- CRAN check failed due to test depending on network connection (#49)
- Add API "Qualité des cours d'eau" (#9)
- Add new vignette for niveaux nappes API (#42)
- Update API Poisson with new endpoints (#40)
- Allow the use of R vector for fields with multiple arguments (#37)
- "Solve warning:
@docType "package"
is deprecated (#36, #39) - Remove extra variables in globals.R (#35)
- update API "ecoulement" from version beta to v1 (#33, contributor @OFB-IdF)
- Add API "Hydrobiologie" (#7, #18, 28)
- Add API "Température des cours d'eau" (#8)
- Add API "Qualité des nappes d'eau souterraine" (#10)
- Add API "Qualité de l'eau potable" (#5)
- Add vignettes with example of use of APIs (#21)
- Crash when dplyr is not installed (#16)
- Use swagger and openapi files to automatically check query fields (#14)
- Add customizable user agent (#12)
- Add "poisson" and "ecoulement" APIS (#2)
- Aggregate documentation by API (gitlab#16)
- Add informations in DESCRIPTION file (gitlab#12)
add an option for handling duplicate entries (gitlab#10)- Deploy pkgdown website on github (gitlab#9)
- Add "Piézométrie" APIs (gitlab#8)
- Add hydrometrie APIs (gitlab#7)
- Add the API prelevements/ouvrage (gitlab#6)
- Manage global limitation to 20000 records for all API (gitlab#5)
- Add data retrieval of "Indicateurs des services d'eau et d'assainissement" (gitlab#4)
- Extends package functionalities to the Hub'Eau APIs (gitlab#3)
- BNPE: Use new API for harvesting data (gitlab#2)
- Crash in get_hydrometrie_observations_tr for empty response (gitlab#13)
- Save package configuration as a global package variable (#4)
- Migration of the repository from https://gitlab.irstea.fr to github
- CI: Mirroring gitlab repository to github at push (gitlab#11)
- pkgdown build site with Ubuntu on github (gitlab#15)
- BNPE: download metadata and annual withdrawal volumes at "ouvrage" scale (#1)
- BNPE: download annual withdrawal volumes at commune scale