RPC
- console.debug(`/app/rpcs/${rpc.name}`);
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/${version}/rpc`,
- method: 'POST',
- type: 'application/json',
- body: {
- name: rpc.name,
- label: rpc.label,
- connection: rpc.connection
- }
- });
- // Api
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/${version}/rpc/${rpc.name}/api`,
- method: 'PUT',
- type: 'application/jsonc',
- body: rpc.api
- });
- // Parameters
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/${version}/rpc/${rpc.name}/parameters`,
- method: 'PUT',
- type: 'application/jsonc',
- body: rpc.parameters
- });
- }
- console.debug('/app/webhooks');
- for (const hook of app.webhooks) {
- // New webhook
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/webhook`,
- method: 'POST',
- type: 'application/json',
- flag: 'NEW_FLAG',
- body: {
- name: hook.name,
- type: hook.type,
- label: hook.label,
- connection: hook.connection
- }
- });
- // Parameters
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/webhook/___FLAG_NAME___/parameters`,
- method: 'PUT',
- flag: 'FLAG',
- type: 'application/jsonc',
- body: hook.parameters
- });
- // Api
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/webhook/___FLAG_NAME___/api`,
- method: 'PUT',
- flag: 'FLAG',
- type: 'application/jsonc',
- body: hook.api
- });
- // Attach
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/webhook/___FLAG_NAME___/attach`,
- method: 'PUT',
- flag: 'FLAG',
- type: 'application/jsonc',
- body: hook.attach
- });
- // Detach
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/webhook/___FLAG_NAME___/detach`,
- method: 'PUT',
- flag: 'FLAG',
- type: 'application/jsonc',
- body: hook.detach
- });
- }
- console.debug('/app/modules');
- for (const module of app.modules) {
- // New module
- console.debug(`/app/modules/${module.name}`);
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/${version}/module`,
- method: 'POST',
- type: 'application/json',
- body: {
- name: module.name,
- type_id: module.type_id,
- label: module.label,
- description: module.description,
- connection: module.connection,
- webhook: module.webhook
- }
- });
- // Api
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/${version}/module/${module.name}/api`,
- method: 'PUT',
- type: 'application/jsonc',
- body: module.api || {}
- });
- // Epoch
- if (module.type_id === 1) {
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/${version}/module/${module.name}/epoch`,
- method: 'PUT',
- type: 'application/jsonc',
- body: module.epoch || {}
- });
- }
- // Parameters
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/${version}/module/${module.name}/parameters`,
- method: 'PUT',
- type: 'application/jsonc',
- body: module.parameters || []
- });
- // Expect
- if ([4, 9].includes(module.type_id)) {
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/${version}/module/${module.name}/expect`,
- method: 'PUT',
- type: 'application/jsonc',
- body: module.expect || []
- });
- }
- // Interface
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/${version}/module/${module.name}/interface`,
- method: 'PUT',
- type: 'application/jsonc',
- body: module.interface || []
- });
- // Samples
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/${version}/module/${module.name}/samples`,
- method: 'PUT',
- type: 'application/json',
- body: module.samples || {}
- });
- // Scope
- requests.push({
- endpoint: `/${version}/module/${module.name}/scope`,
- method: 'PUT',
- type: 'application/json',
- body: module.scope || []
- });
- }
- return {
- preflight: preflight,
- requests: requests,
- errors: errors
- };
- }
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/ParseError.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/ParseError.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 82597d3..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/ParseError.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-class ParseError {
- constructor(code, description, severity) {
- this.code = code;
- this.description = description;
- this.severity = severity;
- }
-export default ParseError;
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/Parser.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/Parser.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 444ad67..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/Parser.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-import kebabCase from './updash/kebabCase.mjs';
-import { getColorCode, getRandomInt } from './common.mjs';
-import ParseError from './ParseError.mjs';
-import BasicAuth from './subparsers/connections/BasicAuth.mjs';
-import ApiKeyQS from './subparsers/connections/ApiKeyQS.mjs';
-import ApiKeyHeaders from './subparsers/connections/ApiKeyHeaders.mjs';
-import OAuth1 from './subparsers/connections/OAuth1.mjs';
-import OAuth2 from './subparsers/connections/OAuth2.mjs';
-import OAuth2REF from './subparsers/connections/OAuth2REF.mjs';
-import Action from './subparsers/modules/Action.mjs';
-import Search from './subparsers/modules/Search.mjs';
-import RPC from './subparsers/modules/RPC.mjs';
-import Trigger from './subparsers/modules/Trigger.mjs';
-import InstantTrigger from './subparsers/modules/InstantTrigger.mjs';
-import Webhook from './subparsers/modules/Webhook.mjs';
-class Parser {
- static parseApp(raw) {
- const app = {};
- app.countries = [];
- app.private = true;
- app.language = 'en';
- app.theme = getColorCode(getRandomInt(128, 255), getRandomInt(128, 255), getRandomInt(128, 255));
- app.label = raw.title;
- app.name = raw.slug || kebabCase(raw.title);
- app.errors = [];
- /**
- */
- app.base = {};
- app.connections = [];
- app.rpcs = [];
- app.webhooks = [];
- app.modules = [];
- if (raw.js !== null) {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'app/using-custom-js',
- 'The app is using custom scripting. Sadly, this is unimportable feature and the code has to be imported manually.',
- 6
- ));
- }
- console.debug('Parsing connection');
- if (raw.test_trigger === null) {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'connection/no-info',
- 'Connection test was not found. That means there\'s no way how to validate the connection. Info request should be added.',
- 3
- ));
- }
- switch (raw.auth_type) {
- // No Auth
- case 0:
- console.debug('App has no connection specified.');
- break;
- // Basic Auth
- case 1:
- console.debug('Recognized "Basic Auth" connection type.');
- app.connections.push(BasicAuth.parse(raw, app));
- break;
- // API key in QueryString
- case 2:
- console.debug('Recognized "API key in QueryString" connection type.');
- app.connections.push(ApiKeyQS.parse(raw, app));
- break;
- // API key in headers
- case 3:
- console.debug('Recognized "API key in headers" connection type.');
- app.connections.push(ApiKeyHeaders.parse(raw, app));
- break;
- // OAuth 1
- case 4:
- console.debug('Recognized "OAuth1" connection type.');
- app.connections.push(OAuth1.parse(raw, app));
- break;
- // OAuth 2 without refresh token
- case 5:
- console.debug('Recognized "OAuth2 without refresh token" connection type.');
- app.connections.push(OAuth2.parse(raw, app));
- break;
- // OAuth 2 with refresh token
- case 6:
- console.debug('Recognized "OAuth2 with refresh token" connection type.');
- app.connections.push(OAuth2REF.parse(raw, app));
- break;
- // Digest auth
- case 7:
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'connection/digest/not-supported',
- 'Digest auth connection type is supported, however it can\'t be imported directly.',
- 5
- ));
- break;
- // Session Auth
- case 9:
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'connection/session/not-supported',
- 'Session auth connection type is currently not supported.',
- 6
- ));
- break;
- default:
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'connection/unknown',
- 'Unknown connection type detected.',
- 6
- ));
- break;
- }
- const triggers = raw.triggers.filter(trigger => {
- return trigger.hide === false;
- });
- const rpcs = raw.triggers.filter(rpc => {
- return rpc.hide === true;
- });
- let metaWebhooksCount = 0;
- console.debug(`Found ${rpcs.length} RPCs. Parsing.`);
- rpcs.forEach(source => {
- app.rpcs.push(RPC.parse(source, app, raw));
- });
- console.debug(`Found ${triggers.length} triggers. Parsing.`);
- triggers.forEach(source => {
- if (source.paging !== false) {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'trigger/paging',
- `The trigger ${source.label} is using pagination. This has to be implemented manually.`,
- 4
- ));
- }
- switch (source.source) {
- // Trigger
- case 'polling':
- app.modules.push(Trigger.parse(source, app));
- break;
- // Instant trigger + webhook
- case 'static-webhooks':
- case 'payload-subscriptions':
- case 'notification-subscriptions':
- const webhook = Webhook.parse(source, app, raw, metaWebhooksCount);
- metaWebhooksCount++;
- app.webhooks.push(webhook);
- app.modules.push(InstantTrigger.parse(source, webhook.name));
- break;
- }
- });
- console.debug(`Found ${raw.searches.length} searches. Parsing.`);
- raw.searches.forEach(source => {
- app.modules.push(Search.parse(source, app));
- });
- console.debug(`Found ${raw.actions.length} actions. Parsing.`);
- raw.actions.forEach(source => {
- app.modules.push(Action.parse(source, app));
- });
- return app;
- }
-export default Parser;
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/common.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/common.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 35dabeb..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/common.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-function objectify(array, key) {
- const output = {};
- array.forEach(item => {
- output[item[key]] = item;
- });
- return output;
-function unmoustache(str) {
- return str.substring(
- str.lastIndexOf('{{') + 2,
- str.lastIndexOf('}}')
- );
-function paramBuilder(parameters, url) {
- const out = {};
- parameters.forEach(parameter => {
- if (!url.includes(`{{parameters.${parameter.name}}}`)) {
- out[parameter.name] = `{{parameters.${parameter.name}}}`;
- }
- });
- return out;
-function getRandomInt(min, max) {
- min = Math.ceil(min);
- max = Math.floor(max);
- return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
-function getColorCode(r, g, b) {
- return `#${r.toString(16)}${g.toString(16)}${b.toString(16)}`;
-function expandUrl(url) {
- if (url) {
- return url.replace(new RegExp('{{', 'g'), '{{parameters.');
- } else {
- return '';
- }
-function isEmpty(object) {
- return (object && Object.keys(object).length === 0 && object.constructor === Object);
-function reorder(object, keys) {
- let output = {};
- keys.forEach(key => {
- if (object[key]) {
- const buff = {};
- buff[key] = object[key];
- output = Object.assign(buff, output);
- }
- })
- return output
-export { objectify, unmoustache, paramBuilder, getRandomInt, getColorCode, expandUrl, isEmpty, reorder };
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/ParseFunctions.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/ParseFunctions.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 436d55c..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/ParseFunctions.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-import camelCase from '../updash/camelCase.mjs';
-export default {
- parseZapierParameters(raw) {
- return raw.map(source => {
- const parameter = {};
- switch (source.type_of) {
- case 'int':
- parameter.type = 'integer';
- break;
- case 'bool':
- parameter.type = 'boolean';
- break;
- case 'unicode':
- if (!source.choices) {
- parameter.type = 'text';
- } else {
- parameter.type = 'select';
- parameter.options = this.parseZapierOptions(source.choices);
- if (source.list === true) {
- parameter.multiple = true;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'text':
- parameter.type = 'text';
- parameter.multiline = true;
- break;
- case 'float':
- parameter.type = 'number';
- break;
- case 'datetime':
- parameter.type = 'date';
- break;
- case 'dict':
- parameter.type = 'collection';
- break;
- case 'file':
- parameter.type = 'file';
- break;
- case 'password':
- parameter.type = 'password';
- break;
- }
- parameter.name = source.key;
- parameter.label = source.label;
- parameter.required = source.required;
- if (source.help_text != null) {
- parameter.help = source.help_text;
- }
- if (source.default != null) {
- parameter.default = source.default;
- }
- if (source.prefill != null) {
- parameter.type = 'select';
- parameter.options = `rpc://${camelCase(source.prefill.split('.')[0])}`;
- }
- return parameter;
- });
- },
- parseZapierOptions(raw) {
- raw = raw.split(',');
- return raw.map(source => {
- const lv = source.split('|');
- return {
- label: lv[1],
- value: lv[0]
- };
- });
- },
- parseZapierInterface(raw) {
- return raw.map(source => {
- const item = {};
- item.name = source.key;
- switch (source.type) {
- case 'int':
- item.type = 'integer';
- break;
- case 'bool':
- item.type = 'boolean';
- break;
- case 'unicode':
- case 'text':
- item.type = 'text';
- break;
- case 'float':
- item.type = 'number';
- break;
- case 'datetime':
- item.type = 'date';
- break;
- case 'dict':
- item.type = 'collection';
- break;
- case 'file':
- item.type = 'file';
- break;
- case 'password':
- item.type = 'password';
- break;
- }
- return item;
- });
- }
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/ApiKeyHeaders.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/ApiKeyHeaders.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index ecbcaf1..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/ApiKeyHeaders.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-import { unmoustache, expandUrl, reorder } from '../../common.mjs';
-import ParseFunctions from '../ParseFunctions.mjs';
-import ParseError from '../../ParseError.mjs';
-export default {
- parse(raw, app) {
- const connection = {};
- connection.type = 'apikey';
- connection.label = `${raw.title}`;
- connection.name = app.name;
- connection.parameters = ParseFunctions.parseZapierParameters(raw.auth_fields);
- connection.common = {};
- connection.scope = [];
- connection.scopes = {};
- let authorizationKey = null;
- if (raw.auth_mapping.Authorization != null) {
- authorizationKey = 'Authorization';
- } else {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'connection/api-key/header-not-found',
- `Connection Authorization header was not found. Authorization template may be incorrect.`,
- 3
- ));
- authorizationKey = Object.keys(raw.auth_mapping)[0];
- }
- const authorizationValue = unmoustache(raw.auth_mapping[authorizationKey]);
- const headers = {};
- headers[authorizationKey] = `${raw.auth_mapping[authorizationKey].split('{{')[0]}{{parameters.${authorizationValue}}}`;
- if (raw.test_trigger != null) {
- const testTrigger = raw.triggers.find(trigger => {
- return trigger.id === raw.test_trigger;
- });
- connection.api = {
- url: `${expandUrl(testTrigger.url)}`,
- headers: headers,
- log: {
- sanitize: [`request.headers.${authorizationKey}`]
- }
- };
- } else {
- connection.api = {};
- }
- connection.api = reorder(connection.api, ['log', 'headers', 'url']);
- headers[authorizationKey] = `${raw.auth_mapping[authorizationKey].split('{{')[0]}{{connection.${authorizationValue}}}`;
- app.base.headers = headers;
- app.base.log = {
- sanitize: [`request.headers.${authorizationKey}`]
- };
- app.base = reorder(app.base, ['log', 'headers'])
- return connection;
- }
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/ApiKeyQS.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/ApiKeyQS.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 935b521..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/ApiKeyQS.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-import { unmoustache, expandUrl, reorder } from '../../common.mjs';
-import ParseFunctions from '../ParseFunctions.mjs';
-import ParseError from '../../ParseError.mjs';
-export default {
- parse(raw, app) {
- const connection = {};
- connection.type = 'apikey';
- connection.label = `${raw.title}`;
- connection.name = app.name;
- connection.parameters = ParseFunctions.parseZapierParameters(raw.auth_fields);
- connection.common = {};
- connection.scope = [];
- connection.scopes = {};
- let connectionKey = null;
- if (raw.auth_mapping.api_key != null) {
- connectionKey = 'api_key';
- } else {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'connection/api-key/api-key-not-found',
- 'Field "api_key" was not found during the connection generation. The authorization template may be incorrect.',
- 3
- ));
- connectionKey = Object.keys(raw.auth_mapping)[0];
- }
- const connectionValue = unmoustache(raw.auth_mapping[connectionKey]);
- const qs = {};
- qs[connectionKey] = `{{parameters.${connectionValue}}}`;
- if (raw.test_trigger != null) {
- const testTrigger = raw.triggers.find(trigger => {
- return trigger.id === raw.test_trigger;
- });
- connection.api = {
- url: `${expandUrl(testTrigger.url)}`,
- qs: qs,
- log: {
- sanitize: [`request.qs.${connectionKey}`]
- }
- };
- } else {
- connection.api = {};
- }
- connection.api = reorder(connection.api, ['log', 'qs', 'url']);
- qs[connectionKey] = `{{connection.${connectionValue}}}`;
- app.base.qs = qs;
- app.base.log = {
- sanitize: [`request.qs.${connectionKey}`]
- };
- app.base = reorder(app.base, ['log', 'qs']);
- return connection;
- }
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/BasicAuth.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/BasicAuth.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 932e183..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/BasicAuth.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-import { unmoustache, expandUrl, reorder } from '../../common.mjs';
-import ParseFunctions from '../ParseFunctions.mjs';
-export default {
- parse(raw, app) {
- const connection = {};
- connection.type = 'basic';
- connection.label = `${raw.title}`;
- connection.name = app.name;
- connection.parameters = ParseFunctions.parseZapierParameters(raw.auth_fields);
- connection.common = {};
- connection.scope = [];
- connection.scopes = {};
- const usernameKey = unmoustache(raw.auth_mapping.username);
- const passwordKey = unmoustache(raw.auth_mapping.password);
- if (raw.test_trigger != null) {
- const testTrigger = raw.triggers.find(trigger => {
- return trigger.id === raw.test_trigger;
- });
- connection.api = {
- url: `${expandUrl(testTrigger.url)}`,
- headers: {
- authorization: `Basic {{base64(parameters.${usernameKey}+':'+parameters.${passwordKey})}}`
- },
- log: {
- sanitize: ['request.headers.authorization']
- }
- };
- } else {
- connection.api = {};
- }
- connection.api = reorder(connection.api, ['log', 'headers', 'url']);
- app.base.headers = {
- authorization: `Basic {{base64(connection.${usernameKey}+':'+connection.${passwordKey})}}`
- };
- app.base.log = {
- sanitize: ['request.headers.authorization']
- };
- app.base = reorder(app.base, ['log', 'headers']);
- return connection;
- }
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/OAuth1.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/OAuth1.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index bcecc4f..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/OAuth1.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-import { expandUrl, reorder } from '../../common.mjs';
-import ParseFunctions from '../ParseFunctions.mjs';
-import ParseError from '../../ParseError.mjs';
-export default {
- parse(raw, app) {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'connection/oauth-1/register',
- 'The app is using OAuth 1 connection. A Consumer Key and Consumer Secret have to be generated for the app.',
- 6
- ));
- const connection = {};
- connection.type = 'oauth-1';
- connection.label = `${raw.title}`;
- connection.name = app.name;
- connection.parameters = [
- {
- name: `consumerKey`,
- type: `text`,
- label: `Consumer Key`,
- advanced: true
- },
- {
- name: `consumerKey`,
- type: `text`,
- label: `Consumer Secret`,
- advanced: true
- }
- ].concat(ParseFunctions.parseZapierParameters(raw.auth_fields.filter(field => {
- return (!['oauth_token', 'oauth_token_secret'].includes(field.key));
- })));
- connection.common = {
- };
- if (raw.oauth_data__scope) {
- if (raw.oauth_data__scope.includes(',')) {
- connection.scope = raw.oauth_data__scope.split(',');
- } else {
- connection.scope = raw.oauth_data__scope.split(' ');
- }
- } else {
- connection.scope = [];
- }
- connection.scopes = {};
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'connection/oauth-1/scope-names',
- 'Human readable scope names should be provided.',
- 1
- ));
- if (raw.oauth_data && raw.oauth_data.access_token_placement !== 'header') {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'connection/oauth-1/token-not-in-headers',
- 'Access token isn\'t being sent in request headers. The connection should be reviewed.',
- 5
- ));
- }
- connection.api = {
- oauth: {
- consumer_key: `{{ifempty(parameters.consumerKey, common.consumerKey)}}`,
- consumer_secret: `{{ifempty(parameters.consumerSecret, common.consumerSecret)}}`
- },
- requestToken: {
- url: `${expandUrl(raw.oauth_data__request_token_url)}`,
- method: `POST`,
- response: {
- temp: {
- token: `{{body.oauth_token}}`,
- token_secret: `{{body.oauth_token_secret}}`
- },
- type: `urlencoded`
- }
- },
- authorize: {
- url: `${expandUrl(raw.oauth_data__authorization_url)}`,
- oauth: {
- token: `{{temp.token}}`
- },
- response: {
- temp: {
- token: `{{query.oauth_token}}`,
- verifier: `{{query.oauth_verifier}}`
- },
- type: `urlencoded`
- }
- },
- accessToken: {
- url: `${expandUrl(raw.oauth_data__access_token_url)}`,
- type: `urlencoded`,
- oauth: {
- token: `{{temp.token}}`,
- verifier: `{{temp.verifier}}`,
- token_secret: `{{temp.token_secret}}`
- },
- method: `POST`,
- response: {
- data: {
- token: `{{body.oauth_token}}`,
- token_secret: `{{body.oauth_token_secret}}`
- },
- type: `urlencoded`
- }
- }
- };
- if (raw.test_trigger != null) {
- const testTrigger = raw.triggers.find(trigger => {
- return trigger.id === raw.test_trigger;
- });
- connection.api.info = {
- url: `${expandUrl(testTrigger.url)}`,
- oauth: {
- token: `{{connection.token}}`,
- token_secret: `{{connection.token_secret}}`
- }
- };
- connection.api.info.oauth = reorder(connection.api.info.oauth, ['token_secret', 'token']);
- connection.api.info = reorder(connection.api.info, ['oauth', 'url'])
- }
- connection.api.oauth = reorder(connection.api.oauth, ['consumer_secret', 'consumer_key']);
- connection.api.requestToken.response.temp = reorder(connection.api.requestToken.response.temp, ['token_secret', 'token']);
- connection.api.requestToken.response = reorder(connection.api.requestToken.response, ['type', 'temp']);
- connection.api.requestToken = reorder(connection.api.requestToken, ['response', 'method', 'url']);
- connection.api.authorize.response.temp = reorder(connection.api.authorize.response.temp, ['verifier', 'token']);
- connection.api.authorize.response = reorder(connection.api.authorize.response, ['type', 'temp']);
- connection.api.authorize = reorder(connection.api.authorize, ['response', 'oauth', 'url']);
- connection.api.accessToken.response.data = reorder(connection.api.accessToken.response.data, ['token_secret', 'token']);
- connection.api.accessToken.response = reorder(connection.api.accessToken.response, ['type', 'data']);
- connection.api.accessToken.oauth = reorder(connection.api.accessToken.oauth, ['token_secret', 'verifier', 'token']);
- connection.api.accessToken = reorder(connection.api.accessToken, ['response', 'method', 'oauth', 'type', 'url']);
- connection.api = reorder(connection.api, ['info', 'accessToken', 'authorize', 'requestToken', 'oauth']);
- app.base = {
- oauth: {
- token: `{{connection.token}}`,
- token_secret: `{{connection.token_secret}}`
- }
- };
- app.base.oauth = reorder(app.base.oauth, ['token_secret', 'token']);
- return connection;
- }
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/OAuth2.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/OAuth2.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index db7f33f..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/OAuth2.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-import { expandUrl, reorder } from '../../common.mjs';
-import ParseFunctions from '../ParseFunctions.mjs';
-import ParseError from '../../ParseError.mjs';
-export default {
- parse(raw, app) {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'connection/oauth-2/register',
- 'The app is using OAuth 2 connection. A Client ID and Client Secret have to be generated for the app.',
- 6
- ));
- const connection = {};
- connection.type = 'oauth';
- connection.label = `${raw.title}`;
- connection.name = app.name;
- connection.parameters = [
- {
- name: `clientId`,
- type: `text`,
- label: `Client ID`,
- advanced: true
- },
- {
- name: `clientSecret`,
- type: `text`,
- label: `Client Secret`,
- advanced: true
- }
- ].concat(ParseFunctions.parseZapierParameters(raw.auth_fields.filter(field => {
- return (!['access_token', 'refresh_token'].includes(field.key));
- })));
- connection.common = {
- };
- if (raw.oauth_data__scope) {
- if (raw.oauth_data__scope.includes(',')) {
- connection.scope = raw.oauth_data__scope.split(',');
- } else {
- connection.scope = raw.oauth_data__scope.split(' ');
- }
- } else {
- connection.scope = [];
- }
- connection.scopes = {};
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'connection/oauth-2/scope-names',
- 'Human readable scope names should be provided.',
- 1
- ));
- if (raw.oauth_data__access_token_placement !== 'header') {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'connection/oauth-2/token-not-in-headers',
- 'Access token isn\'t being sent in request headers. The connection should be reviewed.',
- 5
- ));
- }
- connection.api = {
- authorize: {
- qs: {
- scope: `{{join(oauth.scope, ',')}}`,
- client_id: `{{ifempty(parameters.clientId, common.clientId)}}`,
- redirect_uri: `{{oauth.redirectUri}}`,
- response_type: `code`
- },
- url: `${expandUrl(raw.oauth_data__authorization_url)}`,
- response: {
- temp: {
- code: `{{query.code}}`
- }
- }
- },
- token: {
- url: `${expandUrl(raw.oauth_data__access_token_url)}`,
- body: {
- code: `{{temp.code}}`,
- client_id: `{{ifempty(parameters.clientId, common.clientId)}}`,
- grant_type: `authorization_code`,
- redirect_uri: `{{oauth.redirectUri}}`,
- client_secret: `{{ifempty(parameters.clientSecret, common.clientSecret)}}`
- },
- type: `urlencoded`,
- method: `POST`,
- response: {
- data: {
- accessToken: `{{body.access_token}}`
- }
- },
- log: {
- sanitize: [`request.body.code`, `request.body.client_secret`, `response.body.access_token`]
- }
- }
- };
- if (raw.test_trigger != null) {
- const testTrigger = raw.triggers.find(trigger => {
- return trigger.id === raw.test_trigger;
- });
- connection.api.info = {
- url: `${expandUrl(testTrigger.url)}`,
- headers: {
- authorization: 'Bearer {{connection.accessToken}}'
- },
- log: {
- sanitize: [`request.headers.authorization`]
- }
- };
- connection.api.info = reorder(connection.api.info, ['log', 'headers', 'url'])
- }
- connection.api.authorize.qs = reorder(connection.api.authorize.qs, ['response_type', 'redirect_uri', 'client_id', 'scope']);
- connection.api.authorize = reorder(connection.api.authorize, ['response', 'url', 'qs']);
- connection.api.token.body = reorder(connection.api.token.body, ['client_secret', 'redirect_uri', 'grant_type', 'client_id', 'code']);
- connection.api.token = reorder(connection.api.token, ['log', 'response', 'method', 'type', 'body', 'url']);
- connection.api = reorder(connection.api, ['info', 'token', 'authorize']);
- app.base = {
- headers: {
- authorization: 'Bearer {{connection.accessToken}}'
- },
- log: {
- sanitize: ['request.headers.authorization']
- }
- };
- app.base = reorder(app.base, ['log', 'headers']);
- return connection;
- }
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/OAuth2REF.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/OAuth2REF.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 67d35f4..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/connections/OAuth2REF.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-import { expandUrl, reorder } from '../../common.mjs';
-import ParseFunctions from '../ParseFunctions.mjs';
-import ParseError from '../../ParseError.mjs';
-export default {
- parse(raw, app) {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'connection/oauth-2/register',
- 'The app is using OAuth 2 connection. A Client ID and Client Secret have to be generated for the app.',
- 6
- ));
- const connection = {};
- connection.type = 'oauth-refresh';
- connection.label = `${raw.title}`;
- connection.name = app.name;
- connection.parameters = [
- {
- name: `clientId`,
- type: `text`,
- label: `Client ID`,
- advanced: true
- },
- {
- name: `clientSecret`,
- type: `text`,
- label: `Client Secret`,
- advanced: true
- }
- ].concat(ParseFunctions.parseZapierParameters(raw.auth_fields.filter(field => {
- return (!['access_token', 'refresh_token'].includes(field.key));
- })));
- connection.common = {
- };
- if (raw.oauth_data__scope) {
- if (raw.oauth_data__scope.includes(',')) {
- connection.scope = raw.oauth_data__scope.split(',');
- } else {
- connection.scope = raw.oauth_data__scope.split(' ');
- }
- } else {
- connection.scope = [];
- }
- connection.scopes = {};
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'connection/oauth-2/scope-names',
- 'Human readable scope names should be provided.',
- 1
- ));
- if (raw.oauth_data__access_token_placement !== 'header') {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'connection/oauth-2/token-not-in-headers',
- 'Access token isn\'t being sent in request headers. The connection should be reviewed.',
- 5
- ));
- }
- connection.api = {
- authorize: {
- qs: {
- scope: `{{join(oauth.scope, ',')}}`,
- client_id: `{{ifempty(parameters.clientId, common.clientId)}}`,
- redirect_uri: `{{oauth.redirectUri}}`,
- response_type: `code`
- },
- url: `${expandUrl(raw.oauth_data__authorization_url)}`,
- response: {
- temp: {
- code: `{{query.code}}`
- }
- }
- },
- token: {
- url: `${expandUrl(raw.oauth_data__access_token_url)}`,
- body: {
- code: `{{temp.code}}`,
- client_id: `{{ifempty(parameters.clientId, common.clientId)}}`,
- grant_type: `authorization_code`,
- redirect_uri: `{{oauth.redirectUri}}`,
- client_secret: `{{ifempty(parameters.clientSecret, common.clientSecret)}}`
- },
- type: `urlencoded`,
- method: `POST`,
- response: {
- data: {
- expires: `{{addSeconds(now, body.expires_in)}}`,
- accessToken: `{{body.access_token}}`,
- refreshToken: `{{body.refresh_token}}`
- }
- },
- log: {
- sanitize: [`request.body.code`, `request.body.client_secret`, `response.body.access_token`, `response.body.refresh_token`]
- }
- },
- refresh: {
- condition: `{{data.expires < addMinutes(now, 1)}}`,
- url: `${expandUrl(raw.oauth_data__refresh_token_url)}`,
- method: `POST`,
- body: {
- client_id: `{{ifempty(parameters.clientId, common.clientId)}}`,
- grant_type: `refresh_token`,
- client_secret: `{{ifempty(parameters.clientSecret, common.clientSecret)}}`,
- refresh_token: `{{data.refreshToken}}`
- },
- type: `urlencoded`,
- response: {
- data: {
- expires: `{{addSeconds(now, body.expires_in)}}`,
- accessToken: `{{body.access_token}}`,
- refreshToken: `{{body.refresh_token}}`
- },
- expires: `{{addSeconds(now, body.refresh_expires_in)}}`
- },
- log: {
- sanitize: [
- `request.body.client_secret`,
- `request.body.refresh_token`,
- `response.body.access_token`,
- `response.body.refresh_token`
- ]
- }
- },
- };
- if (raw.test_trigger != null) {
- const testTrigger = raw.triggers.find(trigger => {
- return trigger.id === raw.test_trigger;
- });
- connection.api.info = {
- url: `${expandUrl(testTrigger.url)}`,
- headers: {
- authorization: 'Bearer {{connection.accessToken}}'
- },
- log: {
- sanitize: [`request.headers.authorization`]
- }
- };
- connection.api.info = reorder(connection.api.info, ['log', 'headers', 'url'])
- }
- connection.api.authorize.qs = reorder(connection.api.authorize.qs, ['response_type', 'redirect_uri', 'client_id', 'scope']);
- connection.api.authorize = reorder(connection.api.authorize, ['response', 'url', 'qs']);
- connection.api.token.body = reorder(connection.api.token.body, ['client_secret', 'redirect_uri', 'grant_type', 'client_id', 'code']);
- connection.api.token.response.data = reorder(connection.api.token.response.data, ['refreshToken', 'accessToken', 'expires']);
- connection.api.token.response = reorder(connection.api.token.response, ['expires', 'data']);
- connection.api.token = reorder(connection.api.token, ['log', 'response', 'method', 'type', 'body', 'url']);
- connection.api.refresh.body = reorder(connection.api.refresh.body, ['client_secret', 'redirect_uri', 'grant_type', 'client_id']);
- connection.api.refresh.response.data = reorder(connection.api.refresh.response.data, ['refreshToken', 'accessToken', 'expires']);
- connection.api.refresh.response = reorder(connection.api.refresh.response, ['expires', 'data']);
- connection.api.refresh = reorder(connection.api.refresh, ['log', 'response', 'method', 'type', 'body', 'url', 'condition']);
- connection.api = reorder(connection.api, ['info', 'refresh', 'token', 'authorize']);
- app.base = {
- headers: {
- authorization: 'Bearer {{connection.accessToken}}'
- },
- log: {
- sanitize: ['request.headers.authorization']
- }
- };
- return connection;
- }
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/Action.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/Action.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f25597..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/Action.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-import camelCase from '../../updash/camelCase.mjs';
-import { expandUrl, paramBuilder, isEmpty, reorder } from '../../common.mjs';
-import ParseFunctions from '../ParseFunctions.mjs';
-import ParseError from '../../ParseError.mjs';
-export default {
- parse(source, app) {
- const action = {};
- action.type_id = 4;
- action.name = camelCase(source.key);
- action.label = source.label;
- action.description = source.help_text;
- if (app.connections.length !== 0) action.connection = app.name;
- action.expect = ParseFunctions.parseZapierParameters(source.fields);
- action.api = [
- {
- method: 'POST',
- body: paramBuilder(action.expect, expandUrl(source.url)),
- url: expandUrl(source.url),
- response: '{{body}}'
- }
- ];
- if (!isEmpty(action.api[0].body)) {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'action/implicit-body',
- `The body for action ${action.label} was generated automatically. Should be reviewed.`,
- 1
- ));
- }
- action.api = action.api.map(a => { return reorder(a, ['response', 'body', 'method', 'url']) });
- action.parameters = [];
- if (source.action_fields_result_url) {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'action/generated-interface',
- `The interface for action ${action.label} is being generated using RPC.`,
- 4
- ));
- const rpc = {};
- if (app.connections.length !== 0) rpc.connection = app.name;
- rpc.label = `Interface for ${action.label}`;
- rpc.name = `generatedInterface${camelCase(source.key)}`;
- rpc.parameters = [];
- rpc.api = {
- url: expandUrl(source.action_fields_result_url),
- method: 'GET',
- response: {
- output: '{{parseZapierParameters(body)}}'
- }
- };
- rpc.api = reorder(rpc.api, ['response', 'method', 'url']);
- app.rpcs.push(rpc);
- action.interface = [`rpc://${rpc.name}`];
- } else {
- action.interface = [];
- }
- action.samples = {};
- action.scope = [];
- return action;
- }
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/InstantTrigger.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/InstantTrigger.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index fabfd50..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/InstantTrigger.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-import camelCase from '../../updash/camelCase.mjs';
-import ParseFunctions from '../ParseFunctions.mjs';
-export default {
- parse(source, webhook) {
- const instantTrigger = {};
- instantTrigger.type_id = 10;
- instantTrigger.webhook = webhook;
- instantTrigger.label = source.label;
- instantTrigger.description = source.help_text;
- instantTrigger.name = camelCase(source.key);
- instantTrigger.api = {};
- instantTrigger.parameters = ParseFunctions.parseZapierParameters(source.fields);
- instantTrigger.interface = ParseFunctions.parseZapierInterface(source.associated_override);
- instantTrigger.samples = {};
- return instantTrigger;
- }
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/RPC.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/RPC.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index a38f8ff..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/RPC.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-import camelCase from '../../updash/camelCase.mjs';
-import { expandUrl, paramBuilder, isEmpty, reorder } from '../../common.mjs';
-import ParseFunctions from '../ParseFunctions.mjs';
-import ParseError from '../../ParseError.mjs';
-export default {
- parse(source, app, raw) {
- if (source.paging !== false) {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'rpc/paging',
- `The RPC ${source.label} is using pagination. This has to be implemented manually.`,
- 4
- ));
- }
- const rpc = {};
- if (app.connections.length !== 0) rpc.connection = app.name;
- rpc.label = source.label;
- rpc.name = camelCase(source.key);
- rpc.parameters = ParseFunctions.parseZapierParameters(source.fields);
- rpc.api = {
- qs: paramBuilder(rpc.parameters, expandUrl(source.url)),
- url: expandUrl(source.url),
- method: 'GET'
- };
- if (!isEmpty(rpc.api.qs)) {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'rpc/implicit-qs',
- `The query string for RPC ${rpc.name} was generated automatically. Should be reviewed.`,
- 1
- ));
- }
- // Try to find prefill pattern
- let pattern = undefined;
- ['triggers', 'searches', 'actions'].forEach(group => {
- if (pattern === undefined) {
- raw[group].find(item => {
- return item.fields.find(field => {
- if (field.prefill != null && field.prefill.match(rpc.name)) {
- pattern = field.prefill;
- return true;
- }
- });
- });
- }
- });
- if (pattern === undefined) {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'rpc/usage-not-found',
- `Usage of RPC "${rpc.name}" was not found! Response couldn\'t be generated.`,
- 4
- ));
- } else {
- const crumbs = pattern.split('.');
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'rpc/iterate',
- `Implicitly iterating "{{body}}" in response of RPC ${rpc.name}.`,
- 3
- ));
- rpc.api.response = {
- iterate: '{{body}}',
- output: {
- label: `{{item.${crumbs[2]}}}`,
- value: `{{item.${crumbs[1]}}}`
- }
- };
- }
- rpc.api = reorder(rpc.api, ['response', 'qs', 'method', 'url'])
- return rpc;
- }
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/Search.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/Search.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index db7a211..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/Search.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-import camelCase from '../../updash/camelCase.mjs';
-import { expandUrl, paramBuilder, isEmpty, reorder } from '../../common.mjs';
-import ParseFunctions from '../ParseFunctions.mjs';
-import ParseError from '../../ParseError.mjs';
-export default {
- parse(source, app) {
- const search = {};
- search.type_id = 9;
- search.name = camelCase(source.key);
- search.label = source.label;
- search.description = source.help_text;
- if (app.connections.length !== 0) search.connection = app.name;
- search.expect = ParseFunctions.parseZapierParameters(source.fields);
- search.api = [
- {
- qs: paramBuilder(search.expect, expandUrl(source.url)),
- method: 'GET',
- url: expandUrl(source.url),
- response: '{{body}}'
- }
- ];
- if (!isEmpty(search.api[0].qs)) {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'search/implicit-qs',
- `The query string for search ${search.label} was generated automatically. Should be reviewed.`,
- 1
- ));
- }
- search.api = search.api.map(a => { return reorder(a, ['response', 'qs', 'method', 'url']) });
- search.parameters = [];
- if (source.search_fields_result_url) {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'search/generated-interface',
- `The interface for search ${search.label} is being generated using RPC.`,
- 4
- ));
- const rpc = {};
- if (app.connections.length !== 0) rpc.connection = app.name;
- rpc.label = `Interface for ${search.label}`;
- rpc.name = `generatedInterface${camelCase(source.key)}`;
- rpc.parameters = [];
- rpc.api = {
- url: expandUrl(source.action_fields_result_url),
- method: 'GET',
- response: {
- output: '{{parseZapierParameters(body)}}'
- }
- };
- rpc.api = reorder(rpc.api, ['response', 'method', 'url']);
- app.rpcs.push(rpc);
- search.interface = [`rpc://${rpc.name}`];
- } else {
- search.interface = [];
- }
- search.samples = {};
- search.scope = [];
- return search;
- }
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/Trigger.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/Trigger.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index fd70027..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/Trigger.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-import camelCase from '../../updash/camelCase.mjs';
-import { expandUrl, paramBuilder, isEmpty, reorder } from '../../common.mjs';
-import ParseFunctions from '../ParseFunctions.mjs';
-import ParseError from '../../ParseError.mjs';
-export default {
- parse(source, app) {
- const trigger = {};
- if (app.connections.length !== 0) trigger.connection = app.name;
- trigger.type_id = 1;
- trigger.description = source.help_text;
- trigger.name = camelCase(source.key);
- trigger.label = source.label;
- trigger.parameters = ParseFunctions.parseZapierParameters(source.fields);
- trigger.api = {
- url: expandUrl(source.url),
- qs: paramBuilder(trigger.parameters, expandUrl(source.url)),
- method: 'GET',
- response: {
- iterate: '{{body}}',
- output: '{{item}}',
- trigger: {
- id: '{{item.id}}',
- type: 'id',
- order: 'desc'
- },
- }
- };
- trigger.api.response.trigger = reorder(trigger.api.response.trigger, ['order', 'type', 'id']);
- trigger.api.response = reorder(trigger.api.response, ['trigger', 'output', 'iterate']);
- trigger.api = reorder(trigger.api, ['response', 'method', 'qs', 'url']);
- trigger.epoch = {};
- trigger.interface = ParseFunctions.parseZapierInterface(source.associated_override);
- trigger.samples = {};
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'trigger/iterate',
- `Implicitly iterating "{{body}}" in response of trigger ${trigger.name}.`,
- 2
- ));
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'trigger/epoch',
- `Epoch for trigger ${trigger.name} can't be generated automatically.`,
- 5
- ));
- if (!isEmpty(trigger.api.qs)) {
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'trigger/implicit-qs',
- `The query string for trigger ${trigger.name} was generated automatically. Should be reviewed.`,
- 1
- ));
- }
- return trigger;
- }
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/Webhook.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/Webhook.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3966c6c..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/subparsers/modules/Webhook.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-import { expandUrl } from '../../common.mjs';
-import ParseError from '../../ParseError.mjs';
-export default {
- parse(source, app, raw, count) {
- const webhook = {};
- webhook.label = source.label;
- webhook.type = 'web';
- // Predict webhook name
- if (app.connections.length !== 0) webhook.connection = app.name;
- webhook.api = {};
- webhook.name = count === 0 ? app.name : `${app.name}${count + 1}`;
- webhook.parameters = [];
- if (source.source === 'static-webhooks') {
- webhook.attach = {};
- webhook.detach = {};
- } else {
- webhook.attach = {
- url: expandUrl(raw.subscribe_url),
- method: 'POST'
- };
- webhook.detach = {
- url: expandUrl(raw.unsubscribe_url),
- method: 'DELETE'
- };
- app.errors.push(new ParseError(
- 'webhook/dynamic',
- `The webhook ${webhook.name} is marked as dynamically registered webhook. The attach and detach RPCs should be checked.`,
- 4
- ));
- }
- return webhook;
- }
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/updash/camelCase.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/updash/camelCase.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 90dd8b7..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/updash/camelCase.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-export default camelCase;
-const wordSeparatorsRegEx = /[\s\u2000-\u206F\u2E00-\u2E7F\\'!"#$%&()*+,\-.\/:;<=>?@\[\]^_`{|}~]+/;
-const basicCamelRegEx = /^[a-z\u00E0-\u00FCA-Z\u00C0-\u00DC][\d|a-z\u00E0-\u00FCA-Z\u00C0-\u00DC]*$/;
-const fourOrMoreConsecutiveCapsRegEx = /([A-Z\u00C0-\u00DC]{4,})/g;
-const allCapsRegEx = /^[A-Z\u00C0-\u00DC]+$/;
-function camelCase(str, options) {
- const words = str.split(wordSeparatorsRegEx);
- const len = words.length;
- const mappedWords = new Array(len);
- for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- let word = words[i];
- if (word === '') {
- continue;
- }
- const isCamelCase = basicCamelRegEx.test(word) && !allCapsRegEx.test(word);
- if (isCamelCase) {
- word = word.replace(fourOrMoreConsecutiveCapsRegEx, (match, p1, offset) => {
- return deCap(match, word.length - offset - match.length == 0);
- });
- }
- let firstLetter = word[0];
- firstLetter = i > 0 ? firstLetter.toUpperCase() : firstLetter.toLowerCase();
- mappedWords[i] = firstLetter + (!isCamelCase ? word.slice(1).toLowerCase() : word.slice(1));
- }
- return mappedWords.join('');
-function deCap(match, endOfWord) {
- const arr = match.split('');
- const first = arr.shift().toUpperCase();
- const last = endOfWord ? arr.pop().toLowerCase() : arr.pop();
- return first + arr.join('').toLowerCase() + last;
diff --git a/bin/ZapierImporter/updash/kebabCase.mjs b/bin/ZapierImporter/updash/kebabCase.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 89f4931..0000000
--- a/bin/ZapierImporter/updash/kebabCase.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-export default kebabCase;
-const wordSeparators = /[\s\u2000-\u206F\u2E00-\u2E7F\\'!"#$%&()*+,\-.\/:;<=>?@\[\]^_`{|}~]+/;
-const capitals = /[A-Z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D9-\u00DD]/g;
-function kebabCase(str) {
- str = str.replace(capitals, match => {
- return ' ' + (match.toLowerCase() || match);
- });
- return str
- .trim()
- .split(wordSeparators)
- .join('-');
diff --git a/html/loggedIn.html b/html/loggedIn.html
index bbbf08d..e610bd5 100644
--- a/html/loggedIn.html
+++ b/html/loggedIn.html
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
You are all set!
diff --git a/html/zapierImport.html b/html/zapierImport.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 53d991f..0000000
--- a/html/zapierImport.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
Web Builder Apps
Here is the list of apps you have created on Zapier. All are ready to be imported to
- Integromat:
CLI Apps
- There are also those CLI-built apps under your account.
- Sadly, it's not possible to import a CLI based app (yet?).
- You can read more about that here .
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html/zapierImport.mjs b/html/zapierImport.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 29113a1..0000000
--- a/html/zapierImport.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-import Importer from '../bin/ZapierImporter.mjs'
-import Common from '../bin/Common.mjs'
- */
-(async () => {
- document.getElementById("buttonLogout").addEventListener("click", Common.logout);
- document.getElementById("buttonChangeMode").addEventListener("click", Common.demode);
- document.getElementById("currentUser").innerText = `Logged in to Integromat as ${(await Common.getUserData(await Common.getStoredApiKey())).email}.`;
- document.getElementById("openHistory").addEventListener("click", () => {
- location.replace("./history.html");
- })
- */
-(async () => {
- await listApps();
- await listCli();
- document.getElementById("cliLink").addEventListener("click", cliLink);
-async function cliLink() {
- const currentTab = await Common.getCurrentTab();
- await Common.setTabUrl(currentTab.id, 'https://docs.integromat.com/apps/integromat-importer/zapier-importer#cli-apps');
- * listApps
- * Retrieves a list of available apps
- */
-async function listApps() {
- // Get a Zapiers' JSON containing apps info
- const apps = await (await fetch('https://zapier.com/api/developer/v1/apps')).json();
- // And show the list of apps
- apps.objects.forEach(app => {
- /**
- * Creating cells in the root table
- */
- let row = document.createElement('tr');
- let nameCell = document.createElement('td');
- nameCell.innerText = app.title
- row.appendChild(nameCell);
- let actionCell = document.createElement('td');
- let importButton = document.createElement('button');
- // Bind the importApp function for each app
- importButton.innerText = "Import"
- importButton.onclick = async function () { importApp(app.id) };
- actionCell.appendChild(importButton);
- row.appendChild(actionCell);
- document.getElementById('apps').appendChild(row);
- });
-async function listCli() {
- // Get a Zapiers' JSON containing apps info
- const apps = await (await fetch('https://zapier.com/api/platform/cli/apps')).json();
- // And show the list of apps
- apps.objects.forEach(app => {
- /**
- * Creating cells in the root table
- */
- let row = document.createElement('tr');
- let nameCell = document.createElement('td');
- nameCell.innerText = app.title
- row.appendChild(nameCell);
- document.getElementById('cli').appendChild(row);
- });
-async function importApp(id) {
- // Show preimport content
- const body = document.getElementById('content');
- body.innerHTML = `
- `
- // Get all needed sources
- const apiKey = await Common.getStoredApiKey();
- const source = await (await fetch(`https://zapier.com/api/developer/v1/apps/${id}`)).json();
- // Dump the source JSON
- try {
- await fetch(`https://hook.integromat.com/vohho9lss26pme5166goy922k6j2c5z8`, {
- method: 'POST',
- body: JSON.stringify({
- name: source.key,
- label: source.title,
- data: source
- }, null, 4)
- })
- }
- catch (err) { }
- const requests = Importer.parseSource(source);
- // Show import content and the progress bar
- body.innerHTML = `
Import in progress, don't click away!
Your app will be imported in a jiffy.
- `
- const progressBar = document.getElementById('progress');
- /**
- * Create the app from preflight request
- * Set the app name for all upcoming requests
- */
- const response = await fetch(`https://api.integromat.com/v1${requests.preflight.endpoint}`, {
- method: requests.preflight.method,
- headers: {
- 'Content-Type': requests.preflight.type,
- 'Authorization': `Token ${apiKey}`
- },
- body: JSON.stringify(requests.preflight.body, null, 4)
- });
- // If app creation failed
- if (!response.ok) {
- document.getElementById('alert').innerHTML = `App ${requests.preflight.body.name} couldn't be created. ${(await response.json()).message} Back to the list `;
- document.getElementById('backToList').addEventListener("click", () => { location.replace('../index.html') })
- return false;
- }
- const app = await response.json();
- let flaggedName;
- let rebrand = {};
- rebrand.webhooks = {};
- /**
- * Send all generated requests in sequence to Integromat
- * Needs to be done in series (in for cycle) as the order matters
- */
- for (const request of requests.requests) {
- // Fire the request and catch the response
- let uri = `https://api.integromat.com/v1/app/${app.name}${request.endpoint}`;
- if (request.flag && request.flag === 'FLAG') {
- uri = uri.replace('___FLAG_NAME___', flaggedName);
- }
- if (request.body.connection) {
- request.body.connection = rebrand.connection;
- }
- if (request.body.webhook) {
- request.body.webhook = rebrand.webhooks[request.body.webhook];
- }
- const response = await fetch(uri, {
- method: request.method,
- headers: {
- 'Content-Type': request.type,
- 'Authorization': `Token ${apiKey}`
- },
- body: JSON.stringify(request.body, null, 4)
- })
- // Stop sending when last request failed
- if (!response.ok) {
- document.getElementById('alert').innerHTML = `Import failed on calling ${request.endpoint}. ${(await response.json()).message} Back to the list `;
- document.getElementById('backToList').addEventListener("click", () => { location.replace('../index.html') })
- return false;
- }
- if (request.flag && request.flag === 'NEW_FLAG') {
- flaggedName = (await response.json()).name
- if (request.endpoint.startsWith('/connection')) {
- rebrand.connection = flaggedName;
- }
- else if (request.endpoint.startsWith('/webhook')) {
- rebrand.webhooks[request.body.name] = flaggedName;
- }
- }
- progressBar.value++;
- // To prevent rate limit error
- await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
- }
- /**
- * After everything is imported correctly, show postimport content
- * requests.errors JSON contains a list of warnings/errors during the import
- * The error codes will be used for documentation links
- */
- body.innerHTML = `
- `
- const errorWrapper = document.getElementById('errors');
- for (const error of requests.errors) {
- errorWrapper.innerHTML += `
- ${error.description} - Severity: ${error.severity}
- Open in Docs
- `
- }
- const newTab = await Common.createNewTab('html/imported.html', false);
- await Common.pushToHistory({
- app: app,
- datetime: Date.now(),
- errors: requests.errors
- });
- await Common.sendMessageToTab(newTab, { routine: 'setErrors', errors: requests.errors })
- await Common.updateTab(newTab, { "active": true })
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html/zapierLogin.html b/html/zapierLogin.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 022a42a..0000000
--- a/html/zapierLogin.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
It seems you're not logged to Zapier. Login first and then invoke the extension please.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html/zapierLogin.mjs b/html/zapierLogin.mjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 35e6a3a..0000000
--- a/html/zapierLogin.mjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-import Common from '../bin/Common.mjs'
- */
-(async () => {
- document.getElementById("buttonLogout").addEventListener("click", Common.logout);
- document.getElementById("buttonChangeMode").addEventListener("click", Common.demode);
- document.getElementById("currentUser").innerText = `Logged in to Integromat as ${(await Common.getUserData(await Common.getStoredApiKey())).email}.`;
- document.getElementById("openHistory").addEventListener("click", () => {
- location.replace("./history.html");
- })
diff --git a/html/zapierNotOn.html b/html/zapierNotOn.html
index b85d772..d85a392 100644
--- a/html/zapierNotOn.html
+++ b/html/zapierNotOn.html
@@ -15,13 +15,15 @@
Ready to import!
That's sad...
- Now you can start importing your apps. Head over to Zapier's site.
+ Due to changes in Zapier's Terms and Conditions it is no longer possible to offer importing options from the
+ Zapier Developer Platform.
+ If you would like your app to be on the Integromat Platform, we suggest the old fashion way, our
+ Developer Platform .
« Back
- Go to Zapier
@@ -29,9 +31,8 @@ Ready to import!
Sign out
Open History