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PM-3419: Generalise BlockStorage into KVTree. (#56)
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aakoshh authored Jun 23, 2021
1 parent 3ce9ec7 commit a97a1b9
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@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@

import cats.implicits._
import{KVStore, KVStoreRead, KVCollection}
import{KVCollection, KVTree}
import io.iohk.metronome.hotstuff.consensus.basic.{Agreement, Block}
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue

/** Storage for blocks that maintains parent-child relationships as well,
* to facilitate tree traversal and pruning.
Expand All @@ -14,276 +12,22 @@ import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
class BlockStorage[N, A <: Agreement: Block](
blockColl: KVCollection[N, A#Hash, A#Block],
blockMetaColl: KVCollection[N, A#Hash, BlockStorage.BlockMeta[A]],
blockMetaColl: KVCollection[N, A#Hash, KVTree.NodeMeta[A#Hash]],
parentToChildrenColl: KVCollection[N, A#Hash, Set[A#Hash]]
) {
import BlockStorage.BlockMeta

private implicit val kvn = KVStore.instance[N]
private implicit val kvrn = KVStoreRead.instance[N]

/** Insert a block into the store, and if the parent still exists,
* then add this block to its children.
def put(block: A#Block): KVStore[N, Unit] = {
val blockHash = Block[A].blockHash(block)
val meta =
BlockMeta(Block[A].parentBlockHash(block), Block[A].height(block))

blockColl.put(blockHash, block) >>
blockMetaColl.put(blockHash, meta) >>
parentToChildrenColl.alter(meta.parentBlockHash) { maybeChildren =>
maybeChildren orElse Set.empty.some map (_ + blockHash)


/** Retrieve a block by hash, if it exists. */
def get(blockHash: A#Hash): KVStoreRead[N, Option[A#Block]] =

/** Check whether a block is present in the tree. */
def contains(blockHash: A#Hash): KVStoreRead[N, Boolean] =

/** Check how many children the block has in the tree. */
private def childCount(blockHash: A#Hash): KVStoreRead[N, Int] =

/** Check whether the parent of the block is present in the tree. */
private def hasParent(blockHash: A#Hash): KVStoreRead[N, Boolean] = {
case None => KVStoreRead[N].pure(false)
case Some(meta) => contains(meta.parentBlockHash)

private def getParentBlockHash(
blockHash: A#Hash
): KVStoreRead[N, Option[A#Hash]] =

/** Check whether it's safe to delete a block.
* A block is safe to delete if doing so doesn't break up the tree
* into a forest, in which case we may have blocks we cannot reach
* by traversal, leaking space.
* This is true if the block has no children,
* or it has no parent and at most one child.
private def canDelete(blockHash: A#Hash): KVStoreRead[N, Boolean] =
(hasParent(blockHash), childCount(blockHash)).mapN {
case (_, 0) => true
case (false, 1) => true
case _ => false

/** Delete a block by hash, if doing so wouldn't break the tree;
* otherwise do nothing.
* Return `true` if block has been deleted, `false` if not.
* If this is not efficent enough, then move the deletion traversal
* logic into the this class so it can make sure all the invariants
* are maintained, e.g. collect all hashes that can be safely deleted
* and then do so without checks.
def delete(blockHash: A#Hash): KVStore[N, Boolean] =
canDelete(blockHash).lift.flatMap { ok =>

/** Delete a block and remove it from any parent-to-child mapping,
* without any checking for the tree structure invariants.
def deleteUnsafe(blockHash: A#Hash): KVStore[N, Unit] = {
def deleteIfEmpty(maybeChildren: Option[Set[A#Hash]]) =

getParentBlockHash(blockHash).lift.flatMap {
case None =>
case Some(parentHash) =>
parentToChildrenColl.alter(parentHash) { maybeChildren =>
deleteIfEmpty( - blockHash))
} >>
blockColl.delete(blockHash) >>
blockMetaColl.delete(blockHash) >>
// Keep the association from existing children, until they last one is deleted.

/** Get the ancestor chain of a block from the root,
* including the block itself.
* If the block is not in the tree, the result will be empty,
* otherwise `head` will be the root of the block tree,
* and `last` will be the block itself.
def getPathFromRoot(blockHash: A#Hash): KVStoreRead[N, List[A#Hash]] = {
def loop(
blockHash: A#Hash,
acc: List[A#Hash]
): KVStoreRead[N, List[A#Hash]] = {
getParentBlockHash(blockHash).flatMap {
case None =>
// This block doesn't exist in the tree, so our ancestry is whatever we collected so far.

case Some(parentHash) =>
// So at least `blockHash` exists in the tree.
loop(parentHash, blockHash :: acc)
loop(blockHash, Nil)

/** Get the ancestor chain between two hashes in the chain, if there is one.
* If either of the blocks are not in the tree, or there's no path between them,
* return an empty list. This can happen if we have already pruned away the ancestry as well.
def getPathFromAncestor(
ancestorBlockHash: A#Hash,
descendantBlockHash: A#Hash
): KVStoreRead[N, List[A#Hash]] = {
def loop(
blockHash: A#Hash,
acc: List[A#Hash],
maxDistance: Long
): KVStoreRead[N, List[A#Hash]] = {
if (blockHash == ancestorBlockHash) {
KVStoreRead[N].pure(blockHash :: acc)
} else if (maxDistance <= 0) {
} else { {
case None =>
case Some(meta) =>
loop(meta.parentBlockHash, blockHash :: acc, maxDistance - 1)

).mapN((_, _))
.flatMap {
case (Some(ameta), Some(dmeta)) =>
maxDistance = dmeta.height - ameta.height
case _ => KVStoreRead[N].pure(Nil)

/** Collect all descendants of a block,
* including the block itself.
* The result will start with the blocks furthest away,
* so it should be safe to delete them in the same order;
* `last` will be the block itself.
* The `skip` parameter can be used to avoid traversing
* branches that we want to keep during deletion.
def getDescendants(
blockHash: A#Hash,
skip: Set[A#Hash] = Set.empty
): KVStoreRead[N, List[A#Hash]] = {
// BFS traversal.
def loop(
queue: Queue[A#Hash],
acc: List[A#Hash]
): KVStoreRead[N, List[A#Hash]] = {
queue.dequeueOption match {
case None =>

case Some((blockHash, queue)) if skip(blockHash) =>
loop(queue, acc)

case Some((blockHash, queue)) => {
case None =>
// Since we're not inserting an empty child set,
// we can't tell here if the block exists or not.
loop(queue, blockHash :: acc)
case Some(children) =>
loop(queue ++ children, blockHash :: acc)

loop(Queue(blockHash), Nil).flatMap {
case result @ List(`blockHash`) =>
case result =>

/** Delete all blocks which are not descendants of a given block,
* making it the new root.
* Return the list of deleted block hashes.
def pruneNonDescendants(blockHash: A#Hash): KVStore[N, List[A#Hash]] =
getPathFromRoot(blockHash).lift.flatMap {
case Nil =>

case path @ (rootHash :: _) =>
// The safe order to delete blocks would be to go down the main chain
// from the root, delete each non-mainchain child, then the parent,
// then descend on the main chain until we hit `blockHash`.

// A similar effect can be achieved by collecting all descendants
// of the root, then deleting everything that isn't on the main chain,
// from the children towards the root, and finally the main chain itself,
// going from the root towards the children.
val isMainChain = path.toSet

for {
deleteables <- getDescendants(rootHash, skip = Set(blockHash)).lift
_ <- deleteables.filterNot(isMainChain).traverse(deleteUnsafe(_))
_ <- path.init.traverse(deleteUnsafe(_))
} yield deleteables

/** Remove all blocks in a tree, given by a `blockHash` that's in the tree,
* except perhaps a new root (and its descendants) we want to keep.
* This is used to delete an old tree when starting a new that's most likely
* not connected to it, and would otherwise result in a forest.
def purgeTree(
blockHash: A#Hash,
keep: Option[A#Hash]
): KVStore[N, List[A#Hash]] =
getPathFromRoot(blockHash).lift.flatMap {
case Nil =>

case rootHash :: _ =>
for {
ds <- getDescendants(rootHash, skip = keep.toSet).lift
// Going from the leaves towards the root.
_ <- ds.reverse.traverse(deleteUnsafe(_))
} yield ds
) extends KVTree[N, A#Hash, A#Block](

object BlockStorage {

/** Properties about the block that we frequently need for traversal. */
case class BlockMeta[A <: Agreement](
parentBlockHash: A#Hash,
height: Long
implicit def node[A <: Agreement: Block]: KVTree.Node[A#Hash, A#Block] =
new KVTree.Node[A#Hash, A#Block] {
override def key(value: A#Block): A#Hash =
override def parentKey(value: A#Block): A#Hash =
override def height(value: A#Block): Long =
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

import cats.implicits._
import{KVCollection, KVStoreState}
import{KVCollection, KVStoreState, KVTree}
import io.iohk.metronome.hotstuff.consensus.basic.{Agreement, Block => BlockOps}
import org.scalacheck._
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ object BlockStorageProps extends Properties("BlockStorage") {
object TestBlockStorage
extends BlockStorage[Namespace, TestAgreement](
new KVCollection[Namespace, Hash, TestBlock](Namespace.Blocks),
new KVCollection[Namespace, Hash, BlockStorage.BlockMeta[
new KVCollection[Namespace, Hash, KVTree.NodeMeta[Hash]](
new KVCollection[Namespace, Hash, Set[Hash]](Namespace.BlockToChildren)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,8 +200,8 @@ object BlockStorageProps extends Properties("BlockStorage") {
val s =
s(Namespace.Blocks)( == block
.parentBlockHash == block.parentId
.parentKey == block.parentId

property("put unordered") = forAll {
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ package
import cats.implicits._
import scodec.{Decoder, Encoder, Codec}

/** Storing the last N items inserted into a collection. */
/** Storing the last N items inserted into a collection.
* This component is currently tested through `LedgerStorage`.
class KVRingBuffer[N, K, V](
coll: KVCollection[N, K, V],
metaNamespace: N,
Expand Down

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